1,333 research outputs found

    News values and conceptual metaphors in sports news discourse

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    Abstract. This thesis examines the ways in which different news values and conceptual metaphors are used in sports news reporting. Media discourse makes conscious decisions regarding the presentation of information. Often headlines intend to draw readers in and the body text of an article intends to prove the newsworthiness of the report. A variety of linguistic tactics are applied from the headline to the text to convey the necessary message and to emphasize the news value of the article. Sports are a vital part of our culture and national identity and news media outlets shape our view of the world, which makes sports media a valid topic for research. The data in this thesis consist of 15 articles from the International Ice Hockey Federation site published during the 2021 men’s world championships. The thesis utilizes discourse analysis and the concepts of news values in the analysis of headlines and conceptual metaphor theory in the analysis of the articles. The findings suggest that impact, superlativeness, novelty, and prominence are the news values most frequently construed through linguistic devices in the news reports. Impact is central to sports culture due to its competitive nature. In line with previous research, “ice hockey is war” was found to be the most frequent conceptual metaphor in the data. Other prominent themes included “ice hockey is a physical experience” and “ice hockey is a journey”.Urheilu-uutisten diskurssia : uutisarvot ja konseptuaalinen metafora. TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ kandidaatintutkielma tarkastelee tapoja, joilla uutisarvojen ja konseptuaalisen metaforan laaja kirjo nĂ€kyy urheilu-uutisissa. Mediadiskurssiin kuuluu tietoiset valinnat siitĂ€, miten informaatiota jaetaan lukijoille. Usein uutisotsikoiden tarkoituksena on houkutella lukijoita artikkelin pariin, ja artikkelin leipĂ€tekstin tarkoituksena on todistaa, miksi kyseisen artikkelin aihe on uutisoinnin arvoinen. Moninaiset kielelliset keinot otsikossa ja leipĂ€tekstissĂ€ varmistavat, ettĂ€ toivottu viesti saadaan perille ja artikkelin uutisarvo on alleviivattu. Urheilumedian tarkastelu on olennaista, koska urheilu on tĂ€rkeĂ€ osa kulttuuria sekĂ€ kansallista identiteettiĂ€ ja uutismedian eri kanavat vaikuttavat maailmankuvamme rakentumiseen. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkielman aineisto koostuu 15 artikkelista, jotka on julkaistu KansainvĂ€lisen JÀÀkiekkoliiton nettisivuilla vuoden 2021 miesten maailmanmestaruuskilpailujen aikaan. Tutkielman analyysissĂ€ kĂ€ytetÀÀn diskurssianalyysia sekĂ€ uutisarvojen kĂ€sitettĂ€ otsikoiden kielellisessĂ€ tarkastelussa ja konseptuaalisen metaforan kĂ€sitettĂ€artikkelitekstien analyysissĂ€. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ vaikutus, superlatiivisuus, harvinaisuus ja merkittĂ€vyys olivat aineistossa useimmin esiin nousevat uutisarvot. Vaikutus on urheilukulttuurille tĂ€rkeĂ€ uutisarvo sen kilpailullisen luonteen myötĂ€. “JÀÀkiekko on sotaa” oli yleisin konseptuaalinen metafora konseptien samankaltaisuuden takia. TĂ€mĂ€ löydös vahvistaa aiempaa tutkimusta. Muita yleisimpiĂ€ konseptuaalisia metaforia aineistossa olivat ”jÀÀkiekko on fyysinen kokemus” ja ”jÀÀkiekko on matka”

    The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor United Kingdom 2008 Executive Report

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    This report compares Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) measures of entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration in the UK with participating G7 countries and the large industrialized or industrializing countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China ('BRIC'). It also summarizes entrepreneurial attitudes, activity and aspiration within Government Official Regions of the UK and, for the first time, demonstrates the pattern of entrepreneurial activity at the sub-regional (NUTS2) level

    Corporate venture capitalists and independent venture capitalists: what do they know, who do they know, and should entrepreneurs care?

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    While a strong stream of research has examined the value-added by venture capitalists and some recent research has also explored the value added by corporate venture capitalists, the value-added provided by these two types of investors for their portfolio companies has not been compared systematically. This study proposes to make such an evaluation by comparing the social capital based and knowledge-based forms of value added provided by independent and corporate venture capitalists to their portfolio firms. Employing primary data collected from U.S. technology-based new firms that had recently received both corporate venture capital and independent venture capital funding, the present study demonstrates that the value-adding contributions of corporate venture capital and independent venture capital investors are different but complementary.Arthur M. Blank Center kr Entrepreneurship Babson College, Babson Park, Manachueetts 02457-0310 Kauffinan Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Kansas City. Missouri 64112-2776 Co-spcesoerd by Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship @ Strathclyde University of Strathclyde. Glasgow. Scotland Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow; Scotland The Entrepreneurial Exchange, Hamilton, Scotland Linc Scotland, Glasgow, Scotland Glasgow City Council. Glasgow Scotlan

    A Pyrolysis Pilot Unit Integrated to a Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler - Experiences from a Pilot Project

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    A novel integrated pyrolysis pilot plant has been built in Tampere, Finland by Metso, in co-operation with UPM, Fortum and VTT. A 7 tons of bio-oil per day (2 MWfuel input) fast pyrolysis unit has been integrated with Metso’s 4 MWth CFB pilot boiler. Test runs of bio-oil production have been carried out during 2009-2010. More than 80 tons of bio-oil has been produced and utilization tests have been started in district heating burner applications

    Kissoihin liittyvÀt antropomorfiset diskurssit Facebook-keskusteluissa

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    TiivistelmÀ. Kissojen elÀmÀÀn voi nykyÀÀn liittÀÀ monenlaisia inhimillisiÀ piirteitÀ. Niille myydÀÀn laihdutusruokia ja niiden syntymÀpÀiviÀ juhlitaan Helsingin Sanomien sunnuntainumeroissa. Kissojen omistajat ovat alkaneet kirjoittaa niiden ÀÀnellÀ kokonaisia keskusteluita sosiaalisessa mediassa. Pro gradu -tutkielmassani tutkin, millaisia kissoihin liittyviÀ antropomorfisia diskursseja Facebook-keskusteluista ilmenee. SelvitÀn, miten kissoja inhimillistetÀÀn keskusteluissa, millaisia antropomorfisia diskursseja rakentuu sekÀ millaista murretta ja huumoria aineistossa esiintyy. Olen kerÀnnyt aineistoni Suomen Ragdoll-kissat -Facebook-ryhmÀstÀ, ja aineistoon kuuluu 280 viestiÀ, joissa kissa puhuu omalla ÀÀnellÀÀn. Olen itse ollut jÀsen kyseisessÀ ryhmÀssÀ jo useita vuosia, joten minulla oli aineistoa kerÀtessÀ jonkinlainen ennakkokÀsitys ryhmÀssÀ kÀytettÀvÀstÀ kielestÀ. Tutkimani ilmiö on kulttuuriantropologinen. LÀhestyn tutkimusaihetta kuitenkin lingvistisesti diskurssianalyysi metodinani ja tutkin, miten kuvailemaani ilmiötÀ merkityksellistetÀÀn suomen kielellÀ. Aineistosta nousee esille seitsemÀn erilaista diskurssia. NÀmÀ diskurssit ovat kissa perheenjÀsenenÀ, kissa hallitsijana, kissa harrastajana, kissa kuluttajana, kissa somettajana, kissan muu inhimillinen toiminta sekÀ kissa murteen puhujana. Diskurssit rakentuvat muun muassa omistajista sekÀ kissoista kÀytetyillÀ nimityksillÀ, verbeillÀ ja sananvalinnoilla. Esimerkiksi hallitsijadiskurssissa omistajasta kÀytetÀÀn nimitystÀ palvelija, kissoihin liitetÀÀn kuninkaallista sanastoa kuten aurinkokuningas tai pikkuprinsessa ja kissat kÀyttÀvÀt teksteissÀÀn imperatiivimuotoa puhutellessaan omistajiaan. Suurin osa aineistosta on yleiskielistÀ, mutta vÀlillÀ kissat kÀyttÀvÀt murretta korostaakseen sijaintiaan tai rakentaakseen humoristista sÀvyÀ. Huumoria kÀytetÀÀn aineistossa muun muassa kerrottaessa kissojen tihutöistÀ. Huumoria kÀytettÀessÀ otetaan vahvasti huomioon yleisö, joka koostuu kissoista kiinnostuneista ihmisistÀ

    Developing a Global Healthcare Innovation Index

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    Our understanding of medicine is being revolutionised by the pace of science. But not all the potential innovations in life sciences and medical technology are taken up into everyday practice in healthcare, even when they are shown to be beneficial. For the poorest people in the world, many innovations are not accessible because they are either unaffordable or unsuitable for their health systems. Tackling this gap requires the development of appropriate and affordable health technologies and novel business models. In the more advanced health systems there is a disconnection between the effort on research and development (R&D) and how much of this makes it into mainstream healthcare practice. Even the most evidence-based and affordable innovations can fail or are only taken up patchily, whether we compare across countries, or between localities or health organisations within countries. And technological innovation can be a problem for those responsible for paying for health systems. New technologies often increase costs because they allow us to treat more people for a longer part of their lives. Yet the general view amongst politicians, managers and others involved in healthcare is that health systems across the world need new thinking. They are increasingly facing escalating demand from an ageing population and the growing incidence of chronic disease. Healthcare is consuming an ever-increasing share of gross domestic product (GDP). The search is on for ways of providing the best quality healthcare as affordably as possible. The health technology industries – pharmaceutical and biotechnology, medical devices, information technology and the built environment (design, engineering and construction) – drive much of the innovation that takes place in healthcare. They are very big business. Collectively these companies have global revenues in the order of USD 2 trillion a year, about a quarter of overall global spending on healthcare. But they too are experiencing a changing landscape – an evolving market for their products, a changing balance of power across health systems as governments and payers seek to control costs, hence pressure on their business models. Innovation is regarded by economists and politicians as one of the main drivers of economic growth. It helps to explain why some companies, regions and countries perform better than others in terms of higher productivity and income. For companies involved in the health technology sector, and governments in countries where they are located, there is concern to ensure that their business models are sustainable and continue to successfully deliver new products to the market

    The importance of clinical and labour market histories in psychiatric disability retirement : analysis of the comprehensive Finnish national-level RETIRE data

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    Objectives Despite the stable incidence of mental disorders in Finland and Europe, mental health-related occupational disability has been increasing. We unveiled the paths to permanent psychiatric disability, recovery, or death, by analysing sequences of labour market participation. Methods The RETIRE register database includes information regarding all persons (n = 42,170) awarded an ICD-10 psychiatric disability pension between 2010 and 2015 in Finland. We identified clusters of typical paths of pre-retirement labour market history. Controlling for major mental disorders, age, and sex, we evaluated factors associated with returning to work (RTW), or death, over a 5-year follow-up period. Results Only 10.5% of the disabled subjects returned to work within the follow-up. Half of them ended up with a permanent disability pension. Seven distinguishable paths to disability were identified. Subjects in the cluster characterized by steady employment were relatively often females, lost their work ability due to affective disorders, and had the highest rate of returning to work (16.3%). Mortality was highest (9%) among the cluster characterized by long-term unemployment. Distributions of major diagnostic groups, as well as age and sex, differed between clusters. After their adjustment in the analysis of RTW or death, the identified labour market history paths prior to losing work ability remained as important independent prognostic factors for both outcomes. Conclusions The complex retirement process involves identifiable clinical and contextual associating factors. Labour market history patterns associate with varying prognoses after psychiatric retirement. Prolonged unemployment appears as a predictor of relatively poor prognoses, whereas employment indicates the opposite.Peer reviewe

    Energy intake and growth of weanling horses in a cold loose housing system

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