329 research outputs found

    Examining Student Teachers’ Beliefs about Oral Corrective Feedback: Insights from a Teacher Education Program in Turkey

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    Teachers’ beliefs about language learning and teaching are largely shaped during pre-service teacher education. Although many empirical studies have analyzed various dimensions of how student teachers’ beliefs and practices are formed, the literature is scarce with the research on student teacher’s beliefs about oral corrective feedback. For the field of English language teaching, student teachers’ beliefs about correcting erroneous utterances count for their future instructional choices. Thus, as an uncharted territory of inquiry, this issue merits a scholarly attention. To this end, the present study investigated the stated beliefs and behaviors of 98 nonnative student teachers via various qualitative tools; an interview and a simulation offering 20 classroom situations. The results showed that although most student teachers held a constructivist belief in defining teaching, their oral corrective feedback strategies varied in terms of correcting errors that relate to language proficiency, language components and task type

    Climate change and biodiversity relations in the eastern Black Sea region

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    Turkey contains a great variety of natural habitats, ranging from Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Sea beaches to towering coastal and interior mountains, from deeply incised valleys to expensive steppes, from fertile alluvial plains to arid, rocky hillslopes. The richness in the diversity of habitats translates into richness in the biodiversity in Turkey. But, because of rapid human population growth (about 2.5% per year) and associated intensive or unwise utilization of natural resources and habitats the biodiversity of Turkey is deteriorating. Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey is rich in biodiversity compared to other regions. The east-west oriented, parallel ranges of the Northern Anatolian Mountains run in the southern part of the Eastern Black Sea. Climate change will significantly influence the biodiversity of the region according to future climate scenarios for the region. We used existing literature related to flora and future climate of the region and field observations done in the different times to assess biodiversity in the region. Future climate of the region has been predicted by the Dalfes et al. (2007) using RegCM3 regional climate model. The region has total of around 2500 plant species and 386 of them are endemic. High mountain areas in Artvin, Rize and Trabzon are the places rich in endemism. Eight of the endemics are in the critically endangered list of IUCN while 55 are in endangered list in the region. The numbers of total species in each city are 1219 for Artvin, 747 for Rize, 894 for Trabzon, 457 for Giresun and 301 for Ordu. Numbers of endemic species in each city are 119 for Artvin, 74 for Rize, 70 for Trabzon, 54 for Giresun and 19 for Ordu. According to future climate scenarios, the eastern part of the region will get 200-300 mm increases in precipitation, while the western part won't have any increase in precipitation in the next century. The temperatures will increase 2-4 °C in the region in the next century according to RegCM3 regional climate model. Both plant belts and tree line will change under the current climate scenarios for the region. The influence of these changes on diversity in the region will be important and will vary according to site conditions

    Soil respiration in apple orchards, poplar plantations and adjacent grasslands in Artvin, Turkey

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    In this study, influence of land-use type on soil respiration was investigated in poplar plantation, apple orchard (apple trees with understory grasses) and adjacent grassland sites in SeyitlerArea,Artvin, Turkey. Soil respiration was measured approximately monthly in three sampling plots in each land use type from January 2005 to November 2005 using the soda-lime technique. Mean daily soil respiration ranged from 0.63-3.59 g C m-2 d-1. Mean soil respiration in apple orchard, poplar plantation and grassland sites were 1.98, 1.45 and 1.12 g C m-2 d-1, respectively. Mean soil respiration wassignificantly greater in apple orchard than in poplar plantations and grasslands. Seasonal changes in soil respiration were related to soil moisture and temperature changes. Mean soil respiration rate correlated strongly with subsurface soil (15-35cm) pH (R = -0,73; p<0.05), sand content (R= 0.96, p<0.001), soil silt content (R= -0.75; p<0.05), soil clay content (R= -0,83; p<0.001) and organic matter content (R= 0,88; p<0.001). No significant correlations were observed between soil respiration and surface (0-15 cm) soil properties and root biomass. Overall, our results indicate that apple orchards with understory grasses have higher soil biological activity compared to poplar and grassland sites

    Shear strain related non-linear stochastic dynamic analysis of rock-fill dams

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    The effect of the non-linear material behavior of a rock-fill dam subjected to random loads is investigated by the equivalent linear method that considers the non-linear variation of soil shear moduli and damping ratios as a function of shear strain. The Keban dam constructed in Elazığ, Turkey is chosen as a numerical example. The interaction of the rock-fill dam with the reservoir is neglected, but not the foundation rock. The properties of the dam materials were taken from the dam project and assumed to be isotropic in the analysis. A stationary and ergodicity assumption are made for stochastic dynamic analysis. The E-W component of the Erzincan earthquake recorded on March 13, 1992, Erzincan, Turkey is chosen as a ground motion since it occurred nearby the dam site. The component considered is applied to the dam in the horizontal direction. The non-linear stochastic responses of the Keban dam are compared to its linear stochastic and deterministic response

    Fonksiyonel Kademelendirilmiş Sandviç Plakaların Balistik Darbe Yükü Altındaki Davranışı Üzerinde Farklı Seramik Bileşenlerinin

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2015Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2015Günümüzde de gelişen tehditler karşısında daha etkin balistik koruma sağlayacak hafif ve yüksek performanslı zırhların geliştirilmesi kritik bir ihtiyaç haline gelmiş ve bu sahadaki yeni malzeme arayışları seramik ön yüzlü kompozit zırhları ön plana çıkarmıştır. Katmanlı yapıya sahip bu plakalar yüksek mukavemetleri ve yüksek rijitlikleri nedeniyle balistik sistemlerde yaygın olarak kullanılırlar. Ancak, katmanlardaki malzeme özelliklerinin ani olarak değişmesi nedeniyle ara yüzeylerde yüksek gerilmeler meydana gelir ve bu gerilmeler de katmanlar arasında ayrılmalara (delaminasyon) neden olur. Bu olumsuz etkiler fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş malzemeler (FGM) kullanılarak azaltılabilir ya da ortadan kaldırılabilir. Bu çalışma ile farklı seramik bileşenlere sahip fonksiyonel kademelendirilmiş sandviç plakalarda balistik darbe yükleme altında meydana gelen hasar mekanizmaları ve deformasyonları deneysel olarak incelenmiştir.Today, the development of high-performance and light armors has become a critical requirement against emerging threats. The research for new materials in this field has brought ceramic-faced composite armors to the forefront. Layered composite structures are widely used in ballistic systems due to their high strength and high stiffness. An abrupt change in their material properties across an interface between discrete materials introduces large interlaminar stresses that could cause delamination. One way to overcome this adverse effect is to use a functionally graded material (FGM). The purpose of this study is to determine damage and deformation mechanisms of functionally graded sandwich plates, which have different ceramic components, under ballistic impact loads

    Türkiye ekonomisi: Kendi krizlerinden küresel finans krizine

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    2007 yılı ortalarında ABD’den yükselen istikrarsızlık dalgası, 2008 Kasımından itibaren, liberal kapitalist sistemin önemli bir bölümünü tesiri altına alan ağır bir finans krizine dönüşmüştür. Bir bütün olarak dünya ekonomisinde büyüme yavaşlarken enflasyon ve işsizlik artmıştır. 2000 yılı sonunda ve 2001 yılı başında peş peşe yaşadığı kendi finansal krizlerinin ardından yeni bir büyüme dalgası yakalayan Türkiye ekonomisinin, küresel finans krizini olabilecek en az hasarla atlattığı söylenebilir. Keza 2010 yılından itibaren kriz öncesi büyüme performansının yakalandığı görülmektedir. Ne var ki işsizlik sorunu ehemmiyetini korumaktadır; istihdam yaratmayan bir büyüme söz konusu olmaktadır. Diğer bir sorun, büyüme sürecinde cari işlemler açı- ğının artıyor olmasıdır

    Yetim proteinlerde ikincil yapı öngörüsü için eğitim kümesi indirgeme yöntemleri = Training set reduction methods for single sequence protein secondary structure prediction

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    Orphan proteins are characterized by the lack of significant sequence similarity to almost all proteins in the database. To infer the functional properties of the orphans, more elaborate techniques that utilize structural information are required. In this regard, the protein structure prediction gains considerable importance. Secondary structure prediction algorithms designed for orphan proteins (also known as single-sequence algorithms) cannot utilize multiple alignments or aligment profiles, which are derived from similar proteins. This is a limiting factor for the prediction accuracy. One way to improve the performance of a single-sequence algorithm is to perform re-training. In this approach, first, the models used by the algorithm are trained by a representative set of proteins and a secondary structure prediction is computed. Then, using a distance measure, the original training set is refined by removing proteins that are dissimilar to the initial prediction. This step is followed by the re-estimation of the model parameters and the prediction of the secondary structure. In this paper, we compare training set reduction methods that are used to re-train the hidden semi-Markov models employed by the IPSSP algorithm. We found that the composition based reduction method has the highest performance compared to the other reduction methods. In addition, threshold-based reduction performed bettern than the reduction technique that selects the first 80% of the dataset proteins

    Akademik performansı etkileyen stres kaynaklarının belirlenmesine yönelik bir alan çalışması

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    Job stress affects academicians in terms of performance, scientific production, job satisfaction and health. This effect may differ according to the academicians in the structure of the organization. It is possible to mention about positive stress if organization structure positively affects academician, but it is called negative stress if it negatively affects. Lack of fee and powers, injustice employee evaluation, not getting in return for work are important stress sources. In this study, some of the factors that affect stress levels (individual, organizational and physical environmental factors) of academicians (professors, associate professors and assistant professors) who work in Karadeniz Technical University are investigated by questionnaire method. The survey data is evaluated with Structural Equation Model (SEM) which is prepared in statistical package programs SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 16.0 and the results are revealed. As a result, factors effecting academic members' stress levels are determined as individual and organizational factors (p&lt;0,1). Thus, it is concluded that physical environmental factors such as noise, lightening and crowded place do not cause tension on academicianİş stresi &ouml;ğretim elemanlarını, performans, bilimsel &uuml;retim, iş doyumu ve sağlık a&ccedil;ısından etkilemektedir. Bu etki &ouml;ğretim elemanın i&ccedil;inde bulunduğu &ouml;rg&uuml;t&uuml;n yapısına g&ouml;re değişebilir. Eğer &ouml;rg&uuml;t yapısı &ouml;ğretim elemanını olumlu y&ouml;nde etkiliyorsa olumlu, olumsuz y&ouml;nde etkiliyorsa olumsuz stresten s&ouml;z etmek m&uuml;mk&uuml;nd&uuml;r. &Uuml;cret yetersizliği, yetkilerin az oluşu, personel değerlendirmesindeki adaletsizlik, &ccedil;alışmaların karşılığını alamamak gibi nedenler &ouml;nemli stres kaynakları olarak g&ouml;r&uuml;lmektedir. Bu &ccedil;alışmada Karadeniz Teknik &Uuml;niversitesi&rsquo;nde g&ouml;revli &ouml;ğretim &uuml;yelerinin (profes&ouml;r, do&ccedil;ent ve yardımcı do&ccedil;ent) stres d&uuml;zeylerine etki eden bazı fakt&ouml;rler (bireysel, &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel ve fiziksel &ccedil;evre fakt&ouml;rleri) anket y&ouml;ntemi ile araştırılmıştır. Anket verileri SPSS 16.0 ve AMOS 16.0 istatistik paket programlarında hazırlanan Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) ile değerlendirilerek sonu&ccedil;lar ortaya koyulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, &ouml;ğretim &uuml;yelerinin stres d&uuml;zeyleri &uuml;zerinde etkili olan fakt&ouml;rlerin bireysel ve &ouml;rg&uuml;tsel fakt&ouml;rler olduğu (p&lt;0,1) belirlenmiştir. Bu noktadan hareketle &ouml;ğretim &uuml;yelerinin g&uuml;r&uuml;lt&uuml;, aydınlatma ve kalabalık ortam gibi fiziksel &ccedil;evre fakt&ouml;rlerinin kendilerinde stres yaratmadığı kararına varılmıştır

    Doğu ve Güney-Doğu Asya’nın sanayileşme sorunları

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    Pathological investigation of childhood foreskin: are lichen sclerosus and phimosis common?

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    WOS: 000369704200014PubMed: 26876402Objective: To evaluate histopathological results of foreskin removed during circumcision in the pediatric age group and the relationship between these and the degree of phimosis. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Urology, Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Samsun, Turkey, from June to December 2014. Methodology: Male children undergoing planned circumcision were examined for the presence and degree of phimosis which was recorded before the operation. After circumcision, the preputial skin was dermatopathologically investigated. Pathological investigation carefully evaluated findings such as acute inflammation, chronic inflammation, increased pigmentation and atrophy in addition to findings of Lichen Sclerosus (LS) in all specimens. the pathological findings obtained were classified by degree of phimosis and evaluated. Results: the average age of the 140 children was 6.58 +/- 2.35 years. While 61 (43.6%) children did not have phimosis, 79 (56.4%) patients had different degrees of phimosis. Classic LS was not identified in any patient. in a total of 14 (10%) children, early period findings of LS were discovered. the frequency of LS with phimosis was 12.6%, without phimosis was 6.5% (p=0.39). the incidence of histopathologically normal skin in non-phimosis and phimosis groups was 37.7% and 22.7%, respectively. in total, 41 (29.3%) of the 140 cases had totally normal foreskin. Conclusion: Important dermatoses such as LS may be observed in foreskin with or without phimosis. the presence of phimosis may be an aggravating factor in the incidence of these dermatoses