87 research outputs found

    Circuits with Modern Active Elements

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    Disertační práce se zabývá ARC filtry druhého řádu pro kaskádní syntézu filtrů. Jsou zde uvedena nová zapojení filtrů druhého řádu s konvejery vhodná pro realizaci filtrů na vyšších kmitočtech a nová zapojení filtrů s konvejery pro realizaci elektronicky laditelných filtrů. V disertační práci jsou uvedeny schémata a vztahy pro jednotlivá nová zapojení. Je zde také ukázáno praktické ověření nových zapojení filtrů druhého řáduPhD. thesis is deals about sekond order ARC filters for cascade synthezis of Active filters. Here are presented new configurations of second order filters with current conveyors usable for higher frequencies and new second order filters with current conveyors usable for electrical tunable filters. In PhD. Thesis are presented schematics and equations for new sekond order filters. There are presented also practical realizations of these filters and basic measure results.

    Proposal And Development Of The Devices For Solution Of The Selected Biomechatronic Tasks

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    Development of the sample holder for electrical diagnostics in UHV SEM

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukcí a následným testováním nosiče vzorků umožňující ohřev, chlazení a měření teploty vzorku a zásobníku vzorků pro vysokovakuovou aparaturu skenovacího elektronového mikroskopu, který je vyvíjen ve spolupráci s firmou Tescan. Teoretická část se zabývá rešeršní studií v současnosti používaných nosičů vzorků pro UHV a zhodnocení jejich pozitiv a negativ. Pojednáno je také o vhodnosti použití některých materiálů. Experimentální část popisuje samotnou konstrukci receptoru paletek s ohledem na nutný počet elektrických kontaktů pro měření elektrických vlastností vzorků a kompatibilitu s UHV. Následuje samotné měření a testování vyrobeného funkčního vzorku receptoru paletek jak při nízkých tak při vysokých teplotách.This bachelor thesis focuses on design and testing of a sample holder enabling for cooling and heating of the sample in ultra-high vacuum apparatus for scanning electron microscope, developed in cooperation with Tescan company. In the theoretical part the currently used sample holders in similar UHV systems are described and their positives and negatives are discussed including material selection. The experimental part describes designing of the sample holder with respect to the required number of electrical contacts for measuring electrical properties of the samples and UHV compatibility. Measurement and testing of the manufactured sample at low and high temperatures is presented.

    Effects of hops β-acid extract (Humulus lupulus L.) on cattle performance and fermentation by ruminal microbes

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of Animal Sciences and IndustryJames S. DrouillardHops β-acid extract was fed to 80 heifers (389 ± 23.6 kg initial BW) to assess impact on feedlot performance and ruminal fermentation. Heifers were randomly assigned to individual pens and fed once daily for 147 d. Treatments were a control (no additive); 33 mg monensin (Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN)/kg diet DM; and 10, 25, 50 mg β-acid extract of hops (DSM Nutritional Products, France)/kg diet DM. Ruminal fluid was collected on d 44 and 86 by rumenocentesis for analyses of VFA, lactate, and NH[subscript]3 concentrations. Cattle were harvested at a commercial abattoir on d 147. Hops β-acids decreased propionate (P = 0.01) concentrations and increased caproate (P = 0.05), A:P (P = 0.04), and ammonia concentrations (P = 0.03) compared to monensin. Growth performance of heifers fed β-acid or monensin was not different than that of heifers fed the control diet. Additionally, two in vitro studies were conducted to evaluate effects of hops β-acid extract on starch fermentation by mixed microbial populations from the bovine rumen. In trial 1, 2 treatments were assigned in triplicate to fermentation bottle, fitted with Ankom[superscript]RF1 Gas Production System modules (Ankom[superscript]RF Technology, Macedon, NY) using starch as substrate (Difco Soluble Starch; Dickinson and Company, Sparks, MD) and either 0 or 33 mg hops β-acid extract (10.99% active hops beadlet; DSM Nutritional Products, France)/kg substrate. Gas production was measured over 30 h. Terminal pH, IVDMD, and VFA and lactate were measured after 30 h of fermentation. Gas production increased in response to β-acid (P ≤ 0.05). Terminal pH, IVDMD, VFA, and lactate were unaffected by addition of β-acid extract (P ≤ 0.05). In trial 2, pH, VFA concentrations, and IVDMD were measured at 6-h intervals during a 30-h incubation period using 36 fermentation tubes. There was no effect of hops β-acid on in vitro fermentation (P > 0.05). In conclusion, under the conditions of these experiments, hops β- acid extracts hops had little impact on feedlot performance, though there are indications of an impact on ruminal fermentation

    Interviews with Ted L. Pfannensteil, Bernie Schaffer, Ruth Jacobs, and Josephine S. Jacobs

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    Interviews with Ted L. Pfannensteil, Bernie Schaffer, Ruth Jacobs, and Josephine S. Jacobs 00:00:00 - Introduction, Ted L. Pfannensteil of Munjor, Kansas on June 21, 1962 00:00:32 - Song, Brautdusch 00:03:18 - Introduction, Bernie Schaffer of Liebenthal, KS on June 21, 1962 00:03:38 - Song, Du Du Liegst Mir im Herzen 00:04:45 - Song, Schoen Goodenacht 00:05:43 - Song, Don\u27t Sell Daddy Any More Whiskey 00:06:33 - Song, Blood Song 00:07:24 - Song, True Love 00:09:09 - Song, Down in the Valley 00:12:26 - Song, German Drinking Song 00:13:15 - Song, Pass Around the Bottle (John Brown\u27s Whiskey Bottle, racially explicit language) 00:14:16 - Song, Ten Little Bottles 00:17:05 - German New Year\u27s Wish 00:17:14 - Song, Old Waltz 00:18:30 - Introduction, Ruthie Jacobs of Hays, KS on June 7, 1962 00:19:01 - Cattle drive from Mexico to Abilene, KS 00:20:40 - Two riddles 00:21:18 - Story of grandfather\u27s murder of an Indigenous American 00:22:22 - Story of uncle eating a skunk by mistake 00:23:22 - First coffin at Logan, KS 00:24:11 - Mother and father being robbed in Yellowstone Park 00:25:22 - Introduction, Josephine S. Jacobs of Hays, KS on June 7, 1962. Recording quality is poor. 00:25:40 - Song, Catherine, Come With Me in the Fall Sung in German with translation 00:27:17 - Song, I am Pretty Sung in German with translation 00:27:57 - Song, Come In, Come In. Sung in German with translation 00:28:34 - Story of Indigenous Americans robbing mother\u27s home (Recording cuts off before finish)https://scholars.fhsu.edu/sackett/1061/thumbnail.jp

    Lactipro (Megasphaera elsdenii) Increases Ruminal pH and Alters Volatile Fatty Acids and Lactate During Transition to an 80% Concentrate Diet

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    Direct-fed microbials commonly have been used to enhance performance or to decrease shedding of foodborne pathogens in beef cattle. Megasphaera elsdenii is a recently introduced probiotic bacteria marketed under the trade name Lactipro (MS-Biotec Inc., Wamego, KS) and is a key lactate-fermenting bacterium in the rumens of cattle fed high-concentrate diets. Megasphaera elsdenii is responsible for metabolizing up to 95% lactic acid within the rumen, and thus is an important species for controlling occurrence of ruminal acidosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid concentration during the transition from a diet with 60% concentrate to a diet containing 80% concentrate after administering five different oral dosages of Lactipro

    Dietary Chromium Propionate Combined with Yeast Minimally Affects Growth Performance and Carcass Traits of Finishing Steers

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    Chromium (Cr) is an essential micromineral that serves to increase absorption of glucose from blood by potentiating the action of insulin. The ability to increase glucose tolerance could lead to more efficient use of glucose and ultimately to improved growth and efficiency. In addition, Cr may be beneficial in improving the immune response of cattle that are subjected to periods of stress. Organic forms of Cr (i.e., Cr propionate) increase absorption and are more physiologically active than their inorganic counterparts. Chromium propionate is currently the only approved form of organic Cr allowed for supplementation in cattle diets in the United States. Yeast supplements, most commonly in the form of various strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are commonly added to livestock diets as a means of stimulating digestion, intake, and animal performance. The purpose of this experiment was to compare feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose profiles of cattle fed finishing diets with and without a combination of chromium propionate and yeast supplementation

    Hops Βeta-Acid Extract Yields Feedlot Performance Similar to Rumensin

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    Hops (Humulus lupulus) have played an integral role in beer manufacturing and are widely known for their antimicrobial and preservative properties. α-acids of hops are extracted and utilized to enhance beer flavor, leaving residues largely composed of β-acids. Beta-acid extracts of hops are structurally similar to ionophores and may express ionophore-like traits. Ionophores, including Rumensin (Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN), are used to improve feed efficiency and to decrease the incidence of digestive disturbances in feedlot cattle. A large portion of in vitro studies show benefits from feeding hops or hop acids with results similar to ionophores; however, live animal experiments are needed to confirm these observations. The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of β-acid extracts of hops on feedlot performance in cattle fed high-concentrate diets and determine a response to varied doses of β-acid extracts of hops