247 research outputs found

    Development of algorithm for improved maze navigation

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    Autonomous navigation is a crucial technology that helps a mobile robot to move independently and navigating through unknown areas that are impossible for human to venture due to limitation of physical abilities or even danger that may threaten life. By solving a maze, the algorithms and behaviour of the robot can be studied and improved. This paper describes the development of algorithm for improved maze navigation and it is a continuation on a previous project. Detection of walls and opening in the maze were accomplished using ultrasonic range-finders. The robot will be able to learn the maze, find all possible routes and solve it using the shortest one

    Facial Soft Tissue Changes after Maxillary Impaction and Mandibular Advancement in High Angle Class II Cases

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    The aim of this study was to determine the vertical and anteroposterior alterations in the soft, the dental and the skeletal tissues associated with the facial profile after Le Fort I maxillary impaction in conjunction with sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular advancement performed in patients with a high angle Class II skeletal deformity

    Real-time, in situ monitoring of surface reactions during plasma passivation of GaAs

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    Real-time, in situ observations of surface chemistry during the remote plasma passivation of GaAs is reported herein. Using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the relative concentrations of -As-O, -As-H, -H2O, and -CH2 bonds are measured as a function of exposure to the effluent from a microwave discharge through NH3, ND3, H2, and D2. The photoluminescence intensity (PL) from the GaAs substrate is monitored simultaneously and used qualitatively to estimate the extent of surface state reduction. It was found that, while the -CHx(x = 2,3) and -As-O concentrations are reduced rapidly, the rates at which the -As-H concentration and the PL intensity increase are relatively slow. The concentration of -H2O on the GaAs surface increases throughout the process as surface arsenic oxides and the silica reactor walls are reduced by atomic hydrogen. These observations suggest that removal of elemental As by reaction with H at the GaAs–oxide interface limits the passivation rate

    Low dielectric constant Parylene-F-like films for intermetal dielectric applications

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We report on the dielectric properties and thermal stability of thin polymer films that art: suitable candidates for replacing silicon dioxide as the intermetal dielectric material in integrated circuits. Parylene-F-Iike films, (-CF2-C6H4-CF2-)(n), were produced by plasma deposition from a mixture of Ar and 1,4-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzene (CF3-C6H4-CF3) discharges and characterized using infrared absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and capacitance measurements. The dielectric constant and the magnitude of the electronic and ionic contributions to the dielectric constant were determined through capacitance measurements and Kramers-Kronig analysis of the infrared absorption data. The film's dielectric constant ranges between 2 and 2.6 depending on the deposition conditions and the largest contribution to the dielectric constant is electronic. The films deposited at 300 degrees C are stable above 400 degrees C and further optimization could push this limit to as high as 500 degrees C. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics

    Public use of reason in a comparative perspective : John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This thesis analyzes public use of reason in a comparative perspective concerning John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas’s approaches. Public reason is important in constitutional democracies to define the relations between the state and the citizens and their relations to each other. Rawls and Habermas are known to provide major concepts in deliberative democracy. Their interpretations of similar concepts and their evaluation of similar ideas brings them to a fruitful debate concerning the future of deliberative democracy in general. In this thesis the idea of public reason is presented from the point of view of John Rawls. The philosophical roots of the idea of public reason are examined. Habermas’s insights concerning public use of reason is analyzed. Finally the debate between Rawls and Habermas concerning the idea of public reason is presented. This thesis aims to indicate the importance of public reason in the context of democratic thought. It also analyzes an important debate that might contribute to new developments in the future of theory of deliberative democracy. In conclusion this thesis argues that in a pluralistic society public use of reason enables us to reach a legitimate ground for deliberative democracy without lapsing into politics of interest and power politics.Aydil, İsmailM.S

    Development of algorithm for improved maze navigation

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    Autonomous navigation is a crucial technology that helps a mobile robot to move independently and navigating through unknown areas that are impossible for human to venture due to limitation of physical abilities or even danger that may threaten life. By solving a maze, the algorithms and behaviour of the robot can be studied and improved. This paper describes the development of algorithm for improved maze navigation and it is a continuation on a previous project. Detection of walls and opening in the maze were accomplished using ultrasonic range-finders. The robot will be able to learn the maze, find all possible routes and solve it using the shortest one

    Carotidynia: Similar Clinical Picture, Different Radiological Findings

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    Carotidynia is an unusual condition that is characterized by pain at the carotid artery bifurcation without any abnormality except for tenderness on palpation. The independent existence of this entity is generally doubted. Recently, some radiological and histological clues to this disease have been reported. Although the exact cause of carotidynia is unknown it is thought that this entity is a self-limiting inflammatory process and may be a subset of vasculitis. Treatment is conservative and anti-inflammatory drugs are effective. In this paper, we report three carotidynia patients with similar clinical features but different radiological findings

    Ammonia plasma passivation of GaAs in downstream microwave and radio-frequency parallel plate plasma reactors

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    The poor electronic properties of the GaAs surface and GaAs–insulator interfaces, generally resulting from large density of surface/interface states, have limited GaAs device technology. Room-temperature ammonia plasma (dry) passivation of GaAs surfaces, which reduces the surface state density, is investigated as an alternative to wet passivation techniques. Plasma passivation is more compatible with clustered-dry processing which provides better control of the processing environment, and thus, improves interface integrity. Passivation was monitored in real-time and in situ using photoluminescence (PL). In addition, the passivated surfaces are inspected using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Passivation with two different plasma excitation methods, downstream microwave (2.45 GHz) and rf (13.56 MHz) parallel plate, are compared, and effects of operating parameters such as pressure, flow rate, and power are examined. In both methods plasma-generated H atoms reduce the surface state density by removing excess As and As2O3 during the first few seconds of the plasma exposure. This step is followed by formation of Ga2O3 which takes place on a longer time scale (5–10 min). While the final passivation result appears to be similar for both methods, surface damage by ion bombardment competes with passivation in the parallel plate method, reduces the PL yield and adversely affects the long term stability of the passivated surface. Although it is common to heat the sample during passivation, we show that NH3 plasma passivation is possible at room temperature without heating. Low-temperature processing is important since passivation can be done at the end of device processing when it is undesirable to expose the device to elevated temperatures. The absence of ion bombardment damage combined with efficient generation of H atoms in the downstream microwave treatment, make this scheme a preferred dry passivation process, which could be easily and inexpensively clustered with existing GaAs processes


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan implementasi PPLP dalam menunjang prestasi olahraga di Provinsi Bengkulu. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah implementasi PPLP dalam menunjang prestasi olahraga di Provinsi Bengkulu. Sumber data penelitian ini meliputi pelatih, atlet, pembina PPLP, serta dokumen-dokumen. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah PPLP Provinsi Bengkulu, sampel yang diteliti cabang olahraga Gulat, Tinju, Atletik, Karate, Angkat Besi dan DISPORA Provinsi Bengkulu. Dari data yang diperoleh maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa, 1) pembuatan program latihan dan perekrutan atlet sudah berjalan dengan baik, tetapi tidak didukung dengan sarana dan pra sarana yang memadai, 2) PPLP memiliki pelatih yang professional, meningkatnya prestasi olahraga dibeberapa cabor dan berkurangnya jumlah atlet dan cabang olahraga tertentu karena terdegradasi. 3) pelaksanaan proses latihan dilakukan setiap hari dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan para atlet. 4) sumber pendanaan di PPLP Provinsi Bengkulu semua nya berasal dari APBN

    Three-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography for diagnosis of keratocystic odontogenic tumours: evaluation of four cases

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    The keratocystic odontogenic tumour (KCOT), formerly known as the odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a benign intraosseous lesion that derives from remnants of the dental lamina. Due to its characteristics, clinical and histopathological features and various treatment approaches, this pathology is different comparing with other odontogenic cysts. Radiographically the KCOT appears as well-defined unilocular or multilocular radiolucency with thin radiopaque borders. In most cases, conventional radiographic imaging, such as panoramic views and intraoral periapical films, are adequate to determine the location and estimate the size of an KCOT. However, the clinical use for cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in oral and maxillofacial surgery increases and provides additional information about the contents and borders of the large lesions. In the present cases, the diagnostic performances of CBCT versus panoramic radiograph for four KCOTs were evaluated. It was concluded that appearance of lesions in the maxillofacial region could be better documented in the correct dimensions by CBCT versus panoramic radiograph