478 research outputs found
Poważne powikłanie u osób z uszkodzonym rdzeniem kręgowym: neurogeniczna dysfunkcja pęcherza moczowego
The complications of neurogenic bladder which follows spinal cord injury include urinary infections, sepsis, hydronephrosis, urinary tract stones, structural deterioration of bladder and bladder cancers. If the care and treatment intended to prevent these complications are not performed, the quality of life and environmental and social compliance of the patient are declined, and it can result with serious mortality and morbidity. Therefore, rehabilitation of neurogenic bladder should begin immediately after the injury in individuals with spinal cord injury, the patient and his family should be informed and educated adequately and the patient should be followed up for a lifetime. With proper management, urinary continence can be safely achieved and renal deterioration can be effectively prevented. (JNNN 2015;4(1):35–39)Powikłania neurogenicznej dysfunkcji pęcherza moczowego będącej następstwem urazów rdzenia kręgowego to zakażenia dróg moczowych, sepsa, wodonercze, kamica układu moczowego, pogorszenie strukturalne oraz nowotwory pęcherza moczowego. Brak opieki i leczenia mającego na celu uniknięcie powyższych komplikacji powoduje, że jakość życia oraz warunki środowiskowe i społeczne pogarszają się, co prowadzi do poważnych stanów chorobowych, a nawet śmierci. Rehabilitacja pęcherza z dysfunkcją neurogeniczną u osób z uszkodzonym rdzeniem kręgowym musi zacząć się zaraz po urazie. Pacjent oraz jego rodzina powinni zostać poinformowani i odpowiednio przeszkoleni. Pacjent powinien być monitorowany przez całe jego życie. Dzięki odpowiedniej opiece można nie tylko uniknąć pogorszenia czynności nerek, ale również bezpiecznie osiągnąć kontynencję. (PNN 2015;4(1):35–39
Characterisation of aluminium industrial wastewater and investigation of recovery alternatives
Aluminium industry is one of the largest sectors and wastewater generated from this industry could cause crucial environmental problems due to its high heavy metal concentration and conductivity. Therefore, this study aims to determine the characterisation of the wastewater discharged from the two aluminium facilities by considering water recovery potential. While Facility-A produces stainless steel kitchenware, such as pots and pans, In Facility-B, anodised coating takes place from secondary aluminium and wastewater is generated from the units where anodised coating baths and control processes are carried out. For the analyses, the wastewater composite samples from different sections, such as washing, sand-blasting and dyeing in Facility-A were taken in 2 and 24 hours. In Facility-B, three 2-hour composite influent water samples and an effluent sample from chemical wastewater treatment were taken to determine conductivity, pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), etc. As a result of the analyses made, a high value of TSS was detected at all sampling points in Facility-A. It was also seen that the conductivity after demineralisation process in Facility-A was below 30. In Facility-B, it was determined that while the pH obtained from two influent samples was below the discharge limits and showed acidic characteristics, one sample was very basic with a pH value of 12.19 and exceeds the upper limit of discharge. All influent samples in Facility-B show high TSS content in comparison with discharge limits specified in the regulation
Continuous processing of images through user sketched functional blocks
Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and Information Sciences and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent Univ. , 1988.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1988.Includes bibliographical references leaves 59.An object oriented user interface is developed for interacting with and
processing images. The software prepared for this purpose includes image
processing functions as well as user friendly interaction tools both of a lower
level such as menus, panels, windows and a higher level such as a schematics.
The lower level utilities provide direct interface with the available image
processing functions. At the higher level, the nodes of the schematics serve
as image processing function instantiations and the arcs are the paths through
which processed images flow. By constructing such a schematics, a complex
set of operations can be applied to images continuously.Kaya, AydınM.S
Stan odżywienia pacjentów Neurochirurgicznego Oddziału Intensywnej Opieki Medycznej
Neurosurgical patients present important metabolic alterations that trigger increased energy and protein expenditure. The clinical condition in neuro patients associated with the use of sedatives, steroids, barbiturates and muscle-relaxing drugs postpones the use of nutrients in these patients and, thus, complications, including infection and longer hospitalization, may occur. Weight loss, negative nitrogen balance and immune dysfunction constitute a characteristic response in neurosurgical patients. There is a strong relationship between adequate nutritional status and recovery from critical illness. Improved nutritional status is associated with positive clinical outcomes. The health care team, nurses in particular, play a major role in the management and maintenance of an optimal nutritional status in patients who are in the neurosurgical clinic. This compilation aims at highlighting the fact that inadequate nutrition is a serious problem which increases incidence of morbidity and mortality especially in neurosurgical patients. The article also emphasises the importance of nursing assessment. (JNNN 2017;6(1):33–38)U pacjentów Neurochirurgicznego Oddziału Intensywnej Opieki Medycznej występują istotne zmiany metaboliczne, które powodują zwiększone wydatkowanie energii i białka. Neurochirurgiczny stan kliniczny w wyniku stosowania środków uspokajających, steroidów, barbituranów i leków zwiotczających mięśnie opóźnia wykorzystanie składników pokarmowych w tej grupie pacjentów, a zatem mogą wystąpić powikłania, w tym infekcje i dłuższa hospitalizacja. Utrata masy ciała, ujemny bilans azotu i dysfunkcja układu odpornościowego stanowią charakterystyczną odpowiedź u pacjentów neurochirurgicznych. Istnieje silny związek pomiędzy odpowiednim stanem odżywienia i regeneracją po chorobie krytycznej. Dobry stan odżywienia jest związany z pozytywnymi wynikami klinicznymi. Zespół opieki zdrowotnej, w szczególności pielęgniarki, odgrywają ważną rolę w utrzymaniu optymalnego stanu odżywienia u pacjentów neurochirurgicznych. Przegląd ten ma na celu podkreślenie, że przeciętny stan odżywienia jest poważnym problemem w kontekście zwiększonej zachorowalności i śmiertelności, zwłaszcza u pacjentów neurochirurgicznych. Artykuł zwraca również uwagę na duże znaczenie oceny pielęgniarskiej. (PNN 2017;6(1):33–38
Investigation of the Yeast and Mould Floras in Some Ground Spices
In this study, yeast and mould floras of 60 spices samples that werecollected from different places of Diyarbakır have been investigated. Theyeast spices as Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger and mouldspices as Candida tropicalis and C. albicans have been commonly isolatedfrom the spices samples.The ratios of yeast contamination in the samples of black pepper,cumin, allspice, ground hot red pepper, flaked pepper (red) and flakedpepper (black), investigated in this study, have been found as % 70, % 80,% 90, % 90, % 60 and % 30 respectively. As a result of high amount ofyeast contamination in spices samples, it is thought that there is a high riskof aflatoxin presence.Using the good and hygienically producing techniques at the stages ofharvest, production, processing, storage and selling with decontaminationapplications as sterilization, microwave and irradiation become effectiveeither in to prove the microbiological quality of the spices and eliminatingof the probable aflatoxin risk due to highly yeast contamination
Evaluation of the effect of biography works on the development of self-confidence of secondary school students
Araştırmada, biyografi eserlerinin ortaokul öğrencilerinin öz güven duygusunun gelişimine etkisinin olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Karma araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan açımlayıcı sıralı desen kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın nicel sürecinde, ön-test ve son-test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmış; nitel sürecinde ise yazılı görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma, ortaokul 6. sınıfta okuyan 20’si deney, 21’i ise kontrol grubunda olmak üzere 41 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. 8 haftalık uygulama süreci olan bu araştırmanın nicel verileri, Piers ve Harris tarafından geliştirilen, Öner (1996) ve Çataklı (1985) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanan Öz-Kavram Ölçeği (Öz Güven Ölçeği) ile; nitel verileri ise araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen yazılı görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel verileri, t-testi ve karışık ölçümler için iki yönlü ANOVA; nitel verileri ise içerik analiziyle çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmanın nicel analizi sonucunda biyografi kitapları okuyan deney grubu öğrencilerinin öz güven puanlarının diğer kitapları okuyan kontrol grubu öğrencilerinin öz güven puanlarına göre son-testte daha yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın nitel sonucunda ise öğrenciler, biyografi eserleri okuduktan sonra başarılı olma isteklerinin arttığını; azim, gurur ve mutluluk gibi duygularının oluştuğunu belirtmiştir. Ayrıca öğrenciler, ünlü kişilerin hayatlarından etkilenerek onlar gibi olmayı, çalışkan ve tanınır olmayı, pes etmemeyi, başarıya giden yolda engelleri ortadan kaldırmayı istediklerini ve biyografi eserleri okuduktan sonra öz güvenlerinin arttığını ifade etmişlerdir.In the research, it was examined whether biography works have an effect on the development of secondary school students' sense of self-confidence. Explanatory sequential design, which is one of the mixed research methods, was used. In this context, quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test control groups was used in the quantitative process of the research; In the qualitative process, written interviews were conducted. The research was carried out with 41 students, 20 of whom were in the experimental group and 21 of them were in the control group, who were in the 6th grade of secondary school. The quantitative data of this research, which has an 8-week implementation period, were obtained with the “Self-Concept Scale (Self- Confidence Scale)” developed by Piers and Harris and adapted into Turkish by Öner (1996) and Çataklı (1985); Qualitative data were collected with a semi- structured interview form developed by the researcher. With the quantitative data of the study, t-test and two-way ANOVA for mixed measures; qualitative data were analyzed through content analysis. As a result of the quantitative analysis of the research, it was determined that the self-confidence scores of the experimental group students who read the biography books were higher in the post-test than the self-confidence scores of the control group students who read the other books. As a qualitative result of the research, students stated that their desire to be successful increased after reading biographies; stated that they have feelings such as determination, pride and happiness. In addition, students stated that they wanted to be like them by being influenced by the lives of famous people, to be hardworking and known, not to give up, to remove obstacles on the way to success, and their self-confidence increased after reading biographies
Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentami neurochirurgicznymi z długotrwałą gorączką
Fever negatively affects the recovery of the brain following neurosurgical operation and prolongs the length of stay in the neurosurgery intensive care unit. Accordingly, it is necessary to deliver nursing care as indicated by the evidence regarding the management of fever in neurosurgical patients. The management of body temperature requires teamwork. Each healthcare professional in the team should select appropriate cooling methods, provide an acceptable cooling rate, manage shivering, and monitor the patient closely, with a multidisciplinary perspective. In this context, the present article discusses the causes of fever, its incidence, treatment and care practices for neurosurgical patients and proposes evidence-based recommendations for practice upon the review of the international guidelines. (JNNN 2020;9(2):80–85)Gorączka negatywnie wpływa na regenerację mózgu po operacji neurochirurgicznej i przedłuża pobyt pacjenta na oddziale intensywnej terapii neurochirurgicznej. Z tego powodu konieczne jest zapewnienie opieki pielęgniarskiej zgodnej z zasadami postępowania w przypadku pacjentów neurochirurgicznych z długotrwałą gorączką. Kontrola temperatury ciała pacjenta to praca zespołowa. Każdy pracownik służby zdrowia w tym zespole powinien dobrać odpowiednie dla pacjenta metody chłodzenia ciała, zapewnić odpowiednią szybkość chłodzenia, kontrolować drżenia ciała i uważnie monitorować pacjenta z wielodyscyplinarnej perspektywy. W tym kontekście w artykule omówiono przyczyny gorączki, jej objawy oraz praktyki leczenia i opieki nad pacjentami neurochirurgicznymi, w oparciu o międzynarodowe wytyczne i zalecenia dotyczące praktyki pielęgniarskiej. (PNN 2020;9(2):80–85
An investigation of postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors
Introduction: Postpartum period which contains important changes in the woman’s and newborn’s life, WHO recommends monitoring the mother and newborn in health care system, encouraging breastfeeding, monitoring the newborn’s development, and supporting and empowering parents about newborn care.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify postpartum mothers’ readiness for hospital discharge and the affecting factors. Method and material: The study was conducted with 190 mothers who gave birth between May and July, 2014 in a Maternity and Children Hospital located in Mersin. The data were collected through the Identification Form developed by the researcher in line with the related literature and Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale-Postpartum Mother Form (RHDS-PMF).Results: Of all the participants, 84.7% were ready for discharge, 69.4% received information from midwives or nurses about their own care, and 68.7% received information about the baby’s care. Mean scores for the participants’ Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale was found 50.47±12.16 for Personal State, 45.08±12.33 for Knowledge, 21.0±75.68 for Ability, 28.13± 8.91 for Expected Support and 144.76±30.15 for total score. The scores were found to be significantly higher for mothers who reported to be ready for discharge, who stated to have received information about their own care and the baby’s care, who were multiparous, and who would receive support for their care and the baby’s care after hospital discharge (p<0.05).Conclusion: Majority of the participants in this study were found to be ready for hospital discharge and factors affecting readiness for hospital discharge were identifed as informing mothers about their care and the baby’s care after delivery, mothers’ being multiparous, and receiving support about their care and the baby’s care after hospital discarge
Evaluation of the effects of Kemalettin Tuğcu's works on middle school students' sense of compassion
Bu araştırmada, Kemalettin Tuğcu’nun eserlerinin ortaokul öğrencilerinin merhamet duygusu üzerine etkisinin olup olmadığının incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, deneysel desenlerden olan tek gruplu ön test – son test desen ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu, 7. sınıfta öğrenim gören 15 kadın; 14 erkek olmak üzere toplamda 29 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. 10 haftalık uygulama süreci bulunan araştırmada, öğrencilere Kemalettin Tuğcu’nun 8 farklı eseri okutulmuştur. Araştırmanın verileri Nas ve Sak (2020) tarafından geliştirilen, 20 maddeden oluşan Merhamet Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde, SPSS 20 paket programı kullanılarak öncelikle verilerin normallik varsayımlarına bakılmış daha sonra da ön test-son test karşılaştırılması için bağımlı (ilişkili) ve bağımsız (ilişkisiz) gruplar için t-Testi analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre Kemalettin Tuğcu’nun eserlerinin öğrencilerin merhamet duyguları üzerinde anlamlı olarak farklılaştığı görülürken; cinsiyet değişkeni üzerinde anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı tespit edilmiştir.In this research, it is aimed to examine whether Kemalettin Tuğcu's works have an effect on secondary school students' sense of compassion. The research was designed with a single-group pretest-posttest design, which is one of the experimental designs. The study group of the research consisted of 15 women studying in the 7th grade; It consists of 29 students in total, 14 of which are boys. In the study, which had a 10-week implementation period, 8 different works of Kemalettin Tuğcu were read to the students. The data of the research were collected with the Compassion Scale, which was developed by Nas and Sak (2020) and consists of 20 items. In the analysis of the data obtained from the research, first of all, the normality assumptions of the data were examined by using the SPSS 20 package program, and then t-Test analysis was performed for the dependent (related) and independent (unrelated) groups for the pretest-posttest comparison. According to the results obtained from the research, it was seen that Kemalettin Tuğcu's works differed significantly on students' feelings of compassion; It was determined that there was no significant difference on the gender variable
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