924 research outputs found

    Fonksiyonel KademelendirilmiƟ Al-SicKompozit Malzemelerin Termal ƞok Etkisi Altında Mekanik Özelliklerinin Ä°ncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik TĂŒrk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada balistik amaçlı geliƟtirilen fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiƟ malzemelerin (FGM) basma testi altındaki Ɵekilsel ve mekanik davranÄ±ĆŸÄ± inlenmiƟtir. Al-SiC karÄ±ĆŸÄ±mından oluƟan bu malzemelerden n=0.1, n=1 ve n=10 değerlerine sahip olanlar deneysel çalÄ±ĆŸmalarda kullanılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu malzemelerden bir seri, direk olarak basma testine tabi tutulmuƟ ve bunların mekanik değerlerine ve hasar Ɵekillerine bakılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Diğer bir seri ise 550 C’den 0 C’ye ani olarak soğutularak (termal Ɵok), önce makro incelemeye tabi tutulmuƟ daha sonra yine bu numunelerede basma testi uygulanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Elde edilen sonuçlar FGM’lerin basma testi altında farklı n değerlerinde farklı yapıda Ɵekil değiƟtirdiğini, termal Ɵokların ise basma dayanımını artırıcı, Ɵekil değiƟtirme kabiliyetini azaltıcı etki ortaya koyduğunu göstermektedir.In this study, structural and mechanical behavior of the functional graded materials which developed for ballistic was examined under compression test. The materials which have Al-SiC mixing and value of n=0.1, n=1 and n=10, have been used in experimental studies. A series of these pruducts were subjected to compression test directly, and these mechanical values and damage forms was examined. And the other series of macro wiev was investigate and then was applied to compression test after thermal shocking from 550 C to 0 C. The obtained results show that the functional graded materials presents different mechanical behaviour under different n value. Thermal shocks introduced the increasing affect to compression strenght and decreasing affect to shape changing ability

    9th Grade Students' Learning of Designing an Incubator through Instruction Based on Engineering Design Tasks

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    In this study, a STEM activity was designed in which 9th-grade students can complete the task of making incubators by overcoming the difficulties they face in the engineering design process. This activity has been handled in the context of energy conversion and prepared based on the engineering design process consisting of 9 stages. The activity was applied to 34 (19 females and 15 males) 9th-grade students studying at a public school in the Eastern Black Sea Region in Turkey in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. This application took 7 lesson hours (7x40 minutes) in total. At each stage of the engineering design process, students worked like an engineer and scientists by collaboratively conducting scientific research and inquiry. Throughout the process, students were confronted with several difficulties, given the time and opportunity to help them develop STEM literacy. More importantly, the students had the opportunity to experience a STEM activity by putting the steps of the engineering design process into practice

    The place and significance of Kizzuwatna in Hittite state

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    DĂŒnya tarihini inceleyenler için Anadolu'nun çok özel bir yeri olduğu görĂŒlmektedir. Eskiçağ dĂŒnyasında Anadolu, her zaman yerleƟilen, yurt edinilen, çevresindeki kĂŒltĂŒrlerden etkilenen ve onları etkileyen değerli bir yaƟam alanı olmuƟtur. Anadolu, coğrafi konumu ve ekonomik yönden taĆŸÄ±dığı önem nedeniyle birçok uygarlığın geliƟtiği bir bölge olmuƟtur. Bu uygarlıklardan en önemlilerinden biri ve Anadolu'da ilk siyasi birliği kurmuƟ ve yarım asır boyunca burada hĂŒkĂŒm sĂŒrmĂŒĆŸ olan Hitit uygarlığıdır.Hitit Devleti, gerek diğer devletlere siyasi haklar tanıması bakımından, gerekse Hitit kralının icraatının bir meclis tarafından denetlenmesi bakımından tarihin en eski hukuk devletidir.Kizzuvatna tarihini incelediğimizde, Hitit Devleti ile eƟitlik esasına dayanan birçok antlaƟma yaptığı görĂŒlmektedir. Siyasi iliƟkilerinin yanı sıra kĂŒltĂŒrel açıdan Hititleri oldukça etkileyen Kizzuvatna'nın, Mezopotamya kĂŒltĂŒrĂŒnĂŒ Hitit Devleti'ne aktarmÄ±ĆŸ olduğunu Ă¶ÄŸrenmekteyiz. ÇalÄ±ĆŸmamızda Hitit metinlerinde sözĂŒ edilen Kizzuvatna Ülkesi ile ilgili metin yerleri ve bu ĂŒlke ile ilgili bilgi veren diğer kaynaklar incelenerek bir bĂŒtĂŒn halinde sunulmaya çalÄ±ĆŸÄ±lmÄ±ĆŸtır ve Hitit Devleti için bu ĂŒlkenin önemi ortaya konulmaya çalÄ±ĆŸÄ±lmÄ±ĆŸtır.It is seen that Anatolia has an important place for the scholars who study the World History. In the ancient world, Anatolia which is not only affected by the cultures around but also affecting the cultures around, has always had a precious place. Anatolia has always been a region where many civilizations have arisen due to its geographical position and economical significance. One of the most important of these cultures is the Hittite civilization which established the first political unity in Anatolia through half a century.The Hittite State is the oldest constitutional government of history in terms of both according right to other states and the inspection of the Hittite king by a council. When analyzing the history of Kizzuwatna, it can be seen that; there are many treaties between the two governments based on the principle of equality. On the other hand, it is understood that, besides the political relations in between, Kizzuwatna had also an important impact on Hittite Culture and it transferred the Mesopotamian cultural aspects to the Hittite State.In this thesis; the land of Kizzuwatna which was metinoned in Hittite texts and the places of them tried to be analyzed and presented as a whole by using also other sources in relation to this country

    The Data Representations of a Building Project: BIM Model, and IFC or IFCXML Data Standard

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    Building regulations in the construction industry are legal documents written in human language. These are interpreted and implemented by people and generally controlled by local governments. Traditional building regulation control and supervision methods emerge as a time-consuming and error-prone process for architects, engineers, and public authorities. Therefore, BIM\u27s effective building regulation control is considered a promising field of study in the construction industry. Automated Code Compliance Checking (ACCC) method is a rule-based method that provides simultaneous control of the computer’s building regulations. ACCC takes into account the characteristics of the building elements and related building regulations. BIM is recognized as the most effective platform for information exchange of building projects in the construction industry. It supports the development of various software. It facilitates automated or semi-automated ACCC of the building projects for compliance with building regulations and standards for the participants involved in the building production process. The data of the building project are represented in two ways in the ACCC. These are BIM Model, and IFC or IFCXML Data Standard. In this study, the BIM, IFC, and IFCXML representations of the building project data were explained over the sample housing project in the ACCC process

    The impact of economic crisis on agricultural macroeconmic variables in turkey for the period of 1980-2008.

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    This study explores the impact of the economic crisis on the agricultural sector of Turkey. The data used covers the period of 1980-2008. This study employs some agricultural macro variables namely, gross value added of the agricultural sector, quantity index of agricultural export and import values, relative prices of agricultural goods and the reel exchange rate. The framework of the analysis is a five variables VAR model. Via this VAR model the study try to assess the impact of the economic crisis that occurred after the 1980’s on the agricultural sector of Turkey. Applying the VAR model a robust relationship is found between agricultural GDP, import, export, relative prices and exchange rates. The assessment of the effect of the economic crisis is being captured by adding a dummy variable to the model. The results show that there is no robust relationship between agricultural GDP and the indicator of the years of the (dummy) crisis. Moreover, there seems to be a positive relationship between the dummy and agricultural export and exchange rate while a negative one between import and relative prices.Economic Crisis, VAR, Agricultural Macro-Variables, Turkey

    The acute effect of static stretching between sets on the number of repetitions performance in resistance training

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    Rest interval between sets in resistance exercises is an important variable that influence on the training volume. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of static stretching on the number of repetitions for three consecutive sets upper and lower body exercises. Nine trained men (age: 21,78 2,49 years; height: 171,5 4,62 cm; weight: 73,98 6,62 kg; body fat percentage: 11,1 3,95 %) completed three sets push down and leg extension exercises with 10 repetition maximum, %60 of 1 repetition maximum and %85 of 1 repetition maximum load. Participants took part static stretching and non-stretching conditions that was done on counterbalance. The results of this study demonstrated that the number of repetitions significantly decreased after static stretching for both exercises at all intensities. When compared the two conditions, the number of repetitions after static stretching on set 2 and set 3  was significantly lower than the set 1 for push down exercise at all intensities. However, for leg extension exercise at 10 repetition maximum intensity on set 2 was significantly lower than the set 1 and at %85 of 1 repetition maximum intensity on set 2 and set 3 significantly lower than the set 1. There is no significant difference for leg extension exercise between groups at %60 of 1 repetition maximum intensity. In conclusion, this study indicated that static stretching between consecutive sets has negative effect on the number of repetitions for push down and leg extension exercises. Therefore static stretching should be avoided during the rest period between sets when performing the push down and leg extension exercises


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    In the title compound, C26H28FN5O3, the morpholine ring adopts a chair conformation. The piperazine ring is puckered [Q T = 0.5437 (15) Å, Ξ = 8.89 (15) and ϕ = 357.2 (11)°]. The 1,6-dihydro­pyridazine ring makes dihedral angles of 28.03 (7) and 77.46 (7)° with the phenyl and benzene rings, respectively. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked along the c axis by C—H⋯O inter­actions and are flattened parallel to the ac plane. C–Hâ‹ŻÏ€ inter­actions also contribute to the stability of the structure

    Intrasellar arachnoid cyst: A case report and review of the literature

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    AbstractIntroductionArachnoid cysts (ACs) are frequently found on intracranial imaging studies but intrasellar arachnoid cysts are rarely encountered.Presentation of caseWe present a 49-year old patient who had headaches for 6 months and cystic sellar mass was found in his cranial imaging. We operated him by transnasal transsphenoidal route. Our intraoperative diagnosis was an arachnoid cyst and pathologic studies verified our observation. He did well postoperatively and after a 1year follow-up he was left free from future follow-ups.DiscussionAs common cystic lesions occupying the sellar region can simulate ACs both clinically and radiologically, neurosurgeon can fail to include ACs in making the initial diagnosis preoperatively.ConclusionAlthough a rare entity, arachnoid cysts should be considered in the differential diagnosis of sellar region

    A Comparison of Acrylamide Contents of Some Nuts Produced Organically and Conventionally

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    Acrylamide is a carcinogenic and neurotoxic compound defined as a heat treatment process contaminant. Due to its health concern, acrylamide formation needed to be minimized. The objective of this study is to examine how much acrylamide is contained in dried almonds (Prunus dulcis), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), pistachios (Pistacia vera), peanuts (Arachishypogaea), sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus) as well as pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo) that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes. Frequently and regularlyconsumed nuts - comprising 180 samples that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes - were studied with UHPLC-MS/MS approach in Turkey. Substantial disparities were statistically found (P<0.05) between the almond, pistachio, peanut and sunflower seed variations that have been cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes. Conversely, no considerable difference could be found among the variations of hazelnut and pumpkin seeds. It could be observed that the average concentrations of acrylamide in the nuts cultivated via organically-certified and conventional processes were 1.68 ng ml(-1) and 266.14 ng ml(-1) in almonds, 7.90 ng ml-1 and 6.68 ng ml(-1) in hazelnuts, 4.86 ng ml(-1) and 9.95 ng ml(-1) in pistachios, 14.09 ng ml(-1) and 36.27 ng ml(-1) in peanuts, 5.96 ng ml(-1) and 4.54 ng ml(-1) in pumpkin seeds correspondingly. The amount of acrylamide was not ascertained in organically-certified sunflower seeds, while in conventional sunflower seeds, the amount was 16.92 ng ml(-1). According to the generally-accepted theory, the production of acrylamide is attributed to the Maillard reaction that takes place during the processing and preparation of high-temperature foods. The data obtained show that consumers should be informed more accurately about the food safety of organic nuts. The effects of organically produced nuts on acrylamide intake from food in daily consumption should also be taken into account. In order to prevent or reduce the formation of acrylamide compounds in organic nuts and to monitor them more effectively, extensive studies should be carried out and food heat treatment methods should be optimized

    EUROCONTROL Üyesi Avrupa Hava SeyrĂŒsefer Hizmet Sağlayıcı KuruluƟları Etkinlik Değerlerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi

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    Amaç – Bu araƟtırmanın amacı EUROCONTROL (Avrupa Hava SeyrĂŒsefer Emniyeti TeƟkilatı) ĂŒyesi ĂŒlkelerin hava sahalarında vermekle yĂŒkĂŒmlĂŒ oldukları hava trafik kontrol, havacılık bilgi yönetimi, SLOT uygulamaları vb. hizmetleri karĆŸÄ±larken kurumsal performanslarını karĆŸÄ±laƟtırmalı olarak analiz etmektir. Yöntem – ÇalÄ±ĆŸmada EUROCONTROL ĂŒyesi 37 ĂŒlkenin göreli etkinlik değerleri Veri Zarflama Analizi Yöntemi ile hesaplanmÄ±ĆŸtır. 2018 yılı verilerini içeren EUROCONTROL yayınlarından alınan veriler Ä±ĆŸÄ±ÄŸÄ±nda; kurum giderleri, operasyon bağlantılı personel, destek personeli sayısı girdi olarak; kurum gelirleri, tĂŒmleƟik uçuƟ saatleri çıktı ve yaƟanan gecikme değerleri istenmeyen çıktı olarak alınmÄ±ĆŸtır. Veri analizinde girdi odaklı CCR yöntemi kullanılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bulgular – Yapılan analiz sonucunda ilgili kurumların ortalama etkinlik değerleri %91 olarak hesaplanmÄ±ĆŸ, 12 Hava SeyrĂŒsefer Hizmet Sağlayıcı (HSS - ANSP) kuruluƟ etkin olarak tespit edilmiƟtir. Etkinlik sınırının altında kalan kuruluƟlar için girdi ve çıktılarda yapılması gereken iyileƟtirilmeler tespit edilmiƟ, her ĂŒlke kuruluƟu için ilgili değerler belirtilmiƟtir. TartÄ±ĆŸma – Uluslararası yasalar ve standartlara göre her ĂŒlke kendi hava sahasında monopol olarak hizmet veren HSS kuruluƟları; yoğun rekabet ortamındaki diğer operasyonel alanlar havayolları ve havalimanlarına göre kurumsal yapılanma ve iƟ modeli geliƟtirmekte nispeten daha geç kalmÄ±ĆŸtır. Her geçen gĂŒn artan uçuƟ sayıları dikkate alınarak, HSS hizmetlerinin daha etkin ve gĂŒvenli olarak verilebilmesi için, devlet kontrolĂŒ ile verilen kamu hizmeti, özelleƟtirme, ƟirketleƟme, kamu-özel iƟ birliği vb. modellerin ilgili kurumlar ĂŒzerinde uygulanmaya baƟlanmasıyla yönetim ve iƟ modelleri açısından da farklılaƟma baƟlamÄ±ĆŸtır. Böylece aynı kural ve standartlara bağlı, uluslararası sözleƟmeler ile aynı yĂŒkĂŒmlĂŒlĂŒklere tĂąbi kuruluƟlar arasında operasyonel, idari ve yönetimsel farklılaƟmalar oluƟmaya baƟlamÄ±ĆŸtır. Etkinlik değerinin altında kalan HSS kuruluƟlarının öncelikle havacılık açısından bĂŒyĂŒk bir mali kayıp olan gecikme (Delay) oranını dĂŒĆŸĂŒrmesi ve personel yapılanmalarını yeniden dĂŒzenlemesi gerektiği gözlenmektedir
