143 research outputs found

    Developmental changes in information central to artifact representation: evidence from 'functional fluency' tasks.

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    Research suggests that while information about design is a central feature of older children's artifact representations it may be less important in the artifact representations of younger children. Three experiments explore the pattern of responses that 5- and 7-year-old children generate when asked to produce multiple uses for familiar (Experiments 1, 2) and novel (Experiment 3) named objects. Results showed that while older children tended to produce responses based on the known design function of the object, younger children's responses were more flexible, though still constrained by the mechanical structure of the object. Only when ignorant of a novel object's design function did older children produce more varied functions than did younger children. These results suggest that representations supporting object function undergo change across this period of development, with information about design assuming more importance later than it does earlier

    Visualization and memorization

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    Previous investigations have suggested that visual memory may involve short-term (STVM) and long-term (LTVM) components. Evidence for this comes from the functional differences between visual memory tested after short, unfilled retention intervals (STVM conditions), and performance measured after any interpolated task with a high mental load (LTVM conditions). The suggestion is that stimulus information is maintained over short, unfilled intervals by visualization, an active, voluntary control process utilizing central resources. Under LTVM conditions interference prevents active maintenance, and the item must be memorized. The aim of this thesis was to provide further evidence on the functional distinction, and the nature of the underlying processes. A number of experiments were conducted using novel matrix patterns as stimulus materials, and on-line control to allow precise manipulation of timing and other display parameters. The dissociation of STVM and LTVM was reflected in several results: STVM and LTVM (a) have different requirements for display time (b) differ in the consistency of performance over trials (c) they involve different coding processes at acquisition and (d) they show quite different relations between accuracy of performance and mean response time. In contrast to this, varying the exposure of a recognition test probe did not dissociate STVM and LTVM performance, and the provision of feedback and retrieval cues durin recall had no clearly interpretable effect. Visualization is a limited capacity process, insofar as it is restricted to one item or presentation at a time, and can maintain information up to a certain level of complexity. Visualized descriptions are constructed rapidly from short display times, and have general application to this class of novel visual patterns. With other evidence, this suggests that visualization is based on low-level 'figural' descriptions, specifying stimuli as a spatial arrangement of shapes formed by groupings of the pattern elements. LTVM performance increases slowly and irregularly with display time and there is a wide variation in performance over trials. Higher-level, 'semantic' descriptions contribute to memorization, and these cannot be applied rapidly and consistently to randomly generated abstract patterns. The results have widespread implications for theories of visual memory. Single-process theories which deny any distinction between short- and long-term memory are ruled out by the data. Other models which (a) consider STVM as an 'activated' part of LTVM or (b) claim the dichotomy arises from simple distinctions in coding or storage or retrieval do not give a complete account of the results. The 'modal' model is also rejected since prolonged visualization of an item after stimulus offset does not lead to an increase in LTVM. To account for this latter finding, it is proposed that visualization and: the elaborate encoding processes required for memorization compete for-central processing resources

    Associative and repetition priming with the repeated masked prime technique: No priming found

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    Wentura and Frings (2005) reported evidence of subliminal categorical priming on a lexical decision task, using a new method of visual masking in which the prime string consisted of the prime word flanked by random consonants and random letter masks alternated with the prime string on successive refresh cycles. We investigated associative and repetition priming on lexical decision, using the same method of visual masking. Three experiments failed to show any evidence of associative priming, (1) when the prime string was fixed at 10 characters (three to six flanking letters) and (2) when the number of flanking letters were reduced or absent. In all cases, prime detection was at chance level. Strong associative priming was observed with visible unmasked primes, but the addition of flanking letters restricted priming even though prime detection was still high. With repetition priming, no priming effects were found with the repeated masked technique, and prime detection was poor but just above chance levels. We conclude that with repeated masked primes, there is effective visual masking but that associative priming and repetition priming do not occur with experiment-unique prime-target pairs. Explanations for this apparent discrepancy across priming paradigms are discussed. The priming stimuli and prime-target pairs used in this study may be downloaded as supplemental materials from mc.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental. © 2009 The Psychonomic Society, Inc

    Using Behavioral Realism to Estimate Presence: A Study of the Utility of Postural Responses to Motion Stimuli

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    We recently reported that direct subjective ratings of the sense of presence are potentially unstable and can be biased by previous judgments of the same stimuli (Freeman et al., 1999). Objective measures of the behavioral realism elicited by a display offer an alternative to subjective ratings. Behavioral measures and presence are linked by the premise that, when observers experience a mediated environment (VE or broadcast) that makes them feel present, they will respond to stimuli within the environment as they would to stimuli in the real world. The experiment presented here measured postural responses to a video sequence filmed from the hood of a car traversing a rally track, using stereoscopic and monoscopic presentation. Results demonstrated a positive effect of stereoscopic presentation on the magnitude of postural responses elicited. Posttest subjective ratings of presence, vection, and involvement were also higher for stereoscopically presented stimuli. The postural and subjective measures were not significantly correlated, indicating that nonproprioceptive postural responses are unlikely to provide accurate estimates of presence. Such postural responses may prove useful for the evaluation of displays for specific applications and in the corroboration of group subjective ratings of presence, but cannot be taken in place of subjective ratings

    Effects of Sensory Information and Prior Experience on Direct Subjective Ratings of Presence

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    We report three experiments using a new form of direct subjective presence evaluation that was developed from the method of continuous assessment used to assess television picture quality. Observers were required to provide a continuous rating of their sense of presence using a handheld slider. The first experiment investigated the effects of manipulating stereoscopic and motion parallax cues within video sequences presented on a 20 in. stereoscopic CRT display. The results showed that the presentation of both stereoscopic and motion parallax cues was associated with higher presence ratings. One possible interpretation of Experiment 1 is that CRT displays that contain the spatial cues of stereoscopic disparity and motion parallax are more interesting or engaging. To test this, observers in Experiment 2 rated the same stimuli first for interest and then for presence. The results showed that variations in interest did not predict the presence ratings obtained in Experiment 1. However, the subsequent ratings of presence differed significantly from those obtained in Experiment 1, suggesting that prior experience with interest ratings affected subsequent judgments of presence. To test this, Experiment 3 investigated the effects of prior experience on presence ratings. Three groups of observers rated a training sequence for interest, presence, and 3-Dness before rating the same stimuli as used for Experiments 1 and 2 for presence. The results demonstrated that prior ratings sensitize observers to different features of a display resulting in different presence ratings. The implications of these results for presence evaluation are discussed, and a combination of more-refined subjective measures and a battery of objective measures is recommended

    Order Effects of Ballot Position without Information-Induced Confirmatory Bias

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    Candidate list positions have been shown to influence decision making when voters have limited candidate information (e.g. Miller and Krosnick, 1998; Brockington, 2003). Here, a primacy advantage is observed due to a greater number of positive arguments generated for early list candidates (Krosnick, 1991). The present study examined list position effects when an absence of information precludes such a confirmatory bias heuristic. We report the first large scale low-information experimental election where candidate position is fully counterbalanced. Seven hundred and twenty participants voted in a mock election where the position of 6 fictitious and meaningless parties was counterbalanced across the electorate. Analysis by position revealed that significantly fewer votes were allocated to the terminal parties (Experiment 1). In addition, Experiment 1 reported preliminary evidence of an alphabetical bias (consistent with Bagley, 1966). However, this positional bias was not present in a methodological replication using six genuine UK political parties (Experiment 2). This suggests that in situations of pure guessing, the heuristic shifts from the primacy benefiting confirmatory bias to an alternative heuristic that prejudices the first and last parties. These findings suggest that whilst the UK general electoral process may be largely immune to positional prejudice, English local elections (in which there can be multiple candidates from the same party) and multiple preference ranking systems (Scottish Local Government and London Mayoral Elections) could be susceptible to both positional and alphabetical biases

    Single-probe serial position recall: evidence of modularity for olfactory, visual and auditory short-term memory

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    The present study examined and compared order memory for a list of sequentially presented odours, unfamiliar-faces and pure-tone. Employing single-probe serial position recall and following a correction for a response bias, qualitatively different serial position functions were observed across stimuli. Participants demonstrated an ability to perform absolute order memory judgments for odours. Furthermore, odours produced an absence of serial position effects, unfamiliar-faces produced both primacy and recency and pure-tones produced recency but not primacy. Such a finding is contrary to the proposal by Ward, Avons and Melling (2005) that the serial position function is task, rather than modality, dependent. In contrast, the observed functions support a modular conceptualisation of short-term memory (e.g. Andrade and Donaldson, 2007; Baddeley and Hitch, 1974), whereby separate modality-specific memorial systems operate. An alternative amodal interpretation is also discussed wherein serial position function disparities are accommodated via differences in the psychological distinctiveness of stimuli (Hay, Smyth, Hitch and Horton, 2007)
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