63 research outputs found

    A quasi-elastic regime for vibrated granular gases

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    Using simple scaling arguments and two-dimensional numerical simulations of a granular gas excited by vibrating one of the container boundaries, we study a double limit of small 1r1-r and large LL, where rr is the restitution coefficient and LL the size of the container. We show that if the particle density n0n_0 and (1r2)(n0Ld)(1-r^2)(n_0 Ld) where dd is the particle diameter, are kept constant and small enough, the granular temperature, i.e. the mean value of the kinetic energy per particle, /N/N, tends to a constant whereas the mean dissipated power per particle, /N/N, decreases like 1/N1/\sqrt{N} when NN increases, provided that (1r2)(n0Ld)2<1(1-r^2)(n_0 Ld)^2 < 1. The relative fluctuations of EE, DD and the power injected by the moving boundary, II, have simple properties in that regime. In addition, the granular temperature can be determined from the fluctuations of the power I(t)I(t) injected by the moving boundary.

    Injected Power Fluctuations in 1D Dissipative Systems

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    Using fermionic techniques, we compute exactly the large deviation function (ldf) of the time-integrated injected power in several one-dimensional dissipative systems of classical spins. The dynamics are T=0 Glauber dynamics supplemented by an injection mechanism, which is taken as a Poissonian flipping of one particular spin. We discuss the physical content of the results, specifically the influence of the rate of the Poisson process on the properties of the ldf.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Observation of resonant interactions among surface gravity waves

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    We experimentally study resonant interactions of oblique surface gravity waves in a large basin. Our results strongly extend previous experimental results performed mainly for perpendicular or collinear wave trains. We generate two oblique waves crossing at an acute angle, while we control their frequency ratio, steepnesses and directions. These mother waves mutually interact and give birth to a resonant wave whose properties (growth rate, resonant response curve and phase locking) are fully characterized. All our experimental results are found in good quantitative agreement with four-wave interaction theory with no fitting parameter. Off-resonance experiments are also reported and the relevant theoretical analysis is conducted and validated.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Critical exponents in zero dimensions

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    In the vicinity of the onset of an instability, we investigate the effect of colored multiplicative noise on the scaling of the moments of the unstable mode amplitude. We introduce a family of zero dimensional models for which we can calculate the exact value of the critical exponents βm\beta_m for all the moments. The results are obtained through asymptotic expansions that use the distance to onset as a small parameter. The examined family displays a variety of behaviors of the critical exponents that includes anomalous exponents: exponents that differ from the deterministic (mean-field) prediction, and multiscaling: non-linear dependence of the exponents on the order of the moment

    Effects of the low frequencies of noise on On-Off intermittency

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    A bifurcating system subject to multiplicative noise can exhibit on-off intermittency close to the instability threshold. For a canonical system, we discuss the dependence of this intermittency on the Power Spectrum Density (PSD) of the noise. Our study is based on the calculation of the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the unstable variable. We derive analytical results for some particular types of noises and interpret them in the framework of on-off intermittency. Besides, we perform a cumulant expansion for a random noise with arbitrary power spectrum density and show that the intermittent regime is controlled by the ratio between the departure from the threshold and the value of the PSD of the noise at zero frequency. Our results are in agreement with numerical simulations performed with two types of random perturbations: colored Gaussian noise and deterministic fluctuations of a chaotic variable. Extensions of this study to another, more complex, system are presented and the underlying mechanisms are discussed.Comment: 13pages, 13 figure

    Universal Magnetic Fluctuations with a Field Induced Length Scale

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    We calculate the probability density function for the order parameter fluctuations in the low temperature phase of the 2D-XY model of magnetism near the line of critical points. A finite correlation length, \xi, is introduced with a small magnetic field, h, and an accurate expression for \xi(h) is developed by treating non-linear contributions to the field energy using a Hartree approximation. We find analytically a series of universal non-Gaussian distributions with a finite size scaling form and present a Gumbel-like function that gives the PDF to an excellent approximation. We propose the Gumbel exponent, a(h), as an indirect measure of the length scale of correlations in a wide range of complex systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fluctuations in granular gases

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    A driven granular material, e.g. a vibrated box full of sand, is a stationary system which may be very far from equilibrium. The standard equilibrium statistical mechanics is therefore inadequate to describe fluctuations in such a system. Here we present numerical and analytical results concerning energy and injected power fluctuations. In the first part we explain how the study of the probability density function (pdf) of the fluctuations of total energy is related to the characterization of velocity correlations. Two different regimes are addressed: the gas driven at the boundaries and the homogeneously driven gas. In a granular gas, due to non-Gaussianity of the velocity pdf or lack of homogeneity in hydrodynamics profiles, even in the absence of velocity correlations, the fluctuations of total energy are non-trivial and may lead to erroneous conclusions about the role of correlations. In the second part of the chapter we take into consideration the fluctuations of injected power in driven granular gas models. Recently, real and numerical experiments have been interpreted as evidence that the fluctuations of power injection seem to satisfy the Gallavotti-Cohen Fluctuation Relation. We will discuss an alternative interpretation of such results which invalidates the Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry. Moreover, starting from the Liouville equation and using techniques from large deviation theory, the general validity of a Fluctuation Relation for power injection in driven granular gases is questioned. Finally a functional is defined using the Lebowitz-Spohn approach for Markov processes applied to the linear inelastic Boltzmann equation relevant to describe the motion of a tracer particle. Such a functional results to be different from injected power and to satisfy a Fluctuation Relation.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figure

    Collision statistics in a dilute granular gas fluidized by vibrations in low gravity

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    We report an experimental study of a dilute "gas" of inelastically colliding particles excited by vibrations in low gravity. We show that recording the collision frequency together with the impulses on a wall of the container gives access to several quantities of interest. We observe that the mean collision frequency does not scale linearly with the number N of particles in the container. This is due to the dissipative nature of the collisions and is also directly related to the non extensive behaviour of the kinetic energy (the granular temperature is not intensive).Comment: to be pubished in Europhysics Letters (May/June 2006

    Statistics of extremal intensities for Gaussian interfaces

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    The extremal Fourier intensities are studied for stationary Edwards-Wilkinson-type, Gaussian, interfaces with power-law dispersion. We calculate the probability distribution of the maximal intensity and find that, generically, it does not coincide with the distribution of the integrated power spectrum (i.e. roughness of the surface), nor does it obey any of the known extreme statistics limit distributions. The Fisher-Tippett-Gumbel limit distribution is, however, recovered in three cases: (i) in the non-dispersive (white noise) limit, (ii) for high dimensions, and (iii) when only short-wavelength modes are kept. In the last two cases the limit distribution emerges in novel scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, including 7 ps figure