36 research outputs found

    Plodnost nerasta - šta je važno znati

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    The most important part in reproductive management is the control of boar fertility. A common division of fertility traits is on the: in vitro (sperm traits) and in vivo (return rate, farrowing rate and litter size traits) fertility. In many studies were found differences between breed in the both groups of fertility traits. Variability of sperm traits of boars during the reproductive exploitation is influenced by various genetic (boar, breed) and paragenetic factors/effects (age, season, intensity of use). Good libido is desirable characteristics in boars, but the knowledge of the correlation of libido and boar fertility traits are limited. Also, there is no standardised procedure or methods for the estimation of libido of the boars. The permanent ranking of boars according to the reproductive efficiency should be performing. Good reproductive management implies the timely identification of boars with the low fertility (or close to the average).Najvažniji segment u reproduktivnom menadžmentu je kontrola plodnosti nerasta. Uobičajena je podela osobina plodnosti na: in vitro (osobine sperme) i in vivo (procenat povađanja, procenat prašenja i osobine veličine legla) plodnost. Mnoga istraživanja pokazala su razlike između rasa u obe grupe osobina plodnosti. Varijabilnost osobina sperme nerasta tokom iskorišćavanja pod uticajem je različitih genetskih (nerast, rasa) i paragenetskih (starost, sezona, intenzitet korišćenja) faktora. Dobar libido je poželjna karakteristika nerasta, ali saznanja o povezanosti libida i plodnosti nerasta su ograničena. Takođe ne postoji standardizovana procedura ili metod za ocenu libida nerasta. Neophodno je stalno rangiranje nerasta na osnovu reproduktivne efikasnosti. Dobar reproduktivni menadžment podrazumeva pravovremenu identifikaciju nerasta sa niskom plodnošću (ili blizu proseka)

    Plodnost nerasta - šta je važno znati

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    The most important part in reproductive management is the control of boar fertility. A common division of fertility traits is on the: in vitro (sperm traits) and in vivo (return rate, farrowing rate and litter size traits) fertility. In many studies were found differences between breed in the both groups of fertility traits. Variability of sperm traits of boars during the reproductive exploitation is influenced by various genetic (boar, breed) and paragenetic factors/effects (age, season, intensity of use). Good libido is desirable characteristics in boars, but the knowledge of the correlation of libido and boar fertility traits are limited. Also, there is no standardised procedure or methods for the estimation of libido of the boars. The permanent ranking of boars according to the reproductive efficiency should be performing. Good reproductive management implies the timely identification of boars with the low fertility (or close to the average).Najvažniji segment u reproduktivnom menadžmentu je kontrola plodnosti nerasta. Uobičajena je podela osobina plodnosti na: in vitro (osobine sperme) i in vivo (procenat povađanja, procenat prašenja i osobine veličine legla) plodnost. Mnoga istraživanja pokazala su razlike između rasa u obe grupe osobina plodnosti. Varijabilnost osobina sperme nerasta tokom iskorišćavanja pod uticajem je različitih genetskih (nerast, rasa) i paragenetskih (starost, sezona, intenzitet korišćenja) faktora. Dobar libido je poželjna karakteristika nerasta, ali saznanja o povezanosti libida i plodnosti nerasta su ograničena. Takođe ne postoji standardizovana procedura ili metod za ocenu libida nerasta. Neophodno je stalno rangiranje nerasta na osnovu reproduktivne efikasnosti. Dobar reproduktivni menadžment podrazumeva pravovremenu identifikaciju nerasta sa niskom plodnošću (ili blizu proseka)

    Infertilidad en el macho canino

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    La infertilidad en el macho canino se define como la incapacidad total para dejar gestante a unahembra tras haber determinado de una forma precisa la fecha de monta o inseminación artificial. Suscausas se pueden dividir en dos grupos: infertilidad congénita e infertilidad adquirida. Mientras que laprimera tiene su origen en patologías o anormalidades genéticas, la infertilidad adquirida se desarrolladurante la vida del animal por diferentes factores. Entre las principales causas de infertilidad en elperro se encuentran las anormalidades anatómicas, la baja calidad seminal, las neoplasias, losproblemas hormonales y las enfermedades infecciosas. Algunas de las causas de infertilidad tienen unpronóstico desfavorable, sin embargo en otros casos, como en la hiperplasia prostática benigna, sepueden llegar a solucionar parcial o totalmente, por lo que es importante realizar una correctaanamnesis del paciente, así como un diagnóstico diferencial adecuado de la causa de la infertilidadcon el fin de aplicar un tratamiento eficaz.<br /

    Photoperiod and Melatonin Supplementation: Variable Effects on the Quality of Chilled Dog Semen

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    The addition of melatonin in seminal extenders due to its antioxidant properties and its beneficial role in sperm preservation has been previously described, especially in seasonal species. The aim of this study was to study a potential seasonal effect based on photoperiod duration when adding a physiological concentration of melatonin in the canine ejaculate. A total of 24 ejaculates were obtained from 10 healthy dogs during the increasing photoperiod (from December 21 to June 21), whereas 12 ejaculates were collected from five healthy individuals during the decreasing photoperiod (from June 22 to December 20). Each ejaculate was separated into two aliquots, and one of them remained as a control, whereas melatonin (100 pM) was added to the other one (C and M treatment groups, respectively). Diluted semen was refrigerated at 5°C. On days 0, 1, 2, 3, and 6, sperm motility analyses were performed using a CASA system and hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST), osmotic resistance test (ORT), and flow cytometry analysis. No effect of melatonin on motility was detected in either photoperiod. Negative effects of melatonin were found for acrosomal defects, apoptosis, and viability in the decreasing photoperiod. The addition of melatonin to sperm in the decreasing photoperiod could create such a high level that it would cause the described negative effects. We found a beneficial effect of melatonin in the increasing photoperiod on acrosomal defects and apoptosis during 0–6 days. Melatonin treatment also increased viability in the short term (days 1 and 2) for both photoperiods. Also, melatonin can provide certain beneficial effects on mitochondrial activity in the medium term (days 2 and 3) in the decreasing photoperiod

    Association between C-Reactive protein and metabolic Syndrome in the Peruvian population of the Peru Migrant study

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    Introducción: El síndrome metabólico (MetS) es un grupo de factores de riesgo cardiovascular que se caracteriza por la presencia de inflamación crónica de bajo grado. Entre todos los biomarcadores inflamatorios asociados al MetS, el mejor caracterizado y bien estandarizado es la proteína C-Reactiva (PCR). Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la proteína C-Reactiva y el síndrome metabólico en la población peruana del estudio PERU MIGRANT. Métodos: Estudio transversal analítico. Análisis de base de datos secundario del estudio PERU MIGRANT. Se consideró MetS según los criterios de Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome. Para la PCR, se dispuso un punto de corte ≥ 3 mg/L. Se usó modelos lineales generalizados de familia de Poisson para hallar la razón de prevalencias cruda y ajustada. Resultados: Se trabajó con un total de 958 sujetos. La prevalencia de MetS fue de 24,53%. En el análisis de regresión simple, se encontró que las personas con niveles altos de PCR tenían 75% mayor frecuencia de tener MetS, en comparación a quienes no presentaban niveles altos de PCR (RP=2,21, IC95%: 1,40 – 2,18). En la regresión múltiple, se observó que los pacientes con niveles altos de PCR tenían 31% mayor frecuencia de tener MetS, respecto a quienes presentaban niveles normales de PCR; ajustando por el resto de covariables (RP=1,31, IC95%: 1,05 – 1,62). Conclusiones: La PCR plasmática se asoció positivamente con MetS. Ello sugiere que un proceso inflamatorio de bajo grado puede estar relacionado con la presencia de MetS.Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of cardiovascular risk factors characterized by the presence of low-grade chronic inflammation. Among all the inflammatory biomarkers associated with MetS, the best characterized and well standardized is C-Reactive protein (CRP). Objectives: To evaluate the association between C-Reactive protein and metabolic syndrome in the Peruvian population of the PERU MIGRANT study. Methods: Secondary database analysis of the PERU MIGRANT study. MetS was considered according to the Harmonizing the Metabolic Syndrome criteria. For CRP, a cutoff point of ≥ 3 mg/L was established. Results: We worked with a total of 958 subjects. The prevalence of MetS was 24.53%. In the simple regression analysis, it was found that people with high CRP levels had a 75% higher frequency of having MetS, compared to those who did not present high CRP levels (PR = 2.21, 95% CI: 1.40 - 2.18). In multiple regression, it was observed that patients with high CRP levels had a 31% greater frequency of having MetS, compared to those with normal CRP levels; adjusting for the rest of the covariates (PR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.05 - 1.62). Conclusions: Plasma CRP was positively associated with MetS. This suggests that a low-grade inflammatory process may be related to the presence of MetS. Against this, physicians should pay attention to glucose, lipid profile, and central obesity in patients with elevated plasma CRP levels.Campus Lima Nort

    Óptimo aprovechamiento de las sesiones de laboratorio

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    [EN] This paper shows the teaching experience applied to the laboratory sessions of the subject of Science and Technology of Materials that is taught in the second year of the degrees of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Technologies Engineering in the Universitat Jaume I. The purpose of this experience is to facilitate the learning of the basic theoretical knowledge related to laboratory practice to develop and to make the students aware of the importance of preparing the practice prior to its development. This has been done by developing and using means or transmission formats of the contents to know before the practice which are more attractive and visual than the existing practice script[ES] En este trabajo se muestra la experiencia docente aplicada a las sesiones de laboratorio de la asignatura de Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales que se imparte en segundo curso de los grados de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Mecánica y en Tecnologías Industriales en la Universitat Jaume I. El propósito de esta experiencia es facilitar el aprendizaje de los conocimientos teóricos básicos relacionados con la práctica de laboratorio a desarrollar y sensibilizar a los alumnos sobre la importancia de preparar la práctica previamente a su desarrollo. Esto se ha realizado mediante el desarrollo y uso de medios o formatos de trasmisión de los contenidos a conocer previamente a la práctica que sean más atractivos y visuales que el guion de prácticas existente actualmente.Gonzalez Ausejo, J.; Oliver Valls, R.; Gámez Pérez, J.; Cabedo Mas, L. (2017). Óptimo aprovechamiento de las sesiones de laboratorio. En In-Red 2017. III Congreso Nacional de innovación educativa y de docencia en red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 157-165. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2017.2017.6823OCS15716

    Fertility of boars: What is important to know

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    The most important part in reproductive management is the control of boar fertility. A common division of fertility traits is on the: in vitro (sperm traits) and in vivo (return rate, farrowing rate and litter size traits) fertility. In many studies were found differences between breed in the both groups of fertility traits. Variability of sperm traits of boars during the reproductive exploitation is influenced by various genetic (boar, breed) and paragenetic factors/effects (age, season, intensity of use). Good libido is desirable characteristics in boars, but the knowledge of the correlation of libido and boar fertility traits are limited. Also, there is no standardised procedure or methods for the estimation of libido of the boars. The permanent ranking of boars according to the reproductive efficiency should be performing. Good reproductive management implies the timely identification of boars with the low fertility (or close to the average)

    Predictive Power of a Body Shape Index (ABSI) for Diabetes Mellitus and Arterial Hypertension in Peru: Demographic and Health Survey Analysis - 2020

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    Introduction: Given the relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension, an indicator of body fat, A Body Shape Index (ABSI), has been considered to have apparent predictive power for these diseases. Objective: To determine the predictive power of the ABSI for DMT2 and hypertension in Peru through the analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey-2020 (ENDES-by its acronym in Spanish-2020). Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study of the ENDES-2020. The variables evaluated were ABSI, body mass index, high abdominal waist, waist-to-height ratio, body roundness index (BRI) and conicity index (COI). Areas under the curves (AUC) together with their 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used to present each index. Results: A total of 19 984 subjects were studied. Regarding hypertension, the highest AUC was presented by the COI: AUC=0.707 (95%CI 0.694-0.719). While the ABSI obtained the penultimate place: AUC=0.702 (95% CI 0.689-0.715). In case of DM2, the highest ABC was presented by BRI: AUC=0.716 (95%CI 0.689-0.743); while ABSI obtained the second place: AUC=0.687 (95%CI 0.658-0.717). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that ABSI is not a good predictor for hypertension and DMT2 in the Peruvian population. If these findings are confirmed by other studies, its use would not be recommended for these diseases, and other anthropometric indicators that could perform better should be further explored

    Predictive power of a body shape index (ABSI) for diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in Peru: demographic and health survey analysis - 2020

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    Introduction: Given the relationship between obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension, an indicator of body fat, A Body Shape Index (ABSI), has been considered to have apparent predictive power for these diseases.Objective: To determine the predictive power of the ABSI for DMT2 and hypertension in Peru through the analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey-2020 (ENDES-by its acronym in Spanish-2020).Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study of the ENDES-2020. The variables evaluated were ABSI, body mass index, high abdominal waist, waist-to-height ratio, body roundness index (BRI) and conicity index (COI). Areas under the curves (AUC) together with their 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were used to present each index.Results: A total of 19 984 subjects were studied. Regarding hypertension, the highest AUC was presented by the COI: AUC=0.707 (95%CI 0.694-0.719). While the ABSI obtained the penultimate place: AUC=0.702 (95% CI 0.689-0.715). In case of DM2, the highest ABC was presented by BRI: AUC=0.716 (95%CI 0.689-0.743); while ABSI obtained the second place: AUC=0.687 (95%CI 0.658-0.717). Conclusions: The results demonstrate that ABSI is not a good predictor for hypertension and DMT2 in the Peruvian population. If these findings are confirmed by other studies, its use would not be recommended for these diseases, and other anthropometric indicators that could perform better should be further explored.Campus Lima Nort

    Hearing loss due to noise exposure and its relationship with hypertension in Peruvian workers

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    Introduction:Noise-induced hearing loss has been implicated in the genesis of several chronic conditions; however, its behavior concerning hypertension still raises doubts about it.Objective:to determine the association between hearing loss due to exposure to noise and the presence of hypertension in a sample of Peruvian workers.Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study. Secondary analysis of the occupational database of a Medical centerin Lima, Peru. hypertensionwas measured by self-report and clinical method. Hearing loss was classified as none, mild, moderate and severe. For the regression analysis, Poisson was performed with robust variance, obtaining crude (PRc) and adjusted (PRa) prevalence ratios.Results: We worked with a total of 1987 participants. The prevalence of hypertension was 15.40% and hearing loss was 36.39%. For the multivariate regression analysis, a statistically significant association with hypertension was found in those with mild hearing loss (PRa=1.52; CI95% 1.06–2.10), moderate (PRa=2.70; CI95% 1,93–3.76) and severe (PRa=3.82; 95% CI 2.56–5.96), compared to those without hearing loss.Conclusions:Hearing loss due to exposure to occupational noise was associated with the presence of hypertension. Although this study is only a first overview of the relationship that both variables could have, it is recommended to continue promoting policies and awareness campaigns to prevent hearing loss in workers, and thus avoid complications related to it in the long term.Campus Lima Nort