Újabb 10. századi sírok a Maros-torkolat Duna-Tisza közi oldaláról : régészeti adatok egy szaltovói párhuzamú tárgytípus értelmezéséhez és a honfoglalás kori temetkezési szokásokhoz


In 2004, a tenth-century, Conquest Period isolated burial of a man was excavated in southeast Hungary, near Zsombó (Fig. 1; 2. 1). The burial contained elements of archery equipment and horse-harness as grave-goods (Fig. 2; Fig. 3. 1-6; Fig 4. 1-2; Fig. 5). Beside the latter, a rare object of unknown function, made of twisted wire with rectangular looped terminals, was discovered (Fig. 3. 4; Fig. 5. 5; 6. la -b ). The aim of the article is the analysis of this object and its analogies (Fig. 6). This rare object type was probably a fastening, clamping, stiffening or ornamental element of an object made of organic material. We have information about six more similar objects from the published material from Hungary (Table 1), one of which was found in a settlement, the others in burials. Similar, although formally somewhat different, objects are known from the Gépid and Avar periods as well (Fig. 8). Among Hungarian researchers only István Dienes analyzed this object type, and defined it - without further elaboration - as part of horse harness. Since the exemplars from graves were all found immediately near elements of horse harness (Fig. 7. 7-9), the authors accept I. Dienes’ opinion - based on the grave-goods from Zsombo, and some old turkic finds (Fig. 7. 1) or Mongolian ethnographic analogies (Fig. 7. 2 -4 ) - and interpret the object as an element of horse harness: a whip. Among the analogies of the object type outside the Carpathian Basin, the closest ones are known from classic, 9th century material of the Saltovo-Mayatskaya culture (Dimitriyevka, chamber tomb 106, excavation records; Fig. 6. 8a-b). Furthermore, in the 10th century archaeological record of Scandinavia numerous instances are known when twisted bronze or silver wire was used to fasten or decorate wooden grips and hilts, e.g. of knives (Fig. 6. 9). We can establish about the use of this 10th century Carpathian variant that - especially due to its size - it could have been part of a whip or flogger made of the combination of wood and leather (Fig. 7), and could have played a role in the fastening of the shaft or the straps. However, the find of Edeleny (Fig. 6. 2), discovered in a settlement context, in a vessel of a house, suggests that such objects could have been use for other purposes as well

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