17 research outputs found

    Interregional comparative analysis of farmers’ perceptions and expectations of climate change

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    This study looked into the relationship and effects of agricultural activities in different regions of Turkey on climate change. This study aims to determine farmer awareness of climate change and its effects, as well as farmer adaptation capabilities in different regions of Turkey against climate change, and to develop extension and policy tools based on the findings. Data were collected through face-to-face surveys with farmers in the provinces where the research was conducted. In this context, a proportional sampling survey of 418 farmers was conducted. The collected information was subjected to factor analysis and the independent t-test. According to the findings, farmers associate climate change with precipitation, and the effect of precipitation and the risks it poses in increasing or decreasing crop yields are of particular concern. Farmers in the Southeastern Anatolia Region are more concerned about heat and drought than farmers in the Mediterranean Region. Furthermore, producers believe that human-caused factors and economic development have a greater impact on climate change than agricultural activities. Farmers in research areas are concerned that climate change will increase migration from rural areas and the decline of forests and animal species. As a result, raising individual awareness and utilising new technology in rural areas is critical. Farmers’ awareness of new and environmentally friendly agricultural techniques must be raised to increase their use. Highlights - Farmers associate climate change with drought. - According to the farmers, the leading factors causing climate change are human-induced factors that disrupt the ecological balance. - The most important concern regarding the effects of climate change is that production costs will increase. - Farmers are reluctant to implement adaptation or mitigation methods that can be developed against climate change


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    Son yıllarda globalleşme ile birlikte yoğun bir rekabet ortamı oluşmaktadır. İşletmelerin ekonomik faaliyetlerini sürdürülebilmeleri ve bu rekabet ortamında tutunabilmeleri için rekabet üstünlüğünü elde etmeleri gerekmektedir. Rekabet üstünlüğü kazanmalarının da en önemli yolu yeniliklere sahip olmaktan geçmektedir. İnovasyon sayesinde elde ettiği kazanımlarla işletmeler, üretim maliyetlerindeki düşüşlerle rekabet üstünlüğü sağlamaktadır (Akıncı, 2011)

    Consumers’ Bread Consumption Habits and Waste Status: Hatay/Turkey Example

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    In this study, it was aimed to determine the reasons for the waste of bread among consumers in Hatay province and what should be taken for the elimination of these causes. The subjects of this study were the data obtained from 406 consumers selected from the city center. The data were obtained through face to face interviews during the period of May-2017. In the questionnaire, there were questions towards determining the bread consumption habits, consumption preferences and bread waste levels along with the socio-demographic characteristics of the consumers. Cross tabulation and chi-square analysis were used in the evaluation and comparison of the data. It was determined that the amount of bread consumed per person was 278 g/day and 7% of the total family consumption of bread was wasted without any consumption. While the most consumed types of bread are traditional white bread and flatbread, bakeries and groceries are the most common places to buy bread. Consumers usually buy bread twice a day and the main considerations in the consumers’ preference for bread purchase are that the establishments comply with hygiene requirements and that quality materials are used in the bread making process. Staling and bad taste are among the significant issues in bread wastage. Taking future trends in the sector into consideration, producers should pay attention to product quality, production according to health conditions and longer shelf life on bread; depending on consumer awareness. The producers should diversify their production of bread and other bakery products

    Kamu tarımsal yayım programlarının değerlendirilmesi : Hatay ili örneği (Türkiye)

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    Today, in the majority of developing countries, the agricultural sector still maintains its importance in the economy. In a rapidly changing world, developing countries are facing more complex issues as a result of the innovations in agricultural and food industries. In these countries, public agricultural extension and training activities are reducing the problems of the agricultural sector and has important role in the rural development. Therefore, governments, assumes the financial burden of agricultural extension work carried out. In this study, agricultural extension programs in Hatay province are examined within the framework of rural development. The agricultural extension practices being carried out in the region have been evaluated in terms of the agricultural production processes and other agricultural issues needed by producers. Implemented during the period discussed in agricultural extension activities, demonstration, field days, courses, meetings, competitions and various campaigns have been executed. During those activities, the printed material prepared in various subjects were distributed among farmers. In addition, technical training for extension personnel was organized within the scope of the development of agricultural extension capacity. Although extension studies in the region have increased in terms of number of participants and activities over time, it has been found that there are some problems about extension staff and organization. For the delivery of more efficient extension services to farmers, cooperation with the university and the increase of the use of information communication technologies are suggested.Bugün, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin çoğunda tarım sektörü hala ekonomideki önemini korumaktadır. Hızla değişen dünyada, gelişmekte olan ülkelerin tarım ve gıda sektörü, yeni teknolojik gelişmeler nedeniyle, daha karmaşık sorunlarla karşı karşıyadır. Bu ülkelerdeki kamu tarımsal yayım ve eğitim çalışmaları, kırsal kesimin sorunlarının azaltılmasında ve kalkınmasında önemli role sahiptir. Bu nedenle hükümetler, yürütülen tarımsal yayım çalışmalarının maliyetlerini üstlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Hatay ilinde yürütülen kamu tarımsal yayım programları, kırsal kalkınma çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Bölgede yürütülmekte olan tarımsal yayım uygulamaları, üreticilerin ihtiyaç duyduğu, tarımsal üretim süreçleri ve diğer tarımsal konular bakımından değerlendirilmiştir. Ele alınan dönemde uygulanan tarımsal yayım çalışmaları arasında gösteriler, tarla günleri, kurslar, çiftçi toplantıları, yarışmalar ve çeşitli kampanyalar yer almıştır. Bu faaliyetler sırasında çeşitli konularda hazırlanmış olan basılı materyal çiftçilere dağıtılmıştır. Bunun yanında, tarımsal yayım kapasitesinin geliştirilmesi kapsamında, yayım personeline yönelik teknik eğitimler düzenlenmiştir. Bölgede yürütülen yayım çalışmalarında, zaman içinde katılımcı ve faaliyet sayısı bakımından artışlar olsa da, yayım personeli ve organizasyonu bakımından bazı sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Çiftçilere daha etkin yayım hizmeti sunumu için, üniversite ile işbirliği ve bilgi iletişim teknolojilerinin kullanımının artırılması, ilgililere önerilmektedir

    Factors affecting adoption of drip irrigation method on maize producers in Amik plain.

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    TEZ10590Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 95-100) var.xvii, 101 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Bu çalıGma, Hatay Gli ait Amik Ovasında (Antakya, Kırıkhan, Kumlu, Reyhanlı Glçeleri) mısır üreticilerinin damla sulama yöntemini benimsemesine etki eden faktörleri tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıGtır. Bu kapsamda, damla sulama yöntemini kullanan ve kullanmayan mısır üreticilerleri ile yüzyüze anket yapılmıG ve veriler toplanmıGtır. Her iki grup için de eGit sayıdaki üretici olacak Gekilde toplamda 100 üreticiye anket uygulanmıGtır. Verilerin istatistiki analizinde sayısal değiGkenlerin normal dağılıma uyup uymadığı Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi ile analiz edilerek, bağımsız gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar parametrik durumlarda Independent Samples t-Test, parametrik olmayan durumlarda ise Mann Whitney U Testi ile incelenmiGtir. Elde edilen bulgular; üreticilerin eğitim seviyesi, ailedeki birey sayısı, sulama sistemi eğitimi, kayıt tutma, yıllık toplam gelir, gazete okuma, mısır verimi, mısır ekim alanı, mülk ve kira arazi, kredi kullanımı, yabancı ot ile mücadele, damla sulama bilgi düzeyi, tıkanma kaynağı, gelecek yıl mısır yetiGtirme ve damla sulama kullanma düGüncesi gibi değiGkenler ile sulama Gekli arasındaki farkın önemli olduğunu göstermiGtir.This study was carried out to determine the factors which has an affect on the adoption of irrigation method by maize producers in Amik Plain (Antakya, Kırıkhan, Kumlu, Reyhanlı counties) of Hatay Province. To reach this aim face to face interview was conducted to collect data from maize producers that use drip irrigation or not. From both group of farmers even numbers were selected and total 100 producers were interviewed. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to see if the variables have normal distribution or not. To parametric variables Independent Samples t-Test and non-parametric variables Mann Whitney U Test were used to see the differences between groups. It is found out that education level, family size, education on irrigation system, keeping record, total annual income, reading newspaper, yield, planting area, own property and rent area, credit use, knowledge about drip irrigation, blockage source, continue to grown maize production and use drip irrigation has an important relation between irrigation systems

    Farmers' Views on Organic Grape Production in Adıyaman Province: Method Adoption and Problems

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    Healthy life in a sustainable environment is possible with accessible food production. The Covid-19 epidemic is a serious threat worldwide. This epidemic has revealed the importance of agricultural products. One of the most important areas of the epidemic affecting the whole world is exports; however, increased demand for agricultural products and exports in the epidemic process in Turkey. Turkey has a say in the trade of seedless dried grapes in the world. Seedless dried grape is on the healthy products list of the WHO. In 2019/2020, it had a share of 36% of world exports (with 246 thousand tons of export). This study was performed to evaluate their thoughts and farmers’ problems with the adoption of organic farming in Besni district of Adıyaman. The research conducted in-depth interviews with the farmers producing organic grapes. Also, a face-to-face survey was conducted with 50 farmers. According to the findings, the land width of the farmers is not much. It has an average growing area of 37.52 decares. An average yield of 1.808 kg da-1 is obtained from this area. Serious differences have been found between conventional and organic farming. Moreover, government supports, high product prices, income, health, sustainability, and environmental protection are reasons farmers switch to organic farming.  However, farmers argue that organic farming is less costly than conventional farming. Access to chemicals and marketing are major problems. As a result, farmers should be informed about organic farming. Additionally, it is thought that these studies will increase the productivity and product quality of the farmers. It is predicted that it will prevent rural to urban migration in the region

    Hatay ilinde havuç üreten işletmelerin pazarlama yapısı, maliyetleri ve uygulamaları bakımından karşılaştırılması

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    The main objective of this study was to examine the relationships between marketing costs, applications and scales of the carrot farms in Hatay province. The average carrot cultivation area, carrot yield, production costs, sales revenues, record-keeping rate, members of farmers’ organization rate were 8.253 ha, 31366 kg/ha, 14911 US,28859US, %46.23, %14 in the all farms, respectively. Labor, transportation, storage and packaging costs in all farms were calculated as 0.0031625, 0.005085, 0.00138 and 0.0022625 US,respectively.Theaveragetotalmarketingcostinallfarmswasdeterminedas0.001189US. The marketing costs for the first, second and third group farms were calculated as 0.0121, 0.0107 and 0.0135 US$, respectively. The research recommended that the farms should be subsidized so that they can increase production, improve their market share and decrease their input costs. Farmers should be organized under farmers’ organization. Marketing channels should be created to ensure direct carrots deliveries to consumers resulting increase in revenues. Increasing the number and capacity of cold storage should be encouraged. Farmers should be subsidized to minimize their production expenses. The support to be provided by various stakeholders should involve branding and promotion in carrot production. Producers should be encouraged to process carrot as high value-added products.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, havuç üreten işletmelerde işletme büyüklükleri ile pazarlama masrafları ve stratejileri arasındaki ilişkileri belirlemektir. İşletmelerin genelinde ortalama havuç üretim alanı 8.253 ha, havuç verimi 31366 kg/ha, üretim maliyeti 14911 vesatışgeliri28859 olarak belirlenmiştir. İşletmeler genelinde 1 kg havucun pazarlanması için 0.0031625 işçilik,0.005085 nakliye, 0.00138 soğukhavadeposundamuhafazave0.0022625’ da paketleme masrafı olmak üzere toplamda 0.001189 pazarlamamasrafıyapılmıştır.Pazarlamamasraf,birincigrupişletmelerde0.0121,ikincigrupişletmelerde0.0107veüçüncügrupişletmelerdeise0.0135 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, havuç üreten işletmelerde üretimi ve pazarlama gücünü artırmak ve girdi maliyetlerini düşürebilmek; bir çiftçi örgütü altında bir araya gelmeleri, ürünlerini doğrudan tüketicilere ulaştırabilmeleri, soğuk hava deposu kapasitesinin artırılması, destek miktarı ve çeşitliliğinin (markalaşma ve promosyon gibi) artırılması, havucun katma değeri yüksek ürünlere dönüştürülmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymuştur

    Omuzda tuzak nöropatiler ve rehabilitasyon

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    Omuz kuşağı ve üst ekstremiteleri ilgilendiren tuzak nöropatiler yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Tuzak nöropatiler, periferik bir sinirin fibröz ve fibroosseöz tünel bölgelerinde uğradığı mekanik veya fonksiyonel kompresyon, direkt travma, traksiyon, ya da tekrarlayıcı lokal friksiyonuna bağlı olarak gelişmektedir. Omuz etrafında en çok brakiyal pleksus, spinal aksesuar sinir, uzun torasik sinir, dorsal skapular sinir, supraskapular sinir, aksillar sinir etkilenmektedir. Bu derlemede, omuz çevresindeki mononöropatiler anatomi, sıkışma ve yaralanma bölgesi, etiyoloji, klinik bulgular, tanılama ve diyagnostik testler, tedavi ve rehabilitasyon alt başlıkları ile irdelenmiştir. Genel olarak nöropati tedavisi konservatif olarak takip edilir. Ancak, nöropatiyi oluşturan etmen bası oluşturan bir kitle ise geç kalmadan cerrahi önerilmektedir. Cerrahiyi takiben ağrısız hareketler ile normal fonksiyona geri dönebilmek için fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon süreci önemlidir.</p


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    The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of argumentation-based pedagogy on college students' conceptual understanding of properties and behaviors of gases. The sample consists of 108 students (52 in the control group and 56 in the intervention group) drawn from 2 general chemistry college courses taught by the same instructor. Data were collected through pre- and post-tests. The results of the study show that the intervention group students performed significantly better than the control group students on the post-test. The intervention group students also showed significant increase in their test scores between pre- and post-test. While at least 80 % of the students in the intervention group abandoned their initial ideas on all of the 17 alternative conceptions that were identified by the authors but one, the percent of student abandoning their initial ideas in the control group was less than 50. The discussion focuses on the implications of these results for addressing students' alternative conceptions, promoting the argumentation-pedagogy in college science courses and the challenges associated with the use of argumentation in college science classrooms