1,699 research outputs found

    La carrière matrimoniale des fils de Tancrède de Hauteville en Italie méridionale: rivalités fraternelles et stratégies concurrentes

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    International audienceSous l'influence de l'anthropologie structuraliste, l'alliance et les règles qui la régissent sont devenues, depuis une cinquantaine d'années, des thèmes au cœur des préoccupations des historiens médiévistes. Cette question de l'alliance pose plus généralement celle des modalités de circulation des épouses et de l'échange des femmes entre les lignées et avec elles, celle des biens —matériels et immatériels— que ces épouses transmettent. Derrière les alliances formées ou recherchées se trouvent en jeu les stratégies sociales et politiques mises en œuvre par les individus et par leurs groupes familiaux pour se maintenir au pouvoir et/ou pour y parvenir. Le rôle joué par les mariages dans la stratégie de conquête des normands en Italie du sud —et plus particulièrement ceux des fils de Tancrède de Hauteville— sont à cet égard particulièrement riches d'enseignements. Le groupe des conquérants normands en Italie méridionale formait en effet à l'origine un ensemble large de "kinsmen", liés par le sang et par l'alliance et réunis par leurs ambitions communes. La faiblesse numérique bien réelle de ce groupe initial de conquérants, rendait leur domination a priori difficile à maintenir sur le long terme . Dans ce contexte, l'objectif des stratégies matrimoniales mises en œuvre par les nouveaux venus était double. il s'agissait à la fois de s'insérer dans le réseau des parentèles au pouvoir localement, de façon à s'enraciner durablement dans la région et de gagner de nouveaux «frères d'arme» en offrant filles ou sœurs à de nouveaux combattants venus de Normandie, ou en épousant leurs parentes. Obtenir la main d'une héritière lombarde ou d'une femme normande c'est mettre la main sur son héritage et renforcer sa capacité militaire par le renfort de ses frères et parents mâles. Dans ce cadre politique et social, les stratégies matrimoniales mises en œuvre par les milites normands sont l'enjeu d'une compétition acharnée entre les différents protagonistes de la conquête. La carrière des fils de Tancrède de Hauteville en Italie méridionale est ainsi fortement marquée par cette rivalité matrimoniale, où chaque frère cherche à obtenir pour ses ambitions personnelles l'union la plus favorable à ses desseins

    Hildeprand de Spolète, un duc lombard face à l'avènement du pouvoir franc en Italie (774-788)

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    International audienceHildeprand de Spolète, un duc lombard face à l'avènement du pouvoir franc en Italie (774-788

    A comparison of medetomidine and its active enantiomer dexmedetomidine when administered with ketamine in mice

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    Medetomidine-ketamine (MK) and dexmedetomidine-ketamine (DK) are widely used to provide general anaesthesia in laboratory animals, but have not been compared directly in many of these species, including rodents. This study aimed to compare the onset and depth of anaesthesia, and changes in vital signs, after intraperitoneal (IP) or subcutaneous (SC) administration of ketamine (75 mg kg-1) combined with medetomidine (1 mg kg-1) or dexmedetomidine (0.5 mg kg-1) using a randomised semi-crossover design with >= 48 hours between treatments in 10 male and 10 female mice. Each mouse was anaesthetised twice using the same administration route (IP or SC): once with each drug-ketamine combination. Anaesthetised mice were monitored on a heating pad without supplemental oxygen for 89 minutes; atipamezole was administered for reversal. The times that the righting reflex was lost post-injection and returned post-reversal were analysed using general linear models. Tail-pinch and pedal reflexes were examined using binomial generalized linear models. Pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (fr), and arterial haemoglobin saturation (SpO2) were compared using generalized additive mixed models. There were no significant differences among treatments for the times taken for loss and return of the righting reflex, or response of the tail-pinch reflex. The pedal withdrawal reflex was abolished more frequently with MK than DK over time (P = 0.021). The response of PR and SpO2 were similar among treatments, but fr was significantly higher with MK than DK (P <= 0.0005). Markedly low SpO2 concentrations occurred within 5 minutes post-injection (83.8 +/- 6.7 %) in all treatment groups and were most severe after 89 minutes lapsed (66.7 +/- 7.5 %). No statistical differences were detected in regards to administration route (P <= 0.94). This study failed to demonstrate clinical advantages of the enantiomer dexmedetomidine over medetomidine when combined with ketamine to produce general anaesthesia in mice. At the doses administered, deep surgical anaesthesia was not consistently produced with either combination; therefore, anaesthetic depth must be assessed before performing surgical procedures. Supplemental oxygen should always be provided during anaesthesia to prevent hypoxaemia

    Oestrogen, an evolutionary conserved regulator of T cell differentiation and immune tolerance in jawed vertebrates?

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    In teleosts, as in mammals, the immune system is tightly regulated by sexual steroid hormones, such as oestrogens. We investigated the effects of 17β-oestradiol on the expression of several genes related to T cell development and resulting T cell subpopulations in sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, for a primary lymphoid organ, the thymus, and two secondary lymphoid organs, the head-kidney and the spleen. In parallel, the oxidative burst capacity was assessed in leucocytes of the secondary lymphoid organs. Apoptosis- and proliferation-related genes, indicative of B and T cell clonal selection and lymphoid progenitor activity, were not affected by elevated oestrogen-levels. Sex-related oestrogen-responsiveness in T cell and antigen-presenting cell markers was observed, the expression of which was differentially induced by oestrogen-exposure in the three lymphoid organs. Remarkably, in the spleen, oestrogen increased regulatory T cell-related gene expression was associated with a decrease in oxidative burst capacity. To the best of our knowledge, this study indicates for the first time that physiological levels of oestrogen are likely to promote immune tolerance by modulating thymic function (i.e., T cell development and output) and peripheral T cells in teleosts, similar to previously reported oestrogenic effects in mammals.CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013; ANRfinanced project ETaT(ANR-15-CE32-0014); FR CNRS 3730 SCALE scholarshipinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Collectif, Coopétition : rivaliser, coopérer dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge (500-1100)

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    Ce volume est la publication des actes d’un colloque international tenu à l’université Ca’Foscari à Venise en mars 2015. Il marque l’aboutissement d’un programme de recherche, lancé en 2010 par des chercheurs français sur le thème : « La compétition (400-1100) ». Le colloque de Ca’Foscari en 2015 est le dernier d’une série de quatre rencontres internationales, organisées dans le cadre de ce programme de recherche, toutes publiées dans la même collection haut Moyen Âge chez Brepols : Agôn. La ..

    Establishing criterion validity for the French version of the Screening BAT: A comparison of 30 aphasic patient's performance on the Screening BAT and the MT-­‐86 alpha and beta

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    International audienceThe aim of the present study was to provide data on the validity of the Screening BAT through the comparison of the scores of 30 French aphasic patients on the French version of the Screening BAT with the scores obtained on the Montreal-Toulouse Protocol (MT86) in its long and short version (M1-alpha and M1-bêta). The MT86-alpha is a short version which has been standardised with 60 healthy participants (Dordain et al. 1983). The MT86-bêta is a more detailed test battery and has been standardised in several steps between 1990 and 1993 (Béland & Lecours, 1990; Béland et al, 1993). The M1-bêta still is the standard for aphasia assessment in large parts of France, Belgium and francophone Canada, while the M1-alpha is frequently used with patients in the acute phase. Both tests are based on a large choice of task involving all linguistic levels and modalities, very similar to the BAT and the Screening BAT. For the present study, 30 aphasic patients in the chronic phase (without specific knowledge of other languages) were recruited in order to be able to respond to the long version of the MT-86-bêta. Patients had a mean age of 66,4 years (ranging from 49-88, SD 12,89), there were 17 men and 13 women and most of them (except 4) had more than 9 years of education. 22 were affected by non-fluent aphasia, 8 by fluent aphasia. Mean onset of aphasia was 5 years (ranging from 8 month to 25 years and one month). All patients responded to the French version of the Screening BAT and the M1-alpha in one session, to the M1-beta in another session. Sessions 1 and 2 were counterbalanced across participants and conducted with an interval of minimum 2 and maximum 8 weeks. We present correlations obtained between the three tests and between the subtests included in each. The discussion will focus on the patients’ linguistic profile established with the three tests

    Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification Using Web Reasoning for Large Datasets

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    Extracting valuable data among large volumes of data is one of the main challenges in Big Data. In this paper, a Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification process called Semantic HMC is presented. This process aims to extract valuable data from very large data sources, by automatically learning a label hierarchy and classifying data items.The Semantic HMC process is composed of five scalable steps, namely Indexation, Vectorization, Hierarchization, Resolution and Realization. The first three steps construct automatically a label hierarchy from statistical analysis of data. This paper focuses on the last two steps which perform item classification according to the label hierarchy. The process is implemented as a scalable and distributed application, and deployed on a Big Data platform. A quality evaluation is described, which compares the approach with multi-label classification algorithms from the state of the art dedicated to the same goal. The Semantic HMC approach outperforms state of the art approaches in some areas


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    Background: Denial of pregnancy is an issue that is often discovered a posteriori with sometimes dramatic complications. Denial of pregnancy is considered partial when the woman becomes aware of the pregnancy after the fifth month before delivery. The populations studied were heterogeneous, which made it impossible to establish a standard algorithm of the treatment and support of a discovery of partial denial of pregnancy. Subjects and methods: Based on a literature review and a discussion of partial denial of pregnancy case and the consequential treatment with a five-year follow-up, the global management recommendations need consideration in the case of partial denial of pregnancy. Results: The reported case confirmed the significance of the trauma caused by the discovery of pregnancy in a patient in denial, but also showed that this trauma can extend to caregivers concerned by the treatment. Conclusion: Continuous training of all caregivers for denial of pregnancy is essential even if the issue may be considered infrequent. Contraception, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of gynecological follow-up must be systematically addressed in a medical consultation. A standard algorithm for the treatment of partial denial is difficult to establish, but the rapid mobilization of a multidisciplinary team or hospitalization is recommended for the announcement of the diagnosis as well as personalized support during ultrasounds. The establishment of a relationship of trust remains the major issue