190 research outputs found

    A new approach to dynamic finite-size scaling

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    In this work we have considered the Taylor series expansion of the dynamic scaling relation of the magnetization with respect to small initial magnetization values in order to study the dynamic scaling behaviour of 2- and 3-dimensional Ising models. We have used the literature values of the critical exponents and of the new dynamic exponent x0x_0 to observe the dynamic finite-size scaling behaviour of the time evolution of the magnetization during early stages of the Monte Carlo simulation. For 3-dimensional Ising Model we have also presented that this method opens the possibility of calculating zz and x0x_0 separately. Our results show good agreement with the literature values. Measurements done on lattices with different sizes seem to give very good scaling.Comment: Latex file with six figures. Accepted for publication in IJM

    The Evaluation of Instructional Leadership Researches between 2002 and 2017 in Turkey

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    This research study aims to evaluate the graduate theses and articles conducted on the concept of instructional leadership over the period between 2002 and 2017 in Turkey by means of methodological and statistical analysis techniques. In the study, which is configured by using the case study design as one of the qualitative research methods, the related theses are obtained from the database of the Council of Higher Education Thesis Center in Turkey, whereas the related articles are provided through article archives of the National Academic Network and Google Scholar website. The data collected via the academic publication evaluation form are evaluated by frequency analysis using. In the study, 104 postgraduate theses and 35 articles on instructional leadership are conducted, many of which using scales as data collection tools. Lack of due diligence in validity and reliability studies, selection of mostly teachers for sampling, and usage of descriptive t-test and one-way ANOVA techniques in data analyses are detected. As a result, it is shown that similar studies using similar datasets and the same data collection tools have been carried out on instructional leadership. Mixed research and scale development studies in which qualitative and quantitative methods can be used collocation

    Influence de la cinétique d'hydratation des phases aluminates en présence de sulfate de calcium sur celles des phases silicates (conséquences sur l'optimum de sulfatage des ciments)

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    Les propriétés mécaniques des ciments hydratés nécessitent d'être optimisées suivant la nature des ciments produits. Parmi les facteurs d'optimisation, l'ajout de sulfate de calcium destiné à réguler la réactivité de l aluminate tricalcique (C3A), en quantité et en qualité, dans le ciment est un paramètre primordial. Enjeu industriel majeur, cette notion d'Optimum de sulfatage mérite aujourd'hui du fait de l'avancement des connaissances sur les mécanismes d'hydratation de chacune des phases du ciment qu'une étude lui soit entièrement consacrée. La démarche adoptée pour répondre à cette problématique a été l étude de système simple que l on a compliqué petit à petit. L évolution de l hydratation du ciment, de la porosité et des propriétés mécaniques du ciment ont été déterminés à différentes échéances. Le premier système étudié était le mélange C3S/gypse, l'objectif était de déterminer s'il existait un effet optimal du sulfate de calcium sur l'hydratation et les résistances mécaniques du C3S tel que présenté dans la littérature [1]. Les résultats ont montré qu il n existait pas d optimum de sulfatage dans le système C3S/gypse mais qu il existait un effet spécifique du sulfate de calcium sur l hydratation et les propriétés mécaniques du C3S. L adsorption des sulfates à la surface des C-S-H serait à l origine de la modification du processus de germination croissance des C-S-H qui aurait pour conséquence l augmentation du degré d hydratation du C3S et des résistances en compression. Le deuxième système étudié était le clinker biphasique C3S/C3A cobroyé avec du semi-hydrate et avec du gypse. Un optimum de sulfatage a bien été observé, cet optimum se décale avec le temps vers les fortes teneurs en sulfate comme dans les cimenteries. L optimum de sulfatage a été constaté lorsque l hydratation du C3S, pendant la période accélérée, a lieu simultanément ou légèrement avant le pic exothermique dû à la forte dissolution du C3A et à la précipitation d Afm. Il a été montré que la présence d AFm pendant la période accélérée de l hydratation du C3S, serait à l origine de la modification observée de la microstructure de la pâte de ciment : la porosité augmente avec l ajout du sulfate de calcium mais l assemblage des hydrates est plus denseThe mechanical properties of hydrated cements need to be optimized according to the nature of cement products. Among the factors of optimization, the addition of calcium sulphate intended to regulate the reactivity of tricalcium aluminate (C3A), in quantity and quality in cement is an essential parameter.The advancement of knowledge on the mechanisms of hydration of each cement phase allows a study devoted entirely to the concept of optimum of sulphate. We studied simple system that we complicated and we studied the evolution of hydration, porosity and mechanical properties of cement at different age. The first system studied was the mixture C3S/gypsum, the objective was to determine whether there was an optimal effect of calcium sulfate on hydration and mechanical strength of C3S as presented in the literature [1]. The results showed there was not optimum sulfate in the C3S/gypsum system but there was a specific effect of calcium sulfate on the hydration and the mechanical properties of C3S. The sulfate adsorption on the C-S-H surface is the cause of the change nucleation and growth process of C-S-H. This has resulted in increasing hydration degree of C3S and compressive strength. The second system studied was biphasic clinker C3S/C3A ground with hemi-hydrate and gypsum. An optimum sulfate has been observed, which move out with time to high rate of sulfate. The optimum sulfate was observed when the hydration of C3S, during the accelerated period, takes place simultaneously or slightly before the exothermic peak due to the high dissolution of C3A and precipitation of AFm. We showed the presence of AFm during the accelerated hydration of C3S, is the cause of the microstructure modification in the cement paste: the porosity increases with calcium sulfate addition but the hydrate assembly is more dense.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effect of an Educational Program on Care Burden and Quality of Life for Caregivers of Patients Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Purpose: This study was undertaken to determine the effect of planned education upon the quality of life and care burden for caregivers of patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Materials and Methods: This study, a planned pre-test post-test model with semi-experimental design, was undertaken with the caregivers for 60 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Data were collected using Information Request Form, Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Scales. Caregivers were divided into groups of 10 participants each and a 45–60 minute planned educational program on caring for Alzheimer’s patients was provided to each group in 5 sessions. ZBI and Quality of Life Scales were again administered to the caregivers in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd months following completion of the education. Results: Results were assessed using percentage distributions, Chi-square test, and Pearson Correlation analysis. Care burden of caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients decreased following the planned education and there was a significant and negative correlation between care burden and quality of life. As care burden decreased, quality of life increased (p<0.05). Conclusion: A planned educational program reduced the care burden experienced by caregivers for Alzheimer’s patients and affected their quality of life positively. It is recommended that planned education programs be reinforced with continuous counseling services in order to minimize the care burden experienced by these caregivers and to maximize their quality of life.Keywords: Alzheimer disease; Caregiver; Care burden; Quality of lifeDOI: 10.7176/JHMN/75-0

    Effects of plasma surface treatment on bending strength and modulus of elasticity of beech and poplar plywood

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    This is a study on the effect of plasma treatment with different gases and plasma intensity on the bending strength and modulus of elasticity of plywood manufactured from beech and poplar. Oxygen (O2) and ammonia (NH3) plasma were applied on the veneer sheets; two plasma intensities were applied on the veneers with 150 and 300 W in the plasma chamber during one minute. Phenol formaldehyde resin was applied on one surfaces of each veneer with approx. 160 g/m2. Bending strength and modulus of elasticity were determined according to EN 310.The effects of plasma surface treatment on chemical structure of the panels were determined with FTIR-ATR analysis. Bending strength of all tested panels slightly and partly increased without statistical significance when applying oxygen plasma. The effect of ammonia plasma treatment on bending strength and was determined by the wood species and the plasma intensity, and it was not uniform. Modulus of elasticity of the panels with oxygen plasma treatment showed in most cases improvement, whereas ammonia plasma pretreated veneers caused lower values compared to the control panels


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    Odun esaslı levha ürünlerinin üretiminde çeşitli avantajları nedeniyle önemli ölçüde kullanılan formaldehit esaslı reçineler üretim esnasında ve sonrasında insan sağlığı ve çevre için zararlı olan formaldehit ayrışmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada 2 mm kalınlığındaki doğu kayını (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.) ve sakallı kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa subsp. Barbata), soyma kaplamalarından melamin-üre formaldehit tutkalı kullanılarak üretilen 3 tabakalı kontrplakların formaldehit emisyonu üzerine presleme süresinin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla üretilecek kontrplaklar için 5 farklı (4, 5, 6, 7 ve 8 dk.) presleme süresi seçilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre, pres süresindeki artışa bağlı olarak kontrplak levhalarından ayrışan formaldehit miktarlarında doğrusal bir azalma meydana gelmiştir. En fazla formaldehit emisyonu miktarı sarıçam kontrplaklarda belirlenirken, en düşük emisyon değerleri sakalı kızılağaç kontrplaklar için elde edilmiştir. 

    Sorafenib maintenance after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation improves outcome of FLT3-ITD-mutated acute myeloid leukemia

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    In a retrospective analysis, 21 acute myeloid leukemia patients receiving single-agent sorafenib maintenance therapy in complete remission (CR) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) were compared with a control group of 22 patients without maintenance. Sorafenib was initiated a median of 3 months (IQR: 2.3–3.5) after allogeneic HSCT with a median daily dosage of 400 mg (range: 200–800) orally, and lasted a median of 11.3 months (IQR: 3.3–24.4). No significant increase in graft versus host disease or toxicity was observed. Adverse events were reversible with dose adjustment or temporary discontinuation in 19/19 cases. With a median follow-up of 34.7 months (IQR: 16.9–79.5), sorafenib maintenance significantly improved cumulative incidence of relapse (p = 0.028) as well as overall survival (OS) (p = 0.016), especially in patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT in CR1 (p < 0.001). In conclusion, sorafenib maintenance after allogeneic HSCT is safe and may improve cumulative incidence of relapse and OS in FLT3–ITD-mutated AML. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12185-022-03427-4