24 research outputs found


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    The municipality of Astacinga, located in thewest-central portion of the state of Veracruz,occupies part of the Sierra of Zongolica. Cultural elements from ancestral times prevail inthis area, such as the Nahuatl language, customs, and knowledge of plant resources. Thesefactors and the lack of botanical studies motivated this effort to record information on theuses of the local flora. Reports from informantsand collections of botanical specimens wereobtained during a year and a half.An inventory of 154 species was obtained, distributed among 17 categories of use. The mostimportant category consisted of the medicinalplants with 88 records, followed by 28 ornamental, 23 edible, 19 ceremonial, 15 fuel, 7 forage, 7 living fences and 6 timber; the rest ofthe species were listed in other categories. Ingeneral the various plants are gathered orgrown for self-consumption, with the exception of the timber and fuel species that are soldoutside of the municipality. There is little management of species except in a very few casesof medicinal plantsEl municipio de Astacinga forma parte de laSierra de Zongolica y se localiza en la porcióncentro-occidental del estado de Veracruz. Allíprevalecen elementos culturales que datan detiempos ancestrales, como son la lenguanáhuatl, sus costumbres y el conocimiento desus recursos vegetales. Considerando loanterior y aunado a la falta de estudiosbotánicos en dicho municipio, el objetivo deeste trabajo fue el de registrar informaciónacerca de los usos que sus pobladores poseensobre la flora local. El trabajo se llevó a cabodurante año y medio a través de encuestas ycolecta de ejemplares botánicos.Como resultado se obtuvo un inventario de154 especies distribuido en 17 categoríasde uso, donde destacan por su importancialas plantas medicinales con 88 registros, seguida de 28 ornamentales, 23 comestibles, 19ceremoniales, 15 combustibles, siete forrajeras,siete cerca viva y seis maderables; el resto delas especies se ubica en otras categoríasutilitarias. En general el uso de la flora en elárea de estudio está dirigido al autoconsumo,con excepción de las especies maderables ycombustibles que son vendidas fuera del municipio. En cuanto al manejo que se le da a lasespecies útiles prácticamente es nulo, ya quesólo se circunscribe en muy pocos casos a lasplantas medicinales de mayor demanda

    Análisis económico del uso de clorhidrato de zilpaterol en la alimentación de corderas

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    Con el objetivo de realizar un análisis económico sobre el uso de clorhidrato de zilpaterol en ovinos se realizó una investigación con datos provenientes de la engorda de 24 corderas Dorper - Pelibuey en finalización mediante la técnica de costos, ingresos y rentabilidad. Los animales se dividieron en dos grupos de 12 corderas cada uno: Testigo (T1), alimentados con una dieta basal + 100 g de trigo molido, y (T2), que recibieron la dieta basal + 100 g de trigo molido con 10 mg de clorhidrato de zilpaterol (CZ) cada animal durante 24 horas, por 34 días. El contenido de la dieta tuvo 15.8% de proteína cruda (PC) y 2.8 Mcal/kg de energía metabolizable (EM), con un costo de producción de 3.96porkg.Lasvariablesdeintereˊsfueronpesoinicial,pesofinal,gananciadepeso,conversioˊnalimenticiaypesoencanal.ParaT1elcostodeproduccioˊn,ingresoyganancia/animal,porventaencanal,fueronde3.96 por kg. Las variables de interés fueron peso inicial, peso final, ganancia de peso, conversión alimenticia y peso en canal. Para T1 el costo de producción, ingreso y ganancia/animal, por venta en canal, fueron de 823.1, 918.4y918.4 y 95.3, mientras que para T2 fueron de 863.8,863.8, 1,111.0 y $247.1, respectivamente. Asimismo,la relación beneficio-costo (RB/C) en canal para T1 fue de 1.11 y para T2 de 1.29. Se concluye que la rentabilidad fue mayor en animales suplementados en la dieta con clorhidrato de zilpaterol en relación con los animales testigo

    Zilpaterol hydrochloride improves growth performance and carcass traits without affecting wholesale cut yields of hair sheep finished in feedlot

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    Growth of the sheep meat industry throughout the world has been slow compared with meat industries of other domestic animals. Therefore, increasing productivity and efficiency of sheep meat production are key factors to enhance the competi- tiveness of this industry (Montossi et al. 2013). The use of β2- adrenergic agonists (β2-AA) as growth promoters has demon- strated to increase sheep meat production by improving protein deposition in muscle (Domínguez-Vara et al. 2013). The use of such technology in the lamb fattening systems could be a nutritional strategy to improve their competitiveness.Fourteen Dorper × Pelibuey ram lambs (initial body weight [BW] = 37.4 ± 1.0 kg and age = 4.5 mo) were housed in individual pens during a 30-d feeding period, and then slaughtered to determine the effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) supplementation on productive performance, carcass characteristics and wholesale cut yields. Lambs were assigned under a randomized complete block design (initial BW as blocking factor) to one of two dietary treatments: basal diet without (control) or with 10 mg daily of ZH/lamb. Lambs fed ZH had greater (P ≤ .04) final BW, average daily gain and dry matter intake, but similar (P = .24) feed efficiency compared with control lambs. Hot and cold carcass weight, dressing percentage, longissimus muscle area and leg perimeter were greater (P ≤ .05) for ZH-fed lambs than for control lambs. With exception of blood percentage which decreased (P < .01) with ZH, wholesale cut yields and non-carcass components were unaffected (P ≥ .12) by ZH supplementation. In conclusion, ZH can be used to improve growth rate and dressing percentage, but not to increase wholesale cut yields in feedlot finishing ram lambs.This study was supported by PROMEP-SEP under the thematic network ‘Uso de Promotores de Crecimiento en Ovinos de Pelo (2014–2017

    Growth and carcass characteristics of lambs finished with zilpaterol hydrochloride in grazing alfalfa

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    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de clorhidrato de zilpaterol (CZ) sobre la ganancia de peso y las características de la canal en corderos finalizados en pradera de alfalfa y suplementados con concentrado en corral. Un total de 24 corderos machos enteros Dorper x Pelibuey, con peso vivo inicial de 25.0 ± 0.24 kg, fueron divididos en dos grupos (n=12) y alimentados con 0 o 10 mg/cabeza/día de CZ los últimos 30 días antes del sacrificio. Durante el periodo experimental, todos los corderos pastorearon en alfalfa 8 h/día y se suplementaron con 450 g/d de concentrado. El CZ no afectó (P>0.05) el peso vivo. Las ganancias de peso diaria y total fueron similares (P>0.05) entre ambos grupos. Las características de canal y el rendimiento de cortes primarios no fueron afectados (P>0.05) por el CZ. En conclusión, el clorhidrato de zilpaterol a una dosis de 10 mg/cabeza/día no mejoró el crecimiento ni las características de canal en corderos finalizados en pradera de alfalfa y suplementados con concentrado.The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH) on the weight gain and carcass characteristics in lambs finished in alfalfa pasture and supplemented with concentrate in pen. A total of 24 Dorper x Pelibuey ram lambs initially weighting 25.0±0.24 kg were divided in two groups (n=12) and fed with 0 or 10 mg/ head/d of ZH for the last 30 d before slaughter. During the experimental period, all lambs were grazed in alfalfa during 8 h/d and supplemented with 450 g/d of concentrate. The ZH did not affect (P>0.05) the live weight. Daily and total weight gains were similar (P>0.05) between both groups. Carcass characteristics and wholesale cut yields were not affected (P>0.05) by ZH. In conclusion, growth and carcass characteristics were not improved by feeding zilpaterol (10 mg/head/d) in finished lambs on alfalfa grassland and supplemented with concentrate

    Anatomical and chemical characterization of leaves from <em>Oreopanax</em> spp. (Araliaceae), the Mexican xoco tamale food complex

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    Background: Based on the concept of “plant species complex,”, defined as a group sharing local names and morphological, aromatic, and curative properties, we analyzed the leaves of three species of the genus Oreopanax that are used as wrappers for tamales called “xocos” or “chocos” in Veracruz, Mexico, searching for common traits. Question: Do leaves of the genus Oreopanax form an ethnobotanical food complex sharing chemical and anatomical characteristics? Studied species / data description: Leaves from three species of the genus Oreopanax: O. capitatus, O. echinops, and O. flaccidus. Study site and dates: Leaves of O. capitatus and O. echinops were recollected on January 25 and 26, 2021, in the Clavijero Botanic Garden of the Instituto de Ecología, A. C. in Xalapa, Veracruz; leaves of O. flaccidus were recollected in Atapalchico, Tlacolulan, Veracruz. Methods: Chemical analyses consisted of oil extraction of the studied species' leaves, which were then injected into a gas chromatographer coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Anatomical analyses included: fixation, paraffin sectioning, and staining of leaf sections of the three species. Observations were performed with a compound microscope using a bright field or UV light. Results: For the first time, we are reporting major volatile compounds common in the three analyzed species (several aliphatic and aromatic alcohols, and terpenoids). The three species present resin canals in the mesophyll and the cortex of the midrib of the leaf. Conclusions: The studied Oreopanax species form an ethnobotanical food complex since they share similar uses, smells, and tastes

    El Herbario (XAL) del Instituto de Ecología, A. C.

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