15 research outputs found

    PSA – biomarker, mis on muutnud eesnäärmehaiguste kliinilist käsitlust

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    Prostataspetsiifi line antigeen on enim kasutatav eesnäärmehaiguste marker kliinilises meditsiinis, mille tähtsus prostata biomarkerina avastati 1979. aastal. Oluline on teada, et PSA on eesnäärme-, mitte kasvajaspetsiifi line marker. Lisaks eesnäärmekasvajale võib kõrgenenud PSA tase seerumis olla seotud ka eesnäärme healoomuliste muutustega, samuti mõjutavad seerumi PSA taset eelnev seemnepurse, eesnäärme palpatsioon ja biopsia. Kõrgenenud PSA taseme korral on soovitatav mehel teha eesnäärmehaiguste välistamiseks lisauuringud. Vaatamata ravi foonil langenud PSA tasemele on näidustatud hilisem eesnäärme pikaajaline diagnostiline jälgimine. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(6):419−42

    PSA – eesnäärmevähi diagnostika, skriiningu ja jälgimise marker

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    PSA on siiani levinum ja täpsem onkoloogiline veremarker, mida kasutatakse erinevate eesnäärmehaiguste diagnostikaks ja ravi efektiivsuse hindamiseks. Teiste meetodite kõrval jääb PSA kõige täpsemaks ja informatiivsemaks diagnostiliseks instrumendiks eesnäärme pahaloomulise haiguse diagnoosi püstitamiseks. Sageli ei piisa ainult PSA väärtusest ja sellepärast on viimase aasta jooksul järjest rohkem pööratud tähelepanu PSA kineetikale. Erinevate PSA surrogaatmarkerite kasutamine nagu PSAV, PSAD ja PSADT parandavad oluliselt eesnäärmehaiguste diagnostikat ja aitavad teha õigemaid raviotsuseid. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(10):676−68

    Keskealiste meeste reproduktiivfunktsioon: seos eesnäärme, elustiili fakt orite ja paari viljatusega

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Mehe reproduktiivtervise uuringutele pööratakse kogu maailmas järjest rohkem tähelepanu järgnevatel põhjustel. Esmalt, sündivate laste vanemate keskmise vanuse tõus arenenud riikides, mida mõjutavad hariduslikud ja tööalase karjääriga seotud otsused ning meeste soov saada isaks läbi uue partnersuhte. Teiseks, kehavälise viljastamise meetodite kättesaadavuse paranemine ja odavnemine, mis mõjutab eelkõige eelnevalt lastetute paaride reproduktiivsusega seotud otsuseid. On teada, et umbes 15 protsenti fertiilses eas olevatest paaridest on viljatud. Neist umbes ¼ juhtudest on põhjused ainult mehepoolsed. Mehe viljakusnäitajaid mõjutavad teadaolevalt veresoonkonna-, hormonaalsed- ja ainevahetushaigused, organismi anatoomilised ja füsioloogilised muutused ning paljud elustiili- ja keskkonnafaktorid. Vanus on ka üks olulisemaid eesnäärmemahu suurenemise ja urineerimishäirete tekkega seotud riskifaktoreid. Ligi 50% viiekümne-aastastest meestest kurdab urineerimisega seotud kaebuste üle, alates viiekümnendatest eluaastatest tõuseb urineerimiskaebustega meeste osakaal 10% ühe eludekaadi kohta. Hetkel puuduvad teadaolevalt uuringud eesnäärmemahu suurenemise, alumiste kuseteede kaebuste ning meeste reproduktiivfunktsiooni seoste kohta. Seetõttu on üha olulisem uurida tegureid, mis mõjutavad vanemate meeste seemnevedeliku kvaliteeti ja sellega seotud viljakusnäitajaid. Senistes uuringutes on keskealistele meestele tähelepanu pööratud vaid valikuliselt ja üksikutes artiklites. Käesolevas uuringus on fookuses 45-aastaste meeste viljakusparameetrid ning neid mõjutavate tegurite avaldumine. Väitekirja peamine eesmärk oli täpsustada keskealiste meeste reproduktiivfunktsiooni ning hinnata selle võimalikku seost erinevate eesnäärmehaiguste ja elustiilifaktoritega. Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et keskealise mehe viljakusnäitajad ei sõltu ainult vanusest, vaid ka seonudvatest elustiili mõjuritest, näiteks kehalisest aktiivsus ning varem põetud suguhaigused. Samuti leiti uuringus, et keskealiste meeste seemnevedeliku kvaliteet langeb seoses eesnäärme suurenemise ning urineerimisprobleemide tõusuga. Sarnane seos avaldub uuringu alusel ka suguteede põletikuliste muutustega. Põletikufoon mehe sugutraktis tõstab ka PSA ja östradiooli taset seerumis. Kuna varem on sarnaseid seoseid leitud noortel asümptomaatilise suguteede põletikuga meestel, võib uuringu läbiviijate arvates üheks meeste viljakunäitajaid langetavaks ja seerumi PSA taset tõstvaks põhjuseks olla (põletikuline) eesnäärme ja mehe suguteede kahjustus nooremas eas ning sellele järgnev põletikufooni pikaajaline kahjustav mõju mehe viljakusnäitajatele. Antud seos võib ka tähendada, et subfertiilsed (madalamate viljakusnäitajatega) mehed peaksid alustama enda PSA taseme jälgimist soovitatavast vanusepiirist varem ning pöörduma PSA tõusu korral täpsustavale eesnäärmehaiguste uuringule. Uuringu tulemusena selgus ka, et premaliigsed ja pahaloomulised eesnäärmepatoloogiad mõjuvad negatiivselt mehe seemnevedeliku parameetritele. Uuring viidi läbi Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi Androloogiakeskuses.The issue of semen quality and fertility in the aging male receives increasing attention due to the following factors. Initially, there is a trend in developed countries toward higher paternal ages predominantly due to socioeconomic factors. Family planning often begins after the establishment of education and professional career, resulting in higher paternal age. Also, the divorce, remarriage, and the wish to be a father of child(s) in a new partnership are increasing trends. Secondly, the improvements in assisted reproduction techniques in recent years, particularly intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), have endowed to generate genetic offspring in the males (and couples) who were previously considered infertile. At the same time the accumulation of several factors and conditions occurs along with aging that may affect male reproductive function. There are some reports about the impact of paternal occupation on seminal function. Additionally, factors like vascular, hormonal, metabolic and malignant diseases, anatomical and physiological conditions, injuries, lifestyle-related conditions or accumulation of toxic substances may be responsible for alteration in body functioning and therefore also in reproductive function. Male aging is a multifactorial process that causes changes in different reproductive organs, including the prostate. The prostate, an accessory gland of the male reproductive system, is directly related to male reproductive, sexual, and ejaculatory function. Although some recent studies have described the risk of prostatitis and prostate cancer in middle-aged infertile males, little is known about common associations between reproductive function and prostate pathologies in males >45 years. Therefore the main aim of this study was to specify the reproductive function in middle-aged male and to find out possible influences of different prostate conditions and lifestyle-related factors on male reproduction of that age. The main finding in our study comparing healthy men and male partners of infertile couples was that reproductive function in middle-aged subjects is related not only with general aging as described previously, but associated significantly with certain lifestyle factors, like prior history of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, fertile men had higher sexual capability and physical activity. Our study of prostate-related diseases and male reproductive function showed that the increased levels of seminal inflammatory markers were associated with reduced semen volume, total sperm count, and sperm motility. Also, the reduced seminal parameters in middle-aged men were associated with prostate enlargement, bladder outlet obstruction and with pre-malignant and malignant prostate conditions. Probably, the alterations could be related with changes in general health status, malnutrition and gonadal function, but also with subsequent (partial) obstruction in the level of male accessory glands and/or damage of the prostate. Additionally, the serum marker of prostate, PSA, correlated with main seminal parameters like semen volume, sperm motility, and total sperm count. Therefore, according to an initial speculative view, an increased serum level of PSA in middle-aged males could give information not only about prostate-related conditions, but may be an additional indicator for impaired reproductive quality. The study was performed in the Andrology Centre of Tartu University Hospital

    Eesnäärmehaiguste omavahelised seosed ja ühised riskitegurid

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    Viimase kümmekonna aasta jooksul on järjest rohkem tekkinud hüpoteese ja ilmunud uuringuid selle kohta, et eesnäärme mahu suurenemise ja kasvaja arengu üheks oluliseks põhjustavaks teguriks võib olla pikaajaline põletikuline protsess eesnäärmes. On teada, et pikaajalise, eelnevalt ravimata eesnäärmepõletikuga meestel on võrreldes tervete meestega 7,7-kordne risk näärme hüperplaasiaga seotud tüsistuste väljakujunemiseks, 3,3 korda suurenenud risk eesnäärme hüperplaasia tekkeks ja 1,7 korda suurem risk hilisema kasvajalise protsessi kujunemiseks eesnäärmes. Uuringute alusel esineb selge seos eesnäärme mahu kasvukiiruse, kasvaja agressiivsuse ja PSA taseme vahel ning ligi 80%-l eesnäärmekasvaja leiuga meestest tuvastatakse histoloogilisel uuringul kaasuvana elundi hüperplastilisi või põletikulisi muutusi. Eesti Arst 2010; 89(12):818−82

    Paratestikulaarne adenomatoidne tuumor. Haigusjuhu kirjeldus

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    Adenomatoidne tuumor on kõige sagedasem paratestikulaarne healoomuline kasvaja, mis moodustab umbes 30% kõikidest paratestikulaarsetest beniigsetest uudis moodustistest. Haiguse etioloogia on ebaselge. Lisaks haiguse anamneesile ja objektiivsele läbivaatusele peetakse adenomatoidse tuumori ekstratestikulaarse vormi korral oluliseks ultraheliuuringut. Eesti Arst 2007; 86 (3): 213–21

    Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine neuropsühholoogias

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    Kognitiivse seisundi hindamine pakub olulist lisainfot paljude neuroloogiliste ja psühhiaatriliste häiretega patsientide seisundi käsitlemisel. Hindamisel kasutatakse erinevaid teste ja katseid, analüüsides nii kvantitatiivseid tulemusi kui ka kvalitatiivset sooritust testide lahendamisel. See aitab täpsustada patsiendi vaimsete võimete taset, kognitiivsete kaebuste olemust ja neid tingivaid põhjusi ning seeläbi hõlbustab ravi planeerimist. Neuropsühholoogilised uuringud on olulised patsiendi funktsionaalse toimetuleku kindlaksmääramisel.Eesti Arst 2014; 93(5):276–28

    Decline of seminal parameters in middle-aged males is associated with lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate enlargement and bladder outlet obstruction

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    Purpose We aimed to compare the associations between semen quality, associated reproductive indicators and the main prostate-related parameters in middle-aged men. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study on 422 middle-aged men who underwent the screening for prostate health. Their reproductive function, semen quality and prostate-related pathologies were investigated. Results Significant associations between semen quality and prostate-related parameters could be seen. Total sperm count and sperm density decreased along with the increase of the I-PSS score and total prostate volume. Also, the related lower urinary tract characteristics showed a negative correlation with main semen parameters for all investigated subjects. No significant differences in age, testicular size, and hormonal parameters were found between the subjects with or without lower urinary tract symptoms and prostate enlargement. Conclusions Our study suggests that altered seminal parameters in middle-aged men are associated with LUTS, prostate enlargement and/or bladder outlet obstruction. Although the assessments of prostate and lower urinary tract symptoms may not replace the semen parameters evaluating the male reproductive status, there is a need for further and more detailed investigations about the pathways behind these associations as well as possible related conditions

    Promoter polymorphism within evolutionary conserved element is associated with serum FSH level in men-0

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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from " promoter polymorphism within evolutionary conserved element is associated with serum FSH level in men"</p><p></p><p>Human Reproduction (Oxford, England) 2008;23(9):2160-2166.</p><p>Published online 21 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2517155.</p><p>© The Author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected]</p

    Genetically Determined Dosage of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Affects Male Reproductive Parameters

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    Context: The detailed role of FSH in contributing to male testicular function and fertility has been debated. We have previously identified the association between the T-allele of the FSHB promoter polymorphism (rs10835638; G/T, -211 bp from the mRNA start) and significantly reduced male serum FSH. Objective: In the current study, the T-allele carriers of the FSHB -211 G/T single nucleotide polymorphism represented a natural model for documenting downstream phenotypic consequences of insufficient FSH action. Design and Subjects: We genotyped rs10835638 in the population-based Baltic cohort of young men (n=1054; GG carriers, n=796; GT carriers, n=244; TT carriers, n=14) recruited by Andrology Centres in Tartu, Estonia; Riga, Latvia; and Kaunas, Lithuania. Marker-trait association testing was performed using linear regression (additive, recessive models) adjusted by age, body mass index, smoking, and recruitment center. Results: Serum hormones directly correlated with the T-allele dosage of rs10835638 included FSH (additive model, P=1.11×10 -6; T-allele effect, -0.41 IU/liter), inhibin-B (P=2.16×10 -3; T-allele effect, -14.67 pg/ml), and total testosterone (P = 9.30 × 10 -3; T-allele effect, -1.46 nmol/liter). Parameters altered only among TT homozygotes were reduced testicular volume (recessive model, P = 1.19 × 10 -4; TT genotype effect, -9.47 ml) and increased serum LH (P = 2.25 × 10 -2; TT genotype effect, 1.07 IU/liter). The carrier status of rs10835638 alternative genotypes did not affect sperm motility and morphology, calculated free testosterone, serum SHBG, and estradiol concentrations. Conclusion: We showed for the first time that genetically determined low FSH may have wider downstream effects on the male reproductive system, including impaired testes development, altered testicular hormone levels (inhibin-B, total testosterone, LH), and affected male reproductive potential.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Fermented whey-based product improves the quality of life of males with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms: A randomized double-blind study

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    <div><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of a specific fermented whey product on lower urinary tract symptoms, main prostate related indices and oxidative stress/inflammatory markers in urine and seminal plasma in men with moderate dysuric symptoms. An additional purpose was to clarify associations between different parameters with special emphasis on pain.</p><p>Methods</p><p>This was a prospective randomized double-blind 4-weeks study on men with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms who underwent the evaluation for quality of life at the baseline and at the end of the study. The symptoms were characterized by International Prostate Symptom Score (I-PSS) and National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-PSI), the maximum urinary flow and the main prostate-related indices. In order to obtain more comprehensive information about the effects of fermented whey product on systemic oxidative stress marker 8-EPI and seminal plasma inflammatory markers (interleukin-6 and interleukin-8) were also measured.</p><p>Results</p><p>After 4 weeks consumption of fermented whey product there was a statistically significant decrease of prostate-specific antigen level in serum and systemic stress marker 8-EPI in urine compared to control group. Maximum urinary flow and NIH-PSI all studied scores and sub-scores had also significant improvement. In addition, seminal plasma interleukin-8 level substantially decreased.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The consumption of special fermented whey product improved urinary function, reduced lower urinary tract symptoms, systemic oxidative stress marker and seminal plasma inflammatory status. Thus it contributed to an improvement of the quality of life in men with moderate lower urinary tract symptoms.</p></div