142 research outputs found

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    İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Nurettin Sözen, yüzde 23 oyla başkanlık seçimini kazanacaklarını söyledi:Kazanmak için girip de kaybettiğim olmadı

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 207-Nurettin-Gürol-Metin SözenUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    The Problem On Searching General Assembly Resolution On Dismissal Of Partner In Limited Company With Two Partners

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    Çıkarılma, bir ortağın iradesine bakılmaksızın şirketle ilişkisinin kesilmesidir. Çıkarılma kurumu, karşılıklı güven ilkesinin hâkim olduğu şirketlerde, faaliyetin devam etmesi açısından önemli bir amaca hizmet etmektedir. Zira şirketin faaliyetlerini zorlaştıran ortak, şirket sözleşmesindeki çıkarılma sebeplerine dayanılarak, genel kurul veya haklı sebeplerin varlığı halinde mahkeme kararıyla şirketten çıkarılabilecektir. Böylece hem şirket hem de şirkette kalan ortaklar korunmuş olacaktır. Hem sermaye hem de şahıs şirketlerinin özelliklerini içinde barındıran limited şirketlerde, çıkarılma konusu, TTK’de ayrıntılı olarak düzenlenmiştir. Buna göre şirket, şirket sözleşmesinde yer alan sebeplere dayanarak ya da haklı sebeplerle bir ortağın şirketten çıkarılmasını sağlayabilecektir. Şirket sözleşmesinde yer alan önemli sebeplere dayanarak, ortağı şirketten çıkarma yetkisi genel kurula tanınmıştır. Oysa haklı sebeplerin varlığı halinde, ortağın şirketten çıkarılabilmesi için, öncelikle bu hususa ilişkin bir genel kurul kararı ve daha sonra mahkemeye başvurmak gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, iki ortaklı limited şirketlerde, ortaklardan birinin haklı sebeple şirketten çıkarılmasında aranan genel kurul kararına ilişkin bazı problemler üzerinde durulacaktır.Dismissal is an act of terminating a company partner’s contact with the company regardless of his/her will. The institution of dismissal serves a significant purpose for carrying out activities in companies, where the principle of mutual trust is prevalent. In fact, it will be possible to dismiss a company partner making the company activities difficult through a court decision in the event of having a general assembly or justifiable reasons based on the reasons of dismissal in the articles of incorporation. Thus, both the company and the remaining partners shall be protected. The issue of dismissal in limited liability companies that have the qualities of both stock corporations and unlimited companies is regulated under Turkish Trade Law in detail. Accordingly, the company shall be able to dismiss a partner by relying on the reasons in the articles of incorporation or on justifiable reasons. Based on the significant reasons in the articles of incorporation, the authority to dismiss a partner is granted to the general assembly. However, in the case of justifiable reasons, it is required to have a general assembly resolution concerning the matter at first and then apply to court in order to dismiss the partner. This study will address some problems related to the general assembly resolution that is sought to dismiss one of the company partners for justifiable reasons in limited companies with two partners

    Flute and recorder in art

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    Bu çalışma, 01-04 Mayıs 2012 tarihleri arasında Antalya[Türkiye]’da düzenlenen World Conference on Design, Arts and Education (DAE)’da bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.Music as an abstract art could show what kind of place it has in mythology, religion and society in previous ages. The musical instrument icons in art subjects contributed to history by supplying valuable information which belongs to various periods. These icons responded the questions such as; how instruments emerged or the end of their use and their evolution. Painters also used flute and recorder in a considerable extent among these musical icons. This study will represent and shortly refer to the place of flute and recorder in painting art and exemplify the works made before. In this study, literature review and observational method was used as a data collection method and we benefited from paintings in instrument museums and various museums. As a result painters not only give place often to flute and recorder in religional figures but also in mythologic subjects and in musical - theme paintings

    Establishment of age- and -gender specific reference intervals for amino acids and acylcarnitines by tandem mass spectrometry in Turkish paediatric population

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    IntroductionWe determined age- and gender-specific reference intervals (RIs) for acylcarnitines and amino acids by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) in the Turkish paediatric population by using laboratory information system (LIS) data. Materials and methodsA total of 9156 MS/MS results of children between 0-18 years of age, were downloaded from the LIS. Premature infants and newborns followed in the intensive care unit were excluded and only the first result of each patient attending outpatient clinics was included. Children with a known or suspected diagnosis of metabolic disease, malignancy, epilepsy, mental retardation, or genetic disorder were excluded. Laboratory results were evaluated and children with any pathological laboratory finding were excluded, resulting in a final sample size of 3357 (2029 boys and 1328 girls). Blood was collected by capillary puncture and spotted on Whatman 903 filter paper cards and analysed by MS/MS (Shimadzu LCMS-8050, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan). Data were evaluated for age and gender differences and age partitioning was performed according to the literature and visual evaluation of the data. Age subgroups were: ≤ 1 month, 2 months-1 year, 2-5 years, 6-10 years, and 11-18 years. ResultsThere were significant age-related differences for the majority of amino acids and acylcarnitines thus age dependent RIs were established. Gender-specific RIs were established for tyrosine, leucine-isoleucine, isovalerylcarnitine (C5) and hexadecanoylcarnitine (C16). ConclusionsEstablishing age-related RIs can enhance the quality of medical care by facilitating early diagnosis and therapy, especially in certain metabolic disorders presenting with mild biochemical abnormalities and subtle clinical manifestations

    Development of self compassion of hearing impaired students with the activities based on works of artİşitme engelli öğrencilerin öz duyarlıklarının sanat yapıtlarına dayalı etkinlikler ile geliştirilmesi

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    This study was conducted in order to develop the self-compassion of hearing impaired students via activities organized with works of art. 24 students in total who study at 9th, 10th and 11th classes of Private Education Public Vocational High School in Altındağ, Ankara which is under the body of the Ministry of National Education participated in the study. 8 week 90 minutes activity program was applied. In order to measure the self-compassion of the students “Self-compassion Scale for Hearing Impaired” was developed. “Self-compassion Scale for Hearing Impaired” and “Personal Information Form” (pre-test) were applied to experimental and control group after the activities of the experimental group finished (post-test), one month after the study was completed (follow-up test). In this study, pre-test and post-test control group model which is one of the real experiment models was used. The relation between self-compassion was examined in accordance with the study aims. It was determined as a result of the study that self-compassion of the students in the experimental group was improved.  It was specified as a result of the analysis that self-compassion development was in favour of the experimental group. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu çalışma, işitme engelli öğrencilerin sanat yapıtları ile düzenlenmiş etkinlikler yolu ile öz duyarlıklarını geliştirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya Ankara Altındağ Kemal Yurtbilir Özel Eğitim Meslek Lisesi’nde 9., 10. ve 11. sınıflara devam eden toplam 24 öğrenci katılmıştır. Çalışmaya 15-21 yaş arası işitme engelli gençler katılmıştır. 8 haftalık 90 dakikalık etkinlik programı uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin öz duyarlıklarını ölçmek için “İşitme Engelliler İçin öz Duyarlık Ölçeği” geliştirilmiştir.  “İşitme Engelliler İçin Öz Duyarlık Ölçeği” ve “Kişisel Bilgi Formu” (ön-test), deney grubunun uygulamaları bittikten sonra (son test), çalışma tamamlandıktan bir ay sonra deney ve kontrol grubuna (izleme testi) uygulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada gerçek deneme modellerinden birisi olan öntest ve sontest kontrol gruplu model kullanılmıştır. Araştırma amaçları doğrultusunda öz duyarlık arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda deney grubunda ki öğrencilerinin öz duyarlık düzeyinin gelişmiş olduğu saptanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda öz duyarlık gelişimi deney grubu lehine olumlu olarak geliştiği tespit edilmiştir

    Sample collection into sterile vacuum tubes to preserve arsenic speciation in natural water samples

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    The accurate speciation analysis of arsenic is a serious concern for water quality monitoring programs. Because the preservation of sample integrity until analysis is one of the most important aspects of speciation, this study aims to compare the performance of four different sample preservation methods under diverse conditions of sample quality. Natural samples with different characteristics were collected into the following containers to study their effectiveness: (1) standard high-density polyethylene bottle with no preservative; (2) empty, sterile Vacuette tube with no preservative; (3) sterile tripotassium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (K3EDTA) Vacuette tube with K3EDTA additive; and (4) empty, sterile Vacuette tube with added hydrochloric acid (HCl). Known concentrations of arsenite [As(III)] were also added to each container to monitor the oxidation of As(III) to arsenate [As(V)]. The results revealed recovery ratios exceeding 95% in all containers with sterile vacuum conditions. In particular, the K3EDTA Vacuette tube yielded a recovery very close to 100% of the spiked As(III), which is known to rapidly oxidize to As(V). Overall, collecting the sample into a container under sterile vacuum conditions and using a universally accepted preserving agent such as EDTA or HCl significantly improved the preservation of the original species distribution in the water matrix studied, compared to sampling without the use of preservation methods. After validation by future research, these sterile vacuum tubes can possibly be utilized for collecting and storing samples for the routine speciation analysis of other elements such as selenium, chromium, and antimony.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (109Y029

    Analyzing the Relationship Between Hand Hygiene Beliefs and Practices and Adherence to Isolation Precautions in Dialysis Professionals

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    Objective:This study aims to evaluate the relationship between the hand hygiene beliefs and practices of dialysis professionals and their adherence to isolation precautions.Method:Healthcare professionals working in dialysis units in Turkey and Northern Cyprus constituted the population. Snowball sampling technique was used to determine the sample, which included 127 nurses and hemodialysis technicians that could be accessed online after obtaining the approval of ethical committee. Descriptive information form, Compliance with isolation precautions scale (CIPS), hand hygiene beliefs scale (HHBS) and hand hygiene practices inventory (HHPI) were used for data collection.Results:Participants were predominantly female (92.1%), 47.2% had an associate degree or below, 51.2% were nurses, and 33.1% worked at a state hospital. Besides, 55.1% received in-house education on isolation precautions, and 96.9% reported the existence of visual orders about hand hygiene and isolation precautions in the unit. The mean scores obtained from the HHBS, HHPI and CCIPS were 96.19±8.1, 62.72±5.29 and 74.72±12.57, respectively. There was a positive and statistically significant correlation between the HHBS, HHPI and CIPS scores (p<0.05).Conclusion:The study found that health professionals working in dialysis units had positive hand hygiene beliefs and high levels of hand hygiene practice and adherence to isolation precautions. Besides, the participants with positive hand hygiene beliefs had also high level of adherence to isolation precautions. Similarly, hand hygiene practice was positively associated with adherence to isolation precautions. Therefore, further observational studies in different clinical centers may be conducted to contribute to the literature