19 research outputs found

    Cone beam computed tomography in the assessment of TMJ deformity in children with JIA: repeatability of a novel scoring system

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    Background The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is frequently involved in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Diag‑ nostic imaging is necessary to correctly diagnose and evaluate TMJ involvement, however, hitherto little has been published on the accuracy of the applied scoring systems and measurements. The present study aims to investigate the precision of 20 imaging features and fve measurements based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods Imaging and clinical data from 84 participants in the Norwegian study on juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the NorJIA study, were collected. Altogether 20 imaging features and fve measurements were evaluated indepen‑ dently by three experienced radiologists for intra- and interobserver agreement. Agreement of categorical variables was assessed by Fleiss’, Cohen’s simple or weighted Kappa as appropriate. Agreement of continuous variables was assessed with 95% limits of agreement as advised by Bland and Altman. Results “Overall impression of TMJ deformity” showed almost perfect intraobserver agreement with a kappa coef‑ fcient of 0.81 (95% CI 0.69–0.92), and substantial interobserver agreement (Fleiss’ kappa 0.70 (0.61–0.78)). Moreover, both “fattening” and “irregularities” of the eminence/fossa and condyle performed well, with intra- and interobserver agreements of 0.66–0.82 and 0.55–0.76, respectively. “Reduced condylar volume” and “continuity” of the fossa/emi‑ nence had moderate intra- and interobserver Kappa values, whereas continuity of the condyle had Kappa values above 0.55. Measurements of distances and angles had limits of agreement of more than 15% of the sample mean. Conclusions We propose a CBCT-based scoring system of nine precise imaging features suggestive of TMJ deformity in JIA. Their clinical validity must be tested

    Cone beam computed tomography in the assessment of TMJ deformity in children with JIA: repeatability of a novel scoring system

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    Background The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is frequently involved in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Diagnostic imaging is necessary to correctly diagnose and evaluate TMJ involvement, however, hitherto little has been published on the accuracy of the applied scoring systems and measurements. The present study aims to investigate the precision of 20 imaging features and five measurements based on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods Imaging and clinical data from 84 participants in the Norwegian study on juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the NorJIA study, were collected. Altogether 20 imaging features and five measurements were evaluated independently by three experienced radiologists for intra- and interobserver agreement. Agreement of categorical variables was assessed by Fleiss’, Cohen’s simple or weighted Kappa as appropriate. Agreement of continuous variables was assessed with 95% limits of agreement as advised by Bland and Altman. Results “Overall impression of TMJ deformity” showed almost perfect intraobserver agreement with a kappa coefficient of 0.81 (95% CI 0.69–0.92), and substantial interobserver agreement (Fleiss’ kappa 0.70 (0.61–0.78)). Moreover, both “flattening” and “irregularities” of the eminence/fossa and condyle performed well, with intra- and interobserver agreements of 0.66–0.82 and 0.55–0.76, respectively. “Reduced condylar volume” and “continuity” of the fossa/eminence had moderate intra- and interobserver Kappa values, whereas continuity of the condyle had Kappa values above 0.55. Measurements of distances and angles had limits of agreement of more than 15% of the sample mean. Conclusions We propose a CBCT-based scoring system of nine precise imaging features suggestive of TMJ deformity in JIA. Their clinical validity must be tested.publishedVersio

    Revisiting the radiographic assessment of osteoporosis-Osteopenia in children 0-2 years of age. A systematic review

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    Background Imaging for osteoporosis has two major aims, first, to identify the presence of low bone mass (osteopenia), and second, to quantify bone mass using semiquantitative (conventional radiography) or quantitative (densitometry) methods. In young children, densitometry is hampered by the lack of reference values, and high-quality radiographs still play a role although the evaluation of osteopenia as a marker for osteoporosis is subjective and based on personal experience. Medical experts questioned in court over child abuse, often refer to the literature and state that 20–40% loss of bone mass is warranted before osteopenia becomes evident on radiographs. In our systematic review, we aimed at identifying evidence underpinning this statement. A secondary outcome was identifying normal references for cortical thickness of the skeleton in infants born term, < 2 years of age. Methods We undertook systematic searches in Medline, Embase and Svemed+, covering 1946–2020. Unpublished material was searched in Clinical trials and International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). Both relevant subject headings and free text words were used for the following concepts: osteoporosis or osteopenia, radiography, children up to 6 years. Results A total 5592 publications were identified, of which none met the inclusion criteria for the primary outcome; the degree of bone loss warranted before osteopenia becomes visible radiographically. As for the secondary outcome, 21 studies were identified. None of the studies was true population based and none covered the pre-defined age range from 0–2 years. However, four studies of which three having a crossectional and one a longitudinal design, included newborns while one study included children 0–2 years. Conclusions Despite an extensive literature search, we did not find any studies supporting the assumption that a 20–40% bone loss is required before osteopenia becomes visible on radiographs. Reference values for cortical thickness were sparse. Further studies addressing this important topic are warranted.publishedVersio

    In children and adolescents with temporomandibular disorder assembled with juvenile idiopathic arthritis ‑ no association were found between pain and TMJ deformities using CBCT

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    Background - Children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) may suffer from temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Due to this, imaging diagnosis is crucial in JIA with non-symptomatic TM joint (TMJ) involvement. The aim of the study was to examine the association between clinical TMD signs/symptoms and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) findings of TMJ structural deformities in children and adolescents with JIA. Methods - This cross-sectional study is part of a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study performed from 2015–2020, including 228 children and adolescents aged 4–16 years diagnosed with JIA, according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR). For this sub-study, we included the Bergen cohort of 72 patients (32 female, median age 13.1 years, median duration of JIA 4.5 years). Clinical TMD signs/symptoms were registered as pain on palpation, pain on jaw movement, and combined pain of those two. The severity of TMJ deformity was classified as sound (no deformity), mild, or moderate/severe according to the radiographic findings of CBCT. Results Conclusions - There was no association between painful TMD and CBCT imaging features of the TMJ in patients with JIA, but the oligoarticular subtype of JIA, there was a significant difference associated with TMJ pain and structural CBCT deformities

    Efficacy and safety of intraarticular corticosteroid injections in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the temporomandibular joint: a Norwegian 2-year prospective multicenter pilot study

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    Background Intraarticular corticosteroids (IACs) have been used to treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis. However, prospective clinical studies with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scoring are lacking. The aim of this study was to examine efficacy and safety of a single IAC in the TMJ in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in a clinical setting. Methods In this Norwegian prospective multicenter pilot study 15 patients with JIA (mostly persistent oligoarthritis or RF negative polyarthritis categories) and a clinically and MRI-verified diagnosis of TMJ arthritis were treated with IACs and followed for 2 years. Demographics, systemic medication, general disease activity and outcome measures were recorded including a pain-index score and maximal incisal opening (MIO). Inflammation and bone damage scores were assessed, using two recently published MRI scoring systems with masked radiological evaluation. Results Among the 15 patients, 13 received a single IAC (5 bilateral), and 2 repeated IACs once unilaterally. Thus, the total number of IACs was 22. Median age was 15 years and the majority had an age not thought of as critical regarding mandibular growth retardation due to steroid injection. During the 2-year observation period systemic medication with disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including biologics was initiated or adjusted in 10/15 (67%) patients. At the 2-months study visit after injection we observed a minimal improvement in MIO from median 44 (1st, 3rd quartiles; 36, 48) mm to 45 (43, 47) mm, p = 0.045 and decreased MRI mean additive inflammatory score from 4.4 ± 1.8 standard deviations (SD) to 3.4 ± 2.0, p = 0.040. From baseline to the 2-months follow-up pain improved in 6/11 patients but pain scores were not significantly improved. MRI-assessed damage increased in two patients with repeated IACs, and decreased in 3 patients but most of the patients were stable over the 2-year follow-up. Intra-rater repeatability of the MRI scoring system domains varied from poor to excellent. Conclusions In this pilot study of predominately single IACs to the TMJ in combination with systemic treatment we observed improvement in MRI-assessed inflammation, mostly stable condylar bone conditions and minimal clinical improvement in adolescents with JIA and TMJ arthritis. No severe side effects were seen.publishedVersio

    Oral health-related quality of life, impaired physical health and orofacial pain in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis – a prospective multicenter cohort study

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    Background - Knowledge on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is limited, and longitudinal studies are lacking. We aimed to describe OHRQoL in children and adolescents with JIA compared to controls, and to explore the validity and internal consistency of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) and the Child Oral Impact on Daily Performance (Child-OIDP). Furthermore, we wanted to investigate associations between OHRQoL and orofacial pain, physical health, disease activity, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) involvement in JIA. Methods - The Norwegian prospective, multicenter cohort study recruited participants with JIA between 4 and 16 years of age and corresponding controls from three pediatric university hospital departments and public dental health services. In the present study, we analyzed OHRQoL in all children  Results - The same OHRQoL questionnaire was completed both at first visit and two-year follow-up in 101 children  0: JIA group 81% and 85%, p = 0.791; control group 65% and 69%, p = 0.815), while adolescents with JIA reported fewer impacts at the two-year follow-up (Child OIDP > 0: JIA group 27% and 15%, p = 0.004; control group 21% and 14%, p = 0.230). The internal consistency of the OHRQoL instruments was overall acceptable and the criterion validity indicated that the instruments were valid at both visits. Orofacial pain was more frequent in children and adolescents with JIA than in controls. We found associations between OHRQoL impacts and orofacial pain, impaired physical health, disease activity, and TMJ involvement. Conclusions - Children and adolescents with orofacial pain or impaired physical health were more likely to report impacts on daily life activities than those without. Pediatric rheumatologists and dentists should be aware of impaired OHRQoL in individuals with JIA with active disease or temporomandibular joint involvement

    MRI in the Assessment of TMJ-Arthritis in Children with JIA; Repeatability of a Newly Devised Scoring System

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    Rationale and Objectives: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is commonly involved in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The diagnosis and evaluation of the disease progression is dependent on medical imaging. The precision of this imaging is under debate. Several scoring systems have been proposed but transparent testing of the precision of the constituents of the scoring systems is lacking. The present study aims to test the precision of 25 imaging features based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods: Clinical data and imaging were obtained from the Norwegian juvenile idiopathic arthritis study, The NorJIA study. Twenty-five imaging features of the TMJ in MRI datasets from 86 study participants were evaluated by two experienced radiologists for inter- and intraobserver agreement. Agreement of ordinal variables was measured with Cohen's linear or weighted Kappa as appropriate. Agreement of continuous measurements was assessed with 95% limit of agreement according to Bland-Altman. Results: In the osteochondral domain, the ordinal imaging variables “loss of condylar volume”, “condylar shape,” “condylar irregularities”, “shape of the eminence/fossa”, “disk abnormalities” and “condylar inclination” showed inter- and intraobserver agreement above Kappa 0.5. In the inflammatory domain, the ordinal imaging variables “joint fluid”, “overall impression of inflammation”, “synovial enhancement” and “bone marrow oedema” showed inter- and intraobserver agreement above Kappa 0.5. Continuous measurements performed poorly with wide limits of agreement. Conclusion: A precise MRI-based scoring system for assessment of TMJ in JIA is proposed consisting of seven variables in the osteochondral domain and four variables in the inflammatory domain. Further testing of the clinical validity of the variables is needed

    MRI in the Assessment of TMJ-Arthritis in Children with JIA; Repeatability of a Newly Devised Scoring System

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    Rationale and Objectives: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is commonly involved in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The diagnosis and evaluation of the disease progression is dependent on medical imaging. The precision of this imaging is under debate. SeveralR scoring systems have been proposed but transparent testing of the precision of the constituents of the scoring systems is lacking. The present study aims to test the precision of 25 imaging features based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and Methods: Clinical data and imaging were obtained from the Norwegian juvenile idiopathic arthritis study, The NorJIA study. Twenty-five imaging features of the TMJ in MRI datasets from 86 study participants were evaluated by two experienced radiologists for inter- and intraobserver agreement. Agreement of ordinal variables was measured with Cohen s linear or weighted Kappa as appropriate. Agreement of continuous measurements was assessed with 95% limit of agreement according to Bland-Altman. Results: In the osteochondral domain, the ordinal imaging variables “loss of condylar volume,” “condylar shape,” “condylar irregularities,” “shape of the eminence/fossa,” “disk abnormalities,” and “condylar inclination” showed inter- and intraobserver agreement above Kappa 0.5. In the inflammatory domain, the ordinal imaging variables “joint fluid,” “overall impression of inflammation,” “synovial enhancement” and “bone marrow oedema” showed inter- and intraobserver agreement above Kappa 0.5. Continuous measurements performed poorly with wide limits of agreement. Conclusion: A precise MRI-based scoring system for assessment of TMJ in JIA is proposed consisting of seven variables in the osteochondral domain and four variables in the inflammatory domain. Further testing of the clinical validity of the variables is needed

    Normal MRI-based appearances of the temporomandibular joints in children aged 2-18 years

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    Background Knowledge of normal appearances of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is paramount when assessing the joint for disease in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Reliable features defining normal TMJs in children are limited. Objective To establish reliable normal standards for the TMJ at magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Materials and methods We included children and young adults aged 2–18 years undergoing a head MRI for reasons not believed to affect the TMJs. We assessed TMJ anatomy and contrast enhancement using a high-resolution 3-D T1-weighted sequence. We noted joint fluid and bone marrow oedema based on a T2-weighted sequence. Three experienced radiologists read all examinations twice in consensus and defined intraobserver consensus agreement. Results We evaluated the TMJs in 101 children and young adults (45 female), mean age 10.7 years (range 2–18 years). The intraobserver consensus agreement for the assessment of anterior condylar inclination in the sagittal/oblique plane was moderate to good (Cohen κ=0.7 for the right side). Cohen κ for intraobserver consensus agreement for condylar shape in the coronal plane on a 0–2 scale was 0.4 for the right and 0.6 for the left. Intraobserver agreement for measurement of joint space height and assessment of bone marrow oedema was poor. There was a statistically significant increase in anterior inclination by age in the sagittal plane on a 0–2 scale (P<0.0001). Eighty percent of the condyles showed a rounded shape in the coronal plane while 20% showed mild flattening. Thirty-five of 36 right TMJs showed contrast enhancement (mild enhancement in 32 joints, moderate in 3 joints). Conclusion Subjective assessment of the anterior condylar inclination in the sagittal/oblique plane and condylar flattening in the coronal plane can be considered precise features for describing TMJ anatomy in healthy children. There is an increasing anterior inclination by age. Mild contrast enhancement of the TMJs should be considered a normal finding