475 research outputs found

    What measures can be made in order to prevent bird strikes at TrollhÀttan-VÀnersborg airport?

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    FlygplatsomrĂ„dens generella lĂ€mplighet för hĂ€ckning och födosökande gör dem till attraktiva men riskfyllda platser för fĂ„glar att uppehĂ„lla sig pĂ„. Kollisioner mellan flygplan och fĂ„glar orsakar problem ur sĂ„vĂ€l ekologiskt som samhĂ€llsekonomiskt och sĂ€kerhetsmĂ€ssigt perspektiv. Via hypoteser, litteratursökning, intervjuer med sakkunniga samt med geografiska informationssystem som hjĂ€lpmedel Ă€r syftet med den hĂ€r studien att analysera Ă„tgĂ€rder som kan vidtas för att förebygga fĂ„gelkollisioner vid TrollhĂ€ttan-VĂ€nersborgs flygplats. ÅtgĂ€rder som rekommenderas vid studiens slut Ă€r hĂ„llbara ur ett etiskt perspektiv och riktas mot omrĂ„dets fyra vanligaste arter, vilka genom sin höga förekomst befinner sig i en riskzon för kollision med flygplan. Studien har ocksĂ„ en miljökommunikativ aspekt genom att Ă„tgĂ€rderna analyseras utifrĂ„n vad som Ă€r rimligt med hĂ€nsyn till lokala verksamhetsutövare. De Ă„tgĂ€rder som analyseras i studien kan delas in i tre grupper – Ă„tgĂ€rder för att minska flygplatsomrĂ„dets attraktionskraft, skrĂ€mselĂ„tgĂ€rder och avledningsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Ur sĂ„vĂ€l etisk som miljökommunikativ aspekt visar sig att det mest hĂ„llbara tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet för att reducera antalet fĂ„glar pĂ„ det aktuella flygplatsomrĂ„det Ă€r att minska dess attraktionskraft. SkrĂ€mselĂ„tgĂ€rder kan vara effektiva som komplement. De bör etableras i den utstrĂ€ckning som flygplatsen har resurser till och varieras mycket med avseende pĂ„ placering och utformning. Etablering av avledningsomrĂ„den kan ocksĂ„ vara en möjlig komplementĂ„tgĂ€rd. ÅtgĂ€rden berör dock mark som inte Ă€gs av flygplatsen och kan dĂ€rmed bli svĂ„r att genomföra ur miljökommunikativ aspekt. Dessutom har den, utifrĂ„n vad som framgĂ„tt under denna studie, inte beprövats inom flygverksamhet. DĂ€rför krĂ€vs vidare studier för att undersöka förutsĂ€ttningar för sĂ„dana omrĂ„den.Airport areas are generally suitable for birds breeding and foraging, which makes them attractive yet risky places for birds to reside. Collisions between aircrafts and birds are problematical from both socio-economical and security, as well as ecological perspective. Via hypotheses, literature research, interviews and geographic information systems, the purpose with this study is to analyze measures that can be made to prevent bird strikes at TrollhĂ€ttan-VĂ€nersborg airport. Measures recommended at the end of the study are sustainable from an ethical perspective while also targeting the four most abundant species, which through its high abundance are exposed to the risk of colliding with aircrafts. The study also has an environmental communicative perspective since the measures are analyzed based on what is reasonable with regards to local operators. The measures analyzed in the study can be divided into three categories – measures to reduce the attractiveness of the airport area, measures to intimidate the birds and ways to divert the birds into other areas. It turns out that the most sustainable measure in order to reduce the number of birds in the risk zone is to reduce its attractiveness. Measures to intimidate the birds may be effective as a supplement. These should be established to the extent the resources of the airport allow and varied much with respect to their location and shape. Establishment of measures to divert the birds into other areas may also be a possible supplement. However, the measure would concern land owned by other operators than the airport and may therefore be difficult to implement from the environmental communicative perspective. Moreover, based on what has been presented in this study it has not been tested in flight operations. Therefore, further studies are required to investigate the possibilities of establishing such areas

    Exploring Pre-Colonial Resource Control of Individual Sami Households

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    In order to understand the use and control of resources by indigenous households and bands, information on territorial division is crucial. However, although indigenous resource use has been quantified in several studies, such information has usually been lacking. A unique map provides this kind of information for the Swedish Sami. Drawn by Jonas Persson Gedda in 1671, before the Swedish state started to interfere with Sami territorial division, it shows the borders of 37 household territories. We have combined the geographical information from Gedda’s map with historical sources and modern land survey data to quantify the resources controlled by each household and relate them to taxation. Three crucial resources are identified: alpine heath together with subalpine birch forest, pine-dominated forests, and fishing waters. Only the fishing resource showed any correlation to taxation, which underlines its importance as the main subsistence mode, at least for the forest Sami. Mountain Sami, who lived primarily on reindeer husbandry, controlled abundant alpine heath and subalpine birch forests that were used as summer pastures, but virtually no pine-dominated forests with winter pastures. The necessary winterpastures were located in the territories of the forest Sami, who controlled extensive pine-dominated forests and who were able to combine reindeer herding and wild reindeer hunting.Pour comprendre l’utilisation et la gestion des ressources des groupes de peuples indigĂšnes, il est essentiel de disposer d’informations sur la division territoriale. Cependant, si l’utilisation des ressources des peuples indigĂšnes a fait l’objet de plusieurs analyses quantitatives, les informations sur la division territoriale font le plus souvent dĂ©faut. Pour les Samis de SuĂšde, une carte unique fournit ce genre d’information. Établie par Jonas Persson Gedda en 1671, avant que l’État suĂ©dois n’ait commencĂ© Ă  intervenir dans la division territoriale des Samis, la carte montre les limites de 37 territoires familiaux. Nous avons alliĂ© les informations gĂ©ographiques de la carte de Gedda Ă  des sources historiques et Ă  des donnĂ©es topographiques modernes pour quantifier les ressources contrĂŽlĂ©es par chaque famille et les lier au systĂšme de taxation. Trois ressources naturelles fondamentales ont ainsi Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es : les landes alpines avec les forĂȘts subalpines de bouleau, les pinĂšdes et les pĂȘcheries. Il appert que seules les pĂȘcheries Ă©taient corrĂ©lĂ©es au systĂšme de taxation, ce qui souligne leur importance en tant que mode de subsistance, pour les Samis de la forĂȘt Ă  tout le moins. Les Samis des montagnes, qui vivaient surtout de l’élevage des rennes, contrĂŽlaient les landes alpines et les forĂȘts subalpines de bouleau abondantes qui Ă©taient utilisĂ©es comme pĂąturages estivaux, mais pratiquement pas de pinĂšdes offrant des pĂąturages hivernaux. Les pĂąturages nĂ©cessaires se trouvaient chez les Samis de la forĂȘt, qui contrĂŽlaient de vastes pinĂšdes et savaient combiner tant l’élevage des rennes que la chasse aux rennes sauvages

    Hur bör Sverige genomföra artiklarna 8j och 10c i syfte att uppnÄ Aichi-mÄl 18 i FN:s Konvention om biologisk mÄngfald?

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    Detta Àr en utredning som Centrum för biologisk mÄngfald har gjort under 2013 pÄ uppdrag av NaturvÄrdsverket i syfte att analysera vilka myndigheter som kan tÀnkas beröras av ett nationellt genomförade av dessa bÀgge artiklar i FN:s konvention om biologisk mÄngfald (CBD). Artiklarna 8j och 10c handlar om att samhÀllet ska ta bÀttre hÀnsyn till urfolks- och lokala samhÀllens kultur och naturresursanvÀndande och frÀmja ett fortsatt hÄllbart sedvanebruk av biologisk mÄngfald. För att verkligen kunna uppnÄ de högt stÀllda mÄlen med artiklarna krÀvs mycket lÄngt gÄende förÀndringar i samhÀllet och hur myndigheterna arbetar. I rapporten ges ett förslag pÄ handlingsplan för att försöka nÄ mÄlen till Är 2020, vilket Àr det uppstÀllda Äret för detta enligt CBD-beslutet. Traditionell kunskap, dvs. praktisk erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap som förts vidare frÄn generation till generation, bedöms vara en viktig förutsÀttning för att uppnÄ ett framtida hÄllbart samhÀlle

    Opportunities for caries prevention using an ion-releasing coating material: a randomised clinical study

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    Ion-releasing materials (containing fuoride and boron, for example) have shown caries-preventive efects in vitro. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the impact of multi-ion-releasing coating material on pH stabilisation, plaque accumulation and the bacterial composition of dental plaque during a time period of 90 days. The null hypothesis tested here was that the evaluated material would not show any diferences in pH stabilisation, plaque accumulation or bacterial composition compared with control material. The study was carried out as a double-blind, split-mouth, randomised, controlled clinical trial in 28 volunteers. Over the evaluation period (days 4, 30, 60 and 90), pH measurements, plaque index and plaque sampling for bacterial analyses were conducted in a calibrated, standardized manner. The study received ethical permission and was carried out in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration. A signifcant diference was observed, with less plaque accumulation over time in the subjects in whom the ion-releasing material was applied in comparison to the non-active group. No signifcant diference was evident in terms of either pH stabilisation or plaque levels of mutans streptococci. The null hypothesis relating to plaque accumulation was rejected, with a lower plaque index shown for the test group up to 60–90 days. No adverse efects during the observation period were observed. Since the studied cohort was healthy from a caries perspective, more clinical studies are needed to further evaluate the caries-prevention potential of the ion-releasing material in other patient groups

    Type 2 diabetes and risk of hip fractures and non-skeletal fall injuries in the elderly: A study from the Fractures and Fall Injuries in the Elderly Cohort (FRAILCO)

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    Questions remain about whether the increased risk of fractures in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is related mainly to increased risk of falling or to bone‐specific properties. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the risk of hip fractures and non‐skeletal fall injuries in older men and women with and without T2DM. We included 429,313 individuals (aged 80.8 ± 8.2 years [mean ± SD], 58% women) from the Swedish registry “Senior Alert” and linked the data to several nationwide registers. We identified 79,159 individuals with T2DM (45% with insulin [T2DM‐I], 41% with oral antidiabetics [T2DM‐O], and 14% with no antidiabetic treatment [T2DM‐none]) and 343,603 individuals without diabetes. During a follow‐up of approximately 670,000 person‐years, we identified in total 36,132 fractures (15,572 hip fractures) and 20,019 non‐skeletal fall injuries. In multivariable Cox regression models where the reference group was patients without diabetes and the outcome was hip fracture, T2DM‐I was associated with increased risk (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) [95% CI] 1.24 [1.16–1.32]), T2DM‐O with unaffected risk (1.03 [0.97–1.11]), and T2DM‐none with reduced risk (0.88 [0.79–0.98]). Both the diagnosis of T2DM‐I (1.22 [1.16–1.29]) and T2DM‐O (1.12 [1.06–1.18]) but not T2DM‐none (1.07 [0.98–1.16]) predicted non‐skeletal fall injury. The same pattern was found regarding other fractures (any, upper arm, ankle, and major osteoporotic fracture) but not for wrist fracture. Subset analyses revealed that in men, the risk of hip fracture was only increased in those with T2DM‐I, but in women, both the diagnosis of T2DM‐O and T2DM‐I were related to increased hip fracture risk. In conclusion, the risk of fractures differs substantially among patients with T2DM and an increased risk of hip fracture was primarily found in insulin‐treated patients, whereas the risk of non‐skeletal fall injury was consistently increased in T2DM with any diabetes medication. © 2016 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    Social identitet i organisationsförÀndring - en fallstudie av Banverket Projektering

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    Vi har funnit att den sociala identiteten har förÀndrats pÄ Banverket Projektering i och med organisationsförÀndringen, och att coaching haft inverkan pÄ detta. Vidare har framkommit att det förekommer grÄzoner inom coachingverksamheten. GrÄzonerna kan motverkas genom social identitetscoaching. Social identitetscoaching bygger pÄ utvidgad och koncentrerad gemenskap, utbyte av Äsikter och trygghet för de anstÀllda

    Interactions between local and global drivers determine long-term trends in boreal forest understorey vegetation

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    Aim Global change effects on forest ecosystems are increasingly claimed to be context dependent, indicated by interactions between global and local environmental drivers. Most examples of such context dependencies originate from temperate systems, while limited research comes from the boreal biome. Here we set out to test if interactions between climate warming, nitrogen deposition, land-use change resulting in increasing forest density, and soil pH drive long-term changes in understorey vegetation in boreal forests. Location Sweden. Time period 1953-2012. Major taxa studied Vascular plants. Methods We used long-term (50 years) National Forest Inventory data on forest understorey vegetation in Sweden to model the combined effects of climate warming, nitrogen deposition, increase in forest density (tree basal area), and soil pH. Results Our results identify increasing temperature, nitrogen deposition and denser, shadier forest conditions as the main drivers of understorey vegetation changes during this time period. More importantly, we found that these effects varied with local conditions, that is, that the change towards a more nitrophilic understorey vegetation was more pronounced at low than high soil pH. Forest density was an important modulator of nitrogen deposition and temperature increase, with effects generally decreasing with density. Decreased cover of ericaceous dwarf shrubs was driven by both forest density and nitrogen deposition, with a stronger effect at low than at high pH. Main conclusions Our results highlight that to understand forest ecosystems' response to global change, and to make adequate management decisions to mitigate the effects of global change, we need to understand how changes in local environmental factors (forest density and soil pH) interact with global-scale drivers (nitrogen deposition and climate warming). Neglecting such interactions will lead to incorrect estimations of effects. In our case, we would for example, have underestimated the eutrophication effects on acid soils, which constitute a considerable part of the boreal biome

    VÀgar framÄt för nÄgra nationella myndigheters implementering av konventionen om biologisk mÄngfald och lokal och traditionell kunskap av betydelse för biologisk mÄngfald

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    PÄ uppdrag av NaturvÄrdsverket genomförde Centrum för biologisk mÄngfald under 2014 en utredning, vilket resulterade i denna rapport. Syftet med uppdraget var att göra en fördjupad analys över vilka insatser ett antal svenska statliga myndigheter behöver göra för att uppnÄ Sveriges Ätaganden enligt FN:s konvention om biologisk mÄngfald vad gÀller artikel 8j (sÀrskild hÀnsyn till s.k. traditionell kunskap som finns hos urfolk och lokala samhÀllen med traditionella sedvÀnjor) och artikel 10c (hÀnsyn till hÄllbart sedvanebruk). Idén Àr att de framlagda förslagen ska bidra till att Sverige Är 2020 ska nÄ Aichi-mÄl 18 gÀllande dessa frÄgor, som Sverige varit delaktiga i att besluta om inom mÄngfaldskonventionen. Traditionell kunskap, dvs. praktisk erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap som förts vidare frÄn generation till generation, bedöms vara en viktig förutsÀttning för att bevara och hÄllbart nyttja biologisk mÄngfald samt uppnÄ ett framtida hÄllbart samhÀlle
