615 research outputs found

    Response of a marine-terminating Greenland outlet glacier to abrupt cooling 8200 and 9300 years ago

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    Long-term records of Greenland outlet-glacier change extending beyond the satellite era can inform future predictions of Greenland Ice Sheet behavior. Of particular relevance is elucidating the Greenland Ice Sheet's response to decadal- and centennial-scale climate change. Here, we reconstruct the early Holocene history of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland's largest outlet glacier, using 10Be surface exposure ages and 14C-dated lake sediments. Our chronology of ice-margin change demonstrates that Jakobshavn Isbræ advanced to deposit moraines in response to abrupt cooling recorded in central Greenland ice cores ca. 8,200 and 9,300 years ago. While the rapid, dynamically aided retreat of many Greenland outlet glaciers in response to warming is well documented, these results indicate that marine-terminating outlet glaciers are also able to respond quickly to cooling. We suggest that short lag times of high ice flux margins enable a greater magnitude response of marine-terminating outlets to abrupt climate change compared to their land-terminating counterparts

    The Milagro anticenter hot spots: cosmic rays from the Geminga supernova ?

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    The Milagro experiment has announced the discovery of an excess flux of TeV cosmic rays from the general direction of the heliotail, also close to the Galactic anticenter. We investigate the hypothesis that the excess cosmic rays were produced in the SN explosion that gave birth to the Geminga pulsar. The assumptions underlying our proposed scenario are that the Geminga supernova occurred about 3.4 10^5 years ago (as indicated by the spin down timescale), that a burst of cosmic rays was injected with total energy 10^49 erg (i.e., about 1% of a typical SN output), and that the Geminga pulsar was born with a positive radial velocity of 100--200 km s^-1. We find that our hypothesis is consistent with the available information. In a first variant (likely oversimplified), the cosmic rays have diffused according to the Bohm prescription (i.e., with a diffusion coefficient on the order of c times r_L, with c the speed of light and r_L the Larmor radius). An alternative scheme assumes that diffusion only occurred initially, and the final propagation to the Sun was a free streaming in a diverging magnetic field. If the observed cosmic ray excess does indeed arise from the Geminga SN explosion, the long--sought "smoking gun" connecting cosmic rays with supernovae would finally be at hand. It could be said that, while looking for the "smoking gun", we were hit by the bullets themselves.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted; includes modifications suggested by the referee; 4 pages and 1 figur


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    The interest in relativistic beam-plasma instabilities has been greatly rejuvenated over the past two decades by novel concepts in laboratory and space plasmas. Recent advances in this long-standing field are here reviewed from both theoretical and numerical points of view. The primary focus is on the two-dimensional spectrum of unstable electromagnetic waves growing within relativistic, unmagnetized, and uniform electron beam-plasma systems. Although the goal is to provide a unified picture of all instability classes at play, emphasis is put on the potentially dominant waves propagating obliquely to the beam direction, which have received little attention over the years. First, the basic derivation of the general dielectric function of a kinetic relativistic plasma is recalled. Next, an overview of two-dimensional unstable spectra associated with various beam-plasma distribution functions is given. Both cold-fluid and kinetic linear theory results are reported, the latter being based on waterbag and Maxwell–Jüttner model distributions. The main properties of the competing modes (developing parallel, transverse, and oblique to the beam) are given, and their respective region of dominance in the system parameter space is explained. Later sections address particle-in-cell numerical simulations and the nonlinear evolution of multidimensional beam-plasma systems. The elementary structures generated by the various instability classes are first discussed in the case of reduced-geometry systems. Validation of linear theory is then illustrated in detail for large-scale systems, as is the multistaged character of the nonlinear phase. Finally, a collection of closely related beam-plasma problems involving additional physical effects is presented, and worthwhile directions of future research are outlined.Original Publication: Antoine Bret, Laurent Gremillet and Mark Eric Dieckmann, Multidimensional electron beam-plasma instabilities in the relativistic regime, 2010, Physics of Plasmas, (17), 12, 120501-1-120501-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3514586 Copyright: American Institute of Physics http://www.aip.org/</p

    Nonthermal Bremsstrahlung and Hard X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies

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    We have calculated nonthermal bremsstrahlung (NTB) models for the hard X-ray (HXR) tails recently observed by BeppoSAX in clusters of galaxies. In these models, the HXR emission is due to suprathermal electrons with energies of about 10-200 keV. Under the assumption that the suprathermal electrons form part of a continuous spectrum of electrons including highly relativistic particles, we have calculated the inverse Compton (IC) extreme ultraviolet (EUV), HXR, and radio synchrotron emission by the extensions of the same populations. For accelerating electron models with power-law momentum spectra (N[p] propto p^{- mu}) with mu <~ 2.7, which are those expected from strong shock acceleration, the IC HXR emission exceeds that due to NTB. Thus, these models are only of interest if the electron population is cut-off at some upper energy <~1 GeV. Similarly, flat spectrum accelerating electron models produce more radio synchrotron emission than is observed from clusters if the ICM magnetic field is B >~ 1 muG. The cooling electron model produces vastly too much EUV emission as compared to the observations of clusters. We have compared these NTB models to the observed HXR tails in Coma and Abell 2199. The NTB models require a nonthermal electron population which contains about 3% of the number of electrons in the thermal ICM. If the suprathermal electron population is cut-off at some energy above 100 keV, then the models can easily fit the observed HXR fluxes and spectral indices in both clusters. For accelerating electron models without a cutoff, the electron spectrum must be rather steep >~ 2.9.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 10 pages with 5 embedded Postscript figures in emulateapj.sty. An abbreviated abstract follow

    The Coxsackievirus B 3Cpro Protease Cleaves MAVS and TRIF to Attenuate Host Type I Interferon and Apoptotic Signaling

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    The host innate immune response to viral infections often involves the activation of parallel pattern recognition receptor (PRR) pathways that converge on the induction of type I interferons (IFNs). Several viruses have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to attenuate antiviral host signaling by directly interfering with the activation and/or downstream signaling events associated with PRR signal propagation. Here we show that the 3Cpro cysteine protease of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) cleaves the innate immune adaptor molecules mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) and Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-beta (TRIF) as a mechanism to escape host immunity. We found that MAVS and TRIF were cleaved in CVB3-infected cells in culture. CVB3-induced cleavage of MAVS and TRIF required the cysteine protease activity of 3Cpro, occurred at specific sites and within specialized domains of each molecule, and inhibited both the type I IFN and apoptotic signaling downstream of these adaptors. 3Cpro-mediated MAVS cleavage occurred within its proline-rich region, led to its relocalization from the mitochondrial membrane, and ablated its downstream signaling. We further show that 3Cpro cleaves both the N- and C-terminal domains of TRIF and localizes with TRIF to signalosome complexes within the cytoplasm. Taken together, these data show that CVB3 has evolved a mechanism to suppress host antiviral signal propagation by directly cleaving two key adaptor molecules associated with innate immune recognition

    A three-dimensional culture system recapitulates placental syncytiotrophoblast development and microbial resistance

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    In eutherians, the placenta acts as a barrier and conduit at the maternal-fetal interface. Syncytiotrophoblasts, the multinucleated cells that cover the placental villous tree surfaces of the human placenta, are directly bathed in maternal blood and are formed by the fusion of progenitor cytotrophoblasts that underlie them. Despite their crucial role in fetal protection, many of the events that govern trophoblast fusion and protection from microbial infection are unknown. We describe a three-dimensional (3D)–based culture model using human JEG-3 trophoblast cells that develop syncytiotrophoblast phenotypes when cocultured with human microvascular endothelial cells. JEG-3 cells cultured in this system exhibit enhanced fusogenic activity and morphological and secretory activities strikingly similar to those of primary human syncytiotrophoblasts. RNASeq analyses extend the observed functional similarities to the transcriptome, where we observed significant overlap between syncytiotrophoblast-specific genes and 3D JEG-3 cultures. Furthermore, JEG-3 cells cultured in 3D are resistant to infection by viruses and Toxoplasma gondii, which mimics the high resistance of syncytiotrophoblasts to microbial infections in vivo. Given that this system is genetically manipulatable, it provides a new platform to dissect the mechanisms involved in syncytiotrophoblast development and microbial resistance

    A New Measurement of Cosmic Ray Composition at the Knee

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    The Dual Imaging Cerenkov Experiment (DICE) was designed and operated for making elemental composition measurements of cosmic rays near the knee of the spectrum at several PeV. Here we present the first results using this experiment from the measurement of the average location of the depth of shower maximum, , in the atmosphere as a function of particle energy. The value of near the instrument threshold of ~0.1 PeV is consistent with expectations from previous direct measurements. At higher energies there is little change in composition up to ~5 PeV. Above this energy is deeper than expected for a constant elemental composition implying the overall elemental composition is becoming lighter above the knee region. These results disagree with the idea that cosmic rays should become on average heavier above the knee. Instead they suggest a transition to a qualitatively different population of particles above 5 PeV.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, two eps figures, aas2pp4.sty and epsf.sty included, accepted by Ap.J. Let

    Nonlinear shock acceleration beyond the Bohm limit

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    We suggest a physical mechanism whereby the acceleration time of cosmic rays by shock waves can be significantly reduced. This creates the possibility of particle acceleration beyond the knee energy at ~10^15eV. The acceleration results from a nonlinear modification of the flow ahead of the shock supported by particles already accelerated to the knee momentum at p ~ p_*. The particles gain energy by bouncing off converging magnetic irregularities frozen into the flow in the shock precursor and not so much by re-crossing the shock itself. The acceleration rate is thus determined by the gradient of the flow velocity and turns out to be formally independent of the particle mean free path (m.f.p.). The velocity gradient is, in turn, set by the knee-particles at p ~ p_* as having the dominant contribution to the CR pressure. Since it is independent of the m.f.p., the acceleration rate of particles above the knee does not decrease with energy, unlike in the linear acceleration regime. The reason for the knee formation at p ~ p_* is that particles with p>pp > p_* are effectively confined to the shock precursor only while they are within limited domains in the momentum space, while other particles fall into ``loss-islands'', similar to the ``loss-cone'' of magnetic traps. This structure of the momentum space is due to the character of the scattering magnetic irregularities. They are formed by a train of shock waves that naturally emerge from unstably growing and steepening magnetosonic waves or as a result of acoustic instability of the CR precursor. These losses steepen the spectrum above the knee, which also prevents the shock width from increasing with the maximum particle energy.Comment: aastex, 13 eps figure