24 research outputs found

    La problématique du recueil : repÚres bibliographiques

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    DivisĂ©e selon les trois principaux genres du recueil - nouvelle, poĂ©sie et essai -, cette bibliographie commentĂ©e, sans prĂ©tendre Ă  l'exhaustivitĂ©, se veut un outil pour quiconque souhaite aborder la problĂ©matique du recueil ; elle retrace les travaux qui ont une portĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale et qui pourraient ainsi servir Ă  poursuivre la rĂ©flexion et l'Ă©tude des Ɠuvres empruntant la forme du recueil. De courtes introductions situent les tendances thĂ©oriques et analytiques gĂ©nĂ©ralement associĂ©es Ă  chaque genre.Dividing collections into three principal genre-types - the short story, poetry and the essay - this annotated bibliography is intended to serve as a tool for the systematic study of collections as such. Without making any pretence to exhaustiveness, the bibliography enumerates works having a broad scope which might serve as the basis of a critical reflection on the collection as genre. Short introductory notes situate the theoretical and analytical tendencies associated with each genre

    Variations in energy storage metabolism discriminate fresh and brackish/saltwater ecotypes in American glass eels

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    International audienceRecently, different ecotypes characterized by their migration form, have been genetically documented in the American eel, Anguilla rostrata. The aim of this study was to verify if energy status and differential abilities in mobilizing energy reserves could discriminate freshwater and brackish/saltwater ecotypes. To do so, analyses were done on glass eels at recruitment according to location of capture, date and salinity preference using eco-physiological and molecular tools. Salinity preference did not differ between ecotypes. Instead, we observed spatial and temporal variations adding to the body of evidence of genetic and environmental controls in the differentiation of ecotypes. Compared to the brackish/saltwater ecotype, the freshwater ecotype was larger and more pigmented, had 73.8 % lesser triacylglycerol content and 67,7 % higher glycogen content, and overexpressed 7.65 and 3.25 times respectively the transcripts of bile salt activated and triacylglycerol lipases. No variation in transcripts of glycogen phosphorylase, leptin and ghrelin was observed between ecotypes. For both ecotypes, level of pigmentation was higher and energetic reserves were lesser in glass eels arriving two weeks later. Our results suggest the existence of differential regulation mechanisms relative to energy metabolism between ecotypes and allow us to propose a new model of the physiological mechanisms underlying the recruitment of freshwater and brackish/saltwater ecotype in American glass eel. This new biological information contributes to the building knowledge on the distribution of ecotypes and on the internal factors involved in glass eel migration regulation, giving new indications to improve conservation measure for this species declared “threatened” in Canada

    "Civelle, dis-nous oĂč tu migres et nous te dirons Ă  l'Ă©cotype auquel tu appartiens"

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    International audienceChez les anguilles d’AmĂ©rique, deux phĂ©notypes ont Ă©tĂ© diffĂ©renciĂ©s gĂ©nĂ©tiquement : Ă©cotype d’eau douce dans l’estuaire et le fleuve St Laurent, Ă©cotype d’eau salĂ©e-saumĂątre en Atlantique. Dans le but de clarifier les bases gĂ©nĂ©tiques sous-jacentes de ces Ă©cotypes, l’expression de divers gĂšnes a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e chez des civelles (le stade qui suit la mĂ©tamorphose), dĂšs leur arrivĂ©e en rĂ©gion estuarienne. Leur prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ© individuelle a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©e. Les civelles ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©es Ă  deux reprises (intervalle d’une quinzaine de jours), dans l’estuaire de trois riviĂšres graduellement Ă©loignĂ©es de la zone de reproduction : riviĂšre Mersey (cĂŽte Atlantique), riviĂšre GaspĂ© (Golfe du St-Laurent), Grande-RiviĂšre-Blanche (estuaire du St-Laurent). La prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ© individuelle (eau douce, eau saumĂątre ou eau salĂ©e) a Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©e juste aprĂšs la capture. Des analyses d’expression de gĂšnes ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es par PCR en temps rĂ©el avec des sondes Taqman pour trois gĂšnes de rĂ©fĂ©rence et quatorze gĂšnes candidats impliquĂ©s dans le mĂ©tabolisme des lipides, du glycogĂšne, la mĂ©tamorphose, les processus d’osmorĂ©gulation et de la croissance. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s en deux temps selon deux hypothĂšses nulles: le mĂ©tabolisme des lipides et du glycogĂšne ne varient ni en fonction de l’origine, ni de la date de capture. Les traits reliĂ©s Ă  la rĂ©gulation de l’osmorĂ©gulation, de la croissance et de la mĂ©tamorphose ne varient ni selon l’origine, ni selon la prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ© individuelle. Des variations gĂ©nĂ©tiques pour diffĂ©rents traits fonctionnels s’observent selon l’origine de capture. Les civelles capturĂ©es dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par de grande taille et montrent les plus hauts niveaux d’expression des lipases et du rĂ©cepteur IGF-1. Les civelles capturĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion de GaspĂ© sont non pigmentĂ©es et de grande taille et montrent les niveaux d’expression les plus Ă©levĂ©s pour les gĂšnes reprĂ©sentatifs de l’axe thyroĂŻdien. Enfin, les civelles capturĂ©es en Atlantique sont de petite taille et montrent les plus faibles niveaux d’expression de l’axe somatotrope et de l’enzyme dĂ©iodinase. Ces traits ne variaient ni en fonction de la prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ© individuelle, ni de la date d’arrivĂ©e. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que des diffĂ©rences d’expression pouvant avoir des consĂ©quences physiologiques importantes selon la riviĂšre d’origine et qui pourraient rĂ©sulter d’interactions gĂšnes × environnent. Une meilleure comprĂ©hension de ces caractĂ©ristiques biologiques pourrait orienter les futures tentatives de rĂ©habilitation du stock de civelles au Canada en apportant des informations utiles pour la gestion des pĂȘcheries

    Les civelles d’AmĂ©rique qui migrent sur la cĂŽte est canadienne ont-elle toutes les mĂȘmes caractĂ©ristiques physiologiques ?

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    International audienceDepuis les annĂ©es 80, la civelle d’AmĂ©rique a subi un important dĂ©clin dans le St Laurent, source importante de production de femelles chez cette espĂšce panmictique. Dans l’objectif de mieux comprendre la rĂ©gulation physiologique de la migration de la civelle lorsqu’elle atteint les habitats cĂŽtiers, l’analyse des statuts Ă©nergĂ©tiques ainsi que l’expression des gĂšnes codant pour des hormones impliquĂ©es dans l’osmorĂ©gulation ou pour leurs rĂ©cepteurs a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e sur des civelles capturĂ©es dĂšs leur arrivĂ©e au niveau de trois riviĂšres situĂ©es au QuĂ©bec et en Nouvelle Écosse et ayant subi, post capture, un test de prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ©. L’objectif Ă©tait a) de vĂ©rifier si nous observons des diffĂ©rences rĂ©gionales et ou des diffĂ©rences entre prĂ©fĂ©rences de salinitĂ© (eau douce, eau salĂ©e et eau saumĂątre) en fonction de la riviĂšre oĂč de la date d’arrivĂ©e et b) de vĂ©rifier ou rejeter, pour l’anguille amĂ©ricaine, le concept bien admis chez la civelle europĂ©enne et selon lequel le statut Ă©nergĂ©tique de la civelle Ă  son arrivĂ©e en estuaire dĂ©termine sa prĂ©fĂ©rence de salinitĂ© Les rĂ©sultats des analyses des classes de lipides, des lipides totaux, de la concentration du glycogĂšne total ainsi que les expressions relatives des gĂšnes par la mĂ©thode de rĂ©action en chaĂźne par polymĂ©rase Ă  temps rĂ©el (qPCR) seront prĂ©sentĂ©s.Ce projet doctorat a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© Ă©troitement avec la collaboration du laboratoire de Louis Bernatchez, le MinistĂšre PĂȘches et OcĂ©ans Canada, le MinistĂšre des ForĂȘts, de la Faune et des Parcs ainsi que les pĂȘcheurs professionnels d’Atlantic Elver Inc

    Crosstalk between alternatively spliced UGT1A isoforms and colon cancer cell metabolism

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    Alternative splicing at the human glucuronosyltransferase 1 gene locus (UGT1) produces alternate isoforms UGT1A_i2s that control glucuronidation activity through protein-protein interactions. Here, we hypothesized that UGT1A_i2s function into a complex protein network connecting other metabolic pathways with influence on cancer cell metabolism. This is based on a pathway enrichment analysis of proteomic data that identified several high-confidence candidate interaction proteins of UGT1A_i2 proteins in human tissues, namely the rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis pyruvate kinase (PKM), which plays a critical role in cancer cell metabolism and tumor growth. The partnership of UGT1A_i2 and PKM2 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation in the HT115 colon cancer cells and was supported by a partial co-localization of these two proteins. In support of a functional role for this partnership, depletion of UGT1A_i2 proteins in HT115 cells enforced the Warburg effect with higher glycolytic rate at the expense of mitochondrial respiration, and led to lactate accumulation. Untargeted metabolomics further revealed a significantly altered cellular content of 58 metabolites including many intermediates derived from the glycolysis and TCA cycle pathways. These metabolic changes were associated with a greater migration potential. The potential relevance of our observations is supported by the down-regulation of UGT1A_i2s mRNA in colon tumors compared to normal tissues. Alternate UGT1A variants may thus be part of the expanding compendium of metabolic pathways involved in cancer biology directly contributing to the oncogenic phenotype of colon cancer cells. Findings uncover new aspects of UGT functions diverging from their transferase activity

    Scoping study of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults

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    Abstract: It is important to foster social participation and health equity especially for older adults in situations of vulnerability Despite growing interest in the concept of vulnerability there is no consensus regarding how to define or measure it This paper provides an inventory and synthesis of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults Using a scoping study framework eight databases Abstracts in Social Gerontology Academic Search Complete AgeLine CINAHL MEDLINE SocINDEX PsycInfo Scopus were searched with relevant keywords Vulnerab AND Concept Defin Meaning Terminology Measurement Assessment Indicator Instrument Scale Questionnaire OR Test AND Aging Ageing Elder Gerontolog Older OR Senior Thirty-one original definitions and five measurement instruments were identified content-analyzed and compared Vulnerability definitions mostly focused on people under conditions that increased their risk of being harmed because of individual physical factors or the social environment Considering these definitions experts in the field of aging including two representing older adults took part in a workshop and a consensus was reached to define a situation of vulnerability as a set of circumstances in which one or more individuals experience at a specific moment in time one or multiple physiological psychological socioeconomic or social difficulties that may interact to increase their risk of being harmed or having coping problems that lead to negative consequences on their life Although none of the measures fully targeted this definition the Perceived Vulnerability Scale PVS was judged best at operationalizing the concept with 22 items considering feelings of vulnerability toward personal and environmental factors it also has good psychometric properties The proposed definition and the PVS help to provide a common language and measure in health and social sciences research policy and practice identifying and reaching older adults in situations of vulnerability and intervening to foster social participation and health equity

    Outil de sensibilisation des proches à la conduite automobile des aßnés

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    Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  explorer les effets d’un outil de sensibilisation chez les proches de conducteurs ĂągĂ©s (OSCARPA) sur i) leur intĂ©rĂȘt, ouverture et connaissances, ii) les changements des habiletĂ©s requises pour une conduite automobile sĂ©curitaire, et iii) l’utilisation de stratĂ©gies compensatoires. Un dispositif prĂ©-expĂ©rimental avec prĂ©test (T0) et post-test (T1) huit Ă  dix semaines aprĂšs la remise de l’OSCARPA a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© auprĂšs de 45 proches cĂŽtoyant un conducteur ĂągĂ© d’au moins 65 ans et conduisant au minimum 1 fois par semaine. Globalement, les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent que l’OSCARPA augmente i) l’intĂ©rĂȘt, l’ouverture et les connaissances des proches (p<0,001), ainsi que leur perception ii) des changements de capacitĂ©s du conducteur ĂągĂ© (p=0,02) et iii) de son utilisation de stratĂ©gies compensatoires (p=0,001). Afin de poursuivre l’évaluation et d’accroĂźtre l’efficacitĂ© de l’OSCARPA, de futures Ă©tudes seraient pertinentes.Abstract : This study aimed to explore the impact of an awareness tool for relatives of older drivers (OSCARPA) on i) their interest, openness and knowledge, ii) changes of abilities required for safe driving, and iii) utilization of compensatory strategies. A pre-experimental design with pretest (T0) and post-test (T1) eight to ten weeks after the intervention was realized with 45 relatives in contact with an older driver of 65 years old or older and who was driving at least once a week. Overall, the results demonstrated that OSCARPA increased i) interest, openness and knowledge of relatives (p<0.001), as well as their perceptions of ii) changes of abilities of older drivers (p=0.02), and iii) their utilization of compensatory strategies (p=0.001). Future studies would be relevant to further evaluate and increase the effectiveness of OSCARPA

    Awareness Tool for Safe and Responsible Driving (OSCAR) : A Potential Educational Intervention for Increasing Interest, Openness and Knowledge About the Abilities Required and Compensatory Strategies Among Older Drivers

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    Abstract : Objective: This pilot study aimed to verify the impact of the awareness tool for safe and responsible driving (OSCAR) on older adults’ (1) interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies required for safe driving; (2) awareness of changes that have occurred in their own driving abilities; and (3) actual utilization of compensatory strategies. Methods: A preexperimental design, including a pretest (T0) and posttest (T1) 8 to 10 weeks after exposure to the intervention, was used with 48 drivers aged between 67 and 84. The participants had a valid driving license and drove at least once a week. Results: Overall, the results demonstrate that OSCAR increased interest, openness, and knowledge about the abilities and compensatory strategies of older drivers (P < .01). After exposure to OSCAR, the majority of the participants confirmed that changes had occurred in at least one of their abilities. Moreover, half of the older drivers reported having started using 6 or more compensatory strategies. Conclusion: In summary, in addition to increasing older adults’ interest, openness, and knowledge to discussion about driving, OSCAR also improved awareness of the changes that could negatively impact safe driving and enhanced utilization of compensatory strategies. While promoting safe driving and the prevention of crashes and injuries, this intervention could ultimately help older adults maintain or increase their transportation mobility. More studies are needed to further evaluate OSCAR and identify ways to improve its effectiveness

    Heat transfer in a swirling fluidized bed with Geldart type-D particles

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    A relatively new variant in fluidized bed technology, designated as the swirling fluidized bed (SFB), was investigated for its heat transfer characteristics when operating with Geldart type D particles. Unlike conventional fluidized beds, the SFB imparts secondary swirling motion to the bed to enhance lateral mixing. Despite its excellent hydrodynamics, its heat transfer characteristics have not been reported in the published literature. Hence, two different sizes of spherical PVC particles (2.61mm and 3.65mm) with the presence of a center body in the bed have been studied at different velocities of the fluidizing gas. The wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients were measured by affixing a thin constant foil heater on the bed wall. Thermocouples located at different heights on the foil show a decrease in the wall heat transfer coefficient with bed height. It was seen that only a discrete particle model which accounts for the conduction between the particle and the heat transfer surface and the gas-convective augmentation can adequately represent the mechanism of heat transfer in the swirling fluidized bed