3 research outputs found

    Complexity of seemingly simple lipid nanodiscs

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    Lipid nanodiscs are macromolecular assemblies, where a scaffold protein is wrapped around a nanosized disc of a lipid bilayer, thus protecting the hydrocarbon chains at the disc edges from unfavorable interactions with water. These nanostructures have numerous applications in, e.g., nanotechnology and pharmaceutics, and in investigations of membrane proteins. Here, we present results based on atomistic molecular dynamics simulations combined with electron paramagnetic spectroscopy measurements on the structure and dynamics of lipids in single-component nanodiscs. Our data highlight the existence of three distinctly different lipid fractions: central lipids residing in the center of a nanodisc, boundary lipids in direct contact with a scaffold protein, and intermediate lipids between these two regions. The central lipids are highly ordered and characterized by slow diffusion. In this part of the nanodisc, the membrane is the thickest and characterized by a gel-like or liquid-ordered phase, having features common to cholesterol-rich membranes. The boundary lipids in direct contact with the scaffold protein turned out to be less ordered and characterized by faster diffusion, and they remained in the liquid-disordered phase even at temperatures that were somewhat below the main phase transition temperature (Tm). The enthalpies associated with the central-boundary and central-intermediate transitions were similar to those observed for lipids going through the main phase transition. Overall, the study reveals lipid nanodiscs to be characterized by a complex internal structure, which is expected to influence membrane proteins placed in nanodiscs.Peer reviewe

    Cholesteryl Hemisuccinate Is Not a Good Replacement for Cholesterol in Lipid Nanodiscs

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    Nanodiscs are suitable tools for studies of membrane proteins (MPs) due to their ability to mimic native biological membranes, and several MP structures are solved in nanodiscs. Among the various cell membrane components, cholesterol (CHL) is known to regulate protein function and its concentration can reach up to 50 mol %. However, studies comprising cholesterol are challenging due to its hydrophobic nature, hence, nanodiscs with only a low cholesterol concentration have been studied. To overcome the problem, cholesterol analogs with high solubility in polar solutions are often used, and one of them is cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHS). Nevertheless, in molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, this is not an obstacle. In this study, we performed MD simulations of nanodiscs containing neutral phosphatidylcholine (POPC) lipids, negatively charged phosphatidylglycerol (POPG) lipids, CHL, or negatively charged cholesterol analog, CHS. Our simulations show that CHS increases the order of lipids in nanodiscs; the effect is, however, weaker than CHL and even smaller in nanodiscs. Furthermore, CHS gathered around scaffold proteins while cholesterol was uniformly distributed in the nanodiscs. Thus, nanodiscs with CHS are heterogeneous and not equivalent to nanodiscs with CHL. Finally, we also observed the increased concentration of POPG near the scaffold proteins, driven by electrostatic interactions. The MD results are experimentally validated using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. These results show that nanodiscs are, in fact, complex structures not easily comparable with planar lipid bilayers.Peer reviewe