399 research outputs found

    Дослідження скорингової моделі для кредитопозичальників банку

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    In the paper we investigate scoring models as a tool for credit risk management, their importance, types, features and applications. We consider the history of scoring models and the development of the modern concepts of creditworthiness and scoring, examine scoring types and their features, methods (logistic regression, decision trees, linear programming, decision trees, and others), strengths and weaknesses of each considered method and stages of building scoring models; we stress the importance of scoring cards for building scoring models, indicate the main quantitative and qualitative features, their classification used for and describe the procedure of creating scoring cards. In the paper we consider the factors needed to be considered for more effective scoring model building process; we indicate the main formulas used to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers and improve the accuracy of scoring models, including Population Stability Index (PSI), R-Square Coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Coefficient, GINI Coefficient, and others; the practical application of scoring models in banks of Ukraine and their steps after applying scoring models are described on the example of a typical borrower. Pages of the article in the issue: 44 - 53 Language of the article: UkrainianВ роботі досліджено скорингові моделі як інструмент управління кредитними ризиками, їх типи та особливості. Розглянуто поняття кредитоспроможності та скорингу, типи скорингу та їхособливості, методи скорингових моделей (логістична регресія, дерева рішень, лінійне програмування, дерева рішень та інші) та етапи їх побудови. В роботі наведені основні формули, що використовуються для оцінки кредитоспроможності позичальників та підвищення точності скорингових моделей, включаючи індекс стабільності популяції, коефіцієнт R2, коефіцієнт Колмогорова-Смірнова та інші; розглянуто практичне застосування скорингових моделей в банках України на прикладі типового позичальника

    Regional Investment Policy Under the Impact of Budget Limitations and Economic Sanctions

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    The article is devoted to the assessment of influence of budgetary restrictions and economic sanctions on investment policy of a region. The paper studies the bilateral negative effect on socio-economic development of regions from both the external sanctions and braking mechanism of economic development within the country. On the basis of the comparative and statistical analysis, the need to change focus of investment policy from the growth in volumes to qualitative perfecting is proved. The new direction of investment policy connected with the import substitution process realization, its combination with acceleration of innovative development on the certain example of Sverdlovsk region is analyzed. The conclusions and offers stated in the article are applicable to the public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, experts in the sphere of regional investment policy and improvement of investment climate, and also the specialized organizations specialized in attracting investment and work with investors in regions of Russia

    Features of laboratory indicators of severe community-acquired pneumonia.

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    Based on data from the prospective analysis of patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia over the year of observation, the article presents data on the features of laboratory indicators of the course of severe community-acquired pneumonia. Patients included in the study were hospitalized in the pulmonology department (or therapy), and in the intensive care unit of three clinical hospitals in the city of Dnipro, namely, the Dnipropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital N 6, the Dnipropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital N 2, the Dnipropetrovsk City Clinical Hospital N 16, which are the clinical bases of the SE “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine”. In the course of studies, the dependence of the severity of patients' state on the severity of inflammatory markers and fibrosis markers was shown. The effect of the prognostic significance of the level of the enzyme TGFβ and C-reactive protein (CRP) for the evaluation of possibility of formation of long-term pathological changes after a severe community-acquired pneumonia has been examined. It was established that a high level of CRP (38.3 [11.3, 150.9] mg / L) and TGFβ (20149.1±424.0 pg/ml) in the blood plasma of patients can be considered as an additional marker of the severity of the course of community-acquired pneumonia. The results can be the basis for a more individual approach to the development of diagnostic and therapeutic programs for patients with severe community-acquired pneumoni

    The frequency of detection of various forms of deforming bronchitis during endoscopic examination of patients with bleeding from the broncho-pulmonary system

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    237 patients were examined with bleeding from the broncho-pulmonary system. During the bronchoscopy, it was revealed that all patients suffered from deforming bronchitis of various forms: 73 (30.8%) patients had atrophic bronchitis, a primary inflammatory form; in 111 (46.8%) patients - primary dystrophic form of atrophic bronchitis; in 53 patients (22.4%) - diffuse, bilateral bronchitis of II and III degree of inflammation intensity. 237 patients were examined with bleeding from the broncho-pulmonary system. During the bronchoscopy, it was revealed that all patients suffered from deforming bronchitis of various forms: 73 (30.8%) patients had atrophic bronchitis, a primary inflammatory form; in 111 (46.8%) patients - primary dystrophic form of atrophic bronchitis; in 53 patients (22.4%) - diffuse, bilateral bronchitis of II and III degree of inflammation intensity

    Characteristics of the electric field accompanying a longitudinal acoustic wave in a metal. Anomaly in the superconducting phase

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    The temperature dependence of the amplitude and phase of the electric potential arising at a plane boundary of a conductor when a longitudinal acoustic wave is incident normally on it is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The surface potential is formed by two contributions, one of which is spatially periodic inside the sample, with the period of the acoustic field; the second is aperiodic and arises as a result of an additional nonuniformity of the electron distribution in a surface layer of the metal. In the nonlocal region the second contribution is dominant. The phases of these contributions are shifted by approximately \pi /2. For metals in the normal state the experiment is in qualitative agreement with the theory. The superconducting transition is accompanied by catastrophically rapid vanishing of the electric potential, in sharp contrast to the theoretical estimates, which predict behavior similar to the BCS dependence of the attenuation coefficient for a longitudinal sound.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Features of the emotional portrait of teen-age girls in the context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety.

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    This work is a continuation of previous studies on the relationship of high anxiety and the use of modern electronic communication tools. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the emotional portrait of adolescent girls in the – context of their color-sensory attitude to modern communication technologies and state of anxiety. The study involved 136 girls aged 17 years (at the time of the survey). All respondents were evaluated according to standardized valid psychological methods (WAM - well-being, activity and mood), color relationship test (TCR), the method of "Multidimensional assessment of child anxiety" (MACAQ), the personal Taylor anxiety manifestation scale in the modification of Norakidze) and contained an author's questionnaire regarding the time spent in a sitting position; time spent in front of the screen of a mobile phone, tablet, laptop, PC; problems in relationships with parents. The study was conducted in accordance with the bioethical principles and provisions of the Helsinki Declaration and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). In the course of the work, it was proved that the time spent near the screens of electronic devices (phone, tablet, laptop, PC) for more than 6 hours a day is a significant factor, which is a predictive of emotional disorders in adolescent girls due to disruption of compensation mechanisms and the formation of a high level of personal anxiety, the appearance of achromatic sensory-color associations in interpersonal interactions, exacerbation of family conflicts with parents, which together indicates maladaptation and requires disruption work corrective programs