182 research outputs found

    Building Bridges for Local Good : A Guide to Community Foundations in Europe

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    This report, produced by the European Community Foundation Initiative on the eve of their first annual conference, provides a look at the diversity which characterizes the approximately 670 community foundations in Europe. In 27 European countries, citizens are actively committed at a local level to improving their community. The differences in the general political, economic and sociocultural conditions become secondary; what connects people is their common goal. The report considers the field from a social science point of view, reflects on the future of the movement on the continent, and also provides a snapshot of the support organizations working to support community foundations in Europe


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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the effect of physical fitness program to improve the level of some health-related fitness elements in girls adolescents. Methods: Twenty adolescent girls volunteers (16.42 ± 0.28 years) participated in the study and were divided into two equal groups, 10 were assigned to the intervention group (IG) and 10 in a control group (CG). The participants in (IG) completed a 30-60 minute training session 3 times per week for 8 weeks at moderate intensity for the first 4 weeks and high intensity for the last 4 weeks. Performance on the 20-meter shuttle run test, Push-up, Curl-Up, Sit and Reach flexibility, were assessed at baseline and post- intervention. Results: At post measurement, Health-related fitness was higher (p < 0.05) in (IG) than in (CG) for cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility. Over 8 weeks, the between-group analysis revealed that training program had a large beneficial effect. Conclusion: The results indicate that an eight-week physical fitness program was effective in enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility among Algerian secondary school girls.  Article visualizations

    Modèles d'exploration des dynamiques entre ressources et usages de l'eau pour une gestion intégrée des nappes souterraines. Application à la nappe de Kairouan en Tunisie

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    International audienceL'objectif de ce papier est de montrer l'intérêt d'une modélisation pour explorer la gestion des nappes surexploitées, par une maîtrise de la demande. L'étude se base sur le cas de la nappe de Kairouan, en Tunisie Centrale. Considérée comme nécessaire dans un contexte de déséquilibre offre/demande, lorsque le développement de l'offre atteint ses limites, la gestion de la demande peut être mise en oeuvre grâce à plusieurs types d'outils, plus ou moins efficaces selon le contexte de l'intervention. La modélisation des interactions entre nappe et usages permet d'étudier les effets de ces interventions. Deux types de modèles sont utilisés, un simulateur agro-économique Olympe et un modèle multi-agents Sinuse, pour formaliser le système complexe nappe de Kairouan et ses usagers, explorer les liens entre ressource et usages à travers des simulations et étudier les évolutions du système sous diverses contraintes d'interventions. (Résumé d'auteur)

    Optimal Timing for Capturing Satellite Thermal Images of Asphalt Object

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    The best extraction of asphalt object from satellite thermal images is the aim of the study. The best original data of thermal images occurred at a specific times during the days of the year. by preventing the gaps in times which give the close and same brightness from different objects. Finally, to achieve easy and efficient extraction of asphalt object from the satellite thermal images and then better analysis. The study were done using seven sample objects, asphalt, concrete, metal, rock, dry soil, vegetation, and water, located at one place carefully investigated in a way that all the objects achieve the homogeneous in acquired data at same time and same weather conditions. The samples of the objects was at roof of building at position taking by global positioning system (GPS) which its geographical coordinates is: Latitude= 33° 37´ 25.402”, longitude= 35° 28´ 57.260", height= 600 m. It has been found that the first choice and the best time for capturing the satellite thermal images for better extraction of the asphalt object in february, march, November is at 1:00 pm, in august, october at 2:00 pm and coincide with the mean. In april, may at 3:00 pm, in june at 4:00 pm and not coincide with mean. It can be noted too that the time 1:00 pm is valid in all the months and coincide with mean


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of vitamins C and E separately and in combination against nickel-induced alterations in haematological indices and kidney dysfunction. Methods: Male Swiss albino mice were divided into eight equal groups: Control, vitamin C (Vit C), vitamin E (Vit E), vitamin C and vitamin E (Vit C+Vit E), nickel (Ni), nickel and vitamin C (Ni+Vit C), nickel and vitamin E (Ni+Vit E), and nickel plus vitamins C and E (Ni+Vit C+Vit E). Vitamin C (1g/l) was given to mice through their drinking water. Vitamin E (1g/kg) and nickel as nickel sulfate (2.7 mg/kg) were supplemented in diet for four weeks.Results: Nickel caused a significant decrease in body weight, food and water consumption along with significant increase in the absolute and relative kidney weights. Haemoglobin, red blood cells count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, platelet counts (Plt) and packed cell volume (PCV) were significantly diminished, while white blood cells count (WBC) increased in nickel exposed mice. The renal damage induced by nickel was evidenced by a significant increase in the levels of serum urea, creatinine and uric acid. However, vitamins C and E in combination more significantly ameliorated the altered histopathological and biochemical changes in the kidney as well as hematological parameters of Ni intoxicated mice than either vitamin C or E.Conclusion: The study showed that vitamin C and E combination effectively attenuated Ni-induced heamatotoxicity and nephrotoxiicty in mice.Keywords: Nickel, Vitamins C, Vitamin E, Heamatotoxicity, Kidney injury, Histopatholog

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Penumpang Bus Efisiensi Terhadap Kualitas Dan Kenyamanan Rute Purwokerto-Yogyakarta

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    AbstractIn general, one of the means of transportation that is still widely used by Indonesian people is the bus. The city of Purwokerto is the capital of Banyumas Regency, Central Java, which has a total area of 39.58 km². PO Efisiensi is a bus company originating from Kebumen, Central Java and is one of the intercity buses that is in great demand by the people of Purwokerto. Therefore, the author wants to analyze the level of service quality for passengers who use efficiency bus services in Purwokerto and what factors need to be improved to make passengers more comfortable. The method used in this research is Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) with data collection using the questionnaire method. This was carried out on 200 respondents and 30 questionnaires were tested on efficiency bus passengers, where the assessment used a Likert scale. The results of the analysis using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method show that service performance on efficiency buses is in the Very Good/Very Satisfying category with a percentage of 98.94%. It can be said that the level of conformity to consumer expectations still needs to be improved. There are 3 attributes whose performance level of importance is still lacking, including Cleanliness. on the bus, the condition of the seat being comfortable to sit on, suitability of the route on the predetermined route. Public Transport Service Standards No.40 of 2015, 2020. The research results from the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 86.080% show that passenger satisfaction on the Purwokerto-Yogyakarta efficiency bus route is in the Very Good/Very Satisfying category regarding service performance on the Purwokerto-Yogyakarta efficiency bus route.Keywords: Importance Performance Analysis, Customer Satisfaction Index, Bus Passenger Expectations for Efficienc


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    ABSTRACT: Iraq is one of the regions most affected by climate change around the world. These multidimensional effects of climate and pollution must be taken into consideration when estimating both climate and air pollution-related impacts, in order to develop appropriate health policies and measures to address both current and future climate and pollution challenges. The study was conducted in the Iraqi governorate of Salah al-Din, during the fall, winter and spring seasons of the year 2021-2022, with the aim of evaluating the level of pollutants in the atmospheric air for three regions: Abotuama rural area, Baiji oil refinery and the city of Tikrit.  The concentrations of each of the toxic gases were measured: SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, HF, TVOC, CO2 and CO, as well as temperatures. Significant differences were found between the study locations and seasons for all the variables that were tested, as Baiji refinery recorded the highest concentrations of SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, FH and TVOC at 3.5 ppm, 10.78 ppm, 7.475 ppm, 13.1 ppm, 0.8 mg m-3 and 15.25 ppm, respectively. The site of Tikrit recorded the highest concentrations of CO2 and CO, which were 1016 ppm and 29.85 mg m-3, respectively. While the spring season recorded the highest concentrations of SO2, HCL, TVOC and CO compounds, followed by the winter season of NO2, FH and TVOC compounds, the temperature rates were identical in the three study sites and during the fall, winter and spring seasons, reaching 30.25, 12.5 and 31 ˚C during the three seasons, respectively. The results of analyzing the relationship between temperature and pollutant concentrations showed that SO2, NO, HCl, and CO increase in hot seasons, while NO2, HF, TVOC, and CO2 pollutant concentrations increase during cold seasons. Keywords: air pollution; CO compounds; air temperature.   Efeito das temperaturas sazonais nos níveis de poluentes atmosféricos em áreas rural e urbana, no Iraque   RESUMO: O Iraque é uma das regiões mais afetadas pelas mudanças climáticas em todo o mundo. Os efeitos multidimensionais do clima e da poluição devem ser levados em consideração ao estimar os impactos climáticos e suas relações com a poluição do ar, a fim de desenvolver políticas e medidas de saúde apropriadas para enfrentar os desafios atuais e futuros do clima e da poluição. O estudo foi realizado na província iraquiana de Salah al-Din, durante as estações de outono, inverno e primavera do ano 2021-2022. Objetivou-se avaliar o nível de poluentes no ar atmosférico de três regiões: área rural de Abotuama, a refinaria de petróleo de Baiji e a cidade de Tikrit. Foram avaliadas as concentrações dos seguintes gases tóxicos: SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, HF, TVOC, CO2 e CO, em conjunto com as temperaturas do ar. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os locais de estudo e as estações para todas as variáveis testadas, pois a refinaria de Baiji registrou as maiores concentrações de SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, FH e TVOC, equivalentes a 3,5 ppm, 10,78 ppm, 7,475 ppm, 13,1 ppm, 0,8 mg m-3 e 15,25 ppm, respectivamente. A cidade de Tikrit registrou as maiores concentrações de CO2 e CO, sendo de 1016 ppm e 29,85 mg m-3, respectivamente. Enquanto, que na estação da primavera foram registradas as maiores concentrações dos compostos SO2, HCL, TVOC e CO, seguida pela estação do inverno dos compostos NO2, FH e TVOC. As taxas de temperature do ar foram idênticas nos três locais de estudo e durante as estações de outono, inverno e primavera, atingindo 30,25, 12,5 e 31,0 ˚C durante as três estações, respectivamente. Os resultados da análise da relação entre a temperatura do ar e as concentrações de poluentes mostraram que SO2, NO, HCl e CO aumentam nas estações quentes, enquanto as concentrações dos poluentes NO2, HF, TVOC e CO2 aumentam nas estações frias. Palavras-chave: poluição do ar; compostos de CO; temperatura do ar.ABSTRACT: Iraq is one of the regions most affected by climate change around the world. These multidimensional effects of climate and pollution must be taken into consideration when estimating both climate and air pollution-related impacts, in order to develop appropriate health policies and measures to address both current and future climate and pollution challenges. The study was conducted in the Iraqi governorate of Salah al-Din, during the fall, winter and spring seasons of the year 2021-2022, with the aim of evaluating the level of pollutants in the atmospheric air for three regions: Abotuama rural area, Baiji oil refinery and the city of Tikrit.  The concentrations of each of the toxic gases were measured: SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, HF, TVOC, CO2 and CO, as well as temperatures. Significant differences were found between the study locations and seasons for all the variables that were tested, as Baiji refinery recorded the highest concentrations of SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, FH and TVOC at 3.5 ppm, 10.78 ppm, 7.475 ppm, 13.1 ppm, 0.8 mg m-3 and 15.25 ppm, respectively. The site of Tikrit recorded the highest concentrations of CO2 and CO, which were 1016 ppm and 29.85 mg m-3, respectively. While the spring season recorded the highest concentrations of SO2, HCL, TVOC and CO compounds, followed by the winter season of NO2, FH and TVOC compounds, the temperature rates were identical in the three study sites and during the fall, winter and spring seasons, reaching 30.25, 12.5 and 31 ˚C during the three seasons, respectively. The results of analyzing the relationship between temperature and pollutant concentrations showed that SO2, NO, HCl, and CO increase in hot seasons, while NO2, HF, TVOC, and CO2 pollutant concentrations increase during cold seasons. Keywords: air pollution; CO compounds; air temperature.   Efeito das temperaturas sazonais nos níveis de poluentes atmosféricos em áreas rural e urbana, no Iraque   RESUMO: O Iraque é uma das regiões mais afetadas pelas mudanças climáticas em todo o mundo. Os efeitos multidimensionais do clima e da poluição devem ser levados em consideração ao estimar os impactos climáticos e suas relações com a poluição do ar, a fim de desenvolver políticas e medidas de saúde apropriadas para enfrentar os desafios atuais e futuros do clima e da poluição. O estudo foi realizado na província iraquiana de Salah al-Din, durante as estações de outono, inverno e primavera do ano 2021-2022. Objetivou-se avaliar o nível de poluentes no ar atmosférico de três regiões: área rural de Abotuama, a refinaria de petróleo de Baiji e a cidade de Tikrit. Foram avaliadas as concentrações dos seguintes gases tóxicos: SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, HF, TVOC, CO2 e CO, em conjunto com as temperaturas do ar. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os locais de estudo e as estações para todas as variáveis testadas, pois a refinaria de Baiji registrou as maiores concentrações de SO2, NO, NO2, HCL, FH e TVOC, equivalentes a 3,5 ppm, 10,78 ppm, 7,475 ppm, 13,1 ppm, 0,8 mg m-3 e 15,25 ppm, respectivamente. A cidade de Tikrit registrou as maiores concentrações de CO2 e CO, sendo de 1016 ppm e 29,85 mg m-3, respectivamente. Enquanto, que na estação da primavera foram registradas as maiores concentrações dos compostos SO2, HCL, TVOC e CO, seguida pela estação do inverno dos compostos NO2, FH e TVOC. As taxas de temperature do ar foram idênticas nos três locais de estudo e durante as estações de outono, inverno e primavera, atingindo 30,25, 12,5 e 31,0 ˚C durante as três estações, respectivamente. Os resultados da análise da relação entre a temperatura do ar e as concentrações de poluentes mostraram que SO2, NO, HCl e CO aumentam nas estações quentes, enquanto as concentrações dos poluentes NO2, HF, TVOC e CO2 aumentam nas estações frias. Palavras-chave: poluição do ar; compostos de CO; temperatura do ar


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    Mama Laundry adalah perusahaan laundry yang didirikan pada tahun 2020 di Jl. Mars Raya No. 46. Perusahaan ini menyediakan layanan laundry berkualitas tinggi, termasuk laundry pakaian sehari-hari, pencucian karpet, perawatan boneka, dan pencucian sepatu. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi masalah terkait loyalitas konsumen, khususnya pada indikator pembelian ulang dan ketetapan pada merek, yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya kualitas pelayanan jasa, terutama dari segi keandalan (reliability) dan jaminan (insurrance). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan jasa terhadap loyalitas konsumen Mama Laundry. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi non-partisipan, wawancara, dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 60 responden yang merupakan konsumen Mama Laundry. Analisis data dilakukan melalui uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, regresi linear sederhana, korelasi rank spearman, koefisien determinasi, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan jasa berpengaruh sebesar 52,8% terhadap loyalitas konsumen, sementara sisanya sebesar 47,2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar penelitian. Hambatan dalam kualitas pelayanan mencakup persaingan ketat akibat banyaknya usaha laundry kiloan yang muncul serta kendala sumber daya manusia, yaitu kurangnya tenaga kerja terampil yang memahami teknik pencucian dan penanganan kain. Oleh karena itu, upaya perbaikan dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kualitas layanan dan menyediakan pelatihan yang sesuai. Saran yang dapat diberikan oleh peneliti meliputi pembuatan program pelatihan dan pengembangan karyawan, memastikan jasa yang ditawarkan memiliki standar kualitas yang tinggi dan konsisten, serta menerapkan sistem pengelolaan keluhan yang efektif untuk menangani keluhan pelanggan. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan Jasa, Loyalitas Konsume