263 research outputs found

    In-vitro Relationship between Protein-binding and Free Drug Concentrations of a Water-soluble Selective Beta-adrenoreceptor Antagonist (Atenolol) and Its Interaction with Arsenic

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    The degree of binding of a drug to plasma proteins has a marked effect on its distribution, elimination, and pharmacological effect since only the unbound fraction is available for distribution into extra-vascular space. The protein-binding of atenolol was measured by equilibrium dialysis in the bovine serum albumin (BSA). Free atenolol concentration was increased due to addition of arsenic which reduced the binding of the compounds to BSA. During concurrent administration, arsenic displaced atenolol from its high-affinity binding Site I, and free concentration of atenolol increased from 4.286±0.629% and 5.953±0.605% to 82.153±1.924% and 85.486±1.158% in absence and presence of Site I probe respectively. Thus, it can be suggested that arsenic displaced atenolol from its binding site resulting in an increase of the free atenolol concentration in plasma

    Iktiofauna Di Perairan Sekitar Gunung Kabela Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone Sulawesi Utara (Ichthyofauna of Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park Waters North Sulawesi)

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    Penelitian mengenai ikan di perairan kawasan Taman Nasional Bogani Nani Wartabone telah dilakukan dengan mengambil lokasi di sekitar Gunung Kabela. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis ikan, kelimpahan, distribusi, potensi dan aspek terkait lainnya. Hasil penelitian tercatat 25 jenis dari 21 marga dan 14 suku. Gobiidae merupakan suku yang paling dominan dengan 9 jenis. Kelimpahan jenis bervariasi antara 1 sampai 33,75 ind./st.; Barbodes gonionotus merupakan jenis yang paling melimpah (33,75 ind/st), dan Sicyopterus longifilis merupakan jenis yang tersebar paling luas, faktor ekologi dan aspek terkait lainnya akan dibahas dalam makalah

    The Effects of Combined Medicinal Plants Infusion on Blood Glucose, Cholesterol, and Triglyceride Levels in Hyperglycemic Sprague-Dawley Rats

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    Latar belakang: Kadar glukosa, kolesterol dan trigliserid darah yang tinggi dapat memicu terjadinya berbagaipenyakit sehingga diperlukan cara untuk mengontrol ketiga parameter tersebut, salah satunya dengan obattradisional. Penelitian dilakukan untuk membuktikan efek penurunan kadar glukosa, kolesterol dan trigliseriddarah tikus Sprague-Dawley (SD) dari infusa kombinasi sambiloto, salam, kayu manis, dan temulawak.Metode: Penelitian terhadap 3 kelompok uji (kontrol, perlakuan, dan metformin sebagai kontrol positif)dilakukan pada bulan Juni-Agustus 2014 di laboratorium hewan coba B2P2TOOT Jawa Tengah CentralJava. Hewan uji adalah tikus galur SD usia?. Induksi hiperglikemik tikus uji dengan pemberian highfructose diet (HFD), yaitu campuran fruktosa (36%), kuning telur (20%), dan pellet standar (44%) dalam0,36 g /200 g Berat Badan (BB) selama 70 hari. Setelah diperoleh tikus hiperglikemik pada hari ke-70, dilanjutkan pemberian infusa formula selama 7 hari. Ketiga parameter uji meliputi kadar glukosa,trigliserida, dan kolesterol total tikus uji hari ke-77 dibandingkan dengan hari ke-70. Pemeriksaanhistopatologi organ pankreas dilakukan pada di akhir percobaan.Hasil: Pemberian HFD selama 70 hari menyebabkan peningkatan signifikan kadar glukosa (p=0,0001),kolesterol (p=0,001) dan trigliserid total (p=0,006) darah. Peningkatan berat badan tikus uji dibandingkantikus kelompok kontrol tidak berbeda bermakna (p=0,792). Pemberian infusa ramuan sambiloto, salam,kayu manis, dan temulawak dosis 491,4 mg/200 g BB menurunkan kadar glukosa, kolesterol, dantrigliserida darah tikus uji berurutan sebesar 37,09% 19,51%, dan 79,29%.Kesimpulan: Pemberian infusa ramuan sambiloto, salam, kayu manis, dan temulawak dosis 491,4 mg/200g BB selama 7 hari secara signifikan menurunkan kadar glokosa darah, kolesterol. dan trigliserida tikushiperglikemik. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:99-104

    The design of IPT system for multiple kitchen appliances using class E LCCL circuit

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    Since many years ago, kitchen appliances are powered up by cable connected. This create a troublesome case as wire might tangle together and cause kitchen table messy. Due to this, wireless power technology (WPT) is introduced as its ability is to transmit power to load without physical contact. This leads to cordless solution better in safety as the product can be completely seal, highly expandable power range. This work focuses on the design of WPT based on inductive approach to power up multiple kitchen appliances. The selection of inductive approach over its partners capacitive and acoustic is mainly due to high power efficiency. Class E inverter is proposed here to convert the DC to AC current to drive the inductive link. A 1 MHz operating frequency is used. To ensure the circuit is robust with load variations, an LCCL impedance matching is proposed. This solution is table to maintain the output power if there is a slight change in load impedance. Finally, the developed prototype is able to supply 50V utput which can achieve power transmission up to 81.76%


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    Two of the six Chirixalus species currently known are distributed in Indonesia. Both species are only known to be distributed in Java, and they are Chirixalus trilaksonoi and Chirixalus pantaiselatan. During two field expeditions conducted in 2022 in Palembang, South Sumatra, we encountered several individuals exhibiting morphological similarities to C. trilaksonoi. Subsequent analysis, encompassing molecular, morphological, and bioacoustic, was undertaken to ascertain the identity of these individuals. The analyses outcomes unequivocally confirm that the specimens from Palembang are indeed C. trilaksonoi. Nevertheless, slight variations were observed between the Javanese and Sumatran populations of C. trilaksonoi. These populations exhibited a low genetic distance of 0.6% in mitochondrial DNA and displayed three polymorphic sites. Furthermore, there are slight differences in various morphological characteristics, and in advertising calls. The IUCN red-list status of this species was also evaluated, and based on the available evidence, we propose C. trilaksonoi as Vulnerable according to criteria B1ab(iii). This study stresses the importance of comprehensive taxon studies, especially in neighboring island, and in one biogeographical region

    NO-Mediated [Ca2+]cyt Increases Depend on ADP-Ribosyl Cyclase Activity in Arabidopsis.

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    Cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR) is a Ca(2+)-mobilizing intracellular second messenger synthesized from NAD by ADP-ribosyl cyclases (ADPR cyclases). In animals, cADPR targets the ryanodine receptor present in the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum to promote Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores to increase the concentration of cytosolic free Ca(2+) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), and cADPR has been proposed to play a central role in signal transduction pathways evoked by the drought and stress hormone, abscisic acid, and the circadian clock. Despite evidence for the action of cADPR in Arabidopsis, no predicted proteins with significant similarity to the known ADPR cyclases have been reported in any plant genome database, suggesting either that there is a unique route for cADPR synthesis or that a homolog of ADPR cyclase with low similarity might exist in plants. We sought to determine whether the low levels of ADPR cyclase activity reported in Arabidopsis are indicative of a bona fide activity that can be associated with the regulation of Ca(2+) signaling. We adapted two different fluorescence-based assays to measure ADPR cyclase activity in Arabidopsis and found that this activity has the characteristics of a nucleotide cyclase that is activated by nitric oxide to increase cADPR and mobilize Ca(2.)This work was supported by the Islamic Development Bank and the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust (SMA-A), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CTH) and BBSRC UK grant BB/D017904/1 (AND) awarded to AARW.This is the author accepted manuscript. It is permanently embargoed to comply with the publisher’s copyright terms. The final version is available from American Society of Plant Biologists via https://doi.org10.1104/pp.15.0196

    Design of Portable Catalytic Converter with Temperature Control Based on Arduino for Waste Gas Diesel Engine

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    Catalityc  converter is  device  that  using  of  catalyst  media.The  media of  catalyst is  expected  to  accelerate  the reaction  rate  at  a  certain  temperature.  In  the  process  of  combustion  of  fuel  and  air  in  addition  to  enthalpy, residual  combustion  products  are  emissions  or  pollutants  of  CO,  CO2,  NOx,  HC,  soot  or  smoke  and  other elements that can pollute the  environment and can endanger human  health. Diesel engines produce more soot and NOx gas pollutants than gasoline motors, but produce lower CO2. With the regulation of the temperature of the  catalytic  converter  installed  in the  exhaust  manifold  system  or  diesel  engine  exhaust  can  reduce  exhaust emissions in the  form of black smoke or soot. The testing  of this study  used a quasi experimental  method by comparing the exhaust gas data produced by diesel motors on the exhaust manifold system both those using and without catalytic converters.  Data retrieval is carried out conditioned at room  temperature during testing. The test starts at the rotation of the diesel engine 1500 RPM to 4000 RPM with an increase in rotation every 500 RPM. The overall results of using catalytic converters are very effective in reducing the density of the smoke or opacity of the diesel engine its was average of 18.69%

    A Patternless Piezoelectric Energy Harvester for Ultra Low Frequency Applications

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    This paper presents a pattern less piezoelectric harvester for ultra low power energy applications. Usually patterned cantilevers are used as vibration energy harvester which results additional fabrication process. Hence, to reduce the process, a four layer cantilever configuration is used to design the harvester with Aluminum, Silicon and Zinc Oxide. The device dimension is settled to 12×10×≈0.5009 mm3 with ≈300 nm deposition thickness for each layer. The modeling and fabrication processes are demonstrated in detail. The induced voltage by the cantilever is obtained through the analytical and practical measurements. From the measurements, it is found that, the maximum induced voltage is 91.2 mV from practical measurement with voltage density of 1.517 mV/mm3. It is evident from the results that, this pattern less model can be useful for next generation vibration energy harvester with simpler technology

    NO-Mediated [Ca 2+

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