834 research outputs found

    Covalent triazine framework with efficient photocatalytic activity in aqueous and solid media

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    The Scalar Curvature Problem on the Four Dimensional Half Sphere

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of prescribing the scalar curvature under minimal boundary conditions on the standard four dimensional half sphere. We provide an Euler-Hopf type criterion for a given function to be a scalar curvature to a metric conformal to the standard one. Our proof involves the study of critical points at infinity of the associated variational problem.Comment: 19 page

    Electron Inertial Effects on Rapid Energy Redistribution at Magnetic X-points

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    The evolution of non-potential perturbations to a current-free magnetic X-point configuration is studied, taking into account electron inertial effects as well as resistivity. Electron inertia is shown to have a negligible effect on the evolution of the system whenever the collisionless skin depth is less than the resistive scale length. Non-potential magnetic field energy in this resistive MHD limit initially reaches equipartition with flow energy, in accordance with ideal MHD, and is then dissipated extremely rapidly, on an Alfvenic timescale that is essentially independent of Lundquist number. In agreement with resistive MHD results obtained by previous authors, the magnetic field energy and kinetic energy are then observed to decay on a longer timescale and exhibit oscillatory behavior, reflecting the existence of discrete normal modes with finite real frequency. When the collisionless skin depth exceeds the resistive scale length, the system again evolves initially according to ideal MHD. At the end of this ideal phase, the field energy decays typically on an Alfvenic timescale, while the kinetic energy (which is equally partitioned between ions and electrons in this case) is dissipated on the electron collision timescale. The oscillatory decay in the energy observed in the resistive case is absent, but short wavelength structures appear in the field and velocity profiles, suggesting the possibility of particle acceleration in oppositely-directed current channels. The model provides a possible framework for interpreting observations of energy release and particle acceleration on timescales down to less than a second in the impulsive phase of solar flares.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Circulating intercellular adhesion molecules in blood and bronchoalveolar lavage in Behçet's disease

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (cICAM-1) in serum and in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), as a marker for the inflammatory process in patients with active Behçet's disease (BD). Circulating ICAM-1 was tested by an enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay in serum and in BAL of patients with BD. These values were compared to those of patients with tuberculosis and to healthy controls. Increased levels of circulating ICAM-1 were found in serum from patients with active BD compared to healthy controls (p < 0.01). Similar levels of serum cICAM-1 were found in BD and tuberculosis. Additionally, both BD and tuberculosis patients exhibited high levels of cICAM-1 in BAL fluid, suggesting that this increase may be a result of the immune system activation in inflammatory sites. Circulating ICAM-1 seemed to have a good discriminative power in identifying active BD, being elevated in all active stages (p < 0.01) compared to remission BD stage. No differences were found in active BD patients depending upon the clinical manifestations. These results suggest that cICAM-1 may be involved in leucocyte adhesion and migration into the vessel wall of the lung. Circulating forms are derived from molecules expressed on the surface of activated cells, as a result of an inflammatory process

    Involvement of SNP marker located on the Calcium binding protein gene in adaptive traits and organoleptic performances of the olive tree

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    Olive trees importance is mainly due to the economic and health benefits, especially in the Mediterranean basin. Unfortunately, to enhance productivity and quality of olive oil, the study of both molecular and phenotypic characterizations of olive cultivars is crucial. We consider the analysis of 14 Tunisian olive cultivars of known origin sampled from different areas of the country based on SNP marker (CALC) located in calcium binding protein gene. Accordingly, we assessed the potential genotype-phenotypes links between the SNP, on the one hand, and the quantitative and qualitative parameters, on the other. The statistical analysis based on bivariate analysis for the CALC marker suggests that Chemlali varieties with CG genotypes have better capacity to produce fruit, fruit oil, oil content in carotene, cholesterol and linoleic acid than homozygote GG genotypes varieties. These results are confirmed by a multivariate logistic regression.Keywords: Olea europaea L; CALC; calcium binding protein; bivariate analysis; multivariate logistic regression

    Chemokine and Chemokine Receptor Gene Polymorphism in Tunisian Hemodialysis Patients with HCV Infection

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    Introduction: Our aim was to investigate the possibility of a significant relationship between chemokines and chemokine receptor genes polymorphisms and the spontaneous clearance or the persistence of HCV infection. Methods: A total of 96 hemodialysis (HD) patients infected with HCV were classified into two groups: G1 included 73 patients with persistently positive HCV-RNA and G2 included 23 HD patients who have spontaneously eliminated the virus. The control group consisted of 170 healthy blood donors. All subjects were genotyped for CCR5 &Delta;32, CCR5 (-59029) A/G, CCR2 (64Ile) and MCP-1(-2518) A/G gene polymorphisms. Results: Our results showed statistically significant increased frequencies of the CCR2 (64Ile) and the (-59029) CCR5 A alleles in patients infected with HCV (22.1% and 35.9%) compared to G1 (24.3% and 40.6%) and compared to controls (14.4% and 20%). We also observed a lower frequency of the MCP-1 G allele and a greater frequency of the CCR5&Delta;32 variant in G2 (15.2% and 6.5%) compared to G1 (22.6% and 1.4%) that was not statistically significant. However, adjustment for known covariates (age, gender and HCV genotypes) didn&rsquo;t confirm the results of univariate analysis. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study suggests a possible role for some of the studied chemokines polymorphisms in the spontaneous clearance or persistence of HCV infection in Tunisian population. These results should be further investigated by a prospective cohort studies and large population-based studies.Keywords: Chemokines; Receptors; Hepatitis C virus; Spontaneous Clearance; Polymorphisms

    Inflammatory response in induced sputum mononuclear cells from patients with acute exacerbation of asthma.

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    Examination of sputum provides a direct method to investigate airway inflammation non-invasively in particular Th1 (IL-2, IFN-gamma) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-10) cytokine production. IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-gamma cytokine were studied in induced sputum mononuclear cells of asthmatic patients. Sputum induction was performed on 10 patients and 10 normal controls. Basal and mitogen-stimulated cytokine production was determined in induced sputum T-cell culture. Supernatants were collected and assayed not only with specific ELISA but also with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. Data showed a significantly higher production of IL-10 by both the ELISA and the RT-PCR techniques in asthmatic patients compared with sputum mononuclear cells from healthy controls. IL-4 production was detected at a low level using the ELISA method in asthmatic patients. The RT-PCR analysis detected a significantly IL-4-mRNA expression in all asthmatic patients, compared with controls. Results of IL-10 and IL-4 mRNA expression were reproducible. We did not find any alteration in the expression of the type 1 derived cytokines (IL-2 and IFN-gamma) in asthmatic patients or in healthy controls. Our study showed a tendency of induced sputum mononuclear cells to express a Th2-like cytokine pattern in acute exacerbation of asthmatic patients, where IL-10 and IL-4 are synthesized in larger amounts. The combination of sputum induction as a non-invasive tool to explore the lung and the identification of disease-associated cytokine expression and of specific cytokine mRNA should help elucidate mechanisms of the immunologically mediated inflammatory responses in asthma

    Hidraulički efekti prirodne konvekcije u realnim paralelopipednim rezervoarima izloženim spoljnim uticajima

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    Natural convection in enclosed spaces has been studied for quite a long time in energetics. It emerges in a wide range from the smallest scales (in pipelines, channels, tanks) to the largest ones (atmosphere, molten planet core). The occuring processes depend on geometric relations and temperature of respective surfaces, which defines the type of flow that would occur. A special group of these flows appears when the flow takes place between two parallel plates with different temperatures, most often when the lower plate temperature is higher than that of the upper – a well known case is that of the Rayleigh - Bénard convection. The given examples of natural convection are still based on the generalization of the plates confining the flow being unlimited. In engineering practice, this is surely not the case so that in the proposed research the influence of the side walls to the flow is done, with no idealization of the process and in the real three-dimensional domain. Natural convection has an undeniable effect on the thermal-flow processes in engineering practice. The tanks used in most mobile engineering systems are approximately of parallelopipedic shape. Such tanks may contain all kinds of hydraulic fluids, so that the research done within this dissertation has chosen water, diesel fluid, motor oil, alcohol and air that represent the majority of fluids that can be found in the given tanks. The research done within the dissertation will show the influence of external effects, most of all, of temperature changes upon thermal-flow processes taking place in the given tanks. The obtained results should more closely show the real flow regimes taking place in the given tanks as well as their influence upon the deposition of solid particles that can be found in the given tanks

    Interleukin-6 in peripheral blood and inflammatory sites in Behçet's disease

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    Interleukin-6, a potent pro-inflammatory cytokine, might be involved in Behçet's disease (BD) pathological pathways. We investigated IL-6 levels in sera and synovial fluids collected from BD patients. The IL-6 production was also studied in vivo, by measuring its activity in culture supernatants of PBMC and alveolar macrophages, stimulated or not with LPS. The patients with BD were compared to RA patients and healthy controls. High IL-6 levels were observed in sera, synovial fluid and LPS stimulated PBMC supernatants, from active BD patients, similar to those of RA patients. Alveolar macrophages production of IL-6 was significantly elevated in two active BD patients with an interstitial pneumonia, when compared to controls. These elevated levels of IL-6 suggest its involvement in the inflammatory sites of BD, which may be related to the progression of the acute lesions, at least in the joints and in the lungs