84 research outputs found


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    Dünya genelinde sera gazı emisyonları, fosil yakıtların kıtlığı,  artan elektrik talebi, mevcut enerji sisteminin yeniden düzenlenmesinin gerekli olduğunu göstermiştir.  Bu doğrultuda yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının ne denli önem arz ettiği anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de özellikle hidroelektrik santrallerinden elde edilen enerji yatırımları yıllardır devam etmektedir. Yenilebilir enerjili sistemler üzerine yatırımlar ise son yıllarda hızlı bir şekilde yaygınlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada, Renewable Energy Tecnology Screen (RETScreen) yazılımı kullanarak Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Seyitler Yerleşkesinde Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Yasası çerçevesinde lisans alma zorunluluğu bulunmayan 400 kWp güneş enerji sistemi ve 100 kWp rüzgâr enerji sistemini kapsayan bir tesisin fizibilite çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapımı düşünülen hibrit sistem ile yerleşkenin elektrik talebi de göz önüne alınarak şartlara göre en uygun çözüm bulunmaya çalışılmıştır

    Parameter estimation validity and relationship robustness: A comparison of telephone and internet survey techniques

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    With the expansion of telecommunication and online technologies for the purpose of survey administration, the issue of measurement validity has come to the fore. The proliferation of automated audio services and computer-based survey techniques has been matched by a corresponding denigration of the quality of traditional phone survey data, most notably as an outcome of falling response rates. This trend, combined with the introduction of screening technologies and answering machines, represents a barrier to the proper execution of survey research. Whereas the question was once, “can technology-assisted surveys achieve the same level of validity as traditional phone surveys?”, the question now becomes, “what are the relative advantages and disadvantages of technology-assisted and phone surveys?” Each has its own challenges and opportunities, and this paper begins to explore these. The present study provides further insight into the validity of telephone and Internet survey data, and explores whether or not the robustness of relationships between variables varies by survey mode. Study data were provided by two surveys, the first of which was conducted in a metropolitan area of the Midwestern US, with interviews of 505 adults using a computer-aided telephone-interviewing (CATI) system. The second was a national survey of 2172 respondents conducted over the Internet by a commercial research firm that sends requests to a diverse set of potential respondents, who logged onto the survey site to participate. Results suggest that weighting in an attempt to achieve parametric matching does seem to increase robustness of relationships and, in this age of poor response rates, this seems to demand an increased use of parametric weightings. Implications of study findings for telematic survey practitioners are discussed

    A comparative study of morphological characteristics in diploid and tetraploid (auto and allotetraploids) Citrullus genotypes

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    In this study, ploidy levels were determined by stomatal observations and flow cytometry analysis of plants polyploidised by the application of 0.05% colchicine to seedlings at the first true leaf stage. In the study of developing polyploid watermelon rootstocks, the survival rate of the plants was 77%, and the polyploidisation rates were 11% and 3% according to stomatal observations and flow cytometry analysis, respectively. According to the results of flow cytometry, 22 polyploid genotypes were determined. Auto- (12) and allotetraploids (10) of Citrullus genotypes were developed, and their plant growth performance was determined in hydroponic culture in comparison with diploids, commercial rootstocks (RS841, ‘Argentario’) and watermelon cultivar (‘Crimson Tide’). Putative tetraploids and their diploid controls were grown in hydroponic culture for 21 days, and their vegetative growth performances were determined. The results showed that the increases in plant biomass depending on polyploidisation were 100% in autotetraploids and 156% in allotetraploids as compared to diploid controls

    Coherency strain and its effect on ionic conductivity and diffusion in solid electrolytes - An improved model for nanocrystalline thin films and review of experimental data

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    A phenomenological and analytical model for the influence of strain effects on atomic transport in columnar thin films is presented. A model system consisting of two types of crystalline thin films with coherent interfaces is assumed. Biaxial mechanical strain ε0 is caused by lattice misfit of the two phases. The conjoined films consist of columnar crystallites with a small diameter l. Strain relaxation by local elastic deformation, parallel to the hetero-interface, is possible along the columnar grain boundaries. The spatial extent δ0 of the strained hetero-interface regions can be calculated, assuming an exponential decay of the deformation-forces. The effect of the strain field on the local ionic transport in a thin film is then calculated by using the thermodynamic relation between (isostatic) pressure and free activation enthalpy ΔG#. An expression describing the total ionic transport relative to bulk transport of a thin film or a multilayer as a function of the layer thickness is obtained as an integral average over strained and unstrained regions. The expression depends only on known material constants such as Young modulus Y, Poisson ratio ν and activation volume ΔV#, which can be combined as dimensionless parameters. The model is successfully used to describe own experimental data from conductivity and diffusion studies. In the second part of the paper a comprehensive literature overview of experimental studies on (fast) ion transport in thin films and multilayers along solid–solid hetero-interfaces is presented. By comparing and reviewing the data the observed interface effects can be classified into three groups: (i) transport along interfaces between extrinsic ionic conductors (and insulator), (ii) transport along an open surface of an extrinsic ionic conductor and (iii) transport along interfaces between intrinsic ionic conductors. The observed effects in these groups differ by about five orders of magnitude in a very consistent way. The modified interface transport in group (i) is most probably caused by strain effects, misfit dislocations or disordered transition regions