32 research outputs found

    Propriétés de luminescence et caractérisation structurale de films minces d'oxydes de silicium dopés au cérium et codopés cérium-ytterbium

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    This thesis concerns the structural characterization and the photoluminescence propertiesof thin silicon oxide films doped with rare earths The films are doped with cerium. The codopingwith both cerium and ytterbium is also studied in the case of SiO 2 layers. It is shown thatin oxides with composition SiO1, cerium plays an important role in the structure and chemicalorganization of the oxide, in particular by promoting phase separation of the oxide. The exposureto a focused laser beam generates a local demixtion favored by cerium. For thin SiO1,5 filmscontaining both cerium and silicon nanocrystals, we are able to follow the phase separationoccuring between Si nanocrystals and Ce rich aggregates using both atom probe tomography andscanning transmission electron microscopy. The luminescence properties of dopants arediscussed in connection with the microstructure of the host matrix. For all these systems, theformation of a cerium silicate with composition Ce2Si2O7 is observed at high temperature (> 1100° C). The cerium present either as isolated Ce3+ ions or in a silicate emits intensely at 400 nm(blue) at room temperature, which might be of interest for the development of blue light emittingdiodes fully compatible with the Si technology. Finally, an energy transfer from Ce3+ ions to Yb3+ions is demonstrated in thin SiO2 films opening the route to possible applications in the field ofphotovoltaics.Ce travail de thĂšse concerne l’élaboration et la caractĂ©risation chimique et structurale de couches minces d’oxyde de silicium dopĂ©es avec des terres rares ainsi que l’étude de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s de photoluminescence. Les films sont dopĂ©es avec du cĂ©rium. Le co-dopage cĂ©rium et ytterbium est Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© dans le cas des couches de SiO2. Il est montrĂ© que dans les oxydes de composition SiO1, le cĂ©rium joue un rĂŽle important dans la structure et l’organisation chimique de l’oxyde, notamment en favorisant la dĂ©mixtion de l’oxyde. L’exposition Ă  un faisceau laser focalisĂ© engendre une dĂ©mixtion locale favorisĂ©e par le cĂ©rium. Pour les films minces de SiO1,5 contenant Ă  la fois du cĂ©rium et des nanocristaux de silicium, les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la sĂ©paration de phase entre nanocristaux de Si et agrĂ©gats riches en Ce ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence, notamment par sonde atomique tomographique et par microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage en transmission. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s de luminescence des dopants sont discutĂ©es en lien avec la microstructure de la matrice hĂŽte. Pour tous ces systĂšmes, la formation d’un silicate de cĂ©rium de composition Ce2Si2O7 Ă  haute tempĂ©rature (> 1100°C) a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence. Le cĂ©rium prĂ©sent sous forme d’ions isolĂ©s ou dans un silicate Ă©met intensĂ©ment dans le bleu (400 nm) Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre intĂ©ressant pour le dĂ©veloppement de diodes bleues en filiĂšre Si. Enfin, un transfert d’énergie des ions Ce3+ vers les ions Yb3+ a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans les films minces de SiO2 ouvrant ainsi la voie Ă  de possibles applications dans le domaine du solaire photovoltaĂŻqu

    Propriétés de luminescence et caractérisation structurale de films minces d'oxydes de silicium dopés au cérium et codopés cérium-ytterbium

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    This thesis concerns the structural characterization and the photoluminescence properties of thin silicon oxide films doped with rare earths The films are doped with cerium. The co-doping with both cerium and ytterbium is also studied in the case of SiO 2 layers. It is shown that in oxides with composition SiO1, cerium plays an important role in the structure and chemical organization of the oxide, in particular by promoting phase separation of the oxide. The exposure to a focused laser beam generates a local demixtion favored by cerium. For thin SiO1,5 films containing both cerium and silicon nanocrystals, we are able to follow the phase separation occuring between Si nanocrystals and Ce rich aggregates using both atom probe tomography and scanning transmission electron microscopy. The luminescence properties of dopants are discussed in connection with the microstructure of the host matrix. For all these systems, the formation of a cerium silicate with composition Ce2Si2O7 is observed at high temperature (> 1100 ° C). The cerium present either as isolated Ce3+ ions or in a silicate emits intensely at 400 nm (blue) at room temperature, which might be of interest for the development of blue light emitting diodes fully compatible with the Si technology. Finally, an energy transfer from Ce3+ ions to Yb3+ ions is demonstrated in thin SiO2 films opening the route to possible applications in the field of photovoltaicsCe travail de thĂšse concerne l’élaboration et la caractĂ©risation chimique et structurale de couches minces d’oxyde de silicium dopĂ©es avec des terres rares ainsi que l’étude de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s de photoluminescence. Les films sont dopĂ©es avec du cĂ©rium. Le co-dopage cĂ©rium et ytterbium est Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© dans le cas des couches de SiO2. Il est montrĂ© que dans les oxydes de composition SiO1, le cĂ©rium joue un rĂŽle important dans la structure et l’organisation chimique de l’oxyde, notamment en favorisant la dĂ©mixtion de l’oxyde. L’exposition Ă  un faisceau laser focalisĂ© engendre une dĂ©mixtion locale favorisĂ©e par le cĂ©rium. Pour les films minces de SiO1,5 contenant Ă  la fois du cĂ©rium et des nanocristaux de silicium, les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de la sĂ©paration de phase entre nanocristaux de Si et agrĂ©gats riches en Ce ont Ă©tĂ© mises en Ă©vidence, notamment par sonde atomique tomographique et par microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage en transmission. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s de luminescence des dopants sont discutĂ©es en lien avec la microstructure de la matrice hĂŽte. Pour tous ces systĂšmes, la formation d’un silicate de cĂ©rium de composition Ce2Si2O7 Ă  haute tempĂ©rature (> 1100°C) a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence. Le cĂ©rium prĂ©sent sous forme d’ions isolĂ©s ou dans un silicate Ă©met intensĂ©ment dans le bleu (400 nm) Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre intĂ©ressant pour le dĂ©veloppement de diodes bleues en filiĂšre Si. Enfin, un transfert d’énergie des ions Ce3+ vers les ions Yb3+ a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence dans les films minces de SiO2 ouvrant ainsi la voie Ă  de possibles applications dans le domaine du solaire photovoltaĂŻqu

    Modulation of the immune response by IL4I1 : role in the early events of T lymphocyte activation

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    Modulation de la rĂ©ponse lymphocytaire T par IL4I1 - RESUME : L’enzyme Interleukin-four Induced Gene 1 (IL4I1), qui dĂ©grade la phĂ©nylalanine, est exprimĂ©e par des cellules prĂ©sentatrices d’antigĂšne (CPA) en rĂ©ponse Ă  des stimuli pro-inflammatoires. Elle affecte la prolifĂ©ration et les fonctions lymphocytaires T et pourrait donc participer au rĂ©trocontrĂŽle des rĂ©ponses immunitaires. Cependant, les mĂ©canismes d’action d’IL4I1 restent encore mal connus. Mon projet de thĂšse a comportĂ© deux axes. Dans un premier axe, j’ai participĂ© Ă  la caractĂ©risation du rĂŽle d’IL4I1 dans la diffĂ©renciation des lymphocytes T CD4+ naĂŻfs en lymphocytes T rĂ©gulateurs et T auxiliaires effecteurs. Dans mon deuxiĂšme axe, qui reprĂ©sente la majeure partie de mon travail, j’ai analysĂ© l’action d’IL4I1 sur les Ă©vĂšnements prĂ©coces de l’activation T. J’ai observĂ© qu’IL4I1 inhibe la phosphorylation de ZAP70 dĂšs les premiĂšres minutes d’activation. Ce dĂ©faut se propage aux trois voies de signalisation principales : la voie calcique, la voie des MAP kinases et la voie NFÎșB. Elle retentit secondairement sur la capacitĂ© Ă  former des synapses avec les CPA, ainsi que sur l’expression de diffĂ©rents marqueurs membranaires d’activation. L’activitĂ© enzymatique d'IL4I1 n’est pas responsable du dĂ©faut d’activation observĂ©. L’étude des synapses CPA-T a montrĂ© une polarisation des vĂ©sicules de sĂ©crĂ©tion contenant IL4I1 en direction de la cellule T ainsi qu’occasionnellement leur prĂ©sence au contact du lymphocyte T. Des expĂ©riences complĂ©mentaires confirment la fixation d’IL4I1 sur les lymphocytes T. Ces donnĂ©es suggĂšrent un nouveau mĂ©canisme d’action d’IL4I1 dĂ©pendant de sa liaison Ă  un rĂ©cepteur membranaire de la cellule T. - Mots clefs : Interleukin-4 induced gene 1 (IL4I1), enzyme immunosuppressive, signalisation du lymphocyte TModulation of the T cell response by IL4I1 - SUMMARY: The enzyme Interleukin-four Induced Gene 1 (IL41I), which degrades phenylalanine, is expressed by antigen presenting cells (APC) in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli. IL4I1 modifies the proliferation and function of T lymphocytes, and may participate in the negative feedback of the immune response. Its mechanism of action remains poorly understood.My thesis project included two tasks. In the first task, I participated in the characterisation of the role of IL4I1 in naive CD4+ T cell differentiation into regulatory and helper T lymphocytes. In the second task, and the main part of my thesis, I have studied the effect of IL4I1 on early T cell activation. I observed that ZAP70 phosphorylation was rapidly decreased after TCR stimulation. This alteration was transmitted to the three main downstream signalling pathways: calcium fluxes, the MAP kinase pathway, and the NFÎșB pathway. The enzymatic activity of IL4I1 was not responsible for the observed decreased activation. Analysis of the APC-T cell synapse showed the polarised secretion of IL4I1 toward the T cell. Labelling of IL4I1 was sometimes detected directly on T lymphocytes. Complementary experiments indicate that IL4I1 binds to T lymphocytes. These data suggest a new mechanism of action of IL4I1 dependent on its ability to bind a membrane receptor on T lymphocytes. - Key-words: Interleukin-4 induced gene 1 (IL4I1), Immunosuppressive Enzyme, T lymphocyte signalling

    Atomic scale investigation of Si and Ce-rich nanoclusters in Ce-doped SiO1.5 thin films

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    International audienceThe optical properties and the nanoscale structure of Ce‐doped SiO1.5 thin films elaborated by evaporation were investigated by photoluminescence and atom probe tomography. Strong Ce‐related blue luminescence is observed on the 1100 °C annealed sample. Atom probe tomography experiments give evidence of the formation of a cerium silicate having a stoichiometry compatible with Ce2Si2O7. Moreover, we further observe the formation of pure Si nanocrystals (Si‐ncs) which results from the phase separation of the SiO1.5 film. No optical signal from Si‐ncs was observed at least for the 3% Ce‐doped SiO1.5 film considered in this study. We analyze the size distribution of both Si‐ncs and Ce2Si2O7 particles. Finally, the Si and Ce diffusion coefficients were estimated based on atom probe tomography characterization

    Dispositif radiatif diurne

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    The invention relates to a daytime radiative cooling device comprising a reflective portion consisting of an alternating stack of layers A and layers B, said layers A consisting of at least one material A selected from Nb2O5, TiO2 and Ta2O5 and said layers B consisting of at least one material B selected from SiO2 and Al2O3. The invention also relates to a method for determining the reflective portion of a daytime radiative cooling device. Finally, the invention relates to a method for determining the emitting portion of a daytime radiative cooling device.L'invention concerne un dispositif radiatif réfrigérant diurne comprenant une partie réflectrice constituée d'une superposition alternée de couches A et de couches B, lesdites couches A étant constituées d'au moins un matériau A choisi parmi Nb2O5, TiO2 et Ta2O5, lesdites couches B étant constituées d'au moins un matériau B choisi parmi SiO2 et Al2O3. L'invention concerne également un procédé de détermination de la partie réflectrice d'un dispositif radiatif réfrigérant diurne. L'invention concerne enfin un procédé de détermination de la partie émettrice d'un dispositif radiatif réfrigérant diurne

    Direct Insight into Ce-Silicates/Si-Nanoclusters Snowman-Like Janus Nanoparticles Formation in Ce-Doped SiO x Thin Layers

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    International audienceThe present work reports a nanoscale chemical and structural study on the influence of Ce content in Ce-doped SiO1.5 thin films via atom probe tomography (APT). Using this technique, we can explore 3D mapping of the atomic distribution inside a material. Such an investigation is crucial to optimize the optical properties of Ce-doped SiOx films. As a result, we clearly identify the influence of cerium on the phase separation process, on the silicon nanocrystal growth, and on the formation of cerium silicate nanoparticles occurring during annealing treatments. The observed nanoscale structure is correlated with the optical properties measured by room temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy thus leading to a comprehensive understanding of the properties of Ce-doped SiO1.5 thin films

    Correlation between the nanoscale structure and the optical properties of Ce-doped SiO 1.5 thin films

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    International audienceCerium doped SiO x (0 ox o 2) thin films have emerged as promising materials for future Si-based blue light emitting devices. The optical properties of these films are strongly dependent on the nanoscale structure such as the spatial distribution of the Ce atoms. These issues have remained difficult to observe in practice by conventional techniques. In this work, we propose to use atom probe tomography which has emerged as a unique technique that is able to provide information about the chemical composition of the films together with a 3D map indicating the position of each atom from a specimen. Ce-doped SiO 1.5 thin films fabricated by evaporation were investigated. The effect of Ce-content has been systematically studied in order to correlate the structure at the nanoscale with the optical properties measured by photoluminescence spectroscopy

    Optical properties of Ce-doped SiO2 films: From isolated Ce3+ ions to formation of cerium silicate

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    Équipe 104 : NanomatĂ©riauxInternational audienceThe optical properties of Ce-doped SiO2 thin films were investigated by photoluminescence spectroscopy. Strong blue luminescence is obtained at room temperature from as-deposited films. The dependence of the luminescence on both Ce content and annealing temperature is then systematically studied. The luminescence is found to shift to higher wavelength as the annealing temperature increases. Moreover, the integrated luminescence intensity first increases for annealing temperatures between 500 degrees C and 900 degrees C as a result of the activation of Ce3+ ions and eventually decreases for higher temperatures which is interpreted by the formation of cerium clusters. At 1100 degrees C, the formation of a cerium silicate phase is observed by infrared absorption spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction measurements confirm the formation of an orthorhombic Ce6Si4(SiO4)(2)O-13 compound

    Correlation between the nanoscale structure and the optical properties of Ce-doped SiO 1.5 thin films

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    International audienceCerium doped SiO x (0 ox o 2) thin films have emerged as promising materials for future Si-based blue light emitting devices. The optical properties of these films are strongly dependent on the nanoscale structure such as the spatial distribution of the Ce atoms. These issues have remained difficult to observe in practice by conventional techniques. In this work, we propose to use atom probe tomography which has emerged as a unique technique that is able to provide information about the chemical composition of the films together with a 3D map indicating the position of each atom from a specimen. Ce-doped SiO 1.5 thin films fabricated by evaporation were investigated. The effect of Ce-content has been systematically studied in order to correlate the structure at the nanoscale with the optical properties measured by photoluminescence spectroscopy