27 research outputs found
Present eternity : quests of temporality in the literary production of the "extrême contemporain" in France (The Writings of Dominique Fourcade and Emmanuel Hocquard)
The term \uab extr\ueame contemporain \ubb is an expression currently used by scholars to indicate the French literary production of the last 20 years. This term was used in a work of literature for the first time by the French poet Dominique Fourcade in 1986 (\uc9l\ue9gie L apostrophe E.C.) in reference to an epoch, but also to a new sense of experiencing time and space in the so-called \uab age of digital reproducibility \ubb. The aim of this paper is to consider how the change in temporal protocols due to the triumph of Big Optics (Paul Virilio) affects the sense of teleology (destiny) and the quest for experience in French contemporary poetry (in particular, in the genre of the elegy). Including both memory and anticipation, the \uab extr\ueame contemporain \ubb production seems to prefer the \u201ctime of now\u201d, Jetz-zeit in Benjamin\u2019s words, to past or testimony, and speaks to the present, whose responsibility is to give voice to a space where everything is simply allowed to happen
Soutenir l’élaboration de la relation parent-enfant en cas de prématurité
International audienceThe evolution of the care of premature babies is having an effect on a particular diffi culty, that of the development of parenthood and the parent-baby relationship hampered by an early birth. The short- and long-term consequences of any disruption to these two dimensions can be considerable and the hospital must take into account the issue when caring for parents and their premature baby.L’évolution de la prise en charge de la prématurité met à jour un écueil particulier, celui d’un développement de la parentalité et de la relation parents-bébé entravé par une naissance trop précoce z Les conséquences à court et à long termes des perturbations de ces deux dimensions en font desenjeux majeurs dans la prise en charge institutionnelle des parents et de leur enfant prématuré
[Adrenal metastasis: survival following surgical resection].
ERMAInternational audienceGOAL: This study aims to determine the post-surgical survival after resection of adrenal metastasis from extra-adrenal primary cancers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of sixteen patients undergoing surgery for adrenal metastasis between 1995 and 2005 analyzed age, type of primary cancer, interval to detection of adrenal metastasis, type of surgery performed, and survival (Kaplan-Meier curve). RESULTS: The study included 10 men and 6 women with a mean age of 55.5 years (25-74). Adrenal metastasis causes no clinical signs or symptoms. Diagnosis was made on the basis of CT scan in 12 cases and PET scan in 4 cases. The primary cancer site was lung (6), kidney (3), melanoma (2), colorectum (2), esophagus (1), pancreas (1), and B-cell lymphoma (1). Metastasis was confined to the adrenal in 7 cases and associated with other-site metastasis in 9. The interval from diagnosis of the primary cancer to detection of the adrenal metastasis ranged from 9 months to 11 years. Surgery consisted of radical resection in 5 cases, metastasectomy in 10 cases, and biopsy in one case. The overall survival was 12 months (range 2-120 months); when the diagnosis of the metastasis was synchronous with that of the primary, survival was just 8 months. CONCLUSION: The survival after surgery for adrenal metastasis is poor; it is even more dismal when the metastasis is diagnosed synchronously with the primary tumor. Surgical management depends on the primary neoplasm and the extent of metastases
Droit et société en France et en Grande-Bretagne (XIIe-XXe siècles)
Le droit prend une place toujours plus importante dans notre société, et il pose à l’Europe entière un problème difficile qu’il est pourtant urgent de résoudre : comment construire un droit, un système judiciaire - ou du moins un ensemble cohérent de systèmes judiciaires - alors que la plupart des droits européens ont une longue histoire, qui n’est pas seulement une histoire de doctrines ou de normes, mais aussi celle de la symbiose dans laquelle ces droits ont vécu avec les sociétés qui les ont créés, appliqués ou subis. Le Groupe de recherche France-Îles Britanniques a choisi de consacrer son premier colloque à une confrontation entre la France et l’Angleterre sur le thème « Droit et société », car on peut dans ce domaine comparer terme à terme la situation anglaise (puis britannique) avec celle de la France sur un millénaire : des questions diverses y sont abordées, de la production des lois et de l’idéologie qui l’inspire, à la représentation que se fait la société du droit, de la justice et des juges, en passant par la fonction et le statut sociaux des hommes de loi. La vision et la perception des pauvres et des marginaux n’ont pas été oubliées dans un ouvrage qui se veut un tremplin vers de futures recherches
Cultures villageoises au Moyen Âge et à l’époque moderne
Les 37es Journées de Flaran consacrées aux cultures villageoises ont permis de faire le bilan des avancées de l’historiographie. Ce colloque s’est employé à dépasser ce à quoi on ramène toujours la culture des paysans des époques médiévale et moderne, sous la vieille appellation de « culture populaire », et derrière laquelle on place surtout la culture religieuse et la pratique de rites plus ou moins bien christianisés. Il a élargi vers d’autres domaines de représentations la culture des paysans, comme la culture politique ou la culture littéraire. Il a aussi attiré l’attention sur ces oubliés de l’histoire culturelle que sont les paysans, trop fréquemment encore étudiés comme des producteurs ou des contribuables. Il s’est intéressé au processus de différenciation sociale au sein des paysanneries en mettant l’accent sur un point généralement passé sous silence dans les études, à savoir la maîtrise d’un « capital culturel » (pour paraphraser les travaux de Pierre Bourdieu). C’est donc un positionnement doublement original, à la fois dans le domaine de l’histoire culturelle (trop focalisée sur la culture des élites nobiliaires) et dans celui des sociétés rurales. Les exemples traités balaient un large panel de cas de figures, de l’Islande et l’Angleterre à la France et l’Italie
Les îles britanniques : espaces et identités
Numéro publié avec le concours de Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) Centre d’études des littératures anciennes et modernes (CELAM), Université de Rennes 2 MÉTA, EA 4230, Université d’Orléan
Right ventriculoarterial coupling surrogates and long-term survival in LVAD recipients: Results of the ASSIST-ICD multicentric registry
International audienceBackground: Prediction of outcomes remains an unmet need in LVAD candidates. Development of right heart failure portends an excess in mortality but imaging parameters of right ventricular systolic function have failed to demonstrate a prognostic role. By integrating pulmonary pressure, right ventriculoarterial coupling could fill this gap.Methods: The ASSIST-ICD registry was used to test right ventriculoarterial coupling surrogate parameters at implantation for the prediction of all-cause mortality.Results: The ratio of the tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion over the estimated systolic pulmonary pressure (TAPSE/sPAP) was not associated with long-term survival in univariate analysis (p = 0.89), neither was the pulmonary artery pulsatility index (PAPi) (p = 0.13). Conversely, the ratio of the right atrial pressure over the pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (RAP/PCWP) was associated with all-cause mortality (p <0.01). After taking tricuspid regurgitation severity, LVAD indication, LVAD model, age, blood urea nitrogen, and pulmonary vascular resistance into account, RAP/PCWP remained associated with survival (HR 1.35 [1.10 - 1.65], p <0.01).Conclusion: Among pre-implant RVAC surrogates, only RAP/PCWP was associated with long-term all-cause mortality in LVAD recipients. This association was independent of established risk factors
Outcomes of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation in Patients With Uncommon Etiology Cardiomyopathy
International audienceThe impact of uncommon etiology cardiomyopathies on Left-ventricular assist device (LVAD)-recipient outcomes is not very well known. This study aimed to characterize patients with uncommon cardiomyopathy etiologies and examine the outcomes between uncommon and ischemic/idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. This observational study was conducted in 19 centers between 2006 and 2016. Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with uncommon etiology were compared to patients with idiopathic dilated/ischemic cardiomyopathies. Among 652 LVAD-recipients included, a total of 590 (90.5%) patients were classified as ischemic/idiopathic and 62 (9.5%) patients were classified in the "uncommon etiologies" group. Main uncommon etiologies were: hypertrophic (n = 12(19%)); cancer therapeutics-related cardiac dysfunction (CTRCD) (n = 12(19%)); myocarditis (n = 11(18%)); valvulopathy (n = 9(15%)) and others (n = 18(29%)). Patients with uncommon etiologies were significantly younger with more female and presented less co-morbidities. Additionally, patients with uncommon cardiomyopathies were less implanted as destination therapy compared with ischemic/idiopathic group (29% vs 38.8%). During a follow-up period of 9.1 months, both groups experienced similar survival. However, subgroup of hypertrophic/valvular cardiomyopathies and CTRCD had significantly higher mortality compared to the ischemic/idiopathic or myocarditis/others cardiomyopathies. Conversely, patients with myocarditis/others etiologies experienced a better survival. Indeed, the 12-months survival in the myocarditis/others; ischemic/idiopathic and hypertrophic/CTRCD/valvulopathy group were 77%; 65%, and 46% respectively. In conclusion, LVAD-recipients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease and CTRCD experienced the higher mortality rate