67 research outputs found


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    Manusia adalah makhuk ciptaan Allah yang sempurna dan dianugerahi potensi sebagai khalifah di muka bumi. Kesempurnaan yang dimiliki manusia tidak hanya dari segi fisik, akan tetapi manusia dianugerahi akal yang potensinya dapat melampui batas kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh semua makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Terlepas dari cacat fisik, seperti anak berkebutuhan khusus. Fakta empiris membuktikan bahwa begitu banyak anak berkebutuhan khusus yang sudah menunjukkan kemampuannya seperti layaknya orang-orang normal, bahkan melebihi orang-orang yang normal. Di sisi lain, anak berkebutuhan khusus juga dapat mengalami masalah-masalah psikologis seperti masalah psikologis yang dialami oleh manusia normal, yang dipandang dapat menghambat perkembangan potensinya. Berangkat dari kesadaran tersebut, tulisan ini akan mendeskripsikan karakter dan jenis anak berkebutuhan khusus disertai problem-probem psikologis yang dapat dialaminya. Selain itu, penulis juga mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya catat fisik dan psikis pada anak berkebutuhan khusus dan bentuk-bentuk layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang dapat diberikan bagi anak berkebutuhan khsusus. Sifat bimbingan dan konseling yang tidak hanya berorientasi pada pemecahan masalah (kuratif-korektif), akan tetapi sifat bimbingan dan konseling seperti preservatif, preventif dan developmental juga dapat diterapkan bagi anak berkebutuhan khsusus


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    Keunikan konteks tugas dan ekspektasi kinerja konselor di seting pendidikan sebagai bagian integral dalam sistem pendidikan, sesuai dengan apa yang diamanatkan UU Nomor 20 tahun 2003 Pasal 1 ayat 6 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional. Diskursus bimbingan dan konseling di Indonesia mulai berkembang pada tahun 1960-an. Perkembangan tersebut berawal dari seting pendidikan, kemudian meluas pada lembaga-lembaga sosial dan organisasi swasta. Hal ini menjadi perbedaaan mendasar jika dibandingkan dengan sejarah kemunculan bimbingan dan konseling di Amerika. Pertumbuhan bimbingan dan konseling di Amerika berawal dari usaha Frank Parson dalam memfasilitasi pemuda Amerika untuk menggali potensi dan menyediakan layanan informasi vokasional (karir) yang berkembang akibat dari revolusi industri. Keberhasilan kinerja Frank Parson kemudian mengilhami pemerintah Amerika untuk memasukkan layanan bimbingan dan konseling ke dalam seting pendidikan. Jesse B. Davis adalah pelopor yang mengembangkan layanan bimbingan dan konseling ke ranah pendidikan. Dalam konteks Indonesia peran penting konselor dalam mensuport perkembangan, prestasi peserta didik, dan mempersiapkan kesuksesan di bidang karir, hal ini terbukti dengan semakin meluasnya peran konselor dalam dunia pendidikan. Misalnya, kurikulum 2013 yang mengamanatkan program peminatan yang harus diampu oleh konselor. Selain itu, lembaga-lembaga dinas sosial, dan organisasi swasta juga memberikan kepercayaan kepada konselor untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan. Terbukti secara mendadak kebutuhan konselor semakin meningkat tidak hanya pada seting pendidikan, akan tetapi di tempat-tempat rehabilitasi dan lembaga-lembaga lainnya. Kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang dimaksud seperti konselor pendidikan, konselor anak usia dini, konselor krisis, dan konselor lansi

    Personal Pronouns and their Morphological Structure between the Ancient and the Moderns

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    This study talks about personal pronouns and their grammatical structure between modernists and Ancients which started from AL-Ramanis definition after that This study shows the differences between the School of AL-Basra and the School of AL- Kufa about what is a pronoun and what is its type and what is its grammatical form. Moreover, this study talks about modernists who goes for two groups, the first group doesn’t leave the ancients opinions and their differences about name of the pronoun and literal related pronouns, like AL-mahdi and AL-mokhzoumi. On the other hand, the second group talks the pronouns by theirs modern linguistic view like Tammam bin Hassan who found that the pronouns have features which made from them as in dependent section. Because it isn’t name or letter and then the study compare between these opinions to come out with point of view for these pronouns as forms placed Which are not derivate bot have incorporeal significance direct to the gender, number and type and take positions analysis and accept lots of name tags which have many features Which made from them as kind from part of speec

    Wearable metamaterial dual-polarized high isolation UWB MIMO Vivaldi antenna for 5G and satellite communications

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    A low-profile Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) antenna showing dual polarization, low mutual coupling, and acceptable diversity gain is presented by this paper. The antenna introduces the requirements of fifth generation (5G) and the satellite communications. A horizontally (4.8–31 GHz) and vertically polarized (7.6–37 GHz) modified antipodal Vivaldi antennas are simulated, fabricated, and integrated, and then their characteristics are examined. An ultra-wideband (UWB) at working bandwidths of 3.7–3.85 GHz and 5–40 GHz are achieved. Low mutual coupling of less than −22 dB is achieved after loading the antenna with cross-curves, staircase meander line, and integration of the metamaterial elements. The antennas are designed on a denim textile substrate with = 1.4 and h= 0.5 mm. A conductive textile called ShieldIt is utilized as conductor with conductivity of 1.8 × 10⁴. After optimizing the proposed UWB-MIMO antenna’s characteristics, it is increased to four elements positioned at the four corners of a denim textile substrate to be employed as a UWB-MIMO antenna for handset communications, 5G, Ka and Ku band, and satellite communications (X-band). The proposed eight port UWB-MIMO antenna has a maximum gain of 10.7 dBi, 98% radiation efficiency, less than 0.01 ECC, and acceptable diversity gain. Afterwards, the eight-ports antenna performance is examined on a simulated real voxel hand and chest. Then, it is evaluated and compared on physical hand and chest of body. Evidently, the simulated and measured results show good agreement between them. The proposed UWB-MIMO antenna offers a compact and flexible design, which is suitably wearable for 5G and satellite communications applications

    Role of dietary fiber and lifestyle modification in gut health and sleep quality

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    Dietary fiber has an immense role in the gut microbiome by modulating juvenile growth, immune system maturation, glucose, and lipid metabolism. Lifestyle changes might disrupt gut microbiota symbiosis, leading to various chronic diseases with underlying inflammatory conditions, obesity, and its associated pathologies. An interventional study of 16 weeks examined the impact of psyllium husk fiber with and without lifestyle modification on gut health and sleep quality in people with central obesity (men = 60 and women = 60), those aged from 40 to 60 years, those having WC ≥ 90 cm (men) and WC ≥ 80 cm (women), and no history of any chronic disease or regular medication. The participants were subgrouped into three intervention groups, namely, the psyllium husk fiber (PSH) group, the lifestyle modification (LSM) group, and the LSM&PSH group and control group with equal gender bifurcation (men = 15 and women = 15). A 24-h dietary recall, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) symptoms, and sleep quality analysis data were collected on validated questionnaires. The analyses of variance and covariance were used for baseline and post-intervention, respectively. Student's t-test was applied for pre- and post-intervention changes on the variable of interest. The intervention effect on GIT health was highly significant (P < 0.001). The mean GIT scores of the LSM, PSH, and LSM&PSH groups were 2.99 ± 0.14, 2.49 ± 0.14, and 2.71 ± 0.14, respectively, compared to the mean GIT scores of the control group. No significant (P = 0.205) effect of either intervention was observed on sleep quality. The study concluded that psyllium husk fiber significantly improved the GIT symptoms, while no significant effect of the intervention was observed on sleep quality analysis

    Characteristics of long-COVID among older adults: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: To describe long-COVID symptoms among older adults and to assess the risk factors for two common long-COVID symptoms: fatigue and dyspnea. Methods: This is a multicenter, prospective cohort study conducted in Israel, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy. Individuals were included at least 30 days after their COVID-19 diagnosis. We compared long-COVID symptoms between elderly (aged >65 years) and younger individuals (aged 18-65 years) and conducted univariate and multivariable analyses for the predictors of long-COVID fatigue and dyspnea. Results: A total of 2333 individuals were evaluated at an average of 5 months (146 days [95% confidence interval 142-150]) after COVID-19 onset. The mean age was 51 years, and 20.5% were aged >65 years. Older adults were more likely to be symptomatic, with the most common symptoms being fatigue (38%) and dyspnea (30%); they were more likely to complain of cough and arthralgia and have abnormal chest imaging and pulmonary function tests. Independent risk factors for long-COVID fatigue and dyspnea included female gender, obesity, and closer proximity to COVID-19 diagnosis; older age was not an independent predictor. Conclusion: Older individuals with long-COVID have different persisting symptoms, with more pronounced pulmonary impairment. Women and individuals with obesity are at risk. Further research is warranted to investigate the natural history of long-COVID among the elderly population and to assess possible interventions aimed at promoting rehabilitation and well-being

    Transition metal doped CeO2 for photocatalytic removal of 2-chlorophenol in the exposure of indoor white light and antifungal activity

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    Besides natural sunlight and expensive artificial lights, economical indoor white light can play a significant role in activating a catalyst for photocatalytic removal of organic toxins from contaminated water. In the current effort, CeO2 has been modified with Ni, Cu, and Fe through doping methodology to study the removal of 2-chlorophenol (2-CP) in the illumination of 70 W indoor LED white light. The absence of additional diffractions due to the dopants and few changes such as reduction in peaks’ height, minor peak shift at 2θ (28.525°) and peaks’ broadening in XRD patterns of modified CeO2 verifies the successful doping of CeO2. The solid-state absorption spectra revealed higher absorbance of Cu-doped CeO2 whereas a lower absorption response was observed for Ni-doped CeO2. An interesting observation regarding the lowering of indirect bandgap energy of Fe-doped CeO2 (∼2.7 eV) and an increase in Ni-doped CeO2 (∼3.0 eV) in comparison to pristine CeO2 (∼2.9 eV) was noticed. The process of e-– h+ recombination in the synthesized photocatalysts was also investigated through photoluminescence spectroscopy. The photocatalytic studies revealed the greater photocatalytic activity of Fe-doped CeO2 with a higher rate (∼3.9 × 10−3 min-1) among all other materials. Moreover, kinetic studies also revealed the validation of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model (R2 = 0.9839) while removing 2-CP in the exposure of indoor light with a Fe-doped CeO2 photocatalyst. The XPS analysis revealed the existence of Fe3+, Cu2+ and Ni2+ core levels in doped CeO2. Using the agar well-diffusion method, the antifungal activity was assessed against the fungus M. fructicola and F. oxysporum. Compared to CeO2, Ni-doped CeO2, and Cu-doped CeO2 nanoparticles, the Fe-doped CeO2 nanoparticles have outstanding antifungal properties
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