25 research outputs found

    Opetusvideoiden hyödyntäminen itseopiskelumateriaalina verkkokurssilla

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    Opetusvideot ovat yleistyneet opetusmateriaaleina ja aiempien tutkimusten perusteella ne on myös todettu toimivaksi ja pidetyksi tavaksi oppia. Opetusvideoiden toimivuuteen vaikuttaa kuitenkin moni asia. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin, ovatko opetusvideot hyödyllistä materiaalia itseopiskelukurssilla ja millaisia elementtejä löytyy toimivasta opetusvideosta. Tutkielmasta löytyy konkreettisia esimerkkejä opetusvideoiden toimivuuteen. Opetusvideot voivat toimiessaan olla hyvin tehokas oppimismuoto. Tutkielmaa varten tein Helsingin avoimen yliopiston itseopiskelukurssille opetusvideoita, videoihin liittyviä tehtäviä ja näiden ohelle tutkimuskyselyn. Jokaiseen videoon kuului siis videon aihetta tukeva, oppijaa aktivoiva tehtävä. Tehtäväpakettiin kuului yhteensä kolme videota, kolme tehtävää sekä tutkimuskysely. Opetusvideoiden toimivuutta opetusmateriaalina tutkittiin tehtävien onnistumisen ja opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella. Toimivan opetusvideon taustalla on huolellinen suunnittelu. Suunnittelussa tulee ottaa huomioon videon aiheuttama kognitiivinen kuormitus, jotta videosta saadaan oppimistuloksia parantava oppimateriaali. Opetusvideon tulee olla tarpeeksi lyhyt, visuaalinen ja aktivoiva. Tutkielmassani pohditaan, kuinka passiivisia opetusvideoita saadaan kehitettyä myös oppijaa aktivoiviksi

    Sosionomi (AMK) päihde- ja mielenterveystyön osaajana : Selvitys sosionomin (AMK) työtehtävistä sekä osaamisesta päihde- ja mielenterveystyön työkentillä Etelä-Karjalan alueella

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää sosionomin (AMK) työtehtävät ja osaaminen päihde- ja mielenterveystyön työkentillä Etelä-Karjalan alueella. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa Saimaan ammattikorkeakoululle sosionomi (AMK) –koulutuksen sopivuudesta päihde- ja mielenterveystyöhön. Työn tavoitteena oli myös tuoda tietoa sosionomien (AMK) osaamisesta muille alalla toimiville työntekijöille. Opinnäytetyö oli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusjoukko koostui seitsemästä kunnallisella ja yksityisellä sektorilla työskentelevästä sosionomista. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelulomakkeen avulla keväällä 2016. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin päihde- ja mielenterveysongelmia yleisesti, työtä ohjaavia lakeja, päihde- ja mielenterveystyön toimintaympäristöä sekä sosionomin kompetensseja. Opinnäytetyön tuloksista selvisi, että sosionomin ammattitaidolle on selvä tarve päihde- ja mielenterveystyössä. Sosionomin osaamista ei kuitenkaan vielä osata hyödyntää kokonaisuudessaan päihde- ja mielenterveystyössä. Selkeämpää työnkuvaa ja roolijakoa tarvitaan terveysalan ammattilaisten kanssa toimimisessa. Sosionomin laaja-alainen koulutus vastaa hyvin päihde- ja mielenterveystyössä nähtäviin monisyisiin ongelmiin. Sosionomin vahvuutena nähtiin ohjaustyö ja asiakkaan rinnalla kulkeminen tukien ja auttaen asiakasta hänen arjessaan. Vastaavanlaisia opinnäytetöitä on tehty varhaiskasvatuspuolelta, lastensuojelutyöstä sekä ikäihmisten parissa työskentelevistä sosionomeista. Näin ollen jatkotutkimuksena voisi selvittää kehitysvammaistyössä työskentelevien sosionomien sijoittumisen ja työnkuvan. Toisenlainen jatkotutkimus voisi käsitellä työnantajien näkemyksiä sosionomien (AMK) pätevyyksistä työskennellä päihde- ja mielenterveystyössä.The purpose of this thesis was to collect information on the Bachelor of Social Services jobs in and knowledge of anti-substance abuse and mental health work. The results were aimed for use at Saimaa University of Applied Sciences to identify any development needs in the Degree Program in Social Services. One of the goals of this research was to show the suitability of the education for anti-substance abuse and mental health work. South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) was chosen as the research area comprising the second and third sectors. This topic was chosen because substance abuse and mental health problems show in many different fields of social services. The subject is also socially important because the problems of substance abuse and mental health overload the system financially and have long term effects on both a personal and the community level. This thesis study was carried out as qualitative research. In total seven Bachelor of Social Service workers were chosen from the private and public sectors. The research was done as interviews, which were conducted in spring 2016. The theoretical frame of the thesis was the service system on a general level in Finland. Also the laws were described that direct the work of Bachelors of Social Services within the substance and mental health problem fields. The focus was mainly on adult customers and services for them. These results suggest that there is a need for the work of a Bachelor of Social Service in the substance and mental health problem fields, but their knowledge is not fully utilized yet. Based on the findings it seems that the strengths are guidance and customer support. There is also a need to clarify the division of work between the other workers in social services. Similar theses were done in Saimaa University of Applied Sciences in 2012-2013. These theses were about social work for the elderly, child welfare and childhood education. Further research is required on how Bachelor of Social Service workers would find a role in the work with the disabled and what their job duties would be. More research could be done on how employers in the substance and mental health fields regard the proficiency of the Bachelors of Social Service

    Is the prevalence of overactive bladder overestimated? : A population-based study in Finland

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    Background. In earlier studies, one in six adults had overactive bladder which may impair quality of life. However, earlier studies have either not been population-based or have suffered from methodological limitations. Our aim was to assess the prevalence of overactive bladder symptoms, based on a representative study population and using consistent definitions and exclusions. Methodology/Principal Findings. The aim of the study was to assess the age-standardized prevalence of overactive bladder defined as urinary urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia in the absence of urinary tract infection or other obvious pathology. In 2003-2004, a questionnaire was mailed to 6,000 randomly selected Finns aged 18-79 years who were identified from the Finnish Population Register Centre. Information on voiding symptoms was collected using the validated Danish Prostatic Symptom Score, with additional frequency and nocturia questions. Corrected prevalence was calculated with adjustment for selection bias due to non-response. The questionnaire also elicited co-morbidity and socio-demographic information. Of the 6,000 subjects, 62.4% participated. The prevalence of overactive bladder was 6.5% (95% CI, 5.5% to 7.6%) for men and 9.3% (CI, 7.9% to 10.6%) for women. Exclusion of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia reduced prevalence among men by approximately one percentage point (to 5.6% [CI, 4.5% to 6.6%]). Among subjects with overactive bladder, urgency incontinence, frequency, and nocturia were reported by 11%, 23%, and 56% of men and 27%, 38%, and 40% of women, respectively. However, only 31% of men and 35% of women with frequency, and 31% of subjects of both sexes with nocturia reported overactive bladder. Conclusions/Significance. Our results indicate a prevalence of overactive bladder as low as 8% suggesting that, in previous studies, occurrence has been overestimated due to vague criteria and selected study populations regarding age distribution and low participation.Background. In earlier studies, one in six adults had overactive bladder which may impair quality of life. However, earlier studies have either not been population-based or have suffered from methodological limitations. Our aim was to assess the prevalence of overactive bladder symptoms, based on a representative study population and using consistent definitions and exclusions. Methodology/Principal Findings. The aim of the study was to assess the age-standardized prevalence of overactive bladder defined as urinary urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia in the absence of urinary tract infection or other obvious pathology. In 2003-2004, a questionnaire was mailed to 6,000 randomly selected Finns aged 18-79 years who were identified from the Finnish Population Register Centre. Information on voiding symptoms was collected using the validated Danish Prostatic Symptom Score, with additional frequency and nocturia questions. Corrected prevalence was calculated with adjustment for selection bias due to non-response. The questionnaire also elicited co-morbidity and socio-demographic information. Of the 6,000 subjects, 62.4% participated. The prevalence of overactive bladder was 6.5% (95% CI, 5.5% to 7.6%) for men and 9.3% (CI, 7.9% to 10.6%) for women. Exclusion of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia reduced prevalence among men by approximately one percentage point (to 5.6% [CI, 4.5% to 6.6%]). Among subjects with overactive bladder, urgency incontinence, frequency, and nocturia were reported by 11%, 23%, and 56% of men and 27%, 38%, and 40% of women, respectively. However, only 31% of men and 35% of women with frequency, and 31% of subjects of both sexes with nocturia reported overactive bladder. Conclusions/Significance. Our results indicate a prevalence of overactive bladder as low as 8% suggesting that, in previous studies, occurrence has been overestimated due to vague criteria and selected study populations regarding age distribution and low participation.Background. In earlier studies, one in six adults had overactive bladder which may impair quality of life. However, earlier studies have either not been population-based or have suffered from methodological limitations. Our aim was to assess the prevalence of overactive bladder symptoms, based on a representative study population and using consistent definitions and exclusions. Methodology/Principal Findings. The aim of the study was to assess the age-standardized prevalence of overactive bladder defined as urinary urgency, with or without urgency incontinence, usually with urinary frequency and nocturia in the absence of urinary tract infection or other obvious pathology. In 2003-2004, a questionnaire was mailed to 6,000 randomly selected Finns aged 18-79 years who were identified from the Finnish Population Register Centre. Information on voiding symptoms was collected using the validated Danish Prostatic Symptom Score, with additional frequency and nocturia questions. Corrected prevalence was calculated with adjustment for selection bias due to non-response. The questionnaire also elicited co-morbidity and socio-demographic information. Of the 6,000 subjects, 62.4% participated. The prevalence of overactive bladder was 6.5% (95% CI, 5.5% to 7.6%) for men and 9.3% (CI, 7.9% to 10.6%) for women. Exclusion of men with benign prostatic hyperplasia reduced prevalence among men by approximately one percentage point (to 5.6% [CI, 4.5% to 6.6%]). Among subjects with overactive bladder, urgency incontinence, frequency, and nocturia were reported by 11%, 23%, and 56% of men and 27%, 38%, and 40% of women, respectively. However, only 31% of men and 35% of women with frequency, and 31% of subjects of both sexes with nocturia reported overactive bladder. Conclusions/Significance. Our results indicate a prevalence of overactive bladder as low as 8% suggesting that, in previous studies, occurrence has been overestimated due to vague criteria and selected study populations regarding age distribution and low participation.Peer reviewe

    Uusia menetelmiä järven kunnostushankkeen suunnitteluun

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    Ympäristöhallinnossa on pitkään kehitetty erilaisia menetelmiä ja työkaluja vesienhoidon ja -suojelun ja vesistöjen kunnostuksen suunnitteluprosessien tueksi, mm. erilaisia osallistavan suunnittelun menetelmiä, tietojärjestelmiä sekä luonnon prosesseja ja toimenpiteiden vaikutuksia kuvaavia malleja ja arviointityökaluja. Tässä julkaisussa esitetään Vesienhoidon kustannustehokkaat menetelmät ja monitavoitteiset toimintatavat (VeKuMe) -hankkeessa kehitetty järven kunnostuksen yleissuunnitteluprosessi, johon on yhdistetty eräitä edellä mainittuja ympäristöhallinnossa kehitettyjä ja kehitteillä olevia menetelmiä ja malleja vesistön kuormituksen ja nykytilan arviointiin, toimenpiteiden tunnistamiseen, vaikutusten ja kustannusten arviointiin sekä toimenpidevaihtoehtojen hyötyjen arviointiin. Työssä on pohdittu, mitä vaiheita hyvässä, järven vesiensuojelu- ja kunnostushankkeen suunnitteluprosessissa pitäisi olla ja mitä tehtäviä eri vaiheisiin sisältyy. Samalla on mietitty, minkälaisille suunnittelun apuvälineille olisi tarvetta eri suunnittelutehtävissä, mitä käyttökelpoisia apuvälineitä on jo olemassa ja miten niitä voitaisiin suunnitteluprosessissa tehokkaasti hyödyntää. Työn tuloksena syntyneessä suunnitteluprosessissa on otettu huomioon, että on tärkeää tunnistaa järvessä esiintyvien ongelmien syyt ja niiden seuraukset ja arvioida monipuolisesti vesiensuojelu- ja kunnostustoimenpiteiden vaikutuksia, toteutettavuutta, kustannustehokkuutta ja hyötyjä. Suunnitteluprosessi pyrkii sovittamaan yhteen erilaiset tarpeet ja tavoitteet, jotta suunnitelma saisi laajasti hyväksyntää eri sidosryhmiltä. Tämä julkaisu on tarkoitettu pääasiassa suunnitteluprosesseja vetävien asiantuntijatahojen käyttöön. Kohderyhminä ovat lähinnä ELY-keskusten ja kuntien asiantuntijat ja kunnostussuunnitelmia laativat konsultit sekä kunnostushankkeita rahoittavat ja toteuttavat organisaatiot. Julkaisua voidaan hyödyntää myös eri alojen oppilaitoksissa

    Mondo/ChREBP-Mlx-Regulated Transcriptional Network Is Essential for Dietary Sugar Tolerance in Drosophila

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    Sugars are important nutrients for many animals, but are also proposed to contribute to overnutrition-derived metabolic diseases in humans. Understanding the genetic factors governing dietary sugar tolerance therefore has profound biological and medical significance. Paralogous Mondo transcription factors ChREBP and MondoA, with their common binding partner Mlx, are key sensors of intracellular glucose flux in mammals. Here we report analysis of the in vivo function of Drosophila melanogaster Mlx and its binding partner Mondo (ChREBP) in respect to tolerance to dietary sugars. Larvae lacking mlx or having reduced mondo expression show strikingly reduced survival on a diet with moderate or high levels of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. mlx null mutants display widespread changes in lipid and phospholipid profiles, signs of amino acid catabolism, as well as strongly elevated circulating glucose levels. Systematic loss-of-function analysis of Mlx target genes reveals that circulating glucose levels and dietary sugar tolerance can be genetically uncoupled: Krüppel-like transcription factor Cabut and carbonyl detoxifying enzyme Aldehyde dehydrogenase type III are essential for dietary sugar tolerance, but display no influence on circulating glucose levels. On the other hand, Phosphofructokinase 2, a regulator of the glycolysis pathway, is needed for both dietary sugar tolerance and maintenance of circulating glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, we show evidence that fatty acid synthesis, which is a highly conserved Mondo-Mlx-regulated process, does not promote dietary sugar tolerance. In contrast, survival of larvae with reduced fatty acid synthase expression is sugar-dependent. Our data demonstrate that the transcriptional network regulated by Mondo-Mlx is a critical determinant of the healthful dietary spectrum allowing Drosophila to exploit sugar-rich nutrient sources.Peer reviewe