5 research outputs found
Health impacts of an environmental disaster: a polemic
- Author
- 28 Aircraft flights
- 295 Carbon emissions 2000
- 299 Greenhouse gases. Data are from: United Nations Statistics Division
- 300 Methane
- 301 Sulphur dioxide. Data are from: United Nations Statistics Division
- 303 Chlorofluorocarbons. Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- 304 Nuclear waste. Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- 305 Hazardous waste. Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- 306 Sewage sludge. Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- 307 Municipal waste collected. Data are from: United Nations Statistics Division
- 319 Gas depletion. Data are from: British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy
- 320 Oil depletion. Data are from: British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy
- 58 Toys imports. Data are from: United Nations Conference on Trade
- Anna Barford
- Ben Wheeler
- Danny Dorling
- Data are from: Centre for Defence Information
- Data are from: International Institute for Democracy
- Data are from: International Labour Organization
- Data are from: International Monetary Fund
- Data are from: International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Data are from: International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Data are from: Mcdonalds corporation
- Data are from: United Nations
- Data are from: United Nations Conference on Trade
- Data are from: United Nations Conference on Trade
- Data are from: United Nations Conference on Trade
- data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Development Programme’s 2004 Human Development Report
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Environment Programme
- Data are from: United Nations Statistics Division
- Data are from: World Bank
- Data are from: World Bank
- Data are from: World Bank
- Data are from: World Food Programme
- Data are from: World Resources Institute
- Data are from: WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) International
- Data are from: WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) International
- Data source:World Bank
- Dorling D
- Earlier concern about climate change includes: the 1997 Kyoto Protocol
- Gore A
- Kessel A
- Kidron M
- Mackay J
- Mackay R
- Pearson I
- Population data are mainly from: United Nations Development Programme 2004 Human Development Report.
- Quarantelli E L
- Sacquet A
- Sen A
- Smith D
- The data record demonstrations against the invasion of Iraq in 2003 in hundreds of cities on 14th-16th February
- Transcript available at
- ‘Research on estimating the number of slum dwellers started with an attempt to measure the phenomenon ‘secure tenure’. Secure tenure is the concept of ‘protection from involuntary removal from land or residence except through due legal process’. The lack of data based on a specific
- Publication venue
- 'IOP Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Whole grains and health: from theory to practice - highlights of the grains for health foundation's whole grains summit 2012
- Author
- American Association of Cereal Chemists International
- American Cancer Society
- Anson
- Aune
- Björck
- Bodinham
- Brownlee
- Carvalho-Wells
- Chan
- Choumenkovitch
- Chris J. Seal
- Conlon
- Connolly
- Cordain
- Costabile
- Danaei
- Danaei
- David Topping
- de Mello
- de Munter
- Dennis Degeneffe
- Densie Webb
- DTU Food: The National Food Institute (Denmark) Fuldkorn
- EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies
- Egeberg
- Fang
- Fardet
- Finucane
- Flint
- Franz
- Fraser
- Freedman
- Fung
- Gaskins
- Giacco
- Gibson
- Haldar
- Hauner
- He
- Health Canada
- Hesse
- Holmes
- Hooda
- Hur
- Institute of Medicine
- International Diabetes Federation
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jan de Vries
- Jan-Willem van Klinken
- Jang
- Jenkins
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jonnalagadda
- Katcher
- Kochar
- Koh-Banerjee
- Kristensen
- Kuznesof
- Kyrø
- Kyrø
- Lankinen
- Larsson
- Lee Anne Murphy
- Lefevre
- Leonard F. Marquart
- Liu
- Liu
- Liu
- Lohi
- Ma
- Maki
- McCullough
- McKeown
- McKeown
- Melanson
- Mellen
- Metzger
- Morris
- Nicola M. McKeown
- Noort
- North American Millers Association [cited 2012 Oct 25]. Available from
- O'Neil
- O'Neil
- Othman
- Paul F. Jacques
- Pereira
- Peterson
- Pietinen
- Rave
- Reynolds
- Robyn Murray
- Roger Clemens
- Ross
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rubio-Tapia
- Rubio-Tapia
- Satya S. Jonnalagadda
- Schatzkin
- Sijtsma
- Steffen
- Stewart
- Thane
- Tighe
- Topping
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- United Nations
- United Nations
- USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- USDA Agricultural Research Service
- USDA Agricultural Research Service, Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
- van de Vijver
- Van Horn
- Van Horn
- Van Horn
- Wang
- Ye
- Zanovec
- Publication venue
- 'American Society for Nutrition'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study
The Grains for Health Foundation's Whole Grains Summit, held May 19-22, 2012 in Minneapolis, was the first meeting of its kind to convene >300 scientists, educators, food technologists, grain breeders, food manufacturers, marketers, health professionals, and regulators from around the world. Its goals were to identify potential avenues for collaborative efforts and formulate new approaches to whole-grains research and health communications that support global public health and business. This paper summarizes some of the challenges and opportunities that researchers and nutrition educators face in expanding the knowledge base on whole grains and health and in translating and disseminating that knowledge to consumers. The consensus of the summit was that effective, long-term, public-private partnerships are needed to reach across the globe and galvanize the whole-grains community to collaborate effectively in translating whole-grains science into strategies that increase the availability and affordability of more healthful, grain-based food products. A prerequisite of that is the need to build trust among diverse multidisciplinary professionals involved in the growing, producing, marketing, and regulating of whole-grain products and between the grain and public health communities.Nicola M. McKeown, Paul F. Jacques, Chris J. Seal, Jan de Vries, Satya S. Jonnalagadda, Roger Clemens, Densie Webb, Lee Anne Murphy, Jan-Willem van Klinken, David Topping, Robyn Murray, Dennis Degeneffe and Leonard F. Marquar
Bibliography of United States Government Bibliographies — 1979
- Author
- Abstracts Wildlife
- Addiction Neonatal Drug
- al Occupations Women
- Aquatic Nuisances Biological Control
- Argillaceous Sediments Geology
- Arthropoda Bibliography
- Assessment Centers
- Atomic Energy Levels Bibliography
- Audiovisual
- Available List
- Avian Botulism A Bibliography
- Aviation General
- Barbara S. Kavanaugh
- Bibliography
- Bibliography Annotated
- Bibliography Fuel
- Bibliography Phycovirus
- Bilingual-Bicultural Preschool A Bibliography
- Biochemistry Current Cancer
- Breast Effects
- Bumpers
- Cancer Patient Nutrition
- Cancer Platinum Complexes
- Cartographic List
- Census Bureau Methodological Research
- City Planning A Special Bibliography
- Classification Position
- Clinical Current Cancer
- Communist Chinese Law Japanese Writings
- Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Program
- Computerized Axial Tomography Selected Bibliographyc
- Coping
- Credit Retail
- Crime Victimless
- Crime White Collar
- Criminology International
- Dept List
- Die Euthanasia
- Dimensional Coordination Metrication
- Directory Scientific
- Diversion Juvenile
- Driving Drugs
- Driving Drugs
- Driving Youth
- Drug Abuse Primary Prevention
- Education Oral Cancer
- Educational Source Book
- Elderly Crime
- Endogenous Opioid
- Energy
- Energy Digest GAO
- Energy Nuclear
- English
- Environment Livestock
- Evaluating Human Services Experiences
- Evaluations Federal Program
- Experimental Data A Bibliography
- Farmer Popular Publications
- Fiber Dietary
- Fibrosis Cystic
- Focus In
- Folmar Leroy C.
- Forecasting Accident Risk
- Forestry Research Fifty Years
- France Military Forces
- Fraud Consumer
- Fruits A Bibliography
- Futures Dealing
- Guide to Federal Aviation Administration Publications. Washington Dept.
- Health Coordination
- History Exploring American
- Holdings New Serial
- Hospital Emergency Services Categorization
- Hypertension Behavioral Approaches
- Hypertensive Patients Educational Materials
- Index
- Industrial Pollution Control Division Reports and Project Abstracts.
- Information Catalog
- Information Products Resulting from Satellite Studies at the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences. By E.M. Gray
- Injury Spinal Cord
- Journals List
- Law Enforcement Careers
- Leukemia Bone Marrow
- Listing ChronologicalDocument
- Listing Current
- Literature Children's
- LiteratureList Nematology
- Literatureon Barrier-Free Resource Guide
- Local Governments Special Software
- Major Publications of the Department of State
- Mammography
- Management Function The Personnel
- Management Home
- Management Solid Waste
- Materials Vietnamese Legal
- Medicine Bibliography
- Mental A Reader's Guide
- Mining Mechanized Longwall
- Motorcycles
- Multiservice Centers
- National Register of Microform Masters 1965-1975. Washington
- Nuclear Service Structural Integrity
- Occupational Wage Surveys Directory
- Office Publications General Accounting
- Oriented System The Problem
- Ostomates Patient Education
- Other Films
- Outer Continental Shelf Oil Socioeconomic Impacts
- Over
- Oxychlorides Nitrogen
- Parks Mobile Homes
- Patient Cancer Education Public
- Pedestrians
- Periodicals Currently List
- Phytochrome
- Planning Small Store
- Ponderosa Pine
- Popular
- Pothier Recombinant DNA.
- Potpourri American
- Preparedness Disaster
- Prevention Community Crime
- Productivity
- Project Evaluation Techniques
- Project Reviews Certificate
- Publications DASC
- Publications Farmer Cooperative
- Publications List
- Publications Military
- Publications of the Women's Bureau
- Publications Selected Federal
- Published
- Rail Technology A Bibliography
- Recovery Resource
- Research Reports Abstracts
- Research Special Papers Available Foreign Affairs
- Research Special Papers Available Foreign Affairs
- Roberta A. Scull
- Rotating Nonmetallic
- Science Computer
- Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service. Washington
- Senate's National Fuels and Energy Policy Study
- Services Selected Reading List Foster Family
- Services Shared by Health Care Organizations
- Small Business Data Processing
- Sources Federal Information
- Spill Oil
- Sports
- State Environment Information
- State Environmental Information
- Syndrome Guillain-Barre
- Systems Recordkeeping
- Team Policing Issues
- Technical Publications Index
- Technical Reports of the Federal Energy Administration
- Terrorism
- The
- The Controversy over a New Canal Treaty between the United States and Panama
- Thrive Failure
- Thrombosis Hemostasis
- Tires
- Title
- Titling Motor Vehicle
- Toxicity Asbestos
- Toxicology Bismuth
- Toxicology Ozone
- Training Information Exchange Bulletin Education
- Uganda
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Library System Book Catalog
- Vehicles Recreational
- Volume
- Washington
- Women's Educational Equity Resources
- Working Life Productivity
- World Literatureon Electric Selective Bibliography
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Whole Grains and Health: from Theory to Practice—Highlights of the Grains for Health Foundation's Whole Grains Summit 2012
- Author
- American Association of Cereal Chemists International
- American Cancer Society
- Anson
- Aune
- Björck
- Bodinham
- Brownlee
- Carvalho-Wells
- Chan
- Choumenkovitch
- Chris J. Seal
- Conlon
- Connolly
- Cordain
- Costabile
- Danaei
- Danaei
- David Topping
- de Mello
- de Munter
- Dennis Degeneffe
- Densie Webb
- DTU Food: The National Food Institute (Denmark) Fuldkorn
- EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products Nutrition and Allergies
- Egeberg
- Fang
- Fardet
- Finucane
- Flint
- Franz
- Fraser
- Freedman
- Fung
- Gaskins
- Giacco
- Gibson
- Haldar
- Hauner
- He
- Health Canada
- Hesse
- Holmes
- Hooda
- Hur
- Institute of Medicine
- International Diabetes Federation
- Jacobs
- Jacobs
- Jan de Vries
- Jan-Willem van Klinken
- Jang
- Jenkins
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jonnalagadda
- Katcher
- Kochar
- Koh-Banerjee
- Kristensen
- Kuznesof
- Kyrø
- Kyrø
- Lankinen
- Larsson
- Lee Anne Murphy
- Lefevre
- Leonard F. Marquart
- Liu
- Liu
- Liu
- Lohi
- Ma
- Maki
- McCullough
- McKeown
- McKeown
- Melanson
- Mellen
- Metzger
- Morris
- Nicola M. McKeown
- Noort
- North American Millers Association [cited 2012 Oct 25]. Available from
- O'Neil
- O'Neil
- Othman
- Paul F. Jacques
- Pereira
- Peterson
- Pietinen
- Rave
- Reynolds
- Robyn Murray
- Roger Clemens
- Ross
- Ross
- Rowe
- Rubio-Tapia
- Rubio-Tapia
- Satya S. Jonnalagadda
- Schatzkin
- Sijtsma
- Steffen
- Stewart
- Thane
- Tighe
- Topping
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- United Nations
- United Nations
- USDA and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- USDA Agricultural Research Service
- USDA Agricultural Research Service, Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
- van de Vijver
- Van Horn
- Van Horn
- Van Horn
- Wang
- Ye
- Zanovec
- Publication venue
- 'American Society for Nutrition'
- Publication date
- Field of study
On Aging—Where Are the Advocates? An Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- Abernathy Jean B
- Act
- Administration on Aging U.S.
- Advocacy
- Age
- Age Is Becoming
- Aging
- Aging
- Aging
- Aging Govt
- Aging Reports
- Altmeyer Arthur J
- American Association of
- As Amended Related Acts
- Available from the Institute
- Balkema John
- Ball Robert M
- Baskin Michael J
- Baum Daniel J
- Baumover Lorin A
- Beauvoir
- Bellak Leopold
- Biegel Leonard
- Binstock Robert
- Birren James E
- Blau Zena Smith
- Bloom Jane E
- Booth Philip
- Botwinick Jack
- Brown Nona Baldwin
- Butler Robert N
- Colamosca Anne
- Coles Robert
- Collins Wanda R
- Comfort Alex
- Commerce Clearing House
- Community Research Applications
- Community Research Applications
- Congress
- Congress House Select
- Council of State Governments.
- Cowdry Edmund V
- Current Literatureon Aging
- Curtin Sharon R
- Demkovich Linda E
- Dickman Irving R
- Donohue John W
- Elderly
- Emerson Geraldine M
- Falcocchio John C
- Felstein Ivor
- Finch Caleb E
- Fisher David Hackett
- Flowers Marilyn R
- Geba Bruno
- Gerontological Society
- Gray Panthers Chestnut St
- Gregory Peter
- Griffiths Martha W
- Hall Gertrude H
- Hardy Richard E
- Harris Louis
- Harris Richard
- Harwayne Frances
- Hemmine Roy
- Hendricks Jon
- Herzog Barbara Rieman
- Hochschild Ailie Russel
- Horn Linda
- Hornbaker Alice
- House
- Hudson Robert B
- Huttman Elizabeth D
- Huyck
- Institute of Pastoral Psychology
- Jacoby Susan
- Janeway Elizabeth
- Jonas Doris
- Kethley Alice J
- Kleyman Paul
- Knopf Olga
- Koch Kenneth
- Kosberg Jordan I
- Kuhn Maggie
- Leavitt Helen
- Lubove Roy
- Marmor Theodore R
- McDowell Donna
- Methany Eleanor
- Mintz Morton
- Munnell Alicia Haydock
- Nader Ralph
- Nassau Jean Baron
- National
- National
- National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform. c/o Ms. Elma Griesel National Paralegal Institute, 2000 P St, NW, Washington
- National Council of Senior Citizens. 1511 K St NW, Washington
- National Paralegal Institute.
- National Retired Teachers Association/American Association of Retired Persons. 1909 K St NW, Washington
- National Senior Citizens Law Center. 1709 W. Eighth St Los Angeles, CA 90017.
- New York
- New York State Of
- No Longer Young
- Norback Craig
- Nursing Home
- Off
- Otten Jane
- Palmore Erdman
- Paull Irene
- Penner Rudolph G
- Pratt Henry J
- Pts I
- Putnam Jackson K
- Regan Pauline K
- Regnier Victor
- Rejda George E
- Renee Feinberg
- Report
- Riley Matilda White
- Rita Auerbach
- Rothschild Donald P
- Saul Shura
- Schuchat Theodor
- Schulz James H
- Senate
- Senate
- Senate Special
- Senick Daniel
- Senior Legal Rights Manual
- Shore Warren
- Siegel Jacob S
- Skidmore Max J
- Smith Bert K
- Somers Letitia
- Sommers Tish
- Sontag Susan
- Stephens Joyce
- Supplemental Security Income Claims
- Sutherland Edith W
- Suzuki Peter T
- Tobin Sheldon S
- Troll Lillian E
- U.S. Administration on Aging.
- U.S. Community Services Administration
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare.
- U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division.
- U.S. Department of Transportation.
- U.S. Federal Council on Aging.
- U.S. Social Security Administration
- Vichery Florence E
- Washington D.C.
- Washington D.C.
- Washington State
- Weiss Jonathan A
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study