116 research outputs found

    Isolation, characterization, and metal response of novel, acid-tolerant Penicillium spp. from extremely metal-rich waters at a mining site in Transbaikal (Siberia, Russia)

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    The role of fungi in metal cycling in acidic environments has been little explored to date. In this study, two acid-tolerant and metal-resistant Penicillium isolates, strains ShG4B and ShG4C, were isolated from a mine site in the Transbaikal area of Siberia (Russia). Waters at the mine site were characterized by extremely high metal concentrations: up to 18 g l−1 Fe and >2 g l−1 each of Cu, Zn, Al, and As. Both isolates were identified as Penicillium spp. by phylogenetic analyses and they grew well in Czapek medium acidified to pH 2.5. Resistance to Cu, Cd, Ni, Co, and arsenate was in the range of 1–10 g l−1. Further experiments with Penicillium strain ShG4C demonstrated that growth in Cu-containing media was accompanied by the precipitation of Cu-oxalate (moolooite) and the formation of extracellular vesicles enriched in Cu on the mycelia. Vesicles were greatly reduced in size in Cd-containing media and were not formed in the presence of Ni or Co. Cd-oxalate was detected as a crystalline solid phase in Cd-exposed mycelia. Hydrated Nisulfate (retgersite) and Co-sulfate (bieberite) were detected in mycelia grown in the presence of Ni and Co, respectively. The results demonstrated that acid-tolerant and metal-resistant Penicillium constitute a component in extremophilic microbiomes, contributing to organic matter breakdown and formation of secondary solid phases at pH ranges found in acid rock drainage

    The influence of the dechanneling process on the photon emission by an ultra-relativistc positron channeling in a periodically bent crystal

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    We investigate, both analytically and numerically, the influence of the dechanneling process on the parameters of undulator radiation generated by ultra-relativistic positron channelling along a crystal plane, which is periodically bent. The bending might be due either to the propagation of a transverse acoustic wave through the crystal, or due to the static strain as it occurs in superlattices. In either case the periodically bent crystal serves as an undulator which allows to generate X-ray and gamma-radiation. We propose the scheme for accurate quantitative treatment of the radiation in presence of the dechanneling. The scheme includes (i) the analytic expression for spectral-angular distribution which contains, as a parameter, the dechanneling length, (ii) the simulation procedure of the dechanneling process of a positron in periodically bent crystals. Using these we calculate the dechanneling lengths of 5 GeV positrons channeling in Si, Ge and W crystals, and the spectral-angular and spectral distributions of the undulator over broad ranges of the photons. The calculations are performed for various parameters of the channel bending.Comment: published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 27 (2001) 95-125, http://www.iop.or

    Polarization switching and piezoresponse in PVDF/P(VDF-TrFE) ferroelectric films and multifunctional G/GO composites

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    Such composites can serve as a multifunctional molecular unit. Further models are in progress. The work is supported by RFBR grants # 15-01-04924, # 16-51-53017 and RSF grant #16-19-10112

    Updated resonance photo-decay amplitudes to 2 GeV

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    We present the results of an energy-dependent and set of single-energy partial-wave analyses of single-pion photoproduction data. These analyses extend from threshold to 2 GeV in the laboratory photon energy, and update our previous analyses to 1.8 GeV. Photo-decay amplitudes are extracted for the baryon resonances within this energy range. We consider two photoproduction sum rules and the contributions of two additional resonance candidates found in our most recent analysis of πN\pi N elastic scattering data. Comparisons are made with previous analyses.Comment: Revtex, 26 pages, 3 figures. Postscript figures available from ftp://clsaid.phys.vt.edu/pub/pr or indirectly from http://clsaid.phys.vt.edu/~CAPS

    Semi-Analytic Stellar Structure in Scalar-Tensor Gravity

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    Precision tests of gravity can be used to constrain the properties of hypothetical very light scalar fields, but these tests depend crucially on how macroscopic astrophysical objects couple to the new scalar field. We develop quasi-analytic methods for solving the equations of stellar structure using scalar-tensor gravity, with the goal of seeing how stellar properties depend on assumptions made about the scalar coupling at a microscopic level. We illustrate these methods by applying them to Brans-Dicke scalars, and their generalization in which the scalar-matter coupling is a weak function of the scalar field. The four observable parameters that characterize the fields external to a spherically symmetric star (the stellar radius, R, mass, M, scalar `charge', Q, and the scalar's asymptotic value, phi_infty) are subject to two relations because of the matching to the interior solution, generalizing the usual mass-radius, M(R), relation of General Relativity. We identify how these relations depend on the microscopic scalar couplings, agreeing with earlier workers when comparisons are possible. Explicit analytical solutions are obtained for the instructive toy model of constant-density stars, whose properties we compare to more realistic equations of state for neutron star models.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figure

    P-wave excited baryons from pion- and photo-induced hyperon production

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    We report evidence for N(1710)P11N(1710)P_{11}, N(1875)P11N(1875)P_{11}, N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13}, Δ(1600)P33\Delta(1600)P_{33}, Δ(1910)P31\Delta(1910)P_{31}, and Δ(1920)P33\Delta(1920)P_{33}, and find indications that N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13} might have a companion state at 1970\,MeV. The controversial Δ(1750)P31\Delta(1750)P_{31} is not seen. The evidence is derived from a study of data on pion- and photo-induced hyperon production, but other data are included as well. Most of the resonances reported here were found in the Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH84) and the Carnegie-Mellon (CM) analyses but were challenged recently by the Data Analysis Center at GWU. Our analysis is constrained by the energy independent πN\pi N scattering amplitudes from either KH84 or GWU. The two πN\pi N amplitudes from KH84 or GWU, respectively, lead to slightly different πN\pi N branching ratios of contributing resonances but the debated resonances are required in both series of fits.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figures. Some additional sets of data are adde

    Photoproduction of pions and properties of baryon resonances from a Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis

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    Masses, widths and photocouplings of baryon resonances are determined in a coupled-channel partial wave analysis of a large variety of data. The Bonn-Gatchina partial wave formalism is extended to include a decomposition of t- and u-exchange amplitudes into individual partial waves. The multipole transition amplitudes for γppπ0\gamma p\to p\pi^0 and γpnπ+\gamma p\to n\pi^+ are given and compared to results from other analyses.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Integrable Ladder t-J Model with Staggered Shift of the Spectral Parameter

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    The generalization of the Yang-Baxter equations (YBE) in the presence of Z_2 grading along both chain and time directions is presented and an integrable model of t-J type with staggered disposition along a chain of shifts of the spectral parameter is constructed. The Hamiltonian of the model is computed in fermionic formulation. It involves three neighbour site interactions and therefore can be considered as a zig-zag ladder model. The Algebraic Bethe Ansatz technique is applied and the eigenstates, along with eigenvalues of the transfer matrix of the model are found. In the thermodynamic limit, the lowest energy of the model is formed by the quarter filling of the states by fermions instead of usual half filling.Comment: Latex2e with amsfonts package; 16 page

    Cурфактантный апопротеин D у недоношенных новорождённых с ОРДС

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    Objective: to study the production of surfactant apoprotein D in preterm neonates with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) during artificial ventilation (AV). Subjects and methods. The paper presents the results of studying the production of surfactant protein D (SP-D) in various biological fluids in 44 preterm neonates. Two groups of newborn infants were identified according to the clinical manifestations of ARDS. The study group comprised 25 infants with the severe course of the disease, in this connection the preventive administration of the exogenous surfactant Curosurf and AV were made in all the neonates at birth. The control group included 19 preterm babies without signs of ARDS. Results. The study has demonstrated that in parturients and preterm neonatal infants, surfactant apoprotein D is detectable in various biological fluids: amniotic fluid, the gastric aspirate obtained just after birth, residual umbilical cord blood, serum following 8 hours of birth, and bronchoalveolar fluid. Despite the low gestational age of the neonates, the lung surfactant system is able to produce SP-D, as evidenced by its high content in the amniotic fluid and residual umbilical cord blood of preterm neonates. The production of apoprotein D in preterm neonates considerably reduces in the next few hours after birth. Conclusion. The findings suggest that fetal tissues generate SP-D, which improves pulmonary gas exchange in preterm neonates in the first hours after birth and that alveolar-capillary membrane dysfunctions are transient in the neonates on AV. Key words: preterm neonates, acute respiratory distress syndrome, surfactant, surfactant apoprotein D.Цель работы — исследование продукции сурфактантного апопротеина D у недоношенных новорождённых с ОРДС во время проведения ИВЛ. Материал и методы. В статье представлены результаты исследования продукции сурфактантного апопротеина D (SP-D) в различных биологических жидкостях у 44 недоношенных новорожденных. Выделены две группы новорождённых, в зависимости от выраженности клинических проявлений острого респираторного дистресс-синдрома (ОРДС). В основную группу включено 25 детей с тяжёлым течением заболевания, в связи с чем всем новорождённым с рождения проводили профилактическое введение экзогенного сурфактанта «Куросурфа» и искусственную вентиляцию лёгких (ИВЛ). В группу сравнения включено 19 недоношенных новорождённых без признаков ОРДС. Результаты. Проведённое исследование показало, что сурфак-тантный апопротеин D определяется в различных биологических жидкостях рожениц и недоношенных новорождённых: амниотической жидкости, желудочном аспирате, полученным сразу после рождения, остаточной пуповинной крови, сыворотке крови через 8 часов после рождения и бронхоальвеолярной жидкости. Несмотря на малый гестационный возраст новорождённых, сурфактантная система лёгких способна продуцировать SP-D, это документируется его высоким содержанием в амниотической жидкости и остаточной пуповинной крови у недоношенных новорождённых. В ближайшие часы после рождения у недоношенных новорождённых продукция апопротеина D значительно снижается. Заключение. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о внутриутробной продукции SP-D тканями плода, способствующей улучшению газообменной функции лёгких у недоношенных новорождённых в первые часы после рождения, о наличии транзиторных нарушений функции альвеоло-капилляр-ной мембраны у новорождённых, находящихся на ИВЛ. Ключевые слова: недоношенные новорождённые, острый респираторный дистресс-синдром, сурфактант, сурфактантный апопротеин D

    Reprogramming the assembly of unmodified DNA with a small molecule

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    The ability of DNA to store and encode information arises from base pairing of the four-letter nucleobase code to form a double helix. Expanding this DNA ‘alphabet’ by synthetic incorporation of new bases can introduce new functionalities and enable the formation of novel nucleic acid structures. However, reprogramming the self-assembly of existing nucleobases presents an alternative route to expand the structural space and functionality of nucleic acids. Here we report the discovery that a small molecule, cyanuric acid, with three thymine-like faces reprogrammes the assembly of unmodified poly(adenine) (poly(A)) into stable, long and abundant fibres with a unique internal structure. Poly(A) DNA, RNA and peptide nucleic acid all form these assemblies. Our studies are consistent with the association of adenine and cyanuric acid units into a hexameric rosette, which brings together poly(A) triplexes with a subsequent cooperative polymerization. Fundamentally, this study shows that small hydrogen-bonding molecules can be used to induce the assembly of nucleic acids in water, which leads to new structures from inexpensive and readily available materials