606 research outputs found

    GRB Light Curves in the Relativistic Turbulence Model

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    Randomly oriented relativistic emitters in a relativistically expanding shell provides an alternative to internal shocks as a mechanism for producing GRBs' variable light curves with efficient conversion of energy to radiation. In this model the relativistic outflow is broken into small emitters moving relativistically in the outflow's rest frame. Variability arises because an observer sees an emitter only when its velocity points towards him so that only a small fraction of the emitters are seen by a given observer. Models with significant relativistic random motions require converting and maintaining a large fraction of the overall energy into these motions. While it is not clear how this is achieved, we explore here, using two toy models, the constraints on parameters required to produce light curves comparable to the observations. We find that a tight relation between the size of the emitters and the bulk and random Lorentz factors is needed and that the random Lorentz factor determines the variability. While both models successfully produce the observed variability there are several inconsistencies with other properties of the light curves. Most of which, but not all, might be resolved if the central engine is active for a long time producing a number of shells, resembling to some extent the internal shocks model.Comment: Significantly revised with a discussion of additional models. Accepted for publication in APJ

    The GW/LT3 VarDial 2016 shared task system for dialects and similar languages detection

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    This paper describes the GW/LT3 contribution to the 2016 VarDial shared task on the identification of similar languages (task 1) and Arabic dialects (task 2). For both tasks, we experimented with Logistic Regression and Neural Network classifiers in isolation. Additionally, we implemented a cascaded classifier that consists of coarse and fine-grained classifiers (task 1) and a classifier ensemble with majority voting for task 2. The submitted systems obtained state-of-the-art performance and ranked first for the evaluation on social media data (test sets B1 and B2 for task 1), with a maximum weighted F1 score of 91.94%

    Protecting Our Pups at All Costs: Why Dogfighting Cases Require a Mandatory Restitution Assessment

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    This Note recommends that Congress acknowledge the dangers behind dogfighting by updating the federal mandatory restitution statute to include “animals” within the definition of a “victim” eligible to receive restitution and by updating federal animal-cruelty laws. This recommendation stems from the popularization of dogfighting in the twenty-first century. Specifically, this Note articulates the link between the prevalence of dogfighting in America and the lack of deterrence targeted toward dogfighting in America. This Note then argues that this lack of deterrence is a result of the lack of Congressional guidance within both the federal restitution statute and within federal animal-cruelty laws. By recommending an update to the federal restitution statute and federal animal-cruelty laws, this Note aims to increase these laws’ enforcement power and, ultimately, both deter dogfighting and make it easier for animals who have been harmed in a dogfighting venture to be taken care of and, hopefully, heal

    Creating a strong statistical machine translation system by combining different decoders

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    Machine translation is a very important field in Natural Language Processing. The need for machine translation arises due to the increasing amount of data available online. Most of our data now is digital and this is expected to increase over time. Since human manual translation takes a lot of time and effort, machine translation is needed to cover all of the languages available. A lot of research has been done to make machine translation faster and more reliable between different language pairs. Machine translation is now being coupled with deep learning and neural networks. New topics in machine translation are being studied and tested like applying neural machine translation as a replacement to the classical statistical machine translation. In this thesis, we also study the effect of data-preprocessing and decoder type on translation output. We then demonstrate two ways to enhance translation from English to Arabic. The first approach uses a two-decoder system; the first decoder translates from English to Arabic and the second is a post-processing decoder that retranslates the first Arabic output to Arabic again to fix some of the translation errors. We then study the results of different kinds of decoders and their contributions to the test set. The results of this study lead to the second approach which combines different decoders to create a stronger one. The second approach uses a classifier to categorize the English sentences based on their structure. The output of the classifier is the decoder that is suited best to translate the English sentence. Both approaches increased the BLEU score albeit with different ranges. The classifier showed an increase of ~0.1 BLEU points while the post-processing decoder showed an increase of between ~0.3~11 BLEU points on two different test sets. Eventually we compare our results to Google translate to know how well we are doing in comparison to a well-known translator. Our best translation machine system scored 5 absolute points compared to Google translate in ISI corpus test set and we were 9 absolute points lower in the case of the UN corpus test set


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    Every organization, including educational boarding school has a specific job activities in order to achieve organizational goals. One such activity is the management and leadership. With the knowledge of management and leadership, chaplain, nurse and manager of the boarding school could lift and apply the basic principles and knowledge that is in the al-Quran and al-Hadith in the institution Formulation of the problem in this study are: (a). How chaplain managerial leadership in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah?.(b). What efforts chaplain in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah? (c). What are the factors supporting and inhibiting efforts chaplain in an effort to improve the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah?, (d). What are the implications of managerial leadership chaplain and chaplain efforts in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah?. This study aims to clarify: (a). Chaplain managerial leadership in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah, (b). Chaplain efforts in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah, (c). Factors supporting and inhibiting chaplain efforts in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah, (d). Implications of managerial leadership chaplain and chaplain efforts in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az-Ziyadah. This research is qualitative research. This research is taking the boarding school Az- ZiyadahBabakanCiwaringin Cirebon as the object of study The results: (a). Chaplain managerial leadership in improving the quality of Islamic education and students with the type of Proffesional management, management system implementation using open (open management). While the style of leadership is done by three patterns of leadership are: charismatic, participative and democratic. (b). Chaplain efforts in improving the quality of Islamic education and students: Adding a KitabKuning (yellow book) study, Encourage the students to attend formal school education. Cooperating with other huts, Doing transplant ustadz as regeneration. Providing role models to teach leadership Sauri, Encourage the students to recite the yellow book on another chaplain and Encourage the students to attend formal school education. (c). Factors supporting and inhibiting chaplain efforts in improving the quality of education and students of Islamic boarding school in Az- ZiyadahBabakanCiwaringin Cirebon. a. Contributing factors include: Capacity chaplain in the mastery of the yellow book, remarkable spirit of chaplain to lead the lodge, the spirit of religious teachers in teaching the students a good presence of input, the motivation of the students to study religion, presence of co-operation with schools lodges in the BabakanCiwaringin. The support of parents and community students. b. Inhibiting factors include: Lack of system recitation yellow book, lack of availability of facilities and infrastructure, less the maximum support from the alumni, Lack of support from the local government, limited professional educators, (d). Implications of managerial leadership chaplain and chaplain efforts in improving the quality of Islamic education and the students are: Positive because Az-Ziyadah schools have scored alumni who became role models when they come back to take part in the community. Among them there are the civil servants, businessmen, religious teacher, chaplain, and politicians

    Helical strakes on High Mast Lighting Towers and their effect on vortex shedding lock-in

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    An experimental study on the effect of helical strakes on vortex induced vibrations and the lock-in phenomenon in High Mast Lighting Towers (HMLTs) is investigated. Two multi-sided tapered scaled models are clamped in place in a subsonic wind tunnel that is equipped with a hot-wire sensor and a traverse mechanism. The shedding frequency data is collected for the models with and without helically patterned strakes with the use of two different ropes. The responses of the tower models, for a Reynolds number of 44, 000, are compared and discussed under different configurations including: two directions of the model with respect to the direction of the flow, and changes in the ratio of strake height to HMLT diameter. Four major aspects of the spectrum of the hot-wire signal from the wake are studied: the vortex shedding frequency, signal strength, characteristic spectral peak area, and characteristic spectral peak width. It is observed that, for most cases, no specific method produces a decisive outcome. However, some of the results for the 12-sided model provide supporting evidence that the vortex induced vibrations may be mitigated with the use of helical strakes

    Recycling Agricultural Waste as a Part of Interior Design and Architectural History in Egypt

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    Egypt is defined as an agricultural country where its people put all produced crops to use, whether as food or clothing. An agricultural waste like straw, palm fronds, leaves and others are used in building and interior designing; they’re part of an individual’s lifestyle and culture. As time passed, all of this changed given that local agricultural materials were replaced with technology and new building materials. Farmers became uninterested in what happened to this waste that was burned as a means of disposal, this process has direct effects on public health and the environment.This research examines the problem of palm fronds (agricultural materials) as a wasted renewable source in Egypt. It will attempt to find methods to link these materials with Egyptian handicrafts using new treatments in manufacturing with the cradle to cradle idea to produce compressed panels, wallpapers and other objects used in interior design. This research is important because it aims to find sustainable environmental materials with modern designs using agricultural waste

    Cultural Competence in the Care of Muslim Women Patients

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    Delivering high-quality care to female patients of the Muslim faith requires knowledge of the differences in cultural and spiritual values. Important differences include diet, ideas of modesty, privacy, and touch restrictio. Globally, Muslims represent substantial portions of society and remain the fastest-growing religion in the world. The Muslim faith encompasses several ethnicities with diverse views regarding illness and healthcare. As a result, the care of Muslim patients provides challenges for many non-Muslim healthcare providers. The Islamic faith can influence decision-making, family dynamics, health practices, risks, and the use of healthcare. This paper describes the care of Muslim patients taking into account their religious views on health and illness while at the same time maintaining confidentiality. Understanding Islamic beliefs will assist healthcare professionals in delivering appropriate health care in a culturally sensitive manner