4,860 research outputs found

    Similarity based cooperation and spatial segregation

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    We analyze a cooperative game, where the cooperative act is not based on the previous behaviour of the co-player, but on the similarity between the players. This system has been studied in a mean-field description recently [A. Traulsen and H. G. Schuster, Phys. Rev. E 68, 046129 (2003)]. Here, the spatial extension to a two-dimensional lattice is studied, where each player interacts with eight players in a Moore neighborhood. The system shows a strong segregation independent on parameters. The introduction of a local conversion mechanism towards tolerance allows for four-state cycles and the emergence of spiral waves in the spatial game. In the case of asymmetric costs of cooperation a rich variety of complex behavior is observed depending on both cooperation costs. Finally, we study the stabilization of a cooperative fixed point of a forecast rule in the symmetric game, which corresponds to cooperation across segregation borders. This fixed point becomes unstable for high cooperation costs, but can be stabilized by a linear feedback mechanism.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Altruistic Contents of Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma

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    We examine the classical contents of quantum games. It is shown that a quantum strategy can be interpreted as a classical strategies with effective density-dependent game matrices composed of transposed matrix elements. In particular, successful quantum strategies in dilemma games are interpreted in terms of a symmetrized game matrix that corresponds to an altruistic game plan.Comment: Revised according to publisher's request: 4 pgs, 2 fgs, ReVTeX4. For more info, go to http://www.mech.kochi-tech.ac.jp/cheon

    Social games in a social network

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    We study an evolutionary version of the Prisoner's Dilemma game, played by agents placed in a small-world network. Agents are able to change their strategy, imitating that of the most successful neighbor. We observe that different topologies, ranging from regular lattices to random graphs, produce a variety of emergent behaviors. This is a contribution towards the study of social phenomena and transitions governed by the topology of the community

    Einstein Radii from Binary Lensing Events

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    We show that the Einstein ring radius and transverse speed of a lens projected on the source plane, r^e\hat{r}_{\rm e} and v^\hat{v}, can be determined from the light curve of a binary-source event, followed by the spectroscopic determination of the orbital elements of the source stars. The determination makes use of the same principle that allows one to measure the Einstein ring radii from finite-source effects. For the case when the orbital period of the source stars is much longer than the Einstein time scale, PteP\gg t_{\rm e}, there exists a single two-fold degeneracy in determining r^e\hat{r}_{\rm e}. However, when PteP \lesssim t_{\rm e} the degeneracy can often be broken by making use of the binary-source system's orbital motion. %Once r^e\hat{r}_{\rm e}, and thus v^\hat{v} are determined, one can %distinguish self-lensing events in the Large Magellanic Cloud %from Galactic halo events. For an identifiable 8\% of all lensing events seen toward the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), one can unambiguously determine whether the lenses are Galactic, or whether they lie in the LMC itself. The required observations can be made after the event is over and could be carried out for the 8\sim 8 events seen by Alcock et al.\ and Aubourg et al.. In addition, we propose to include eclipsing binaries as sources for gravitational lensing experiments.Comment: 18 pages, revised version, submitted to Ap

    From simplicial Chern-Simons theory to the shadow invariant II

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    This is the second of a series of papers in which we introduce and study a rigorous "simplicial" realization of the non-Abelian Chern-Simons path integral for manifolds M of the form M = Sigma x S1 and arbitrary simply-connected compact structure groups G. More precisely, we introduce, for general links L in M, a rigorous simplicial version WLO_{rig}(L) of the corresponding Wilson loop observable WLO(L) in the so-called "torus gauge" by Blau and Thompson (Nucl. Phys. B408(2):345-390, 1993). For a simple class of links L we then evaluate WLO_{rig}(L) explicitly in a non-perturbative way, finding agreement with Turaev's shadow invariant |L|.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure. Some minor changes and corrections have been mad

    A Proper Motion Survey for White Dwarfs with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2

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    We have performed a search for halo white dwarfs as high proper motion objects in a second epoch WFPC2 image of the Groth-Westphal strip. We identify 24 high proper motion objects with mu > 0.014 ''/yr. Five of these high proper motion objects are identified as strong white dwarf candidates on the basis of their position in a reduced proper motion diagram. We create a model of the Milky Way thin disk, thick disk and stellar halo and find that this sample of white dwarfs is clearly an excess above the < 2 detections expected from these known stellar populations. The origin of the excess signal is less clear. Possibly, the excess cannot be explained without invoking a fourth galactic component: a white dwarf dark halo. We present a statistical separation of our sample into the four components and estimate the corresponding local white dwarf densities using only the directly observable variables, V, V-I, and mu. For all Galactic models explored, our sample separates into about 3 disk white dwarfs and 2 halo white dwarfs. However, the further subdivision into the thin and thick disk and the stellar and dark halo, and the subsequent calculation of the local densities are sensitive to the input parameters of our model for each Galactic component. Using the lowest mean mass model for the dark halo we find a 7% white dwarf halo and six times the canonical value for the thin disk white dwarf density (at marginal statistical significance), but possible systematic errors due to uncertainty in the model parameters likely dominate these statistical error bars. The white dwarf halo can be reduced to around 1.5% of the halo dark matter by changing the initial mass function slightly. The local thin disk white dwarf density in our solution can be made consistent with the canonical value by assuming a larger thin disk scaleheight of 500 pc.Comment: revised version, accepted by ApJ, results unchanged, discussion expande

    Nonequilibrium phase transition in a model for social influence

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    We present extensive numerical simulations of the Axelrod's model for social influence, aimed at understanding the formation of cultural domains. This is a nonequilibrium model with short range interactions and a remarkably rich dynamical behavior. We study the phase diagram of the model and uncover a nonequilibrium phase transition separating an ordered (culturally polarized) phase from a disordered (culturally fragmented) one. The nature of the phase transition can be continuous or discontinuous depending on the model parameters. At the transition, the size of cultural regions is power-law distributed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Residential segregation and cultural dissemination: An Axelrod-Schelling model

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    In the Axelrod's model of cultural dissemination, we consider mobility of cultural agents through the introduction of a density of empty sites and the possibility that agents in a dissimilar neighborhood can move to them if their mean cultural similarity with the neighborhood is below some threshold. While for low values of the density of empty sites the mobility enhances the convergence to a global culture, for high enough values of it the dynamics can lead to the coexistence of disconnected domains of different cultures. In this regime, the increase of initial cultural diversity paradoxically increases the convergence to a dominant culture. Further increase of diversity leads to fragmentation of the dominant culture into domains, forever changing in shape and number, as an effect of the never ending eroding activity of cultural minorities

    Evolution of emotions on networks leads to the evolution of cooperation in social dilemmas

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    We show that the resolution of social dilemmas in random graphs and scale-free networks is facilitated by imitating not the strategy of better-performing players but, rather, their emotions. We assume sympathy and envy to be the two emotions that determine the strategy of each player in any given interaction, and we define them as the probabilities of cooperating with players having a lower and a higher payoff, respectively. Starting with a population where all possible combinations of the two emotions are available, the evolutionary process leads to a spontaneous fixation to a single emotional profile that is eventually adopted by all players. However, this emotional profile depends not only on the payoffs but also on the heterogeneity of the interaction network. Homogeneous networks, such as lattices and regular random graphs, lead to fixations that are characterized by high sympathy and high envy, while heterogeneous networks lead to low or modest sympathy but also low envy. Our results thus suggest that public emotions and the propensity to cooperate at large depend, and are in fact determined by, the properties of the interaction network

    Freezing and Slow Evolution in a Constrained Opinion Dynamics Model

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    We study opinion formation in a population that consists of leftists, centrists, and rightist. In an interaction between neighboring agents, a centrist and a leftist can become both centrists or leftists (and similarly for a centrist and a rightist). In contrast, leftists and rightists do not affect each other. The initial density of centrists rho_0 controls the evolution. With probability rho_0 the system reaches a centrist consensus, while with probability 1-rho_0 a frozen population of leftists and rightists results. In one dimension, we determine this frozen state and the opinion dynamics by mapping the system onto a spin-1 Ising model with zero-temperature Glauber kinetics. In the frozen state, the length distribution of single-opinion domains has an algebraic small-size tail x^{-2(1-psi)} and the average domain size grows as L^{2*psi}, where L is the system length. The approach to this frozen state is governed by a t^{-psi} long-time tail with psi-->2*rho_0/pi as rho_0-->0.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 2-column revtex4 format, for submission to J. Phys. A. Revision contains lots of stylistic changes and 1 new result; the main conclusions are the sam