12 research outputs found

    Knowledge management in general practice / family medicine through the Core Content Classification (3CGP), a new indexation tool.

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    Background: The lack of a General Practice / Family Medicine (GP/FM) bibliographic system hinders the Knowledge Management of the profession. We propose a multilingual indexing system for grey literature in GP/FM, composed by the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) and a new taxonomy related to contextual aspects (called Q-Codes). The set is proposed under the name Core Content Classification in General Practice (3CGP). The system, freely accessible, is ready for the Linked data universe and the future of information management in GP/FM; Keywords: General Practice, Terminology, Abstracting and Indexing as Topic, Congresses as Topic Research questions: Is there any methods to facilitate indexing and to improve performance in information storage and retrieval of unpublished GP/FM scientific work? Method: Using qualitative analysis, a corpus of 1,702 abstracts from six GP/FM European congresses, main themes discussed by GPs have been identified, handled in a domain-specific taxonomy called Q-Codes and translated in 10 languages. A methodology for building a lightweight ontology (in OWL-2), fit for semantic web, was applied to Q-Codes. The research domain of the Q-Codes is compared to the results of the 2010 EGPRN study about the themes addressed during EGPRN conferences. (Family Practice 27 (4): 459–67. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmq023.) Results: • ICPC-2 (21 languages) : http://www.hetop.org/hetop/?la=en&rr=CIP_C_ARBO&tab=1 • ICPC-2 Process (4 languages): http://www.hetop.org/hetop/?la=en&rr=CIP_C_ARBOPROC&tab=1 • Q-Codes : (10 languages): http://www.hetop.eu/hetop/Q?la=en&rr=CGP_CO_Q&tab=1 • The comparison of the EGPRN 2010 study and the Q-Codes : http://3cgp.docpatient.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/EGPRN_study_2010.pdf • Experiments are ongoing and presented on http://3cgp.docpatient.net/ • use of 3CGP as keywords for indexing congress (Brazil) and for indexing main issues discussed in mailing lists (Uruguay) Conclusions: Indexing of the GP/FM literature (congress abstracts, master's and doctoral thesis, group discussions) enhance the accessibility of research results and promote the emergence of networks of researchers. The work is ongoing and will be maintained by the Q-Code working group. source : Jamoulle EJGP 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13814788.2017.1404986 Points for discussion: • Reproductibility and Interdoctorvariation have not been tested • Q-Codes need update for missed and emergent themes • Integration with other tools (like PeRI

    Um novembro não tão azul: debatendo rastreamento de câncer de próstata e saúde do homem

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    A campanha Novembro Azul, promovida no Brasil pelo Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida em parceria com a Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia, busca alertar para o câncer de próstata e estimular o rastreamento da neoplasia. Pesquisas internacionais, entretanto, têm mostrado que esse rastreamento traz mais danos que benefícios. Comprometida com o conceito de prevenção quaternária, a Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade questionou publicamente a campanha e sua proposta em 2015. Esta revisão narrativa discute esse posicionamento e sua repercussão, analisando criticamente os argumentos favoráveis e contrários ao rastreamento. A partir disso, discutimos alguns limites da prevenção, comentamos a relação entre mídia e saúde, e refletimos sobre ações mais adequadas para o cuidado dos homens, com base em estudos multicêntricos, revisões sistemáticas, documentos institucionais, reportagens e pesquisas qualitativas. Tal debate ajuda a promover um cuidado integral para a população masculina

    Fatores associados à avaliação da qualidade da atenção primária à saúde por idosos residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 2010

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    Resumo Objetivo: analisar os fatores associados à percepção da qualidade dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde (APS) por idosos. Métodos: estudo transversal com 893 idosos de 60 anos ou mais, residentes na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil; os desfechos do estudo foram os indicadores dos atributos essenciais da APS, e as variáveis explicativas incluíram condições sociodemográficas, uso de serviços de saúde e condições de saúde; utilizou-se a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. Resultados: os idosos com 80 anos ou mais, as mulheres e aqueles de maior escolaridade avaliaram melhor o acesso e a longitudinalidade, enquanto a avaliação foi pior entre os que relataram maior uso dos serviços e condições crônicas, sobretudo para os atributos de coordenação do cuidado e orientação familiar e comunitária. Conclusão: piores condições de saúde e maior uso dos serviços estão associados à percepção mais negativa dos atributos da APS entre idosos

    Core Content Classification in General Practice/Family Medicine (3CGP). À New indexing system for General Practice Knowledge management

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    Background : Sharing the results of research with General Practitioners (GPs) is crucial for the survival of the discipline of General Practice / Family Medicine (GP/FM). Usual indexation systems like MeSH are not multilingual nor adapted to the particular field of GP/FM. Consequently, the GP/FM abstracts are lacking bibliographic control and more than half of the research presented by GPs at congresses is lost. We propose a new multilingual indexing system. The existing International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) has now been expanded with a taxonomy related to contextual aspects (called Q-Codes) such as education, research, practice organization, ethics or policy in GP/FM, currently not captured. The set is proposed under the name Core Content Classification in General Practice (3CGP). Aim :The aim is to facilitate indexing of GP/FM specific scientific work and to improve performance in information storage and retrieval for research purposes in this field. Research Method/Procedure: Using qualitative analysis, a corpus of 1,702 abstracts from six GP/FM-related European congresses was analyzed to identify main themes discussed by GPs, handled in a domain-specific taxonomy called Q-Codes and translated in 8 languages. In addition, a methodology for building a lightweight ontology (in OWL-2) was applied to Q-Codes, adding object and datatype properties to the hierarchical relations, including mapping to the MeSH thesaurus, Babelnet (www.babelnet.org) and Dbpedia. Finally, the ICPC-2 in 19 languages and Q-Codes in 8 languages have been integrated in a healthcare terminology service (www.hetop.eu/q) with a companion website (http://3cgp.docpatient.net) Anticipated Results of the Research: Through better indexing of the grey literature (congress abstracts, master's and doctoral thesis), we hope to enhance the accessibility of research results of GP/FM domain and promote the emergence of networks of researchers. First result of experimental implementations of the new indexing system will be presented. The Brazilian congress of family and community medicine 2017 has been entirely coded by participants with ICPC and Q-Codes and 1746 accepted and coded abstracts are ready to be analyzed and will be discussed . In Portugal 300 master theses have been coded with Q Codes and the result will be also presented and discussed

    Une base de connaissance multilingue et dynamique en ligne pour la médecine générale et les soins primaires

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    Introduction: la classification internationale des soins primaires, deuxième version (CISP-2) alignée sur la classification internationale des maladies dixième révision (CIM-10) est un standard pour le recueil épidémiologique en soins primaires. La CISP-2 convient aussi pour identifier les thèmes cliniques dont discutent les médecins de famille. Les domaines contextuels de connaissances spécifiques à la médecine de famille et aux Soins Primaires comme les structures, la gestion, les catégories de patients, les méthodes de recherche, les aspects éthiques ou environnementaux ne sont pas standardisés et reflètent le plus souvent des vues d'experts. Méthodes: une méthode de recherche qualitative, appliquée à l'analyse de plusieurs congrès de médecine de famille a permis d'identifier, en plus des items cliniques, un ensemble de concepts contextuels abordés par les médecins de famille lors de leurs échanges pendant les congrès. Assemblés sous forme hiérarchique, ces concepts ont trouvé leur place au côté de la CISP-2, sous le nom de Q-codes version 2.5, sur le serveur sémantique multilingue multi-terminologique du Département d'Information et d'Informatique médicale (D2IM) de l'Université de Rouen, France. Les deux classifications sont éditées sous le sigle 3CGP pour Core Content Classification of General Practice. Ce serveur d'accès libre permet de consulter la CISP-2 en 22 langues et les Q-codes en dix langues. Résultats: le résultat de l'utilisation conjointe de ces deux classifications, comme descripteurs dans des congrès, pour identifier des concepts dans des textes, ou indexer la littérature grise en médecine de famille et soins primaires est présenté ici dans différentes utilisations pilotes. La validité et la généralisabilité de 3CGP semble bonne au vu des traductions déjà réalisées par des collègues du monde entier et de l'applicabilité de la méthode des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Toute fois la reproductibilité et la variation inter-codeurs restent encore à tester pour les Q-codes. La question de la maintenance reste posée. Conclusion: grâce à cette méthode, on peut mettre en évidence l'extension conceptuelle, la complexité et la dynamique du métier de médecin généraliste et de famille et de médecin de soins primaires

    Estudo comparativo entre pacientes idosos internados com diagnóstico clínico de pneumonia comunitária, com ou sem confirmação radiológica

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    OBJETIVOS: Comparar aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e evolutivos de idosos internados com diagnóstico clínico de pneumonia comunitária, com ou sem confirmação radiológica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, 141 pacientes com idade acima de 60 anos. RESULTADOS: Em 45 pacientes, os achados radiológicos corroboraram o diagnóstico clínico e, em 96 pacientes, a radiologia não foi compatível com a suspeita clínica. Os sinais, os sintomas, a terapêutica e os desfechos destes dois grupos foram comparados. Os achados do estudo sugerem que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos segundo os critérios analisados. A prevalência de radiografias de tórax compatíveis com pneumonia entre pacientes com suspeita clínica da doença foi de pouco mais de 30%. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico clínico de pneumonia comunitária tem baixa especificidade em idosos e deve ser usado com cautela. Devido ao pequeno número de pacientes estudados, mais estudos sobre o tema são necessários para confirmar os achados

    An online dynamic knowledge base in multiple languages on general medicine and primary care

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    The International Classification of Primary Care, Second version (ICPC-2) aligned with the 10th Revision of the International Introduction: la classification internationale des soins primaires, deuxième version (CISP-2) alignée sur la classification internationale des maladies dixième révision (CIM-10) est un standard pour le recueil épidémiologique en soins primaires. La CISP-2 convient aussi pour identifier les thèmes cliniques dont discutent les médecins de famille. Les domaines contextuels de connaissances spécifiques à la médecine de famille et aux soins primaires comme les structures, la gestion, les catégories de patients, les méthodes de recherche, les aspects éthiques ou environnementaux ne sont pas standardisés et reflètent le plus souvent des vues d'experts. Méthodes: une méthode de recherche qualitative, appliquée à l'analyse de plusieurs congrès de médecine de famille a permis d'identifier, en plus des items cliniques, un ensemble de concepts contextuels abordés par les médecins de famille lors de leurs échanges pendant les congrès. Assemblés sous forme hiérarchique, ces concepts ont trouvé leur place au côté de la CISP-2, sous le nom de Q-codes version 2.5, sur le serveur sémantique multilingue multi-terminologique du Département d'Information et d'Informatique médicale (D2IM) de l'Université de Rouen, France. Les deux classifications sont éditées sous le sigle 3CGP pour Core Content Classification of General Practice. Ce serveur d'accès libre permet de consulter la CISP-2 en 22 langues et les Q-codes en dix langues. Résultats: le résultat de l'utilisation conjointe de ces deux classifications, comme descripteurs dans des congrès, pour identifier des concepts dans des textes, ou indexer la littérature grise en médecine de famille et soins primaires est présenté ici dans différentes utilisations pilotes. La validité et la généralisabilité de 3CGP semble bonne au vu des traductions déjà réalisées par des collègues du monde entier et de l'applicabilité de la méthode des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Toute fois la reproductibilité et la variation inter-codeurs restent encore à tester pour les Q-codes. La question de la maintenance reste posée. Conclusion: grâce à cette méthode, on peut mettre en évidence l'extension conceptuelle, la complexité et la dynamique du métier de médecin généraliste et de famille et de médecin de soins primaires.Introduction: the International Classification of Primary Care, Second version (ICPC-2) aligned with the 10th Revision of the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) is a standard for primary care epidemiology compendium. ICPC-2 has been also intended to identify the clinical topics in family medicine. Contextual field-specific knowledge in family medicine and primary care such as health structures, management, categories of patients, research methods, ethical or environmental features are not standardized and reflect, more often, the views of experts. Methods: a qualitative research method, applied to the analysis of several Family Medicine congresses, has helped identify, in addition to clinical items, a spectrum of contextual concepts addressed by family doctors during their exchanges at the congresses. Assembled in a hierarchical manner, these concepts were given expression, together with ICPC-2, under the name of Q-codes Version 2.5, in the multilingual multi-terminology semantic server of the Department of Information and medical informatics (D2Im) at the University of Rouen, France. The two classifications are edited under the acronym 3 CGP for Core Content classification of General Practice. This free access server allows you to consult the ICPC-2 in 22 languages and the Q-codes in ten languages. Results: The result of the joint use of these two classifications, as descriptors in congress to identify the concepts in texts or index the gray literature for family medicine and primary care is presented here in its various pilot uses. The validity and generalizability of 3CGP appears to be good in the light of the translations already carried out by colleagues around the world and of the applicability of the method in the two sides of the Atlantic. However the reproducibility and the inter-coder variations still remain to be tested for Q-codes. Maintenance remains an issue. Conclusion: this method highlights the conceptual extension, the complexity and the dynamics of the role of general practitioner and family doctor as well as of primary care physician