30 research outputs found

    Trace element perspective into the ca. 2.1-billion-year-old shallow-marine microbial mats from the Francevillian Group, Gabon

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    The sedimentary fabrics of Precambrian mat-related structures (MRS) represent some of the oldest convincing evidence for early life on Earth. The ca. 2.1 billion-year (Ga) old MRS in the FB2 Member of the Francevillian basin in Gabon has received considerable attention not only because they contain remnants of microbial mats that colonized large areas in oxygenated, shallow-marine settings, but they also contain evidence for ancient multicellular organisms that thrived on these microbial mats using them as a food source. Despite these insights, what remains lacking is a full characterization of the geochemical composition of the MRS to test whether the bulk composition of fossilized MRS is distinct from the host sediments (sandstones and shales). Here, we show that the trace element (TE) content of microbial textures belonging to pyritized MRS, poorly pyritized MRS, and “elephant-skin” textures (EST) is highly variable and differs from that of the host sediments. The poorly pyritized MRS contain a unique matrix with embedded Ti- and Zr-rich minerals and syngenetically enriched in TE. The EST, some of which are developed along the same stratigraphic horizon as the poorly pyritized MRS, display a distinct distribution of TE-bearing heavy minerals, suggesting a local difference in physical conditions during sedimentation. Similarly, high chalcophile-element (CE) content in pyritized MRS relative to the host sediments of the FB2 Member further points to local bacterially influenced enrichments with high rates of microbial sulfate reduction during early diagenesis. The geochemical relationship between the MRS and the Francevillian sediments (e.g., FB, FC, and FD formations) indicates that specific biological pathways for CE enrichments (i.e., microbially controlled accumulation) are not apparent. Our findings highlight bulk-rock TE distinction between the 2.1-billion-year-old MRS and their host sediments, but also indicate that environmental conditions, such as hydrodynamic regime and water-column redox chemistry, may simply overwhelm any potential biological signal. Our data suggest that the microbial impact may have only passively influenced TE enrichment in the studied sediments, implying that TE concentrations in MRS are a poor biosignature. Importantly, this work indicates that bulk TE geochemistry does not unveil specific microbiological processes in the rock record, which is consistent with the observed patterns in modern analogues

    Transient fertilization of a post-Sturtian Snowball ocean margin with dissolved phosphate by clay minerals

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    Marine sedimentary rocks deposited across the Neoproterozoic Cryogenian Snowball interval, ~720-635 million years ago, suggest that post-Snowball fertilization of shallow continental margin seawater with phosphorus accelerated marine primary productivity, ocean-atmosphere oxygenation, and ultimately the rise of animals. However, the mechanisms that sourced and delivered bioavailable phosphate from land to the ocean are not fully understood. Here we demonstrate a causal relationship between clay mineral production by the melting Sturtian Snowball ice sheets and a short-lived increase in seawater phosphate bioavailability by at least 20-fold and oxygenation of an immediate post-Sturtian Snowball ocean margin. Bulk primary sediment inputs and inferred dissolved seawater phosphate dynamics point to a relatively low marine phosphate inventory that limited marine primary productivity and seawater oxygenation before the Sturtian glaciation, and again in the later stages of the succeeding interglacial greenhouse interval

    Étude multi-approches des voiles bactĂ©riens du PalĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque (2,1 Ga, Gabon) : BiogĂ©nicitĂ©, minĂ©ralogie et biogĂ©ochimie

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    The 2.1-billion-year old (Ga) Francevillian Series in Gabon has been intensively studied because of economic interests in their uranium and manganese ore deposits. This also promoted numerous scientific investigations to reconstruct the palaeoenvironments and palaeobiodiversity of the Francevillian basin. The sediments host the oldest reported macrofossils of various sizes and shapes, and traces left by motile organisms, highlighting the growing record of early complex forms in the Palaeoproterozoic. However, the microbial lifestyle, which emerged more than a billion and a half years before the Francevillian deposition, has been poorly described. Through a combination of analytical technics, a large diversity of mat-related structures (MRS) has been observed. These microbial communities were mainly built by oxyphototrophic Cyanobacteria that thrived in shallow water environments within the photic zone. Considering that these bacteria may have locally produced higher amount of oxygen than in the oxygen-stressed water column, this likely explained the widespread presence of advanced forms of life in the vicinity of MRS. The delicate bacterial structures were then analyzed for their mineralogical and geochemical compositions. A distinct potassium (K)-rich clay assemblage characterizes the MRS, but not the underlying host sandstone and black shale sediments. It suggests that the MRS trapped K+ from the seawater and released it into the pore waters during degradation of organic matter, resulting in K-rich clay neoformation. This confirms the microbially induced K enrichment in the geological rock record. However, the trace element (TE) content in the MRS does not reveal particular microbially mediated enrichments. The concentration of some TE in the MRS is higher relative to that of the host sediments, but physical environmental factors may overwhelm any potential biological signal. The local seawater redox data for the host sediments show that the depositional setting reflects fluctuations in redox conditions (oxic/suboxic). The organic carbon and bulk nitrogen isotopes between the bacterial structures and host sediments are mostly similar. The carbon isotope composition suggests the occurrence of secondary recycling of photosynthetically derived carbonaceous material, while the nitrogen systematic points to a nitrogen limitation by which the N2 fixers did not sufficiently replenish the nitrogen loss. The nitrogen fixation in the water column would have been transient and likely controlled by the ocean redox structure, whereas this metabolic pathway in the MRS is likely common to the realm of benthic mats over Earth’s history. Combined, these results underline the common occurrence of bacterial lifestyle in the Francevillian Series and reveal whether the microorganisms left typical biosignatures. The exceptional conservation of the MRS in association with the Gabonese macrofossils represents a unique marine ecosystem in the aftermath of the first significant rise of oxygen content in Earth’s atmosphere.La SĂ©rie sĂ©dimentaire du Francevillien ĂągĂ©e de 2,1 milliards d’annĂ©es du Gabon a fait l’objet de plusieurs investigations notamment Ă  des fins Ă©conomiques en lien avec les gisements uranifĂšre et manganĂ©sifĂšre. Ceci a Ă©galement promu de nombreuses recherches pour reconstruire les palĂ©oenvironnements et la palĂ©obiodiversitĂ© du bassin de Franceville. Les sĂ©diments abritent les plus anciens macrofossiles de tailles et de formes variĂ©es, ainsi que les traces laissĂ©es par des organismes mobiles, mettant en valeur l’enregistrement grandissant des formes primitives complexes et organisĂ©es au PalĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque. Cependant, le style de vie microbien, qui a Ă©mergĂ© plus d’un milliard et demi d’annĂ©es avant la sĂ©dimentation du Francevillien, a Ă©tĂ© peu dĂ©crit. Une Ă©tude multi-approches et pluridisciplinaire a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une grande diversitĂ© de structures liĂ©es aux voiles (MRS). Ces communautĂ©s microbiennes Ă©taient principalement construites par des CyanobactĂ©ries oxyphototrophiques qui ont prospĂ©rĂ© dans des environnements peu profonds et dans la zone photique. Etant donnĂ© que ces bactĂ©ries peuvent avoir produit de grandes quantitĂ©s d’oxygĂšne trĂšs localement, ceci explique Ă  priori la prĂ©sence rependue de formes de vie avancĂ©es Ă  proximitĂ© des MRS. Les structures fragiles bactĂ©riennes ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es d’un point de vue minĂ©ralogique et gĂ©ochimique. Les analyses montrent un assemblage minĂ©ralogique argileux riche en potassium (K) localisĂ© dans les MRS mais inexistant dans les sĂ©diments encaissants sous-jacents constituĂ©s de grĂšs et d’argiles riches en matiĂšre organique (black shales). Cela suggĂšre un piĂ©geage des cations K+ par les MRS. Ce K, qui provient de l’eau de mer, a Ă©tĂ© ensuite relarguĂ© dans l’espace interstitiel pendant la dĂ©gradation de la matiĂšre organique, permettant ainsi la nĂ©oformation argileuse riche en K. Ceci confirme l’enrichissement potassique induit par des microbes. En ce qui concerne la teneur en Ă©lĂ©ments traces (TE) dans les MRS, aucun enrichissement en lien avec les microorganismes a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©. La concentration de certains TE dans les MRS est plus Ă©levĂ©e que celle du sĂ©diment encaissant, mais des facteurs physiques environnementaux et non biologiques pourraient avoir causĂ© ces enrichissements. Les donnĂ©es du redox local de l’eau de mer pour le sĂ©diment encaissant montrent que le milieu de dĂ©pĂŽt se traduit par des fluctuations des conditions redox (oxiques/suboxiques). Les signaux isotopiques du carbone organique et de l’azote de la roche totale sont similaires dans les structures bactĂ©riennes et le sĂ©diment encaissant. La composition des isotopes du carbone suggĂšre l’occurrence d'un recyclage secondaire d’un matĂ©riel carbonĂ© dĂ©rivĂ© de la photosynthĂšse. Par ailleurs, les isotopes de l’azote indiquent une limitation azotĂ©e oĂč les fixateurs de l’azote n’ont pas efficacement compensĂ© la perte de ce dernier. La fixation de l’azote dans la colonne d’eau aurait Ă©tĂ© passagĂšre et potentiellement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la structure redox de l’ocĂ©an, tandis que cette voie mĂ©tabolique associĂ©e aux MRS est vraisemblablement commune au royaume des voiles benthiques Ă  travers l’histoire de la Terre. L’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats soulignent la manifestation frĂ©quente du mode de vie bactĂ©rien dans la sĂ©rie du Francevillien et rĂ©vĂšlent si les microbes ont laissĂ© des biosignatures spĂ©cifiques. La conservation exceptionnelle des MRS en association avec les macrofossiles du Gabon reprĂ©sente un Ă©cosystĂšme marin unique Ă  la suite de la premiĂšre montĂ©e significative de la teneur en oxygĂšne dans l’atmosphĂšre terrestre

    Multi-approach study of Palaeoproterozoic microbial mats (2.1 Ga, Gabon) : Biogenicity, mineralogy and biogeochemistry

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    La SĂ©rie sĂ©dimentaire du Francevillien ĂągĂ©e de 2,1 milliards d’annĂ©es du Gabon a fait l’objet de plusieurs investigations notamment Ă  des fins Ă©conomiques en lien avec les gisements uranifĂšre et manganĂ©sifĂšre. Ceci a Ă©galement promu de nombreuses recherches pour reconstruire les palĂ©oenvironnements et la palĂ©obiodiversitĂ© du bassin de Franceville. Les sĂ©diments abritent les plus anciens macrofossiles de tailles et de formes variĂ©es, ainsi que les traces laissĂ©es par des organismes mobiles, mettant en valeur l’enregistrement grandissant des formes primitives complexes et organisĂ©es au PalĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque. Cependant, le style de vie microbien, qui a Ă©mergĂ© plus d’un milliard et demi d’annĂ©es avant la sĂ©dimentation du Francevillien, a Ă©tĂ© peu dĂ©crit. Une Ă©tude multi-approches et pluridisciplinaire a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© une grande diversitĂ© de structures liĂ©es aux voiles (MRS). Ces communautĂ©s microbiennes Ă©taient principalement construites par des CyanobactĂ©ries oxyphototrophiques qui ont prospĂ©rĂ© dans des environnements peu profonds et dans la zone photique. Etant donnĂ© que ces bactĂ©ries peuvent avoir produit de grandes quantitĂ©s d’oxygĂšne trĂšs localement, ceci explique Ă  priori la prĂ©sence rependue de formes de vie avancĂ©es Ă  proximitĂ© des MRS. Les structures fragiles bactĂ©riennes ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es d’un point de vue minĂ©ralogique et gĂ©ochimique. Les analyses montrent un assemblage minĂ©ralogique argileux riche en potassium (K) localisĂ© dans les MRS mais inexistant dans les sĂ©diments encaissants sous-jacents constituĂ©s de grĂšs et d’argiles riches en matiĂšre organique (black shales). Cela suggĂšre un piĂ©geage des cations K+ par les MRS. Ce K, qui provient de l’eau de mer, a Ă©tĂ© ensuite relarguĂ© dans l’espace interstitiel pendant la dĂ©gradation de la matiĂšre organique, permettant ainsi la nĂ©oformation argileuse riche en K. Ceci confirme l’enrichissement potassique induit par des microbes. En ce qui concerne la teneur en Ă©lĂ©ments traces (TE) dans les MRS, aucun enrichissement en lien avec les microorganismes a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©. La concentration de certains TE dans les MRS est plus Ă©levĂ©e que celle du sĂ©diment encaissant, mais des facteurs physiques environnementaux et non biologiques pourraient avoir causĂ© ces enrichissements. Les donnĂ©es du redox local de l’eau de mer pour le sĂ©diment encaissant montrent que le milieu de dĂ©pĂŽt se traduit par des fluctuations des conditions redox (oxiques/suboxiques). Les signaux isotopiques du carbone organique et de l’azote de la roche totale sont similaires dans les structures bactĂ©riennes et le sĂ©diment encaissant. La composition des isotopes du carbone suggĂšre l’occurrence d'un recyclage secondaire d’un matĂ©riel carbonĂ© dĂ©rivĂ© de la photosynthĂšse. Par ailleurs, les isotopes de l’azote indiquent une limitation azotĂ©e oĂč les fixateurs de l’azote n’ont pas efficacement compensĂ© la perte de ce dernier. La fixation de l’azote dans la colonne d’eau aurait Ă©tĂ© passagĂšre et potentiellement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la structure redox de l’ocĂ©an, tandis que cette voie mĂ©tabolique associĂ©e aux MRS est vraisemblablement commune au royaume des voiles benthiques Ă  travers l’histoire de la Terre. L’ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats soulignent la manifestation frĂ©quente du mode de vie bactĂ©rien dans la sĂ©rie du Francevillien et rĂ©vĂšlent si les microbes ont laissĂ© des biosignatures spĂ©cifiques. La conservation exceptionnelle des MRS en association avec les macrofossiles du Gabon reprĂ©sente un Ă©cosystĂšme marin unique Ă  la suite de la premiĂšre montĂ©e significative de la teneur en oxygĂšne dans l’atmosphĂšre terrestre.The 2.1-billion-year old (Ga) Francevillian Series in Gabon has been intensively studied because of economic interests in their uranium and manganese ore deposits. This also promoted numerous scientific investigations to reconstruct the palaeoenvironments and palaeobiodiversity of the Francevillian basin. The sediments host the oldest reported macrofossils of various sizes and shapes, and traces left by motile organisms, highlighting the growing record of early complex forms in the Palaeoproterozoic. However, the microbial lifestyle, which emerged more than a billion and a half years before the Francevillian deposition, has been poorly described. Through a combination of analytical technics, a large diversity of mat-related structures (MRS) has been observed. These microbial communities were mainly built by oxyphototrophic Cyanobacteria that thrived in shallow water environments within the photic zone. Considering that these bacteria may have locally produced higher amount of oxygen than in the oxygen-stressed water column, this likely explained the widespread presence of advanced forms of life in the vicinity of MRS. The delicate bacterial structures were then analyzed for their mineralogical and geochemical compositions. A distinct potassium (K)-rich clay assemblage characterizes the MRS, but not the underlying host sandstone and black shale sediments. It suggests that the MRS trapped K+ from the seawater and released it into the pore waters during degradation of organic matter, resulting in K-rich clay neoformation. This confirms the microbially induced K enrichment in the geological rock record. However, the trace element (TE) content in the MRS does not reveal particular microbially mediated enrichments. The concentration of some TE in the MRS is higher relative to that of the host sediments, but physical environmental factors may overwhelm any potential biological signal. The local seawater redox data for the host sediments show that the depositional setting reflects fluctuations in redox conditions (oxic/suboxic). The organic carbon and bulk nitrogen isotopes between the bacterial structures and host sediments are mostly similar. The carbon isotope composition suggests the occurrence of secondary recycling of photosynthetically derived carbonaceous material, while the nitrogen systematic points to a nitrogen limitation by which the N2 fixers did not sufficiently replenish the nitrogen loss. The nitrogen fixation in the water column would have been transient and likely controlled by the ocean redox structure, whereas this metabolic pathway in the MRS is likely common to the realm of benthic mats over Earth’s history. Combined, these results underline the common occurrence of bacterial lifestyle in the Francevillian Series and reveal whether the microorganisms left typical biosignatures. The exceptional conservation of the MRS in association with the Gabonese macrofossils represents a unique marine ecosystem in the aftermath of the first significant rise of oxygen content in Earth’s atmosphere

    Modélisation de couches minces métalliques fractales et calculs d'exaltations de champs électromagnétiques

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    Les cermets sont des matériaux hétérogÚnes composés de grains métalliques de tailles manométriques figés dans un isolant, ou posés sur un substrat de verre. Au voisinage du seuil de percolation, ces matériaux sont caractérisés par une géométrie fractale et une absorption anormale dans la gamme de fréquences du proche infrarouge correspondant à. des exaltations de champ électromagnétique localisées. Notre étude numérique concerne leurs propriétés optiques et morphologiques. En premier lieu, nous nous sommes attachés dans ce mémoire, à. présenter la théorie de la percolation, ainsi que les grandeurs et les modÚles essentiels qui nous ont permis d'étudier statistiquement les couches métalliques semi-continues. Nous présentons ensuite l'élaboration d'un nouveau programme, fondé sur un algorithme de Monte-Carlo cinétique. Ce programme tient compte des interactions entre grains à l'aide d'un potentiel inter-atomique semi-empirique et permet ainsi de simuler les différents stades de la croissance de films minces d'or. Cette simulation est, à. notre connaissance, la seule à. donner. des résultats quasiment identiques aux .clichés pris par microscopie électronique à transmission de ces couches. La seconde partie de cette thÚse est, quant à elle, consacrée à l'étude optique des cermets. En modélisant les grains d'or par des sphÚres métalliques polarisables posées sur un réseau carré de sites et en nous plaçant dans l'approximation quasi-statique, nous avons calculé l'interaction d'une onde sonde avec ces surfaces en tenant compte des intéractions dipolaires. Enfin, nous avons étendu notre étude aux échantillons à. trois dimensions,en les modélisant par des réseaux aléatoires de liens. Grùce à une nouvelle méthode numérique, nous avons rigoureusement résolu l'hamiltonien de Kirchhoff dans ces systÚmes. Nos résultats montrent qu'i\. deme dimensions, la localisation des champs exaltés à la surface des cermets dépend de la polarisation de l'onde incidente. Nous avons aussi montrés que lorsque l'épaisseur des réseaux 3D était faible devant la longueur d'onde de l'onde incidente, leur comportement était proche de celui des réseaux 2D.Cermets are heterogeneous materials containing nanometric metallic grains embedded in an insulating substrate or deposited on a glass substrate. Near the percolation threshold, these materials are characterized by their fractal geometric morphology and by an anomalous beorption of electromagnetic waves all over the near-infrared range corresponding to g1ant localized fluctuations of electomagnetic fields. Our nurnerical study is based on their optical and orphoIogical properties. We first Cocus on the percolation theory and on funamental modeles which allowed us to statistically study these semi-continuous films. We present then the elaboration of a new program, based on a Kinetic Monte-Carlo algorithm. With the help of a semiempirical interatomic potential to take into account the grains interactions, this program allowed us to simulate the different steps of the growth of gold thin films. From our knowledge, this model is the only one ·to g1ve qua.si-identical results to the micrographs obtained by transmission electron microscopy at every step. The second part of our study is concerned with the optical properties of cermets . We have calulated, on these systems, local electric field intensities by repla.cing the film's morphology by a square lattice of polarizable metallic spheres in the quasi-static approximation. Finally, we used random cubic lattices of bonds to simulate three dimensional samples. With the help of an exact and very efficient numerical method we rigorously solved the Kirchoff's Hamiltonian for these systems. Our results show that the surface position of the exalted fields strongly depends, for bidimensionalsamples, on the polarisation of the incident wave. When the thickness of the hree dimensional samples is small in front of the wavelength of the incicident wave, their behavior is very similar ta the bidimensionals ones.VERSAILLES-BU Sciences et IUT (786462101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Refining the stratigraphy of the Moroccan phosphate-bearing sequences: Insights from the U-Pb dating and ∂13C chemostratigraphy

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    International audiencePhosphorus is an essential macronutrient fertilizer for crop development. It is also a non-renewable natural resource. Morocco hosts more than 70% of the world’s phosphate reserves that need to be wisely explored and exploited for sustainable development.The Moroccan phosphate series hosts abundant species of vertebrates, ranging over a period of nearly 25 Myr from the Maastrichtian to Lutecian. However, the biostratigraphic background of some Paleocene sediments is absent or relatively unreliable. Therefore, we have explored several proxies to better constrain the stratigraphy of phosphate-rich sequences in both the western High Atlas (WHA) and Gantour Plateau of Morocco.We first focused on the U-Pb dating of carbonate fluorapatite (CFA – Ca10-x-yNaxMgy(PO4)6-z(CO3)z(F)0.4zF2) grains, considering the high amount of uranium in such phosphate minerals. Unfortunately, linking U-Pb phosphate ages to the age of deposition is not easy. The WHA phosphate series in Morocco yielded a mean U-Pb age of 34.5 ± 1.2 Ma, which is ~25 million years younger than the expected depositional ages. To explain such discrepancies, the highly reactive nm- to ÎŒm-sized CFA crystallites would have facilitated adsorption and desorption processes and thus long-term open system behavior over millions of years after phosphogenesis. Moreover, we have measured the carbon isotope ratios of CFA and carbonates in the WHA sediments. The results yielded ∂13C values as low as -12‰, suggesting a CO2 uptake from 13C-depleted porewaters rather than seawater. Finally, we explored the organic carbon isotopes (∂13Corg) of several Gantour phosphorites. A covariation was found between the global ∂13C trend of carbonates from deep-sea benthic foraminifera and the ∂13Corg trend of the Moroccan phosphorites, which allowed us to perform stratigraphic correlations and provide new age constraints on the world’s largest phosphate accumulation. The ∂13Corg chemostratigraphy is a powerful proxy to enhance stratigraphic correlations between the various phosphate deposits of Morocco. This result will allow a better resource management in order to carry out a sustainable exploitation in front of the phosphorus demand that will increase drastically in the next decades