83 research outputs found

    The Effects of Characteristics of the Board of Commissioners and Audit Committee on the Level of Risk Disclosure in Financial Sector Service Companies in the Banking Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the Period 2015-2017

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effects of the board of commissioners and audit committee characteristics such as the proportion of independent commissioners, the board of commissioner size, frequency of board meetings, audit committee size, the proportion of independent audit committee and frequency of audit committee meetings on the level of risk disclosures. The results show that the frequency of board meetings, the proportion of independent audit committee and frequency of audit committee meetings significantly affect the level of risk disclosures, while the proportion of independent commissioners, the board of commissioner size, and audit committee size do not significantly affect the level of risk disclosures. The results show that the proportion of independent commissioners, the board of commissioner size, frequency of board meetings, audit committee size, the proportion of independent audit committee and frequency of audit committee meetings simultaneously have significant effects on the level of risk disclosures. The results of the study provide investors the information regarding the risk that companies could have, and they are also useful as a basis for making decision

    The Other Sensory Approach on Exploring Urban Heritage Landscape. Case Study: Chinese Quarter of Semarang

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    A new interpretation is needed to give meaning to conservation in the urban development framework and to support a sustainable cultural environment. Based on Québec Declaration (2008) and Burra Charter (2013), intangible dimensions became matter to give a richer and deeper meaning to the cultural heritage area. A shift has been seen in urban theories arguing for attention to the multi-sensory approach. This concept becomes matters as the raising critique towards the domination of visual perception in the built environment's design. The domination of audio-vision starting to reach out by the practitioners and scholars, unlike the other senses such as smell, tended to overlook and misconception. This paper outlines a pilot study's findings addressing holistic person-sensory experience in exploring the role of odor in shaping the cultural heritage area in Pecinan nowadays. It will discuss various scents detected, personal perception, and the link between odor and Pecinan's character. All this data was collected using a smells walk, questionnaire survey, and interview. This research aims to explore the potential interface in preservation conflict between the character of existing historic town and change as smellscape is part of the intangible element and part of triangle components of a sense of place in supporting successful urban place

    Evaluasi Proyek Perbaikan Ducting Inlet Slc Boiler PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk dengan Critical Path Method (CPM) dan S-Curve

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    This research aims to help PT. Menara Mas Persada in optimizing time and costs for the Tuban 3 SLC Boiler Inlet Ducting repair project which experienced a delay in work time of up to 75 days than planned. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive approach using data on material prices, labor wages, and images according to the work project list. The results of the research show that the CPM (Critical Path Method) method identified several activities on the critical path that hindered the progress of the project, namely Ducting 3800xPL.8 x 32M, Welding straps PL 10x150, Sandblast 2.5A for saddle duct, Heat resistant Painting 400cc (primer 2x & finish), Erection ducting, and Erection saddle with a total project processing time of 75 days. In conclusion, the optimal time and cost in accelerating the Tuban 3 SLC Boiler Inlet Ducting repair project is with a time duration of 67.5 days and a cost of IDR 3,670,000,000.  Keywords: Critical Path Method, Project Delay, Time Schedule &nbsp

    System Design Bureau of Supplies of Goods in General Secretariat General of the Ministry of Public Work

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    Inventory System at the Secretariat General of General Bureau of the Public Works Department aims to replace the data report form which is still ineffective manual data report form with computers. Computerized systems will be used as new input for the agencies concerned so that the making of the report data is done efficiently, quickly and precisely and can help reduce errors from routine work, can also easily provide the necessary information on matters relating to the Supply of Goods

    Prediksi Pemilihan Jurusan Diperguruan Tinggi

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    The education sector is one of the fields that gets the most attention from the government, especially when graduating from high school students. It is expected that these graduates will continue to pursue higher education. Various information about majors in universities have been widely available but have not been able to meet the needs of prospective students. There are three main problems experienced by prospective students, namely limited knowledge of the majors to be followed, limited information available, and limited quantitative recommendations that can be used by prospective students.This study tries to overcome these problems by producing predictions of departmental recommendations using the Naive Bayes algorithm and incorporating criteria that influence the selection of majors in the form of abilities, interests, and also preferences for certain fields. An approach to user preferences is used so that the recommendations approach the desired results. This is done by giving the criteria weighting to the user

    A Study on the Ability of the Third Year Students of the English Study Program of Fkip Riau University in Writing a Narrative Essay

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    The objective of this study is to find out the level ability of the third year students of the English Study Program of FKIP Riau University in writing a narrative essay. The research design is a descriptive quantitative research. There are 25 students chosen as the samples of this research. The instrument of the research was a written test that was assessed by the three raters by referring Heaton's scoring guide and Harris' measurement. It was found that 3 students (12%) were in excellent level, 12 students (48%) were in good level, 9 students (36%) were in mediocre level, 1 student (4%) was in poor level, and there was no student in very poor level. It can be concluded that the students can write a narrative essay with the average score was 65,15. Overall, the students' problems were dominated in category of language USAge. Most of students made a lot mistakes in using tenses and constructing sentences

    Analisis Gaya Belajar Siswa Kelas X Akuntansi 1 Smk Negeri 3 Pontianak

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    This study lifted the title on the Analysis of Learning Styles Class X Accounting 1 SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak. The purpose of this study was to analyze the student's learning style of the dominant class. Informants in this study were students in class X accounting 1 and also teachers of these subjects. As for the focus of this research was the indicator of student learning styles with visual learning styles, learning styles auditory, and kinesthetic learning style. The method in this research is descriptive survey form. Data analysis techniques in this study in the form of direct observation, direct communication and techniques of documentary studies with data collection tools in the form of a check list list, interview. After observation for 4 meetings found results that 24 students (60%) have a visual learning style, 10 students (25%) have auditory learning style, and 6 students (15%) students have kinesthetic learning style. This is reinforced by student interview data showing that visual learning style is more dominant in the class students

    Rancangan Pilar Estetik Penjernih Air Hujan

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    Pada prinsipnya air merupakan kekayaan alam yang jumlahnya tetap, karena melalui siklus daur air alami. Namun perubahan pola hidup manusia serta peningkatan pembangunan menyebabkan daerah resapan air berkurang. Maka dari itu pengelolaan air yang baik perlu dilakukan agar terjadi keseimbangan dalam hubungan kebutuhan manusia akan air dan persediaan air di alam. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini akan sangat potensial jika diwujudkan Rainwater Harvesting atau pemanenan air hujan. Konstruksi Rainwater Harvesting biasanya berupa plat beton yang dibuat menyerupai kolam dan tersembunyi di bawah tanah yang berfungsi sebagai storage media penyimpan airnya, sedangkan catcher-nya biasanya berupa bidang miring (konstruksi atap) yang terdapat di atas bangunan. Dan ada sebuah mesin/motor yang berfungsi untuk menjernihkan air tersebut. Dari gagasan ini akan direncanakan sebuah pilar non-struktural dengan cladding sebagai elemen estetisnya yang dapat di fungsikan sebagai Rainwater Harvesting dengan sistem penjernih air sederhana yang organik tanpa menggunakan motor (listrik), yang dapat langsung dimanfaatkan pula airnya. Selain itu, di bagian bawah pilar akan sangat sinergi jika di buat konstruksi sumur resapan agar nantinya air dari hasil penjernihan yang telah terpakai dapat di kembalikan ke tanah setelah melalui penyaringan. Gagasan pilar estetis penjernih air hujan ini, di prediksikan akan banyak bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, lingkungan dan instansi pengemban

    Pengaruh Latihan Aerobik, Resistence dan Kombinasi terhadap Berat Badan, Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Persentase Massa Lemak Pada Perempuan Obesitas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh latihan aerobik, resistence dan latihan kombinasi/gabungan dari latihan aerobik dan resistence terhadap berat badan, indeks massa tubuh dan persentase massa lemak pada perempuan penderita obesitas. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment dengan desain penelitian The Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Subyek penelitian adalah 28 perempuan penderita obesitas dengan usia 20-24 tahun. Sampel di ambil secara random yang merupakan mahasiswi penderita obesitas yang ada di Kota Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dengan masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 7 orang, yaitu kelompok perlakuan K1 (kelompok kontrol), kelompok K2 (latihan aerobik), kelompok K3 (latihan resistence) serta kelompok K4 (latihan kombinasi). Sempel di ukur berat badan (BB), indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan persentase massa lemak (lemak %) dengan menggunakan alat ukur SECA Body Composition sebelum perlakuan (pretest) dan sesudah perlakuan (posttes). Teknik analisis menggunakan aplikasi SPSS 22 dengan pertama melakukan uji normalitas menggunakan Shapiro-Wilk, selnjutnya uji homogenitas menggunakani Varians Levene dan untuk uji hipotesis menggunakan uji Two Way Anova yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey’s honestly significant difference (HSD) post hoc tes. Hasil penelitian di dapatkan adanya penurunan berat badan (BB) secara signifikan pada kelompok aerobik, resistence dan kombinasi sendangkan tidak di dapatkan hasil penuruan yang signifikan pada parameter indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan persentase massa lemak (Lemak %)
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