27 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of the infection of sunflower by Orobanche cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging

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    Orobanche cumana is an holoparasite and thus totally dependent on sunflower for fixed carbon. Initial stages of the infection occur in the first weeks after sowing and are critical for the establishment of a continuum between the host and the parasite vascular system. From that moment the parasite obtains its supply of water, mineral nutrients, and assimilates from the host plant. Alterations of plant metabolism can be detected using remote sensing techniques for detection of fluorescence emitted by plants. One of these indirect techniques is multicolour fluorescence imaging. In this work, we assessed the early infection of sunflower by O. cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging and we inferred physiological processes affected in sunflower plants infected by the parasite. Ten germinated seeds of the inbred line NR5 were inoculated with population LP2013 of O. cumana. The same number of not inoculated seeds was used as control. Sunflower was planted in pots with soil mixture and grown in greenhouse at 12–22°C for 6 weeks. Multicolour fluorescence imaging was conducted 3, 4, and 5 weeks after inoculation. The two first pairs of fully expanded leaves of each sunflower plant were imaged, and, for each measure date, five fluorescence variables in inoculated plants were compared to those in the control. Three weeks after inoculation, when symptoms of infection were still not observed, decreased levels of blue and green fluorescence and increased far-red fluorescence were observed in leaves of the inoculated plants. At 4 and 5 weeks after inoculation, when inoculated plants displayed symptoms of infection by O. cumana, differences in fluorescence between inoculated plants and the controls were the same and statistically supported. These results are consistent with an increase in total chlorophyll content of sunflower plants infected by O. cumana, and a decrease in the accumulation of secondary metabolites, both related to the need of higher photosynthetic activity to supply the parasite with photosynthate. Biochemical mechanisms underlying alterations in photosynthesis must be further investigated. The results obtained showed that multicolour fluorescence imaging can be used to detect fluorescence differences in inoculated sunflower as early as 3 weeks after inoculation. Therefore, this technique can be used as a diagnostic tool for early detection of genotypes of sunflower which are susceptible or resistant to O. cumana.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2010-17909), Junta de Andalucía (P12-AGR370 and P12-AGR1281) and Spanish National Research Council (20134R060).Peer Reviewe

    Efectos locales de políticas globales: Celestún y «su» reserva de la Biosfera (Yucatán, México)

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    This article analyses, trough a case study, the problematic relation between the global discourse of ecotourism as an alternative for socio-economic development, and the local practices attached to it. The article pays close attention to the undesirable effects of this relation.Este artículo analiza, mcdiante un estudio de caso, los desencuentros entre el discurso global sobre el ecoturismo como alternativa de cara al desarrollo socio-económico y las prácticas locales, prestando especial atención a los efectos indeseables de este desacoplamiento

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (22)

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    Sumario : Estrellas binarias: un matrimonio muy ventajoso.-- Mujeres y ciencia: rompiendo techos.-- La estrella más masiva.-- DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS : Criterios termodinámicos en la evolución de agujeros negros.-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES. Núcleos de galaxias activas .-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA: “Serendipia” cósmica.-- El increíble y asombroso viaje de Fotón. II Parte.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Complementaria CCT005-06-00178 del Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Científica y Tecnológica.N

    High-sensitivity microsatellite instability assessment for the detection of mismatch repair defects in normal tissue of biallelic germline mismatch repair mutation carriers

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    Introduction: Lynch syndrome (LS) and constitutional mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD) are hereditary cancer syndromes associated with mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency. Tumours show microsatellite instability (MSI), also reported at low levels in non-neoplastic tissues. Our aim was to evaluate the performance of high-sensitivity MSI (hs-MSI) assessment for the identification of LS and CMMRD in non-neoplastic tissues. Materials and methods: Blood DNA samples from 131 individuals were grouped into three cohorts: baseline (22 controls), training (11 CMMRD, 48 LS and 15 controls) and validation (18 CMMRD and 18 controls). Custom next generation sequencing panel and bioinformatics pipeline were used to detect insertions and deletions in microsatellite markers. An hs-MSI score was calculated representing the percentage of unstable markers. Results: The hs-MSI score was significantly higher in CMMRD blood samples when compared with controls in the training cohort (p<0.001). This finding was confirmed in the validation set, reaching 100% specificity and sensitivity. Higher hs-MSI scores were detected in biallelic MSH2 carriers (n=5) compared with MSH6 carriers (n=15). The hs-MSI analysis did not detect a difference between LS and control blood samples (p=0.564). Conclusions: The hs-MSI approach is a valuable tool for CMMRD diagnosis, especially in suspected patients harbouring MMR variants of unknown significance or non-detected biallelic germline mutations. Keywords: constitutional mismatch repair deficiency; highly sensitive methodologies; lynch syndrome; microsatellite instability; next generation sequencing

    Efectos locales de políticas globales: Celestún y "su" reserva de la biosfera (Yucatán, México)

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    Este articulo analiza, mediante un estudio de caso, los desencuentros entre el discurso global sobre el ecoturismo como alternativa de cara al desarrollo socio-económico y las prácticas locales, prestando especial atención a los efectos indeseables de este desacoplamiento

    Diagnosis of the infection of sunflower by Orobanche cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging

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    Trabajo presentado en el Third Internacional Symposium on broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in Sunflower, celebrado en Córdoba (España) del 3 al 6 de junio de 2014.Orobanche cumana is an holoparasite and thus totally dependent on sunflower for fixed carbon. Initial stages of the infection occur in the first weeks after sowing and are critical for the establishment of a continuum between the host and the parasite vascular system. From that moment the parasite obtains its supply of water, mineral nutrients and assimilates from the host plant. Alterations of plant photosynthesis can be detected using remote sensing techniques for detection of fluorescence emitted by plants. One of these indirect techniques is multicolour fluorescence imaging. In this work we assessed the early infection of sunflower by O. cumana using multicolour fluorescence imaging and we inferred physiological processes affected in sunflower plants infected by the parasite. Ten germinated seeds of the inbred line NR5 were inoculated with population LP2013 of O. cumana. The same number of not inoculated seeds was used as control. Sunflower was planted in pots with soil mixture and grown in greenhouse at 12-22ºC for six weeks. Multicolour fluorescence imaging was conducted three, four and five weeks after inoculation. The two first pairs of fully expanded leaves of each sunflower plant were imaged, and, for each measure date, five fluorescence variables in inoculated plants were compared to those in the control. Three weeks after inoculation, when symptoms of infection were still not observed, decreased levels of blue and green fluorescence and increased far-red fluorescence were observed in leaves of the inoculated plants. In subsequent measures four and five weeks after inoculation, when inoculated plants displayed symptoms of infection by O. cumana, differences of fluorescence between inoculated plants and the controls were the same and statistically supported. Our results show an increase in total chlorophyll content of sunflower plants infected by O. cumana which is probably related to the need of higher photosynthetic activity in order to supply the parasite with photosynthate. Biochemical mechanisms underlying photosynthesis impairment must be further investigated. The results obtained three weeks after inoculation show that multicolour fluorescence imaging can detect fluorescence differences in inoculated sunflower at early time. Therefore, this technique can be used as a diagnostic tool for early detection of genotypes of sunflower which are susceptible or resistant to O. cumana.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2010-17909), Junta de Andalucía (P12-AGR370 and P12-AGR1281) and Spanish National Research Council (20134R060).N

    RNA-seq analysis and fluorescence imaging of melon powdery mildew disease reveal an orchestrated reprogramming of host physiology

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    The cucurbit powdery mildew elicited by Podosphaera xanthii is one of the most important limiting factors in cucurbit production. Our knowledge of the genetic and molecular bases underlying the physiological processes governing this disease is very limited. We used RNA-sequencing to identify differentially expressed genes in leaves of Cucumis melo upon inoculation with P. xanthii, using RNA samples obtained at different time points during the early stages of infection and their corresponding uninfected controls. In parallel, melon plants were phenotypically characterized using imaging techniques. We found a high number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in infected plants, which allowed for the identification of many plant processes that were dysregulated by the infection. Among those, genes involved in photosynthesis and related processes were found to be upregulated, whereas genes involved in secondary metabolism pathways, such as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, were downregulated. These changes in gene expression could be functionally validated by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and blue-green fluorescence imaging analyses, which corroborated the alterations in photosynthetic activity and the suppression of phenolic compound biosynthesis. The powdery mildew disease in melon is a consequence of a complex and multifaceted process that involves the dysregulation of many plant pathways such as primary and secondary metabolism.We thank Irene Linares (University of Malaga, Spain) for excellent technical assistance. We also thank Dr Josefa Gómez from “Edificio de Bioinnovación” (University of Malaga) for the excellent work done in the Illumina sequencing process. We also thankfully acknowledge the computer resources and the technical support provided by the “Platafoma Andaluza de Bioinformática” of the University of Málaga. This study was supported by grants from the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)” (AGL2013-41939-R; AGL2016-76216-C2-1-R) of the former “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)”, MINECO-CSIC and ERDF funds (RECUPERA 2020/20134R060) and a grant from CEICE-Junta de Andalucía (P12-AGR-0370), all of them co-financed by FEDER funds (European Union). A.P. was supported by a PhD fellowship (BES-2014-068602) from MINECO.Peer Reviewe

    Ver, oir y convivir

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    Incluye en la memoria, descripción de la experiencia y fichas de actividadesSe propone hacer reflexionar a los miembros de la comunidad escolar sobre la necesidad de solucionar los diversos conflictos personales por la vía pacífica y sin recurrir a la violencia a través de los medios audiovisuales (cine, radio, televisión) y también de la prensa, música y teatro. Los objetivos se orientan hacia la formación de individuos con actitudes de no violencia y de cooperación, sensibilizar ante la influencia de los mensajes de los medios de comunicación de tipo publicitario, sexista o de consumo, y aprender a escuchar y a respetar las opiniones de los demás. El plan de trabajo consiste en la recopilación de material sobre el área de Educación para la Paz, la elaboración de material didáctico a partir de estos materiales, e incluirlos en las programaciones de aula. Entre ellas cabe destacar: visitas a emisoras de radio y televisión, realización de programas de radio, taller de construcción de juegos y juguetes, y pintura al aire libre. Se evalúa el progreso de los alumnos con relación a sus capacidades y los contenidos programados, y las estrategias para conseguirlo.Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación y CulturaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES