102 research outputs found

    Testing different approaches to quantum gravity with cosmology: An overview

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    Among the available quantum gravity proposals, string theory, loop quantum gravity, non-commutative geometry, group field theory, causal sets, asymptotic safety, causal dynamical triangulation, emergent gravity are among the best motivated models. As an introductory summary to this special issue of Comptes Rendus Physique, I explain how those different theories can be tested or constrained by cosmological observations.Comment: Invited introductory article for a special issue of Comptes Rendus Physiqu

    Cosmology without time: What to do with a possible signature change from quantum gravitational origin?

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    Within some approaches to loop quantum cosmology, the existence of an Euclidean phase at high density has been suggested. In this article, we try to explain clearly what are the observable consequences of this possible disappearance of time. Depending on whether it is a real fundamental effect or just an instability in the equation of motion, we show that very different conclusions should be drawn. We finally mention some possible consequences of this phenomenon in the black hole sector.Comment: Invited contribution for CQ

    Some conceptual issues in loop quantum cosmology

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    Loop quantum gravity is a mature theory. To proceed to explicit calculations in cosmology, it is necessary to make assumptions and simplifications based on the symmetries of the cosmological setting. Symmetry reduction is especially critical when dealing with cosmological perturbations. The present article reviews several approaches to the problem of building a consistent formalism that describes the dynamics of perturbations on a quantum spacetime and tries to address their respective strengths and weaknesses. We also review the main open issues in loop quantum cosmology.Comment: Invited article for an IJMP volume dedicated to loop quantum gravit

    Fast Radio Bursts and White Hole Signals

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    We estimate the size of a primordial black hole exploding today via a white hole transition, and the power in the resulting explosion, using a simple model. We point out that Fast Radio Bursts, strong signals with millisecond duration, probably extragalactic and having unknown source, have wavelength not far from the expected size of the exploding hole. We also discuss the possible higher energy components of the signal.Comment: 5 page

    Catastrophe : signe ou concept pour la physique contemporaine ?

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    Considérées dans le cadre de la pensée scientifique, les catastrophes ne sont pas seulement des accidents. Elles constituent – à commencer par le Big-Bang, la catastrophe originelle – également de précieux jalons qui révèlent les limites d’un modèle, d’un monde ou d’un discours. Limites intrinsèques et extrinsèques qui plaident pour un constructivisme épistémique assumé et libéré de tout ontocentrisme physique.Within the framework of science, catastrophes are not only accidents. They are also – beginning with the Big-Bang seen as the primitive catastrophe – precious flags revealing the limits of models, worlds or discourses. Those limits, both intrinsic and extrinsic, favour an epistemic relativism free from any kind of physical ontocentrism.Betrachtet man die Katastrophen im Rahmen des Denkens über die Wissenschaften, so handelt es sich nicht nur um zufällige Unfälle. Sie bilden auch – mit der Urkatastrophe angefangen, dem Urschall- wertvolle Richtlinien, die die Grenzen eines Modells, einer Welt oder eines Diskurses erkennen lassen

    Detailed analysis of the curvature bounce: background dynamics and imprints in the CMB

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    If the spatial sections of the Universe are positively curved, extrapolating the inflationary stage backward in time inevitably leads to a classical bounce. This simple scenario, non-singular and free of exotic physics, deserves to be investigated in details. The background dynamics exhibits interesting features and is shown to be mostly insensitive to initial conditions as long as observational consequences are considered. The primordial scalar power spectrum is explicitly computed, for different inflaton potentials, and the subsequent CMB temperature anisotropies are calculated. The results are compatible with current measurements. Some deviations with respect to the standard paradigm can however appear at large scales and we carefully disentangle what is associated with the vacuum choice with what is more fundamentally due to the bounce itself

    Elementary considerations on gravitational waves from hyperbolic encounters

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    We examine the main properties of gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by transient hyperbolic encounters of black holes. We begin by building the set of basic variables most relevant to setting our problem. After exposing the ranges of masses and eccentricities accessible at a given GW frequency, we analyze the dependence of the gravitational strain on those parameters and determine the trajectories resulting in the most sizeable strains. Some non-trivial behaviors are unveiled, showing that highly eccentric events can be more easily detectable than parabolic ones. In particular, we underline the correct way to extend formulas from hyperbolic to parabolic orbits. Our reasonings are as general as possible, and we make a point of explaining our considerations pedagogically.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Primordial scalar power spectrum from the Euclidean Big Bounce

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    In effective models of loop quantum cosmology, the holonomy corrections are associated with deformations of space-time symmetries. The most evident manifestation of the deformations is the emergence of an Euclidean phase accompanying the non-singular bouncing dynamics of the scale factor. In this article, we compute the power spectrum of scalar perturbations generated in this model, with a massive scalar field as the matter content. Instantaneous and adiabatic vacuum-type initial conditions for scalar perturbations are imposed in the contracting phase. The evolution through the Euclidean region is calculated based on the extrapolation of the time direction pointed by the vectors normal to the Cauchy hypersurface in the Lorentzian domains. The obtained power spectrum is characterized by a suppression in the IR regime and oscillations in the intermediate energy range. Furthermore, the speculative extension of the analysis in the UV reveals a specific rise of the power.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Etude des perturbations cosmologiques et dérivation des observables en Gravité Quantique à Boucles

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    La relativité générale est la théorie rendant compte de la gravitation via une déformation de l'espace-temps. Son application à l'Univers permet, dans le modèle Lambda-CDM, de bien rentre compte des observations cosmologiques. Cependant, à l'échelle de Planck, la théorie ne fonctionne plus et s'avère incohérente. Pour résoudre ce problème, il est sans doute essentiel de tenir compte des effets quantiques. Depuis près d'un siècle, concilier relativité générale et mécanique quantique est considéré comme une priorité de la physique théorique. La tâche s'avère néanmoins extraordinairement difficile et cette thèse est consacrée à l'une des pistes les plus sérieuses : la gravitation quantique à boucles. Pour aller de l'avant dans cette démarche nécessaire mais complexe, des confrontation avec des données expérimentales seraient essentielles. Nous nous sommes ainsi intéressés aux perturbations cosmologiques générées dans ce cadre. Nous avons étudié en détails les conséquences phénoménologiques des corrections de cosmologie quantique à boucles aux modes tensoriels dans un modèle d'univers en rebond. Une analyse de Fisher a été développée pour comparer ces prédictions aux éventuelles futures observations. Pour les autres modes, nous nous sommes placés dans un formalisme spécifique incluant le calcul de contre-termes permettant de prévenir l'apparition d'anomalies dans la structure de l'algèbre des contraintes. Ce formalisme a été appliqué aux cas des perturbations vectorielles puis scalaires. Les équations du mouvement invariantes de jauges permettant de calculer les spectres ont alors été dérivées.General relativity describes gravity as a deformation of space-time. Applied to the Universe as a whole, it explains well cosmological observations in the lambda-CDM paradigm. However, at the Planck scale, the theory is not anymore self-consistent. It is most probably necessary to include quantum effects. For a century, this has been considered as one of the main challenges for theoretical physics. This is however an extremely difficult aim to reach and this thesis is devoted to one of the main proposal: Loop Quantum Gravity. To go ahead in the construction of any quantum theory of gravity, it would be most useful to compare predictions with observations. To this aim, we have studied cosmological perturbations in this framework. We have investigated into the details the phenomenological consequences of loop quantum cosmology corrections in a bouncing universe. A Fisher analysis was carried out to compare the predictions with future data. For the other modes, we have used a specific formalism to include counterterms that prevent anomalies from appearing in the algebra of constraints. This formalism was applied to vector and scalar perturbations. The gauge-invariant equations of motion leading to the calculation of measurable spectra were derived.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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