51 research outputs found


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    Fekete Lajos magyar királyi miniszteri erdőtanácsos, erdőakadémiai tanár az erdészeti felsőoktatás meghatározó alakja, aki a magyar tannyelvű oktatás, a magyar erdészeti szaknyelv megteremtésében elévülhetetlen eredményeket ért el. A selmecbányai M. Kir. Bányászati és Erdészeti Akadémián 1872–1891 között a Növénytan–Erdőtenyésztéstani tanszéket, 1891-től nyugdíjazásáig pedig az Erdőrendezéstani tanszéket vezette. Fontos szerepet játszott az akadémiai kampusz, az új oktatási épületek felépítésének szervezésében és a botanikus kertek fejlesztésében, berendezésében, továbbá az általa oktatott tárgykörökhöz (állattan, rovartan, növénytan, klíma- és talajtan) tartozó gyűjtemények összeállításában és fejlesztésében. A magyar erdészeti kísérletek az 1897/98-as évben indulhattak meg intézményes formában, s ez szintén Fekete Lajos nevéhez kötődik, ahogy a középfokú erdészeti képzés létrehozásának gondolata is. Ugyan már 1894-ben meghaladta a nyugdíjazás lehetséges korhatárát, de fáradhatatlan munkabírása továbbra is az akadémia kötelékében tartotta. Az akadémiai tanári kar bizalmát élvezve az 1892/93. tanévben aligazgatói, majd az 1897/98., 1898/1899. és 1899/1900. tanévekben igazgatói tisztet töltött be és ő volt az erdészeti szak vezetője is. 69 esztendős korában, 1906. október 1-jével, saját kérelmére – élete végére meggyengült látása miatt – nyugállományba helyezték, s ezzel az erdészeti akadémia legelső tanári karának utolsó szolgálatban lévő oktatója vált meg a katedrától. Ebből az alkalomból – szolgálatának elismeréséül – a miniszteri tanácsos címet is megkapta. Munkásságáért 1910-ben, hat évvel halála előtt érte a legnagyobb elismerés, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia levelező tagjainak sorába fogadta. Nincs az erdészeti tudományoknak egyetlen olyan ága sem, amelyben tevékenysége ne hagyott volna maradandó nyomot. E rendkívül termékeny, szerteágazó és minden területen kimagasló teljesítményt produkáló életpálya ellenére az utókor meglehetősen mostohán bánt és bánik ma is Fekete Lajossal, akinek munkássága, emberi magatartása valamennyiünk előtt példaként állhat.

    Eljárások, módszerek kifejlesztése atomok és molekulák elektronszerkezetének vizsgálata = Development of procedures and methods to investigate the electronic structure of atoms and molecules

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    1. A kémiai Hamilton operátor közelítés (CHA, chemical Hamiltonian approach) keretén belül módszert fejlesztettünk ki molekulák erőállandóinak és rezgési frekvenciáinak számítására. A kifejlesztett módszert alkalmaztuk hidrogénhidas molekulakomplexekre. 2. Elektronkorreláció számítására alkalmas módszer kifejlesztése és alkalmazása a CHA elmélet keretein belül. 3. Új típusú komplex és imaginárius elnyelő potenciálok kifejlesztése és ezek összehasonlítása. 4. Számos molekuláris rendszer nem adiabatikus tulajdonságait vizsgáltuk a nem adiabatikus csatolási mátrixok segítségével. | 1. Applying the chemical Hamiltonian approach a method has been developed to calculate the force constants and harmonical vibrational frequencies in molecules. This method has been used to study hydrogen-bonded molecular complexes. 2. Using the CHA framework electron correlation method has been developed and applied to study the electronic structure of different molecules. 3. New types of complex and imaginary absorbing potentials have been developed and compared. 4. The non-adiabatic behaviour of several molecular systems have been studied using the non-adiabatic coupling matrices

    Újabb 10. századi sírok a Maros-torkolat Duna-Tisza közi oldaláról : régészeti adatok egy szaltovói párhuzamú tárgytípus értelmezéséhez és a honfoglalás kori temetkezési szokásokhoz

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    In 2004, a tenth-century, Conquest Period isolated burial of a man was excavated in southeast Hungary, near Zsombó (Fig. 1; 2. 1). The burial contained elements of archery equipment and horse-harness as grave-goods (Fig. 2; Fig. 3. 1-6; Fig 4. 1-2; Fig. 5). Beside the latter, a rare object of unknown function, made of twisted wire with rectangular looped terminals, was discovered (Fig. 3. 4; Fig. 5. 5; 6. la -b ). The aim of the article is the analysis of this object and its analogies (Fig. 6). This rare object type was probably a fastening, clamping, stiffening or ornamental element of an object made of organic material. We have information about six more similar objects from the published material from Hungary (Table 1), one of which was found in a settlement, the others in burials. Similar, although formally somewhat different, objects are known from the Gépid and Avar periods as well (Fig. 8). Among Hungarian researchers only István Dienes analyzed this object type, and defined it - without further elaboration - as part of horse harness. Since the exemplars from graves were all found immediately near elements of horse harness (Fig. 7. 7-9), the authors accept I. Dienes’ opinion - based on the grave-goods from Zsombo, and some old turkic finds (Fig. 7. 1) or Mongolian ethnographic analogies (Fig. 7. 2 -4 ) - and interpret the object as an element of horse harness: a whip. Among the analogies of the object type outside the Carpathian Basin, the closest ones are known from classic, 9th century material of the Saltovo-Mayatskaya culture (Dimitriyevka, chamber tomb 106, excavation records; Fig. 6. 8a-b). Furthermore, in the 10th century archaeological record of Scandinavia numerous instances are known when twisted bronze or silver wire was used to fasten or decorate wooden grips and hilts, e.g. of knives (Fig. 6. 9). We can establish about the use of this 10th century Carpathian variant that - especially due to its size - it could have been part of a whip or flogger made of the combination of wood and leather (Fig. 7), and could have played a role in the fastening of the shaft or the straps. However, the find of Edeleny (Fig. 6. 2), discovered in a settlement context, in a vessel of a house, suggests that such objects could have been use for other purposes as well

    Hard nut to crack: Solving the disulfide linkage pattern of the Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal protein 2

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    As a consequence of the fast resistance spreading, a limited number of drugs are available to treat fungal infections. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop new antifungal treatment strategies. The features of a disulfide bond-stabilized antifungal protein, NFAP2 secreted by the mold Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri render it to be a promising template for future protein-based antifungal drug design, which requires knowledge about the native disulfide linkage pattern as it is one of the prerequisites for biological activity. However, in the lack of tryptic and chymotryptic proteolytic sites in the ACNCPNNCK sequence, the determination of the disulfide linkage pattern of NFAP2 is not easy with traditional mass spectrometry-based methods. According to in silico predictions working with a preliminary nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution structure, two disulfide isomers of NFAP2 (abbacc and abbcac) were possible. Both were chemically synthesized; and comparative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, electronic circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy analyses, and antifungal susceptibility and efficacy tests indicated that the abbcac is the native pattern. This knowledge allowed rational modification of NAFP2 to improve the antifungal efficacy and spectrum through the modulation of the evolutionarily conserved gamma-core region, which is responsible for the activity of several antimicrobial peptides. Disruption of the steric structure of NFAP2 upon gamma-core modification led to the conclusions that this motif may affect the formation of the biologically active three-dimensional structure, and that the gamma-core modulation is not an efficient tool to improve the antifungal efficacy or to change the antifungal spectrum of NFAP2

    The combination of Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri antifungal proteins with rationally designed γ-core peptide derivatives is effective for plant and crop protection

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    Plant pathogenic fungi are responsible for enormous crop losses worldwide. Overcoming this problem is challenging as these fungi can be highly resistant to approved chemical fungicides. There is thus a need to develop and introduce fundamentally new plant and crop protection strategies for sustainable agricultural production. Highly stable extracellular antifungal proteins (AFPs) and their rationally designed peptide derivatives (PDs) constitute feasible options to meet this challenge. In the present study, their potential for topical application to protect plants and crops as combinatorial biofungicides is supported by the investigation of two Neosartorya (Aspergillus) fischeri AFPs (NFAP and NFAP2) and their γ-core PDs. Previously, the biofungicidal potential of NFAP, its rationally designed γ-core PD (γNFAP-opt), and NFAP2 was reported. Susceptibility tests in the present study extended the in vitro antifungal spectrum of NFAP2 and its γ-core PD (γNFAP2-opt) to Botrytis, Cladosporium, and Fusarium spp. Besides, in vitro additive or indifferent interactions, and synergism were observed when NFAP or NFAP2 was applied in combination with γNFAP-opt. Except for γNFAP2-opt, the investigated proteins and peptides did not show any toxicity to tomato plant leaves. The application of NFAP in combination with γNFAP-opt effectively inhibited conidial germination, biofilm formation, and hyphal extension of the necrotrophic mold Botrytis cinerea on tomato plant leaves. However, the same combination only partially impeded the B. cinerea-mediated decay of tomato fruits, but mitigated the symptoms. Our results highlight the feasibility of using the combination of AFP and PD as biofungicide for the fungal infection control in plants and crops

    Nitrogen Substituted Phenothiazine Derivatives: Modelling of Molecular Self-Assembling

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    The study aims to present a detailed theoretical investigation of noncovalent intermolecular interactions between different π–π stacking nitrogen substituted phenothiazine derivatives by applying second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation (MP2), density functional (DFT) and semiempirical theories. The conformational stability of these molecular systems is mainly given by the dispersion-type electron correlation effects. The density functional tight-binding (DFTB) method applied for dimer structures are compared with the results obtained by the higher level theoretical methods. Additionally, the optimal configuration of the investigated supramolecular systems and their self-assembling properties are discussed