124 research outputs found

    Process Simulating of Heat Transfer in High-temperature Thermocouples

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    Numerical research of integral characteristics of process of heattransfer in sensitive elements of R, A and B types thermocouples in case of measurement of high temperatures (more than 900 K) is executed. Theoretical dependences of minimum necessary duration of heating up of the thermocouple on value of temperature on boundary of a sensitive element are received. It is shown the thermocouple of R type requires bigger time of heating for obtaining satisfactory accuracy of measurements. Temperature fields in sensitive elements of the specified thermocouples are received. It is shown that distribution of temperature on the thermocouple not linearly and has similar character for the researched thermocouples

    Influence of air Gap Between the Transformer of Resistance and Object of Monitoring on Temperature Measurement Error

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    In operation the description of the developed heattransfer model in thermotransformers of resistance (RTD) in the conditions of air gap between surfaces of the sensor and object of measurement is provided. Research of influence of thickness of air gap on the relative error of temperature measurement by platinum, copper and nickel thermotransformers of resistance in the ranges of temperatures corresponding to each type is executed. Dependences of minimum necessary duration of heating up of sensors on the taken temperatures are received

    Influence of air Gap Between the Transformer of Resistance and Object of Monitoring on Temperature Measurement Error

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    In operation the description of the developed heattransfer model in thermotransformers of resistance (RTD) in the conditions of air gap between surfaces of the sensor and object of measurement is provided. Research of influence of thickness of air gap on the relative error of temperature measurement by platinum, copper and nickel thermotransformers of resistance in the ranges of temperatures corresponding to each type is executed. Dependences of minimum necessary duration of heating up of sensors on the taken temperatures are received

    Формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

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    The rapid rates of informatization of society lead to the changes of social environment and principles of human cohabitation in it. It causes insolvency of child to the adequate assimilation of social experience. An orientation of child in modern media space will be possible, if a teacher would become her by a reliable «leader» due to a capture by facilities of informational and communicative technologies by him. The aim of the article is to analyse the features of formation of social experience of pupils at general school by means of informational and communicative technologies. The role of a teacher is determinant in the processes of formation of thinking, values, skills of social interaction, education of moral qualities of pupils. He appears as a generator and origin of ideas that use the other subject of the pedagogical process – a pupil. However, the teacher needs to realize the need to involve pupils to the formation of the social experience not only human, but also information resources. He should understand that he will be able to streamline the media space's influence on a child only when he enters himself to this space and directs the activity of the child in it. The teacher of educational institution should develop the following basic abilities to use ICT as the ability to search certain information, to process and elucidate it to pupils; the ability to use technical means to provide information for pupils; the ability to distinguish objective and reliable data from subjective, false; the ability to communicate using ICT; the ability to use the Internet to attract pupils to socially useful activities, etc. The outlined features of the work of a teacher with adolescents in the informational environment made it possible to determine the conditions for the formation of social experience of pupils at general school by means of ICT: use of multimedia accompaniment during educational events, holidays, trainings; emotional saturation of the material provided to pupils, creating a positive emotional background; orientation to independent activity, that is, organization of relations in the information environment in such a way that the adolescents could comprehend his social growth and self-improvement; direction of information influence on the enrichment of positive personality traits; creation the problem situations that will help to accumulate, process and consolidate social experience; taking into account and correcting spontaneously gained in the media space of social experience; conscious involvement of  pupils in the system of social relations through the use of electronic social networks; helping pupils to orientation in social networks for learning and socialization; organization of positive interaction of the school team, cooperation between representatives of different classes; informational and methodological support of the educational process; prevent the emergence of stressful situations in the media space through the development of rational and critical thinking.У статті розглядається вплив інформаційного середовища на набуття учнями основної школи соціального досвіду. Висвітлено психологічні особливості та соціальну ситуацію розвитку дітей даного вікового періоду. З’ясовано, що формування в учнів основної школи соціального досвіду викликає у них бажання й інтерес до набуття знань про взаємовідносини з іншими людьми в суспільстві. Визначено, що педагог отримає змогу впорядкувати впливи медіапростору на дитину лише в тому разі, коли сам увійде у цей простір та скерує діяльність дитини у ньому. Окреслено здатності до використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, які в собі має розвинути педагог освітнього закладу. З’ясовано можливості використання ІКТ з метою формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи. Визначено умови формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи засобами ІКТ

    Research of Integral Characteristics of Process of Heattransfer in the Sensitive Element of Resistive Temperature Detector

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    Heattransfer models in a sensitive element of the resistive temperature detector taking into account temperature dependence of heatphysical characteristics of elements of the sensor are developed. The assessment of the relative deviation of results of numerical research of integral characteristics of process of heattransfer in a sensitive element of the sensor from the data obtained by means of the model which isn't considering influence of temperature on heatphysical properties of substances is executed. It is shown that the relative error of computation makes from 7,3% to 14,9% depending on type of the sensor and the taken temperature

    Формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи засобами інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій

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    The rapid rates of informatization of society lead to the changes of social environment and principles of human cohabitation in it. It causes insolvency of child to the adequate assimilation of social experience. An orientation of child in modern media space will be possible, if a teacher would become her by a reliable «leader» due to a capture by facilities of informational and communicative technologies by him. The aim of the article is to analyse the features of formation of social experience of pupils at general school by means of informational and communicative technologies. The role of a teacher is determinant in the processes of formation of thinking, values, skills of social interaction, education of moral qualities of pupils. He appears as a generator and origin of ideas that use the other subject of the pedagogical process – a pupil. However, the teacher needs to realize the need to involve pupils to the formation of the social experience not only human, but also information resources. He should understand that he will be able to streamline the media space's influence on a child only when he enters himself to this space and directs the activity of the child in it. The teacher of educational institution should develop the following basic abilities to use ICT as the ability to search certain information, to process and elucidate it to pupils; the ability to use technical means to provide information for pupils; the ability to distinguish objective and reliable data from subjective, false; the ability to communicate using ICT; the ability to use the Internet to attract pupils to socially useful activities, etc. The outlined features of the work of a teacher with adolescents in the informational environment made it possible to determine the conditions for the formation of social experience of pupils at general school by means of ICT: use of multimedia accompaniment during educational events, holidays, trainings; emotional saturation of the material provided to pupils, creating a positive emotional background; orientation to independent activity, that is, organization of relations in the information environment in such a way that the adolescents could comprehend his social growth and self-improvement; direction of information influence on the enrichment of positive personality traits; creation the problem situations that will help to accumulate, process and consolidate social experience; taking into account and correcting spontaneously gained in the media space of social experience; conscious involvement of  pupils in the system of social relations through the use of electronic social networks; helping pupils to orientation in social networks for learning and socialization; organization of positive interaction of the school team, cooperation between representatives of different classes; informational and methodological support of the educational process; prevent the emergence of stressful situations in the media space through the development of rational and critical thinking.У статті розглядається вплив інформаційного середовища на набуття учнями основної школи соціального досвіду. Висвітлено психологічні особливості та соціальну ситуацію розвитку дітей даного вікового періоду. З’ясовано, що формування в учнів основної школи соціального досвіду викликає у них бажання й інтерес до набуття знань про взаємовідносини з іншими людьми в суспільстві. Визначено, що педагог отримає змогу впорядкувати впливи медіапростору на дитину лише в тому разі, коли сам увійде у цей простір та скерує діяльність дитини у ньому. Окреслено здатності до використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, які в собі має розвинути педагог освітнього закладу. З’ясовано можливості використання ІКТ з метою формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи. Визначено умови формування соціального досвіду учнів основної школи засобами ІКТ

    About Influence of Operational Temperatures on Reliability of Operation of the Equipment of Thermal Power Plants

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    The description of degree model of reliability of the heat power equipment in which as a factor of loading the working temperature of the equipment is used is provided, interval estimates of constant values of model are given. For a row of elements of constructions of boilers dependences of the relative increase in failure density are given by operation in the conditions of the increased temperatures for a long time

    Influence of Radiation and Convective Types of Heat Exchange on the Necessary Duration of Temperature Measurement by Thermocouples

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    Results of research of influence of radiation heat exchange on duration of execution of measurement high temperatures are given by thermocouples, influence of the free convection on results of temperature measurement is also considered by the thermocouples set in protective sleeves with a gap. Researches showed that radiation heat exchange leads to lowering of duration of heating of the thermocouple to 30% whereas the free convection in a protective sleeve practically doesn't exert impact on process of heating up of the sensor

    A numerical analysis of non-linear contact tasks for the system of plates with a bolted connection and a clearance in the fixture

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    Робота присвячується аналізу геометрично нелінійних контактних задач для системи смуг. Особливості представленої задачі полягають у досліджен- ні напружено-деформованого стану двох смуг, сполучених болтовим кріпленням із зазором і навантажених рівномірно розподіленим по верхній кромці поперечним зусиллям. У цій постановці задачі присутні геометрична і структурна нелінійності. Отримано основні закономірності напружено-деформованого стану елементів силосі

    Formation of the behavioral component of social experience in late adolescents under conditions of extracurricular educational activity

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    The article substantiates the importance of forming the behavioral component of social experience in late adolescents. The author has analyzed the results of the diagnostics applied to define the level of late adolescents’ social experience by the activity criterion. The research determines the most appropriate organizational forms of extracurricular educational activity with students in late adolescence which are used to form the behavioral component of their social experience. The characteristics of late adolescents which should be developed with the efforts of the teaching staff have been defined