62 research outputs found

    The Role of Rural Women in Environmental Management in Myanmar: A Case Study of Ngaputaw Township

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the role of women in environmental management in Myanmar. In Myanmar society, women have a tradition of environmental care. From childhood, young Myanmar girls are trained to undertake work in and around their house. It is a common sight in rural areas to see young girls caring for their siblings and collecting water or firewood during school holidays. Women in rural areas are traditionally aware of how to use fuel wood properly, how to get and store safe drinking water, and which plants can be used as indigenous medicine. In this way women have played an important role in reducing resource use, reusing and recycling resources to minimize waste and excessive consumption. This research revolves around the issues such as women’s perspectives on the environment; the nature of their participation to engage in environmental protection and conservation; and environmental management policies of Myanmar

    Performance Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Vector Control Technique

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    There are many solar power and wind stations installed in the power system for environmental and economic reasons. In fact, wind energy is inexpensive and the safetest among all sources of renewable energy, it has been recognized that variable speed wind turbine based on the doubly fed induction generator. It is the most effective with less cost and high power yield. This paper has chosen doubly fed induction generator for a comprehensive study of modelling, performance and analysing. DFIG wind turbine has to operate below and above synchronous speed which requires smooth transition mode change for reliable operation to be controlled to provide stability for the power system. Hence its performance depends on the generator itself and the converter operation and control system. This paper presents completed mathematical model of DFIG with its AC/DC/AC converter driven by DC machine. The rotor is considered fed by a voltage source converter whereas the stator is connected to the grid directly. The capacity of the wind power generation is 1.5MW. The voltage rating and frequency for this system are 575V, 50Hz .This paper show detailed model of DFIG

    Інформаційно-аналітична підтримка прийняття управлінських рішень

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    Розглянуто питання інформаційно-аналітичної підтримки прийняття управлінських рішень, застосування сучасних інформаційних технологій і організації інформаційного забезпечення аналітичної обробки інформації у корпоративних організаціях.Рассмотрены вопросы информационно-аналитической поддержки принятия управленческих решений, применения современных информационных технологий и организации информационного обеспечения аналитической обработки информации в корпоративных организациях.The questions of information-analytical support of administrative decision-making, application of modern information technologies and organization of information maintenance of analytical processing of the information in corporate organizations are considered

    Design of MIMO Antenna Array Architecture for Higher Channel Capacity

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    In many extensive researches, the channel capacity of narrowband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems in indoor Line-of-Sight (LOS) environment is investigated and proved that the LOS signal can get the high channel capacity by designing the antenna arrays. On the other hand, MIMO systems offer significant capacity enhancements in non Line-of-Sight (LOS) environments where rich scattering is present. However, the wireless propagation mechanisms and antenna array orientation should be considered when designing the wireless network to get more precise results and improve the performance. This paper investigates the performance of MIMO system based on two ray ground reflection model. In this system, the LOS signal and the LOS signal with one ground reflected ray can provide the optimum MIMO capacity performance if specific designed antenna arrays are employed at both sides of the communications link. For achieving the optimal MIMO capacity in a LOS environment, the antenna array architecture is considered as a function of the distance between transmitter and receiver, the transmitted and received antennas’ height, the array orientation and the antenna spacing distance. The capacity sensitivity for a number of MIMO architectures with respect to the experimental data and simulation is investigated by using MATLAB programming language

    Upregulation of p16INK4A in Peripheral White Blood Cells as a Novel Screening Marker for Colorectal Carcinoma.

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    ObjectiveScreening of colorectal cancer (CRC) is important for the early detection. CRC is relating to aging and immuno-senescence. One such senescent marker is p16INK4A expression in immune cells. The objective of the study is to investigate the protein expression of p16INK4A in peripheral white blood cells as a screening marker for colorectal cancer.MethodsA case-control studies were conducted. Cases were patients with colorectal cancer and controls were matched with cases based on age and sex. Peripheral blood was collected from patients and controls and the protein p16INK4A was measured with immunofluorescent techniques. The p16INK4A levels from cases and controls were evaluated using ROC analysis to be used as a screening marker in CRC patients. Mean fluorescent intensity of p16INK4A of cases and controls were analyzed in CD45+, CD3+ or CD14+ cells. The p16INK4A levels of cases were also correlated with clinical data.ResultStatistically significant increased expression of p16INK4A levels were found in cases compared to controls. p16INK4A in peripheral immune cells had 78% sensitivity and 71% specificity which can possibly be used as a diagnosis tool for colorectal cancer. P16INK4A-positive cell percentage and mean florescent intensity were significantly higher in CD45+ cells, CD3 positive cells and CD14 positive cells. No significant correlation was observed with the clinical data and p16INK4A level of CRC patients.ConclusionThe significant increase of p16 INK4A expression level in peripheral immune cells represents potential for use as a CRC screening marker

    A Study of Burkholderia pseudomallei in the Environment of Farms in Thanlyin and Hmawbi Townships, Myanmar.

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    Melioidosis is a tropical infection, first described in Myanmar but now rarely diagnosed there, which is widespread in Southeast Asia. The infection is predominantly acquired by people and animals through contact with soil or water. This study aimed to detect the causative organism, Burkholderia pseudomallei, in environmental samples from farms in Thanlyin and Hmawbi townships near Yangon, Myanmar. One hundred and twenty soil samples and 12 water samples were collected and processed using standard microbiological methods. Burkholderia species were isolated from 50 of the 120 (42%) soil samples but none of the water samples. Arabinose assimilation was tested to differentiate between B. pseudomallei and the nonpathogenic Burkholderia thailandensis, and seven of 50 isolates (14%) were negative. These were all confirmed as B. pseudomallei by a species-specific multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is the first study to detect environmental B. pseudomallei in Myanmar and confirms that melioidosis is still endemic in the Yangon area

    Age Related Changes in Hematological Values of Myanmar Local Puppies

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    The hematological parameters were used to monitor the health status and its components also changed according to the ages. However, there were no reports for this issues in Myanmar local dogs. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate the age-related changes on the hematological parameters of local puppies in Myanmar. Ten local puppies with the age of 2-3 month old were used in this experiment, which was lasted for 8 weeks.The daily clinical examinations were conducted throughout the entire experimental period for general health check-up. Haematological parameters (Total WBC count and its differential counts, and RBC, HCT, MCV, HGB, MCH, MCHC and platelets) were measured bi-weekly with Abacus Vet-5 automate haematology analyser. According to the results, the total WBC and eosinophil counts were not significantly different (P>0.05), while lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and basophils were significantly different (P<0.05) with the aging of experimental animals. The values of RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets were not significantly different (P>0.05) throughout the experimental periods. Thus, the age-related changes were observed on cell counts of lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, basophils in Myanmar local puppies

    Prevalence of Depression and its Associated Factors Among Adults during Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia, 2021

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    Malaysia recently entered third-wave of COVID-19 pandemic starting from October 2020 to end of January 2021. Therefore, objective of our study was to identify the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among adults during third wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. A total of 1468 Malaysian adults participated in this cross-sectional web-based survey. A standardized questionnaire was generated using the Google Form, and the link was shared through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp. Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-9) was used to assess the levels of depression. Among 1468 participants, 320 (22 %) and 358 (24.6 %) indicated to have moderate to severe depression during third-wave of COVID-19 in Malaysia. Multiple predictors were identified that contributed to depression. These included female gender, family’s source income affected by the pandemic, do not perform exercise, victim of abuse and those with family and/or friends infected with COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 pandemic had caused the implementation of lockdown and physical distancing in Malaysia and nations across the globe. The pandemic had brought serious negative impacts on mental health of the adults especially depression especially during third wave of pandemic. The findings of our study suggested that new interventions or strategies are needed to be developed to address the severity of depression among Malaysian adults