6 research outputs found


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    Field experiments were conducted during the period of 2004 – 2006 at the Research and Study Farm „Vecauce”. The aim of the investigation was to establish the weediness’ dynamics of crops in a six-field crop rotation of an organic farming system. The field was certified as being organic. Crop rotation: 1. triticale/ rye (for green manure in spring), 2. oil radish (for green manure)/ rye (for green manure in autumn), 3. potatoes, 4. oats, 5. vetch-oats mix (for green forage) with an undersown mixture of red clover and timothy, 6. red clover and timothy. Conventional soil tillage was done according to the requirements of the crops. The weeds were counted two times during the vegetation period of crops: at the early development stages of crops (for instance, at the tillering of cereals) and before the crop harvesting. The composition of weed flora comprised from 59 species in the crops’ stands. The annual dicotyledonus were dominating groups of the weed flora. The most abundant weeds were lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), quackgrass (Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski), common yellow rocket (Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.p.p.). The significantly smaller amount of weeds among crop rotation links was observed in the link rye/ oil radish/ rye – potatoes – oats. Much worse suppression of weeds was obtained in the crop rotation link red clover and timothy – triticale/ rye – oil radish/ rye. The number of weeds in the fields of crop rotation in the organic farming system is dependent on the cultivated crops, the succession of crops in the crop rotation links and crop cultivation technologies

    Efficient Technology for Introduction Catch-Crops Into Soil

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    A sharp decrease in the number of cattle in Latvia has essentially affected the possibilities to introduce organic fertilizers into soil. A solution of this problem may be growing catch-crop plants. The purpose of this study is to clarify the factors, technologies and machinery ensuring good and widespread introduction of catch-crops (winter rape, spring rape, red clover, fallow) without their previous shredding. It is found that unthreaded catch- crop plants may be qualitatively introduced into soil using a combined aggregate by orienting them in the direction of the movement of the aggregate and inclining them towards the surface of the field (rolling with the roller) and simultaneously plugging in with a plough which has a disk knife in front of each body to cut the inclined plants and a greater width (50 cm), and adjustable mouldboard curvature having improved skimmers to avoid clogging and to turn over the arable strips in a better way and to ensure more complete plugging of plants into soil. The technology of introducing catch-crops into soil without previous disintegration has been tested in practice and it is an environment-saving means of preserving and raising soil fertility. It is economically efficient in comparison with the introduction of previously shredded plants presently used on farms. It is possible to raise the introduction quality of unthreaded plants (also long-stalked ones) to 96-98%. Optimization the technology and the plough completion allow save labor – 1.4-1.8 men h ha-1, fuel 6-8 kg ha-1 and financial means 5,60-7,20 Ls ha-1

    Assessment of risk for developing preeclampsia in pregnancy using Fetal medicine foundation (FMF) algorithm

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    PediatrijaVeselības aprūpePediatricsHealth CarePreeklampsija ir hipertensīvs stāvoklis grūtniecības laikā, kas rodas pēc 20. gestācijas nedēļas No visām grūtniecībām 2-8 % komplicējas ar preeklampsiju visā pasaulē un tas ir viens no galvenajiem mātes un augļa saslimstības un mirstības iemesliem. FMF (The Fetal Medicine Foundation) ir izstrādājis algoritmu preeklampsijas attīstības riska noteikšanai, pamatojoties uz mātes faktoriem, biofizikāliem un bioķīmiskajiem marķieriem. Darba mērķis ir izvērtēt risku attīstīties preeklampsijai grūtniecības laikā aprēķinot grūtnieces individuālo risku, pielietojot 1. trimestra skrīninga FMF algoritmu. Tika veikt retrospektīvs šķērsgriezuma pētījums, kurā tika veikts sekundārs FMF pirmā trimestra skrīninga testa datu novērtējums. Tika atlasītas un izpētītas 191 grūtnieču ambulatorās kartes. No datiem par mātes faktoriem, biofizikālajiem un bioķimiskajiem marķieriem tika aprēķināts priekšlaicīgas preeklampsijas risks (<37.GN), izmantojot FMF pirmā trimestra riska novērtējuma kalkulatoru. Datu apkopošanai, apstrādei un analīzei tika izmantotas datorprogrammas Microsoft Office Excel 2013 un IMB SPSS Statistics. No pētījumā iekļautajām grūtniecēm (n=191), paaugstināts preeklampsijas attīstības risks tika noteikts 13,1 % grūtniecēm (n=25). No kurām 15 bija nulliparas grūtnieces un 10 multiparas grūtnieces. Starp tām grūtniecēm (n=25), kurām preeklampsijas attīstības risks pirms 37. GN bija paaugstināts, 52 % grūtnieces (n=13) nesaņēma profilaktisku aspirīna devu, savukārt 48 % grūtnieces (n=12) saņēma. Paaugstināts preeklampsijas attīstības risks pirms 37. GN biežāk tika novērots nullipārām grūtniecēm, salīdzinot ar multipārām grūtniecēm. Aspirīna nozīmēšana grūtniecēm ar paaugstinātu preeklampsijas risku pirms 37. GN ir tikai aptuveni 50 %, līdz ar to pusei no grūtniecēm ar PE risku netiek nodrošināta PE profilakse.Preeclampsia is a hypertensive condition during pregnancy that occurs after 20 weeks of gestation. 2-8% off all pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia worldwide and it is one of the major cause of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. FMF (The Fetal Medicine Foundation) has developed an algorithm to determine the risk of developing preeclampsia based on maternal characteristics, biophysical and biochemical markers. The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy by calculating the individual risk of the pregnant woman using the FMF first trimester screening algorithm. It was a retrospective cross-section study, with secondary evaluation of data from FMF first trimester screening tests. The study included 191 pregnant women. Risk scores of premature preeclampsia (<37 weeks gestation) were calculated from maternal characteristics and biophysical markers, using the FMF first trimester risk assessment calculator. The data were processed using Microsoft Office Excel 2013 un IMB SPSS Statistics. Of the pregnant women enrolled in the study (n = 191), an increased risk of developing preeclampsia was observed in 13.1% of pregnant women (n = 25). Of which 15 were nulliparous pregnant women and 10 were parous pregnant women. Among pregnant women (n = 25) at increased risk of developing preeclampsia before 37weeks of gestation, 52% of pregnant women (n = 13) did not receive a prophylactic dose of aspirin, while 48% of pregnant women (n = 12) received. An increased risk of developing preeclampsia before 37 weeks of gestation was more common in nulliparous pregnant women compering to parous pregnant women. Aspirin use in pregnant woman with increased risk of preeclampsia before 37 weeks of gestation is only about 50%

    The acquisition of the Latvian language as the Second language at the 2nd stage of preschool

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    Darba autors- Anna Luīze Ausmane Darba nosaukums- Runas attīstība latviešu valodas kā otrās valodas apguvē pirmsskolas 2.posmā Valodas attīstība ir sarežģīts, dinamisks process, ko ietekmē bērna vecums, valodas ekspozīcija un sociālā mijiedarbība. Bilingvāls bērns parasti ievēro vienu no diviem valodas apguves modeļiem: vienlaicīgu divvalodību un secīgo divvalodību Viena no izglītības problēmām pirmsskolā notiek divvalodības dēļ. Bērni šajā vecumā jau var iemācīties runāt vairāk nekā vienā valodā. Viņi var mācīties valodas mājās, pirmsskolā vai sabiedrībā. Daži bērni var viegli runāt abās valodās, bet dažreiz viņi zin vienu valodu labāk par otru. Valoda, ko bērns zina labāk, ir dominējošā valoda. Šī iemesla dēļ bērnam var rasties problēmas. Valodu apguve ir pamats lielākajai daļai mācību — neatkarīgi no tā, kas tas ir sociālās prasmes, morālā attīstība vai fiziski sasniegumi Bilingvālā izglītība ietekmē bērnu sociālo attīstību līdzīgi kā tā ietekmē emocionālo attīstību. Dažreiz sociālā attīstība var maskēt valodas apguves problēmas. Ja nepalīdz bērnam attīstīt runu tad bērns sajauks valodas, ka arī pieļaus vairākas kļūdas gan vienā valodā, gan otrā. Pētījuma objekts: pedagoģiskais process bilingvālā pirmsskolā Pētījuma priekšmets: 3-5 gadus vecu izglītojamo runas attīstība Pētījuma mērķis: veicināt runas attīstību mazākumtautību bērniem latviešu valodā pirmsskolas 2.posmā Pētījuma jautājums: Kā veicināt runas attīstību mazākumtautību bērniem latviešu valodā pirmsskolas 2.posmā? Pētījuma uzdevumi: -Pētīt zinātnisko literatūru par otrās valodas attīstību pirmsskolas izglītības iestādēs -raksturot pirmsskolas izglītības 2.posmu un otrās valodas izpētes īpatnības -veikt pētāma vecumposmā raksturojumu, bilingvālās un multilingvālās valodas attīstību -aprakstīt pieejas un metodes latviešu valodas kā otrās valodas apguve -veikt pētījumu par latviešu valodas apguvi, izmantojot izglītības bilingvālo modeli Darbs sastāv no 48 lpp., 11 attēliem,44 literatūras avotiem un 1 dokumenta pielikumaThe author- Anna Luīze Ausmane Document title- The acquisition of the Latvian language as the Second language at the 2nd stage of preschool Language development is a complex, dynamic process that is influenced by a child's age, language exposure, and social interaction. A bilingual child usually follows one of two patterns of language acquisition: simultaneous bilingualism and sequential bilingualism One of the educational problems in preschool is due to bilingualism. Children at this age can already learn to speak more than one language. They can learn languages at home, in preschool or in the community. Some children can speak both languages easily, but sometimes they know one language better than the other. The language that the child knows better is the dominant language. Because of this, the child may have problems. Language learning is the foundation for most learning - whether it's social skills, moral development or physical achievement. Bilingual education affects children's social development in the same way that it affects emotional development. Sometimes social development can mask language learning problems. If you do not help the child develop speech then the child will mix the languages and make several mistakes in one language and in the other . Research object: pedagogical process in bilingual preschool Research subject: speech development of 3-5-year-old learners The goal of research: to promote speech development in the Latvian language of minority children in the 2nd stage of preschool. Research question: How to promote the speech development of minority children in Latvia in the 2nd stage of preschool? Research tasks: -To study the scientific literature on second language development in preschool -describe the 2nd stage of preschool education and peculiarities of second language study -perform a characterization of the studied age group,bilingual and multilingual language development -describe approaches and methods for learning Latvian as a second language -do research about learning the Latvian language using the bilingual model of education The work consists of 48 pages, 11 images,44 literary sources and 1 an addition to a documen

    Agroecological optimization of husbandry technologies Proceedings of international scientific conference. Agronomy

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    Available from Latvian Academic Library / LAL - Latvian Academic LibrarySIGLEHydro Latvija Ltd., Riga (Latvia); BASF agency in the Baltic states, Riga (Latvia); Balti Agrokimikalijas Ltd., Jelgava (Latvia); Magazine &quot; Agrotops&quot; Riga (Latvia)LVLatvi