58 research outputs found

    Role of inclusive self-help groups in prevention and management of diabetes and hypertension in Myanmar:a qualitative study

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    Background: Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a growing public health concern in Myanmar. Community-based self-help groups are essential for participating in health-related activities. However, little is known about the role of inclusive self-help groups (ISHG) in hypertension and diabetes management. This study aimed to assess knowledge and perception of health-related activities of ISHG and explore challenges ISHG group members encountered in performing hypertension and diabetes prevention and management activities.Methods: The study included six townships from three different regions of Myanmar, where ISHG existed. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were held in each township. A total of twelve FGDs were conducted. All discussions were conducted, audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim in Myanmar language. A thematic analysis was performed using inductive and deductive approaches.Results: The findings revealed that ISHG members provided advice and counselling on behavioural risk factors for hypertension and diabetes prevention and screenings for those diseases. They also offered home care for the elderly and stroke patients who required their assistance. Community members regarded ISHG as a valuable community structure. Members of the ISHG identified a number of challenges, including lack of resources (funding, manpower, and time), lack of confidence, and lack of recognition and acceptance. Support and strengthening activities by local authorities and the government were critical to sustain ISHG's activities and efforts.Conclusions: Hypertension and diabetes management activities of ISHG are appreciative. The public and government should recognize and support ISHG to strengthen their community activities

    Presence of Burkholderia pseudomallei in the 'Granary of Myanmar'.

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    Melioidosis is a frequently fatal infectious disease caused by the Gram negative bacillus Burkholderia pseudomallei. Although it was originally discovered in Myanmar, the disease disappeared from sight for many decades. This study focuses on detection of B. pseudomallei in soil in selected sampling sites in an attempt to start to fill the gaps in the current status of our knowledge of the geographical distribution of B. pseudomallei in soil in Myanmar. This cross-sectional study consists of 400 soil samples from 10 selected study townships from two major paddy growing regions. Bacterial isolation was done using a simplified method for the isolation of Burkholderia pseudomallei from soil. In this study, only 1% (4/400) of soil samples were found to be positive; two of four were found at 90 cm depth and another two positive samples were found at 30 cm and 60 cm. This survey has confirmed the presence of environmental B. pseudomallei in Myanmar indicating that the conditions are in place for melioidosis acquisition

    A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS C-14 dates from Nyaung'gan and Oakaie

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    Late prehistoric archaeological research in Myanmar is in a phase of rapid expansion. Recent work by the Mission Archéologique Française au Myanmar aims to establish a reliable Neolithic to Iron Age culture-historical sequence, which can then be compared to surrounding regions of Southeast Asia. Excavations at Nyaung'gan and Oakaie in central Myanmar have provided 52 new AMS dates, which allow the creation of Myanmar's first reliable prehistoric radiometric chronology. They have also identified the Neolithic to Bronze Age transition in central Myanmar, which is of critical importance in understanding long-range interactions at the national, regional and inter-regional level. This research provides the first significant step towards placing late prehistoric Myanmar in its global context

    Enhanced melioidosis surveillance in patients attending four tertiary hospitals in Yangon, Myanmar.

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    Abstract To investigate the current epidemiology of melioidosis in Yangon, Myanmar, between June 2017 and May 2019 we conducted enhanced surveillance for melioidosis in four tertiary hospitals in Yangon, where the disease was first discovered in 1911. Oxidase-positive Gram-negative rods were obtained from the microbiology laboratories and further analysed at the Department of Medical Research. Analysis included culture on Ashdown agar, the three disc sensitivity test (gentamicin, colistin and co-amoxiclav), latex agglutination, API 20 NE, antibiotic susceptibility testing, and a subset underwent molecular confirmation with a Burkholderia pseudomallei specific assay. Twenty one of 364 isolates (5.7%) were confirmed as B. pseudomallei and were mostly susceptible to the antibiotics used in standard therapy for melioidosis. Ten patients were from Yangon Region, nine were from Ayeyarwaddy region, and one each was from Kayin and Rakhine States. A history of soil contact was given by seven patients, five had diabetes mellitus and one had renal insufficiency. The patients presented with septicaemia (12 cases), pneumonia (three cases), urinary tract infection (two cases) and wound infection (four cases). Eighteen patients survived to hospital discharge. This study highlights the likelihood that melioidosis may be far more common, but underdiagnosed, in more rural parts of Myanmar as in other countries in SE Asia.</jats:p

    Surveillance to achieve malaria elimination in eastern Myanmar: a 7-year observational study

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    Background The collection and utilization of surveillance data is essential in monitoring progress towards achieving malaria elimination, in the timely response to increases in malaria case numbers and in the assessment of programme functioning. This paper describes the surveillance activities used by the malaria elimination task force (METF) programme which operates in eastern Myanmar, and provides an analysis of data collected from weekly surveillance, case investigations, and monitoring and evaluation of programme performance. Methods This retrospective analysis was conducted using data collected from a network of 1250 malaria posts operational between 2014 and 2021. To investigate changes in data completeness, malaria post performance, malaria case numbers, and the demographic details of malaria cases, summary statistics were used to compare data collected over space and time. Results In the first 3 years of the METF programme, improvements in data transmission routes resulted in a 18.9% reduction in late reporting, allowing for near real-time analysis of data collected at the malaria posts. In 2020, travel restrictions were in place across Karen State in response to COVID-19, and from February 2021 the military coup in Myanmar resulted in widescale population displacement. However, over that period there has been no decline in malaria post attendance, and the majority of consultations continue to occur within 48 h of fever onset. Case investigations found that 43.8% of cases travelled away from their resident village in the 3 weeks prior to diagnosis and 36.3% reported never using a bed net whilst sleeping in their resident village, which increased to 72.2% when sleeping away from their resident village. Malaria post assessments performed in 82.3% of the METF malaria posts found malaria posts generally performed to a high standard. Conclusions Surveillance data collected by the METF programme demonstrate that despite significant changes in the context in which the programme operates, malaria posts have remained accessible and continue to provide early diagnosis and treatment contributing to an 89.3% decrease in Plasmodium falciparum incidence between 2014 and 2021

    ミャンマー産植物Premna serratifoliaとJatropha multifida及び海綿Clathria proliferaに含まれるメラニン産生制御成分に関する研究

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    富山大学・富医薬博甲第305号・禹 昭年・2019/03/26当該博士論文は以下の項評論文で構成されています。①Woo, SY., Win, N.N., Wong, C.P. et al. Two new pyrrolo-2-aminoimidazoles from a Myanmarese marine sponge, Clathria prolifera, J Nat Med (2018) 72: 803-807. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11418-018-1205-y This is a pre-print of an article published in Journal of Natural Medicines. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11418-018-1205-y”.②So-Yeun Woo et al. Lignans with melanogenesis effects from Premna serratifolia wood, Fitoterapia (2019) 133:35-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fitote.2018.12.008③So-Yeun Woo et al. A New Tetrahydrofuran Lignan from Premna serratifolia Wood, Natural Product Communications (2019) 14:113-116. https://doi.org/10.1177/1934578X1901400130富山大

    De la pobreza a la dignidad

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    Los derechos humanos proveen un marco moral, autoritativo y legal para enfrentar las causas estructurales de la pobreza. Un marco de Derechos Humanos no sólo ofrece habilidades distintivas sino también herramientas específicas para el trabajo de desarrollo. Este manual de aprendizaje es nuestra contribución para avanzar en el desarrollo basado en los Derechos Humanos. Llamamos a cada uno a abrazar la visión de que los derechos humanos y el desarrollo son las dos caras de una misma moneda. Diviertanse mientras provocan las mas profundas y críticas discusiones sobre derechos humanos y desarrollo. De todos modos es eso de lo que se trata un efectivo proceso de aprendizaje


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    Recent evidence suggests that the mechanization of agriculture is proceeding rapidly in areas of Myanmar close to the country’s major city, Yangon, as farmers - driven by the need to remain profitable in the face of labor shortages and rising wage rates - adopt a variety of labor saving technologie


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    Recent evidence suggests that the mechanization of agriculture is proceeding rapidly in areas of Myanmar close to the country’s major city, Yangon, as farmers - driven by the need to remain profitable in the face of labor shortages and rising wage rates - adopt a variety of labor saving technologies (Win and Thinzar 2016). In this brief, we present findings from the first survey in Myanmar to analyze the supply side of agricultural mechanization. We find evidence of rapid growth in the number, geographical distribution, and sales of agricultural machinery supply businesses. The range and value of machinery sold accelerated rapidly, especially post-2011 as the country opened economically. New hire-purchase financing arrangements for machinery played a key role in facilitating this growth