1,611 research outputs found

    A 2020 Vision for the Black Sea Region: A Report by the Commission on the Black Sea

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    The Black Sea region is coming into its own - but it is a contested and sometimes dangerous neighbourhood. It has undergone countless political transformations over time. And now, once again, it is becoming the subject of an intense debate. This reflects the changing dynamics of the Black Sea countries and the complex realities of their politics and conflicts, economies and societies. Geography, the interests of others and the region’s relations with the rest of the world in large part explain its resurgence. Straddling Europe and Asia, the Black Sea links north to south and east to west. Oil, gas, transport and trade routes are all crucial in explaining its increasing relevance

    On the diophantine equation x2+2a3b73c=ynx^2+2^a3^b73^c=y^n

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    summary:In this paper, we find all integer solutions (x,y,n,a,b,c) (x, y, n, a, b, c) of the equation in the title for non-negative integers a,b a, b and c c under the condition that the integers x x and y y are relatively prime and n3 n \ge 3. The proof depends on the famous primitive divisor theorem due to Bilu, Hanrot and Voutier and the computational techniques on some elliptic curves

    Investigation of antibacterial and antioxidant properties of three medicinal plants from Gaziantep, Turkey

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    Current research aimed to reveal antibacterial and antioxidant properties of acetone and ethyl acetate extracts of Phlomis armeniaca, Echinophora tenuifolia subsp. sibthorpiana and Moringa oleifera plants obtained from herbalists in Gaziantep. Extracts of P. armeniaca, E. tenuifolia subsp. sibthorpiana and M. oleifera plants have antibacterial effect at varying degrees against test bacteria. Both ethyl acetate and acetone extracts of P. armeniaca plant exhibited higher antibacterial activity than studied other plant extracts. It was also found that the antioxidant activity increased with increasing concentrations. Since antioxidant and antibacterial activities were observed in almost all of the tested plant extracts, it was concluded that P. armeniaca, E. tenuifolia subsp. sibthorpiana and M. oleifera plants could be natural sources of antioxidant and antibacterial. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.744894

    Successful Coronary Stent Retrieval from the Saphenous Vein Graft to Right Coronary Artery

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    Stent dislodgement and migration is a rare but serious complication of stent usage. For extraction of unexpanded stents different techniques have been described previously. We describe a case which used small baloon catheter for retrieval of a stent from the SVG-RCA

    Origin and Impact of Government Regulations

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    İnternet g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde pek &ccedil;ok işlevinin yanında bilgi edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinde başvurulan &ouml;nemli bir kaynak konumundadır. Bu durum dini bilgi edinme pratikleri a&ccedil;ısından da ge&ccedil;erlidir. Bazı araştırma bulguları internetin dini bilgi arama/edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinde geleneksel bilgi kaynaklarıyla birlikte en &ccedil;ok başvurulan kaynaklar arasında olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu doğrultuda bu &ccedil;alışma &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencilerinin dini bilgi gereksinimlerini karşılama s&uuml;recinde kullandıkları bilgi edinme kaynakları ve bu kaynakların g&uuml;venilirliğiyle birlikte temelde onların internet &uuml;zerinden dini bilgi edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerindeki eleştirel yeterliliklerine odaklanmaktadır. &Ouml;ğrencilerin dini bilgi arama/edinme s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerindeki eleştirel yeterliliklerini &ouml;l&ccedil;mek amacıyla, Eken ve Aydın (2018) tarafından geliştirilen, dini/enformasyonel i&ccedil;erikli internet sitelerinin değerlendirilmesine y&ouml;nelik kullanıcı merkezli kriterlerin baz alındığı &ccedil;alışma, Erciyes &Uuml;niversitesi İletişim Fak&uuml;ltesi &ouml;ğrencilerinden basit rastlantısal &ouml;rneklem tekniğiyle se&ccedil;ilen k&uuml;me &uuml;zerinde ger&ccedil;ekleştirilen ampirik bir araştırma niteliği taşımaktadır. &Ccedil;alışmadan elde edilen sonu&ccedil;lara g&ouml;re; internetin &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencileri i&ccedil;in en temel dini bilgi kaynaklarından biri olduğu; ancak bu yaygın kullanımın aksine &ouml;ğrencilerin internet ortamından elde edilen bilgilere yeterince g&uuml;venmediği ve anket formunda belirtilen kriterlere oranla alt-orta d&uuml;zeyde bir eleştirel yeterliliğe sahip olduğu ifade edilebilir. Bu sonu&ccedil; &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencileri i&ccedil;in eleştirel okuryazarlık becerisi kazandıracak eğitim s&uuml;re&ccedil;lerinin gerekliliğini ortaya koyması bakımından &ouml;nemlidirToday, the internet is an important resource which is used in information acquisition processes. This also applies to religious practice. Some research findings demonstrate that the internet is among the most frequently used sources in the process of religious information searching/acquiring with traditional sources of information. In this respect, this study focuses on the sources of information and the reliability of these sources in the process of meeting university students&#39; religious knowledge requirements and focuses on the critical competencies of these students in the process of acquiring religious knowledge on the internet. In order to measure the critical competencies of the students in the process of religious information searching, a study based on user-centered criteria for the evaluation of religious / informative websites, developed by Eken and Aydın (2018), is an empirical study conducted by the students of Erciyes University Faculty of Communication with a simple random sampling technique. According to the results obtained from the study; It can be stated that internet is one of the most basic sources for religious information for university students, but unlike this widespread use, students do not trust the information obtained from the Internet environment and have a moderate level of critical competency compared to the criteria specified in the survey form. This situation is important in terms of demonstrating the necessity of educational processes that will redound critical literacy skills for university students</p

    Foreign Policy Formation and the Interaction between Domestic and International Environments: A Study of Change in Turkish Foreign Policy (1980-1991).

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    Motivated by both increased international interest in Turkey and concerns over its future and the directions its foreign policy is taking in the face of the systemic changes that have swept through world politics since 1979 onwards, this thesis attempts to study contemporary Turkish foreign policy from a dynamic-analytical perspective by concentrating on the dynamics of change, instead of stability. In this context, this study sets out to assess the argument that, although a high level of continuity in Turkish foreign policy had followed on both from the basic features of the country's situation, and from the attitudes entrenched in the foreign policy making elite, shifts in emphasis - which had hitherto occurred within this pattern of continuity - came to a point during the 1980s when a different set of attitudes, patterns and directions became discernible, and as such demanded new explanations as to what determines and affects the basic directions of Turkish foreign policy. In explaining this "change", the foundations of Turkey's foreign policy-making in the 1980s are analyzed from both the theoretical and practical aspects, and two sets of variables are identified as being instrumental in stimulating change: domestic sociopolitical and economic developments, and environmental circumstances. Moreover, it is shown that these variables, in the Turkish context, function in such a way as to remain interactive and to continually reinforce each other and also induce changes in foreign policy, which in turn excite reactions in the former. Therefore linkage patterns are used in this study both to show the interaction between different variables, and to emphasize connections between these variables and the changes that occurred in Turkey's foreign policy setting. When applied to a case study of the period 1980-1991, these variables corroborate the view that a certain set of changes occurred in the fundamental principles and directions of Turkish foreign policy, without upsetting its pro-western orientation as yet, because of: - changes in the nature of the political regime and the reactions received from abroad, especially from Europe where Turkey's linkage patterns are most strong; changes in the economic nature of the country and the necessities of the new development strategy; - changes within the policy-making system which came to operate in such a way as to incorporate and uphold those who favour change because of their ideological inclinations or cultural values; - and changes in the international environment which affected the country's perceptions of itself as well as others. As a result, this study concludes that Turkey entered the decade of the 1990s with diversified external connections, more active and balanced pursuits in international relations, and a purposeful and multi-dimensional foreign policy with a certain emphasis on Turkey's immediate neighbourhood, that is the Middle East, the Balkans, and the Caucasus


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    The importance of writing is quite high in the history of any society that has reached a certain amount of civilization. It is very important to know its history and the phases. Because Arabic writing is the most widespread writing in the world after Latin. In this article we have prepared with the same mindset, the adventure of Arabic writing have been briefly discussed; concise information are presented about the birth or Arabic writing, the first written monuments that are found, its phases of growth and types of Arabic writings. Arabs have used a certain kind of writing called “müsned”, developed in the Southern Arabia. Then, müsned had been replaced by the Arabic writing that is used to this day. This new writing had been derived from adjacent Nabat writing. And it is agreed upon the fact that Arabic writing was derived from the Nabat writings, used by the Nabataeans who reigned in Northern Arabia and on the Sinai peninsula. The oldest found written monument of Arabic language is a tombstone found in 328 A.D. which is thought to be written with Nabataeans letters. Today, the examination of the pre-Islamic tablets and the tablets belonging to the first Islamic century suggest that the Arabic writing is derived from the Nabataean waritings, and also even an advanced continuation of it. It is also true that in the first years of Islam there were who knew how to write, even if so few. But with Islam, writing has advanced towards a totally new and bright phase. Since it was necessary to write the Quran to teach about Islam, writing was also encouraged by the Prophet which makes the Quran first written work in the history of Arabs. Arabic writing had achieved significant improvement compared to other types of writing, due to the precautions and accentuation activities to ensure the Quran was read and understood correctly, thus new types of writings had been developed besides Cufic and Naskh writings, such as the Maghreb writing in the northern Africa

    Monostotic fibrous dysplasia involving occipital bone: a case report and review of literature

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    Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a progressive systemic bone tumour of young and it can be seen on cranial  bones. FD is divided into three types according to radiological features. The second most common  subtype is polyostotic subtype. With this article, we aimed to review and present clinical features, radiological examination, differential diagnosis and treatment management of a case of solitary  monostotic fibrous dysplasia of occipital bone. 15 years old female patient admitted to our hospital for a bump and in the back of his head that she  noticed 1 month ago. Her physical and neurological examination was normal. On cranial CT examination we detected a bony defect. Her gadolinium enhanced cranial MRI revealed bony defect along with massive  gadolinium enhancement in adjacent tissue. On histopathologic examination; PANCK, CD68, CD1a were found negative and CD45, S-100, Vimentine were found positive. Ki-67 was 4,8%. In conclusion, fibrous dysplasia is a progressive bone disease of the young patients. Despite its resemblance to a benign lesion by not being symptomatic it can progress and cause severe bony defects and skin lesions. Total surgical resection is  necessary and sufficient for total treatment.Key words: Fibrous dysplasia, cystic, cranial, monostotic, occipital, traum

    Ocjena preciznog dielektičnog modela i izabranih patenta o otkrivanju raka dojke pomoću mikrovalova

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    Advances in microwave breast cancer detection and imaging during last decade are reported in this review paper. An introduction to breast cancer and detection methods and detailed information about microwave imaging and selected patents are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the presented patents and also state of breast cancer detection and imaging are discussed. Microwave imaging for breast tumor detection is considered to be promising, as it is believed that there is a significant or detectable contrast in malignant, benign and normal tissues over a broad frequency range. Also, there have been many dielectric models, especially the double Debye model has been used to define the dielectric response of different biological tissues. On the other hand, double Debye model is not accurate for human breast tissue because there are knowledge limitations about the structure, dynamics, and macroscopic behavior of breast tissue. It is vital that, according to frequency, accurate dielectric model should be chosen in detection systems.Ovaj rad govori o naprecima u otkrivanju i snimanju raka dojke pomoću mikrovalova u posljednjem desetljeću. Dan je uvod o raku dojke i metodama otkrivanja te detaljne informacije o snimanju pomoću mikrovalova i izabranim patentima. Raspravljene su prednosti i nedostaci prezentiranih patenata kao i trenutno stanje u detektiranju i snimanju raka dojke. Snimanje mikrovalovima kako bi se otkrio rak dojke metoda je od koje se mnogo očekuje, pošto se smatra kako postoje znatni ili primjetni kontrasti između malignih, benignih i normalnih tkiva kroz široki raspon frekvencija. Također, postoje mnogi dielektrični modeli, posebno se dvostruki Debye model koristio u definiranju dielektričnog odziva raznih bioloških tkiva. S druge strane, dvostruki Debye model nije precizan prilikom korištenja za ljudska tkiva, jer postoje ograničenja u saznanjima oko strukture, dinamike i makroskopskog ponašanja tkiva dojke. Neophodno je, ovisno o frekvenciji, izabrati ispravan dielektrični model u sustavima za detekciju