4,166 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Approach to Competing Orders in Two-leg Spin Ladder with Ring-Exchange

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    We investigate the competition between different orders in the two-leg spin ladder with a ring-exchange interaction by means of a bosonic approach. The latter is defined in terms of spin-1 hardcore bosons which treat the N\'eel and vector chirality order parameters on an equal footing. A semiclassical approach of the resulting model describes the phases of the two-leg spin ladder with a ring-exchange. In particular, we derive the low-energy effective actions which govern the physical properties of the rung-singlet and dominant vector chirality phases. As a by-product of our approach, we reveal the mutual induction phenomenon between spin and chirality with, for instance, the emergence of a vector-chirality phase from the application of a magnetic field in bilayer systems coupled by four-spin exchange interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Itinerant ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional atomic gas

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    Motivated by the first experimental evidence of ferromagnetic behavior in a three-dimensional ultracold atomic gas, we explore the possibility of itinerant ferromagnetism in a trapped two-dimensional atomic gas. Firstly, we develop a formalism that demonstrates how quantum fluctuations drive the ferromagnetic reconstruction first order, and consider the consequences of an imposed population imbalance. Secondly, we adapt this formalism to elucidate the key experimental signatures of ferromagnetism in a realistic trapped geometry.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Distribution of Resonance Widths and Dynamics of Continuum Coupling

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    We analyze the statistics of resonance widths in a many-body Fermi system with open decay channels. Depending on the strength of continuum coupling, such a system reveals growing deviations from the standard chi-square (Porter-Thomas) width distribution. The deviations emerge from the process of increasing interaction of intrinsic states through common decay channels; in the limit of perfect coupling this process leads to the super-radiance phase transition. The width distribution depends also on the intrinsic dynamics (chaotic vs regular). The results presented here are important for understanding the recent experimental data concerning the width distribution for neutron resonances in nuclei.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Antiferromagnetic noise correlations in optical lattices

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    We analyze how noise correlations probed by time-of-flight (TOF) experiments reveal antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations of fermionic atoms in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) optical lattices. Combining analytical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations using experimentally realistic parameters, we show that AF correlations can be detected for temperatures above and below the critical temperature for AF ordering. It is demonstrated that spin-resolved noise correlations yield important information about the spin ordering. Finally, we show how to extract the spin correlation length and the related critical exponent of the AF transition from the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum antiferromagnetism and high TCT_C superconductivity: a close connection between the t-J model and the projected BCS Hamiltonian

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    A connection between quantum antiferromagnetism and high TCT_C superconductivity is theoretically investigated by analyzing the t-J model and its relationships to the Gutzwiller-projected BCS Hamiltonian. After numerical corroboration via exact diagonalization, it is analytically shown that the ground state of the t-J model at half filling (i.e., the 2D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model) is entirely equivalent to the ground state of the Gutzwiller-projected BCS Hamiltonian with strong pairing. Combined with the high wavefunction overlap between the ground states of the t-J model and the projected BCS Hamiltonian at moderate doping, this equivalence provides strong support for the existence of superconductivity in the t-J model. The relationship between the ground state of the projected BCS Hamiltonian and Anderson's resonating valence bond state (i.e., the projected BCS ground state) is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, the final version published in Phys. Rev.

    Hydroacoustic Detection of Submarine Landslides on Kilauea Volcano

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    Landslides produced at the site where lava flows into the ocean at Kilauea volcano have been detected hydroacoustically. Up to 10 landslides per day were detected by a hydrophone on the Hawaii Undersea Geo-Observatory (HUGO), located 50 km south of the entry site. The largest of these landslides, partly subaerial events known as bench collapses, were detected by a network of hydrophones in the eastern Pacific, 5000–7000 km away from the source. The landslides display a characteristic spectral signature easily recognizable among other signals such as earthquake T-phases and anthropogenic noises. The fact that signals are detected at great distances suggests that hydroacoustic detection of landslides could be a powerful tool in tsunami monitoring and modeling efforts

    Phase-space characterization of complexity in quantum many-body dynamics

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    We propose a phase-space Wigner harmonics entropy measure for many-body quantum dynamical complexity. This measure, which reduces to the well known measure of complexity in classical systems and which is valid for both pure and mixed states in single-particle and many-body systems, takes into account the combined role of chaos and entanglement in the realm of quantum mechanics. The effectiveness of the measure is illustrated in the example of the Ising chain in a homogeneous tilted magnetic field. We provide numerical evidence that the multipartite entanglement generation leads to a linear increase of entropy until saturation in both integrable and chaotic regimes, so that in both cases the number of harmonics of the Wigner function grows exponentially with time. The entropy growth rate can be used to detect quantum phase transitions. The proposed entropy measure can also distinguish between integrable and chaotic many-body dynamics by means of the size of long term fluctuations which become smaller when quantum chaos sets in.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Nearby Doorways, Parity Doublets and Parity Mixing in Compound Nuclear States

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    We discuss the implications of a doorway state model for parity mixing in compound nuclear states. We argue that in order to explain the tendency of parity violating asymmetries measured in 233^{233}Th to have a common sign, doorways that contribute to parity mixing must be found in the same energy neighbourhood of the measured resonance. The mechanism of parity mixing in this case of nearby doorways is closely related to the intermediate structure observed in nuclear reactions in which compound states are excited. We note that in the region of interest (233^{233}Th) nuclei exhibit octupole deformations which leads to the existence of nearby parity doublets. These parity doublets are then used as doorways in a model for parity mixing. The contribution of such mechanism is estimated in a simple model.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    Emergence of Zipf's Law in the Evolution of Communication

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    Zipf's law seems to be ubiquitous in human languages and appears to be a universal property of complex communicating systems. Following the early proposal made by Zipf concerning the presence of a tension between the efforts of speaker and hearer in a communication system, we introduce evolution by means of a variational approach to the problem based on Kullback's Minimum Discrimination of Information Principle. Therefore, using a formalism fully embedded in the framework of information theory, we demonstrate that Zipf's law is the only expected outcome of an evolving, communicative system under a rigorous definition of the communicative tension described by Zipf.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Neutrino-nucleus reactions on ^{12}C and ^{16}O

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    Exclusive and inclusive (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates are calculated for ^{12}C and ^{16}O using the consistent random phase approximation (RPA) and pairing model. After a pairing correction is introduced to the RPA results the flux-averaged theoretical (νμ,μ),(νe,e)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-), (\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections and μ\mu^--capture rates in 12^{12}C are in good agreement with experiment. In particular when one takes into account the experimental error bars, the recently measured range of values for the (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) cross-section is in agreement with the present theoretical results. Predictions of (νμ,μ)(\nu_\mu, \mu^-) and (νe,e)(\nu_e, e^-) cross-sections in ^{16}O are also presented.Comment: 13 pages, Revte