686 research outputs found
Institutionalizing Innovation: The New York Drug Court Story
The article begins by discussing the problems that drug use is causing in the American Criminal Justice System. The article then discusses the use of drug courts, which have proven effective in reducing drug use and recidivism. It then looks at the potential benefit of drug courts to the criminal justice system and states some of the questions pertaining to drug courts, such as limits and the requirement of specialized judges. The article concludes by looking at what critics have said about the use of drug courts, and by stating that the drug court idea is worth trying
Efficient generic calibration method for general cameras with single centre of projection
Generic camera calibration is a non-parametric calibration technique that is applicable to any type of vision sensor. However, the standard generic calibration method was developed with the goal of generality and it is therefore sub-optimal for the common case of cameras with a single centre of projection (e.g. pinhole, fisheye, hyperboloidal catadioptric). This paper proposes novel improvements to the standard generic calibration method for central cameras that reduce its complexity, and improve its accuracy and robustness. Improvements are achieved by taking advantage of the geometric constraints resulting from a single centre of projection. Input data for the algorithm is acquired using active grids, the performance of which is characterised. A new linear estimation stage to the generic algorithm is proposed incorporating classical pinhole calibration techniques, and it is shown to be significantly more accurate than the linear estimation stage of the standard method. A linear method for pose estimation is also proposed and evaluated against the existing polynomial method. Distortion correction and motion reconstruction experiments are conducted with real data for a hyperboloidal catadioptric sensor for both the standard and proposed methods. Results show the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method to be superior to those of the standard method
Towards dynamic camera calibration for constrained flexible mirror imaging
Flexible mirror imaging systems consisting of a perspective
camera viewing a scene reflected in a flexible mirror can provide direct control over image field-of-view and resolution. However, calibration of such systems is difficult due to the vast range of possible mirror shapes
and the flexible nature of the system. This paper proposes the fundamentals of a dynamic calibration approach for flexible mirror imaging systems by examining the constrained case of single dimensional flexing.
The calibration process consists of an initial primary calibration stage followed by in-service dynamic calibration. Dynamic calibration uses a
linear approximation to initialise a non-linear minimisation step, the result of which is the estimate of the mirror surface shape. The method is
easier to implement than existing calibration methods for flexible mirror imagers, requiring only two images of a calibration grid for each dynamic
calibration update. Experimental results with both simulated and real data are presented that demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed approach
The purpose of the “Android Drone” project was to create a quadcopter that can be controlled by user input sent over the phone’s Wi-Fi connection or 4G internet connection. Furthermore, the purpose was also to be able to receive live video feedback over the internet connection, thus making the drone an inexpensive option compared to other, equivalent drones that might cost thousands of dollars. Not only that, but the Android phone also has a host of other useful features that could be utilized by the drone: this includes GPS, pathing, picture taking, data storage, networking and TCP/IP, a Java software environment, and a large, diverse variety of Android software endpoints that allow for things like facial recognition or motion detection. Ultimately, this project was intended to give a cost effective means of adding hundreds of potential features to a standard quadcopter
Evaluating Consumer Sensory and Composition Attributes of Arkansas-Grown Fresh-Market Blackberries
Blackberries are grown worldwide for commercial fresh markets. Three Arkansas-grown fresh-market blackberry genotypes (‘Natchez’, ‘Ouachita’, and A-2418) were evaluated for consumer sensory and compositional attributes at the University of Arkansas Food Science Department, Fayetteville. The compositional attributes of the blackberries were within an acceptable range for commercial markets (soluble solids=8.20-11.90%, pH=2.79-3.18, titratable acidity=1.09-1.32%). In terms of soluble solids to titratable acidity ratio, ‘Ouachita’ (10.92) had the highest ratio, followed by ‘Natchez’ (8.93) and A-2418 (6.25). A consumer sensory panel (n=80) evaluated fresh-market blackberry attributes using a 9-point hedonic scale for overall impression, overall flavor, sweetness, and sourness and a 5-point Just-about-Right (JAR) scale for sweetness and sourness. The participants also ranked the blackberries in order of overall liking from most to least liked. For overall impression, overall flavor, and sweetness, ‘Natchez’ scored higher than ‘Ouachita’ and A-2418, but the panelists did not detect differences in sourness. In terms of JAR for sweetness, 64% of consumers scored ‘Natchez’ JAR, followed by ‘Ouachita’ (39%) and A-2418 (34%). Whereas, 42% percent found A-2418 “Too Sour”, followed by ‘Ouachita (33%) and ‘Natchez’ (25%). In terms of ranking the blackberries, ‘Natchez’ was the most liked blackberry followed by ‘Ouachita’ and A-2418. When looking only at blackberries ranked first, 53% of consumers ranked ‘Natchez’ as their most liked berry, compared to A-2418 (26%) and ‘Ouachita’ (21%). The results from this research suggested that fresh-market blackberries with medium-level sweetness to sourness ratios were preferred though more consumers than expected preferred the blackberries with the more extreme ratios
"Some Peculiar Words Used by the Vulgar in Surrey."
Glosario. -- Surrey- -- Pertenece a la Colección Varia 1700-1799 de The Salamanca Corpus. -- John Aubrey, 1626-1697. -- "Some Peculiar Words Used by the Vulgar in Surrey". -- 1719.[ES]Breve glosario del dialecto de Surrey.
[EN]Short glossary of the Surrey dialect
Synthesis of an Amide-Based Extended Heterocyclic System Capable of Hydrogen Bonding to Both the Adenine and Uracil in dsRNA for RNA Recognition Using PNA
The majority of information known about RNA is centered around coding RNA for its role in synthesizing proteins from DNA. However, noncoding RNA is also biologically relevant, showing importance in gene expression and catalyzing reactions. Peptide Nucleic Acids, or PNAs, are a promising tool that can be used to study noncoding RNA. PNAs can bind to double-stranded RNA forming a triple helix and are highly selective for specific sequences of dsRNA. A current limitation of PNA as a ligand is that traditional nucleobases only bind with high affinity to single purine residues on the RNA, as triplex formation relies on the two hydrogen bonding sites offered by purines as opposed to only one offered by pyrimidines. More recent developments in our group and others have shown that synthetic nucleobases may be used to increase both affinity and selectivity. We have synthesized a uracil nucleobase modified to bind both the adenine and the uracil of the A-U base pair by adding a benzamide moiety to isoorotic acid. Computations suggest that this will increase the affinity of binding and make PNA relevant for use in dsRNA sequences containing both purine and pyrimidine bases
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