87 research outputs found

    Pilot Evaluation of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET in the State of Mexico

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    Since the first public announcement of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET (MMFD) in June 2013, more than 5,000 apprentices have enrolled in the programme and around 2,000 already graduated. The Ministry of Education (SEP and CONALEP), the Chambers of Commerce (i.e. COPARMEX) and the German Cooperation Agencies (i.e. CAMEXA) have been collaborating with state authorities, families, schools and companies to turn this initial idea into a significant and sustainable initiative. Although the numbers are still small, it seemed necessary to undertake a pilot evaluation study of the implementation and impact of this program on its participants to inform those responsible for this policy. We decided to focus our study on the State of Mexico because of the higher number of apprentices in this state and because of the access that the CONALEP authorities gave us to the informants. The report that you are about to read is structured in four main sections. In the first one we reviewed the international evidence on the experiences of policy transfer of Dual TVET. Transferring international good practice sin TVET is always a complex process that requires careful attention to the experiences and lessons from those that tried to do it before. In the second section, we present the main characteristics of the Mexican Model of Dual TVET and the specificities of its implementation in the State of Mexico. In a federal country like Mexico, it is important to understand that national policies may largely vary across states in terms of design and implementation. The third section outlines the methodology of the study, which is inspired by the realist evaluation principles. Realist evaluation, not only tries to measure the impact of interventions on beneficiaries, but also to understand the causal mechanisms that explain why this policy is more effective in certain contexts and with certain beneficiary populations than in others. In the final section, the results of the interviews and the survey with 25 apprentices that completed their studies under the MMFD in the State of Mexico are presented. Obviously, the reduced sample of the study limits the representativeness of our findings but it will offer some expected and unexpected results that should not be ignored by those involved in this policy in the State of Mexico and nationally

    La Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit ante la violencia de género

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    El presente trabajo muestra un esfuerzo realizado por la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit para contribuir al conocimiento que sobre la violencia de género guarda el estado de Nayarit. Para ello se realizaron tres acciones importantes: Un diagnóstico situacional de las Instituciones Públicas encargadas de prevenir, atender y sancionar la violencia del Estado de Nayarit, un informe sobre la problemática de la violencia social y de género y un sistema de indicadores para la medición de la violencia social y de género. Para este trabajo sólo se presentará el primero. El ejercicio permitió en principio: caracterizar los tipos de violencia que se presentan, determinar indicadores que permitieran diagnosticar la situación de las mujeres y medir los impactos de las acciones y políticas emprendidas, conocer como las instituciones públicas y privadas encargadas de la prevención, atención y sanción de ésta cumplen o no con sus atribuciones conforme a la normatividad vigente. Para la realización de lo anterior se consideró la Ley Estatal de Acceso de las Mujeres a una Vida Libre de Violencia, órgano rector con el cual el gobierno estatal pretende coadyuvar a visibilizar y minimizar este fenómeno social que día a día crece. Los datos obtenidos muestran la urgente necesidad de llevar a cabo acciones que realmente incidan en esta problemática

    Ecological and genetic determinants of Pepino mosaic virus emergence

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    Virus emergence is a complex phenomenon, which generally involves spread to a new host from a wild host, followed by adaptation to the new host. Although viruses account for the largest fraction of emerging crop pathogens, knowledge about their emergence is incomplete. We address here the question of whether Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) emergence as a major tomato pathogen worldwide could have involved spread from wild to cultivated plant species and host adaptation. For this, we surveyed natural populations of wild tomatoes in southern Peru for PepMV infection. PepMV incidence, genetic variation, population structure, and accumulation in various hosts were analyzed. PepMV incidence in wild tomatoes was high, and a strain not yet reported in domestic tomato was characterized. This strain had a wide host range within the Solanaceae, multiplying efficiently in most assayed Solanum species and being adapted to wild tomato hosts. Conversely, PepMV isolates from tomato crops showed evidence of adaptation to domestic tomato, possibly traded against adaptation to wild tomatoes. Phylogenetic reconstructions indicated that the most probable ancestral sequence came from a wild Solanum species. A high incidence of PepMV in wild tomato relatives would favor virus spread to crops and its efficient multiplication in different Solanum species, including tomato, allowing its establishment as an epidemic pathogen. Later, adaptation to tomato, traded off against adaptation to other Solanum species, would isolate tomato populations from those in other hosts

    Coneixement dels motius de visita en persones amb nivells d’atenció de baixa complexitat a un servei d’urgències hospitalari

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    Servei d'urgències; Promoció de la salut; Alfabetització en salutServicio de urgencias; Promoción de la salud; Alfabetización en saludEmergency service; Health promotion; Health literacyL'objectiu va ser conèixer els motius pels quals els usuaris del servei d'urgències (SU) amb un nivell de triatge 4 i 5 assisteixen al SU hospitalari enlloc de la seva Àrea bàsica de Salut (ABS) i conèixer el seu nivell d’alfabetització per la salut. Es va realitzar un estudi descriptiu transversal al servei d’urgències de l’hospital de Figueres. Els motius principals pels quals els usuaris consulten en el SU enlloc dels ABS per patologies de baixa complexitat són per la necessitat de proves complementàries i per la falta accessibilitat a l'ABS. El nivell d’estudis i el conèixer la possibilitat que t’atenguin d’urgència en l'ABS estan associats a puntuacions totals més baixes en el qüestionari HLS-EU-Q16. Els resultats suggereixen la necessitat de millorar l’accés a l'ABS i informar a la població que en l'ABS et poden atendre d’urgència per patologies de baixa complexitat.The aim was to find out the reasons why users of the emergency service (ED) with a triage level 4 and 5 attend the hospital ED instead of their Basic Health Area (ABS) and to know their level of health literacy. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the emergency department of the hospital in Figueres. The main reasons why users consult the ED instead of the ABS for low-complexity pathologies are the need for complementary tests and the lack of accessibility to the ABS. The level of education and knowing the possibility of emergency care in the ABS are associated with lower total scores in the HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire. The results suggest the need to improve access to the ABS and to inform the population that in the ABS they can treat you urgently for pathologies of low complexity

    Heat stress, hydration and uric acid: a cross-sectional study in workers of three occupations in a hotspot of Mesoamerican nephropathy in Nicaragua.

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    OBJECTIVES: To study Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) and its risk factors in three hot occupations. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: Chinandega and León municipalities, a MeN hotspot on the Nicaraguan Pacific coast, January-February 2013. PARTICIPANTS: 194 male workers aged 17-39 years: 86 sugarcane cutters, 56 construction workers, 52 small-scale farmers. OUTCOME MEASURES: (1) Differences between the three occupational groups in prevalences/levels of socioeconomic, occupational, lifestyle and health risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and in biomarkers of kidney function and hydration; (2) differences in prevalences/levels of CKD risk factors between workers with reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFRCKD-EPI construction > farming, p=0.003). Significant trends (cane > construction > farming) were also observed for high serum urea nitrogen (blood urea nitrogen (BUN) >20 mg/dL), high serum creatinine (SCr >1.2 mg/dL), low urinary pH (≤5.5) and high BUN/SCr ratio (>20) but not for high urinary specific gravity (≥1.030). Sugarcane cutters also more often had proteinuria and blood and leucocytes in the urine. Workers with eGFR <80 mL/min/1.73 m2 reported a higher intake of water and lower intake of sugary beverages. Serum uric acid levels related strongly and inversely to eGFR levels (adj β -10.4 mL/min/1.73 m2, 95% CI -12.2 to -8.5, p<0.001). No associations were observed for other metabolic risk factors, pesticides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol. Among cane cutters, consumption of electrolyte hydration solution appeared preventive (adj β 8.1 mL/min/1.73 m2, p=0.09). CONCLUSIONS: Heat stress, dehydration and kidney dysfunction were most common among sugarcane cutters. Kidney dysfunction also occurred to a lesser extent among construction workers, but hardly at all among small-scale farmers. High serum uric acid was associated with reduced kidney function

    Renal Morphology, Clinical Findings, and Progression Rate in Mesoamerican Nephropathy.

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    BACKGROUND: Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) is a chronic kidney disease affecting rural inhabitants in Central America. We have previously described the renal morphology in 8 patients from El Salvador. To confirm the renal pathology, we have studied kidney biopsies from patients with MeN in Nicaragua. Follow-up urine and blood samples from both biopsy studies were collected to investigate the natural history. STUDY DESIGN: Case series. SETTINGS & PARTICIPANTS: In the kidney biopsy study, 19 male sugarcane workers in Nicaragua with suspected MeN were investigated with questionnaires, kidney biopsies, and blood and urine analysis. Inclusion criteria were age 20 to 65 years and plasma creatinine level of 1.13 to 2.49mg/dL or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of 30 to 80mL/min/1.73m2. Exclusion criteria were proteinuria with protein excretion > 3g/24 h, uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or other known kidney disease. In the follow up-study, blood and urine from the kidney biopsy study in Nicaragua (n=18) and our previous biopsy study of MeN cases in El Salvador (n=7) were collected 1 to 1.5 and 2 to 2.5 years after biopsy, respectively. OUTCOMES: Renal morphology, clinical, and biochemical characteristics, change in eGFR per year. MEASUREMENTS: eGFR was calculated using the CKD-EPI creatinine (eGFRcr), cystatin C (eGFRcys), and creatinine-cystatin C (eGFRcr-cys) equations. RESULTS: In the kidney biopsy study, participants had a mean eGFRcr of 57 (range, 33-96) mL/min/1.73m2. 47% had low plasma sodium and 21% had low plasma potassium levels. 16 kidney biopsies were representative and showed glomerulosclerosis (mean, 38%), glomerular hypertrophy, and signs of chronic glomerular ischemia. Mild to moderate tubulointerstitial damage and mostly mild vascular changes were seen. In the follow up-study, median duration of follow-up was 13 (range, 13-27) months. Mean change in eGFRcr was -4.4±8.4 (range, -27.7 to 10.2) mL/min/1.73m2 per year. Most patients had stopped working with sugarcane cultivation. LIMITATIONS: 3 biopsy specimens had 4 or fewer glomeruli. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the renal morphology of MeN: chronic glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage with glomerulosclerosis and chronic glomerular ischemia. Follow-up data show that eGFRs, on average, deteriorated

    Rationale, description and baseline findings of a community-based prospective cohort study of kidney function amongst the young rural population of Northwest Nicaragua.

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    BACKGROUND: An epidemic of Mesoamerican Nephropathy (MeN) is killing thousands of agricultural workers along the Pacific coast of Central America, but the natural history and aetiology of the disease remain poorly understood. We have recently commenced a community-based longitudinal study to investigate Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Nicaragua. Although logistically challenging, study designs of this type have the potential to provide important insights that other study designs cannot. In this paper we discuss the rationale for conducting this study and summarize the findings of the baseline visit. METHODS: The baseline visit of the community-based cohort study was conducted in 9 communities in the North Western Nicaragua in October and November 2014. All of the young men, and a random sample of young women (aged 18-30) without a pre-existing diagnosis of CKD were invited to participate. Glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was estimated with CKD-EPI equation, along with clinical measurements, questionnaires, biological and environmental samples to evaluate participants' exposures to proposed risk factors for MeN. RESULTS: We identified 520 young adults (286 males and 234 females) in the 9 different communities. Of these, 16 males with self-reported CKD and 5 females with diagnoses of either diabetes or hypertension were excluded from the study population. All remaining 270 men and 90 women, selected at random, were then invited to participate in the study; 350 (97%) agreed to participate. At baseline, 29 (11%) men and 1 (1%) woman had an eGFR <90 mL/min/1.73 m2. CONCLUSION: Conducting a community based study of this type requires active the involvement of communities and commitment from local leaders. Furthermore, a research team with strong links to the area and broad understanding of the context of the problem being studied is essential. The key findings will arise from follow-up, but it is striking that 5% of males under aged 30 had to be excluded because of pre-existing kidney disease, and that despite doing so 11% of males had an eGFR <90 mL/min/1.73 m2 at baseline


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    Four coffee varieties (CATRENIC, CARO, PACAS y PARO were planted in year 2000. Additionally three hybrids were tested L2,A30; L3, A17; L.13, A.12 known along the text as Hibrid 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The four varieties and the three hybrids were arranged in a randomized Block Design (BCA). The variables number of coffee berries per kilogram, mean weight of each coffee berries, green coffee production, quality of the green coffee (size), fresh coffee cup (acidity and body test) were measured during this study. The nicaraguan technical norm (NTON) for coffee market was considered for coffee classification. CATRENIC coffee variety needs less number of coffee berries to obtain one kilogram of green coffee. The hybrids 2 and 4 presented higher acidity content and were classified as good. From 2005 to 2007 the coffee was classified as BB because the climate conditions and the coffee price has a mean of 134.42 American dollars per 45 kg In general the higher amount of precipitation in some years favours de yield and quality of the four coffee varieties and the three coffee hybrids evaluated in the pacific area of Nicaragua.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/calera.v10i15.665Fueron establecidos y manejados desde el 2000, las variedades de caf&eacute; Catrenic, Catrenic injertada sobre Robusta (CARO), Pacas, pacas injertadas en Robusta (PARO); adicionalmente se valoraron tres l&iacute;neas h&iacute;bridos de caf&eacute; L2,A30; L3,A17; L.13, A.12, conocidos como h&iacute;bridos 2, 3 y 4 respectivamente, los que se establecieron en un dise&ntilde;o de bloques completos al azar. Se analizaron las variables n&uacute;mero de frutos contenidos en un kg de peso, peso pro-medio de frutos, la producci&oacute;n de grano oro, an&aacute;lisis f&iacute;sico de los granos (cribas) y la calidad de taza (acidez y cuerpo); fue valorado el tipo de caf&eacute; y clasificado seg&uacute;n la norma t&eacute;cnica nicarag&uuml;ense (NTON 03-025-03) y el respectivo an&aacute;lisis de mercado. Se obtuvo que Catrenic requiere de menor cantidad de grano por kg de peso por mayor peso del grano y grosor. Todas las variedades mejoraron en el ciclo productivo de mayor precipitaci&oacute;n. En relaci&oacute;n a la producci&oacute;n de grano oro, el Hibrido 2 (L2,A30) manifest&oacute; el mayor incremento en el tiempo. El tama&ntilde;o de los granos mejor&oacute; producto de las condiciones de humedad que prevalecieron y favorables para Pacas, y para PARO. Tanto el an&aacute;lisis de acidez y cuerpo fue variable en las muestras, sin embargo, los h&iacute;bridos 2 y 4 mostraron un mayor por ciento en la calificaci&oacute;n de Bueno. Excepto en el ciclo 2005 / 2006 los h&iacute;bridos 2, 3 y 4 y Catrenic y CARO, resultaron Bueno entre un 20 a un 60 %, coincidiendo con las mejores condiciones de precipitaci&oacute;n. En los ciclos 2005 / 2006 y 2006 / 2007 en todas las variedades fue calificado el caf&eacute; en la categor&iacute;a BB, que en ese momento el precio establecido era de US $ 134.42 el quintal oro.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/calera.v10i15.665&nbsp;&nbsp

    De Torregorda a Sancti Petri. Indicadores geoarqueológicos costeros e implicaciones para el estudio de la actividad pesquero-conservera de Gadir/Gades

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    En 2009-2010 los sucesivos temporales acaecidos en el Golfo de Cádiz incidieron de forma significativa en la actual Playa de Camposoto (San Fernando, Cádiz), revelando nuevos indicios arqueológicos acerca de la existencia en ese sector de una chanca y un alfar de ánforas de época romana, y aportando información de interés para la reconstrucción de la paleocosta. Diversos materiales y restos de estructuras documentados tanto en Camposoto como en Torregorda sugerían la ubicación en la zona en época romana imperial de infraestructuras vinculadas a la industria de la salazón de pescado de Gades. Los temporales en los años 2016-2018 han dejado al descubierto indicadores mucho más numerosos y explícitos sobre estas instalaciones industriales y acerca de la evolución geomorfológica de la costa de este sector. El análisis tipológico de los objetos y la revisión de la topografía permiten plantear que desde época púnica se implantaron instalaciones con funciones pesqueras y conserveras, que alcanzaron una enorme envergadura entre época tardorrepublicana y la etapa altoimperial. Abstract: In 2009-2010 several storms in the Gulf of Cadiz had a significant impact on the present-day Camposoto Beach (San Fernando, Cadiz), revealing new archaeological evidence that suggests the location in this area of a fish-processing facility and an amphorae pottery workshop dating to the Roman period, and also providing relevant information for the reconstruction of the ancient coastline. A variety of materials and remains of structures found both in Camposoto and Torregorda support the location in the area during the Roman Imperial period of some infrastructures linked to the fish salting industry of Gades. Storm events occurred in 2016-2018 have exposed much more numerous and explicit indicators of these artisanal facilities and also of the geomorphologic evolution of the shoreline in this sector. The typological analysis of the items and the analysis of the landscape reveal that fish-processing facilities were located in the area since the Punic period, and that they reached a massive scale between the Late Republican era and the early Imperial period

    A filament of dark matter between two clusters of galaxies

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    It is a firm prediction of the concordance Cold Dark Matter (CDM) cosmological model that galaxy clusters live at the intersection of large-scale structure filaments. The thread-like structure of this "cosmic web" has been traced by galaxy redshift surveys for decades. More recently the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) residing in low redshift filaments has been observed in emission and absorption. However, a reliable direct detection of the underlying Dark Matter skeleton, which should contain more than half of all matter, remained elusive, as earlier candidates for such detections were either falsified or suffered from low signal-to-noise ratios and unphysical misalignements of dark and luminous matter. Here we report the detection of a dark matter filament connecting the two main components of the Abell 222/223 supercluster system from its weak gravitational lensing signal, both in a non-parametric mass reconstruction and in parametric model fits. This filament is coincident with an overdensity of galaxies and diffuse, soft X-ray emission and contributes mass comparable to that of an additional galaxy cluster to the total mass of the supercluster. Combined with X-ray observations, we place an upper limit of 0.09 on the hot gas fraction, the mass of X-ray emitting gas divided by the total mass, in the filament.Comment: Nature, in pres