76 research outputs found

    Emoción expresada y carga del cuidador en los trastornos de personalidad del grupo B

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    XI Congreso Nacional de Trastornos de la PersonalidadIntroducción: La familia en los trastornos de la personalidad y otros trastornos mentales graves ha sido ampliamente estudiada en la literatura científica. De acuerdo con el mo-delo biosocial de Linehan, el ambiente invalidante y la expresión emocional en la familia son factores clave en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los trastornos de la personalidad. Además, la carga a la que se someten los familiares de estos pacientes puede llevar a generar este ambiente invalidante. objetivo: El presente estudio pretende describir el ambiente familiar mediante la emoción expresada y carga familiar en un grupo de pa-cientes con diagnóstico de trastorno de personalidad del grupo B. método: Se utilizó una muestra compuesta por 27 cuidadores de pacientes diagnosticados de un trastorno de personalidad del grupo B y 19 pacientes. Los cuidadores completaron el Cuestionario de repercusión familiar y la escala de emociones expresadas y los pacientes completa-ron la Escala de emociones expresadas – versión paciente. resultados: Los resultados mostraron niveles altos en los factores «actitud hacia la enfermedad» y «tolerancia o afrontamiento de la enfermedad» tanto en cuidadores como en pacientes. Los pacientes también mostraron niveles altos de Emoción Expresada en el factor Intrusismo. Se en-contraron también relaciones y diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre pacien-tes y cuidadores en relación al nivel de emoción expresada percibido. Además, los cui-dadores se mostraban más tolerantes o afrontaban mejor la enfermedad cuando los pacientes tenían mayor edad. En relación a la carga del cuidador, se observó que esta-ba relacionada con los factores «hostilidad» e «intrusismo». conclusiones: Estos resul-tados sugieren que tanto cuidadores como pacientes perciben niveles altos en ciertos estilos de emoción expresada y que este hecho puede estar influyendo en la carga del cuidador y en la evolución del trastorno de los pacientes.Background: The families of patients with personality disorders and other severe men-tal disorders have been extensively studied in the scientific literature. According to Linehan’s biosocial model, environmental invalidation and emotional expression in families are key factors in the development and maintenance of personality disorders. Moreover, burden commonly reported in family caregivers of these patients may lead to the environmental invalidation. Aim: The present study aims to describe the family en-vironment of a group of patients with personality disorders of cluster B through self-reported measures of expressed emotion and family burden. method: The sample was composed of 27 caregivers of patients with personality disorder of cluster B and 19 patients. The caregivers completed the Involvement Evaluation questionnaire and the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale for Relatives, and the patients completed the Level of Expressed Emotion Scale for patients. results: Results showed high levels of Atti-tude toward illness and tolerance or coping with illness factors in both caregivers and patients. Patients reported high levels in Intrusiveness factor too. It found statistically significant correlations and differences in patients and caregivers regarding the per-ceived level of expressed emotion. In addition, caregivers were more tolerant and faced better the disease when the patients were older. Lastly, caregiver burden was related to Hostility and Intrusiveness factors. conclusions: These results suggest that both caregivers and patients perceive high levels in certain styles of expressed emotion, which may be influencing the caregiver burden and the disease course of the patients

    Comer por aburrimiento: relación entre tendencia al aburrimiento y estilos de ingesta en población general.

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    Antecedentes: Por comer emocional se entiende la tendencia a comer con el objetivo de regular emociones negativas, entre ellas el aburrimiento sin atender a las necesidades de hambre. El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar las relaciones existentes entre la tendencia al aburrimiento y los estilos de ingesta y la regulación emocional. Método: La muestra consiste en 123 personas adultas. Las medidas utilizadas incluyen los estilos de ingesta medidos a través del Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (debq), la tendencia al aburrimiento, a través del Boredom Proneness Scale (bps ), la regulación emocional mediante el Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (erq) y la alexitimia, a través del Toronto Alexthymia Scale (tas-20). Resultados: Los resultados analizados, muestran una correlación negativa significativa entre la falta de estimulación interna (mayor experiencia de aburrimiento) y el comer emocional, con una mayor incapacidad para identificar las emociones. Por otro lado, se observan correlaciones significativas positivas entre la falta de estimulación externa y la dificultad para regular emociones, además de problemas para identificar los sentimientos y la dificultad para verbalizarlos. Conclusiones: La tendencia a sentir aburrimiento por la falta de estimulación interna, parece que se relaciona con una mayor tendencia a comer para regular emociones y la dificultad de etiquetarlas. El estudio del comer emocional y su relación con el aburrimiento, puede ser de gran ayuda a la hora de plantear intervenciones que tengan como objetivo la pérdida de peso o el cambio de estilos de vida.Background: Emotional eating refers to the tendency to eat with the aim of regulating negative emotions like boredom without taking care of the hunger necessities. The objective of the present study is to examine the relations between boredom proneness, the eating styles and emotional regulation. Method: The sample consists of 123 adult people. The measures used include eating styles measured through Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (debq), Boredom Proneness with Boredom Proneness Scale (BSP ), the emotional regulation by the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the Alexithymia though Toronto Alexthymia Scale (tas-20). Results: The results show significant negative correlation between the lack of internal stimulation (greater experience of boredom) and emotional eating, with a greater incapacity to identify emotions. On the other hand, it is observed significant positive correlations between the lack of external stimulation and the difficulties in emotion regulation, in addition to, problems to identify feelings and the difficulty to verbalize them. Conclusions: The tendency to feel boredom by the lack of internal stimulation is related to a greater tendency to eat for regulating emotions and the problems to label them. The research of emotional eating and its relation with boredom, can be helpful to design interventions that target the weight loss or change lifestyles

    The effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy: a qualitative approach

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    Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an 8-week group treatment program originally developed for the prevention of relapses in depression (Segal, Teasdale & Williams, 2003). In this article we present the qualitative aspects of an MBCT efficacy study in public Mental Health Units of Tenerife island (Canary Island, Spain) with anxious and depressive symptoms. Thirty-two participants in an MBCT efficacy study answered an open questionnaire at the end of the treatment and three months later. The text of their responses was analyzed using the content analysis technique. The results show that MBCT has a good level of acceptance, and that most of the patients noticed changes in their way of thinking, feeling and in their relations with others.La Terapia Cognitiva basada en la Atención Plena (Segal, Williams y Teasdale, 2002) es un tratamiento de ocho semanas de duración desarrollado inicialmente para la prevención de recaídas en depresión. En este artículo se presentan los aspectos cualitativos de la aplicación de un programa en TCAP en Unidades de Salud Mental en la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España) con sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. Un total de 32 participantes que habían participado en un estudio de eficacia de la TCAP respondieron a un cuestionario de preguntas abiertas al terminar el tratamiento y a los tres meses finalizado éste. Estos textos se analizaron mediante la técnica del análisis de contenido. Muestran que la TCAP tiene buenos niveles de aceptación, y que la mayoría de participantes nota cambios en su forma de pensar, de sentir, y en su relación con los demás

    Implicit or Explicit Compassion? Effects of Compassion Cultivation Training and Comparison with Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction

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    Mindfulness-based interventions generally include compassion implicitly, but it remains to be seen whether implicit compassion training can be effective, or if it needs to be trained explicitly through specific meditations and relational practices. This research study had two specific goals. The first was to expand the literature on the effects of compassion-based interventions (CBIs) by assessing the impact of the Compassion Cultivation Training program (CCT) on anxiety, depression, stress, life satisfaction, happiness, mindfulness, empathy, self-compassion, compassion for others, and identification with all humanity, through a waitlist randomized controlled trial in a community sample (study 1). Secondly, this research addressed the following question: Does a CBI—an explicit compassion training—have a differential impact in terms of empathy, compassion, and identification with all humanity, compared to a mindfulness-based intervention (mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)) in which compassion is taught implicitly? (study 2). Groups were assessed at baseline, post-intervention, and 2-month follow-up, and analyses involved repeated-measures of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for group contrasts. Compared to the wait-list group, CCT participants showed significant improvements in psychological well-being (decreased depression and stress, increases in life satisfaction, happiness, mindfulness, and self-compassion) and compassion skills. Both MBSR and CCT were effective in generally enhancing psychological well-being and increasing mindfulness and compassion, but CCT had a greater impact on developing compassionate skills, especially empathic concern and identification with all humanity. This research highlights the potential for a complementary (rather than competitive) relationship between mindfulness- and compassion-based interventions

    Are validation scales useful for Detecting Deliberately Faked Personality Tests? A study in incarcerated populations

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    Personality self-report questionnaires are frequently used in forensic settings to detect psychopathology, to predict recidivism, and to assess adaptability to life in prison. Although most personality questionnaires include validity or control scales, even with the scales most outcomes can be easily manipulated. The aim of this study is to analyze the utility of the control scales of the Situational Personality Questionnaire. A sample of 200 male prisoners was randomized into two groups. Both groups completed the SPQ as a part of the mandatory psychological assessment when they entered prison, and then again 8 months later. In time 2, one group received instructions to falsify the results of the questionnaire. Results indicated that the feigned induction was effective. The control scales were not able to detect feigners. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for further research into assessing fake responses in forensic settings

    Working alliance inventory applied to virtual and augmented reality (WAI-VAR): psychometrics and therapeutic outcomes

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    This study examines the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory-Short (WAI-S) adaptation to Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) therapies (WAI-VAR). The relationship between the therapeutic alliance (TA) with VR and AR and clinically significant change (CSC) is also explored. Seventy-five patients took part in this study (74.7% women, Mage = 34.41). Fear of flying and adjustment disorder patients received VR therapy, and cockroach phobia patients received AR therapy. Psychometric properties, CSC, one-way ANOVA, Spearman’s Correlations and Multiple Regression were calculated. The WAI-VAR showed a unidimensional structure, high internal consistency and adequate convergent validity. “Not changed” patients scored lower on the WAI-VAR than “improved” and “recovered” patients. Correlation between the WAI-VAR and CSC was moderate. The best fitting model for predicting CSC was a linear combination of the TA with therapist (WAI-S) and the TA with VR and AR (WAI-VAR), due to the latter variable slightly increased the percentage of variability accounted for in CSC. The WAI-VAR is the first validated instrument to measure the TA with VR and AR in research and clinical practice. This study reveals the importance of the quality of the TA with technologies in achieving positive outcomes in the therapy

    Meditators' Non-academic Definition of Mindfulness

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    Mindfulness has been defined differently in academic scientific contexts and in Buddhist academic contexts. An under-studied area is that of lay (non-academic) theories of mindfulness. The goal of this article is to identify, organize, analyze in detail, and provide themes from the meditators' definitions of mindfulness. Possible differences and similarities of the collected definitions of mindfulness with the scientific-academic definitions and with the academic-Buddhist definitions are also checked. A qualitative and inductive thematic analysis on the definitions of mindfulness offered by the participants was carried out. The sample consisted of 326 meditators who offered a definition of mindfulness through an open question. Seven themes were identified: (1) mindfulness defined as attention/awareness; (2) mindfulness defined as a non-evaluative attitude; (3) mindfulness defined as strategy; (4) mindfulness defined from a theoretical analysis; (5) mindfulness defined as a psycho-affective-spiritual state; (6) mindfulness defined as personal development; and (7) lack of understanding of mindfulness. From these themes, it can be deduced that the definitions collected share more patterns of meaning with the scientific-academic definition of mindfulness than with the academic-Buddhist one. The findings of this study provide new insights into the complexity and heterogeneity of the definition of mindfulness. What has been discovered may indicate the complexity of the mindfulness construct itself. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12671-022-01899-3

    Opciones alternativas para prescribir actividad física entre niños y adolescentes obesos: marcha rápida con el apoyo de videojuegos activos

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    Background: Physical inactivity has been identified as an important public health concern for children. An increasing sedentary way of life is directly related to obesity; hence, prevention and management of childhood obesity are commonly based on lifestyle interventions wherein increasing physical activity is one of the main targets. The use of exergames can be useful in promoting physical activity, but it is necessary more research. This study analyzes the effects of an exergaming platform that involves brisk walking, on perceived exertion, self-efficacy, positive expectations and satisfaction in a sample of clinically obese children, as compared with normal weight children. Physiological variables like heart rate, oxygen consumption and energy expenditure were also measured. Method: A total sample of 42 children was recruited. Children were randomized into those walking on a treadmill and those using a treadmill with the support of the exergaming platform (Wii-Fit). Results: The obese children scored significantly higher in expectations and satisfaction in the exergame condition but not in self-efficacy, perceived exertion or physiological measures. Conclusions: These results suggest that this exergaming platform could be a tool to assist obese children in the practice of brisk walking as part of a programme designed to treat obesity.Introducción: La inactividad de los niños se ha identificado como un problema importante de salud pública. La generalización del sedentarismo está directamente relacionada con el aumento de la obesidad, por ello, el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil se basa en la intervención en estilos de vida siendo el aumento de actividad física uno de los objetivos principales. Los videojuegos activos podrían ser útiles para incrementar la actividad física, pero aún sería necesaria más investigación en este campo. Este estudio analiza los efectos de un videojuego activo que implica marcha rápida sobre el esfuerzo percibido, la auto-eficacia, las expectativas positivas y la satisfacción de un grupo de niños obesos y se compara con la respuesta de un grupo de niños normopeso. Se registraron también variables fisiológicas como la frecuencia cardiaca, el consumo de oxígeno y el gasto metabólico. Método: Una muestra de 42 niños fue estudiada. Los jóvenes fueron distribuidos de forma aleatoria en las dos opciones de ejercicio, marcha rápida en tapiz rodante con o sin el apoyo del videojuego activo (Wii-Fit). Resultados: Los niños obesos tuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más altas que los normopeso en las expectativas y la satisfacción que les producía la marcha rápida con apoyo del videojuego activo, pero en cambio no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto a la auto-eficacia, el esfuerzo percibido o en las variables fisiológicas. Conclusiones: Estos resultados sugieren que esta plataforma de videojuego activo podría ser una herramienta útil para facilitar la práctica de la marcha rápida en niños obesos, como parte de una intervención para tratar la obesidad.CIBEROBN is an initiative of ISCIII (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). Thanks are extended to the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008-2011), en el proyecto (PSI2011-25767); y la red de investigación en excelencia PROMETEO 2013 Fase II (PROMETEOII/2013/003

    Prevalencia del trastorno por atracón en una muestra clínica de obesos

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    Introduction: Binge eating disorder is characterized by the presence of recurrent binge eating episodes in a short period of time, accompanied by loss of control. This disorder is the most frequent of all eating disorders in obese people, both adults and children. Objective: The objective of this study was to obtain prevalence data for binge eating disorder in a sample of obese children, users of a specialized pediatric unit in the treatment of childhood obesity. Material and Methods: A sample had 70 children and adolescents aged 9 to 16, with a mean age of 12 years attending a pediatric ward in the General Hospital of Valencia. To carry out the evaluation the following instruments were used, Diagnostic Interview for Binge Eating Disorder (SCID-IV), Binge Eating Disorder Scale Child (C-BED) and Questionnaire of eating patterns and weight (QEWP). Results: After the assessment, 6% of the clinical sample was diagnosed with binge eating disorder according to criteria established by the DSM-IVTR, and 14% showed subclinical forms of the diagnosis. Conclusions: The results are in line with previous studies that highlight the necessity of assessing these disorders in specialized units in the treatment of obesity

    Is comfort food actually comforting for emotional eaters? A (moderated) mediation analysis

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    Item does not contain fulltextAn important but unreplicated earlier finding on comfort eating was that the association between food intake and immediate mood improvement appeared to be mediated by the palatability of the food, and that this effect was more pronounced for high than for low emotional eaters [26]. This has not yet been formally tested using mediation and moderated mediation analysis. We conducted these analyses using data from two experiments on non-obese female students (n = 29 and n = 74). Mood and eating satisfaction in Study 1, and mood, tastiness and emotional eating in Study 2 were all self-reported. In Study 1, using a sad mood induction procedure, emotional eaters ate more food, and when mood was assessed immediately after food intake, 'eating satisfaction' acted as mediator between food intake and mood improvement (decrease in sadness or increase in happiness). In Study 2, where we measured the difference in actual food intake after a control or a stress task (modified Trier Social Stress Test), and assessed mood during the food intake after stress, we found significant moderated mediation. As expected, there was a significant positive mediation effect of tastiness between food intake and mood improvement in the high emotional eaters, but also a significant negative mediation effect of tastiness between food intake and mood improvement in the low emotional eaters. This suggests that tastiness promotes 'comfort' from food in female emotional eaters, but conflicts in non-emotional eaters with a tendency to eat less when stressed. In conclusion, palatable food may indeed provide comfort specifically for high emotional eaters during eating.10 p