45 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kemanan Jaringan LAN Berbasis ACLS dan VLAN

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    Manajemen jaringan di era jaringan komputer modern adalah hal yang sangat penting karena setiap perangkat dapat berkoneksi dengan perangkat lain yang berada di seluruh dunia melalui kecanggihan teknologi internet. Tentu saja dengan kemajuan ini membutuhkan suatu sistem pemantauan jaringan komputer yang membantu administrator jaringan dalam mengelola Local Area Network (LAN). Permasalahan yang sering timbul adalah kesulitan untuk mengetahui status open port disaat terjadi permasalahan ataupun serangan di dalam jaringan karena jumlah port jaringan mencapai 65.536, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama untuk melakukan perbaikan jaringan. Selain itu kebutuhan akan suatu sistem terintegrasi dalam pemantauan proses serta statistik port dalam Local Area Network (LAN) menjadi landasan dalam penelitian ini sehingga dapat meminimalisasi penggunaan sistem yang terlalu banyak dalam pemantauan jaringan komputer. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah suatu sistem baru hasil modifikasi dari Mandau Registry Tools and Information System dengan menambahkan layanan seperti informasi protokol, statistik port, dan informasi tentang Domain Name System (DNS). Menggunakan tahapan perencanaan, analisis, desain, implementasi, dan pengujian sebagai metode pengembangan sistem, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat membantu pemantauan Local Area Network (LAN) yang lebih baik dengan kompleksitas informasi proses jaringan dan statistik port yang dihasilkan

    Efforts to Improve Ecotourism Management for Bekantan Conservation From Visitors\u27 Perspectives: a Case Study in Balikpapan East Kalimantan

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    The two fragmented mangrove forests, located in Graha Indah (HMGI) and Margomulyo (HMM) Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), are important habitats for Bekantan, an endemic and endangered animal species in Indonesian Borneo. The local government has put some conservation efforts by promoting those locations as the tourist destinations but they are not optimally well managed. This research aims to determine the visitors\u27 profiles, perceptions, and potential ticket funding by using questionnaires. Visitors\u27 ticket funding preference was obtained using the Willingness to Pay (WTP) method and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Visitors\u27 profiles and perceptions were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the visitors\u27 WTP in HMM and HMGI were Rp9.258 and Rp13.980, respectively, strongly influenced by income, type of jobs, and visiting frequency in HMGI. Meanwhile, HMM visitors were dominated by students (63%), with 11-20 years old by age (58%). On the other hand, the visitors\u27 occupation in HMGI was more varied i.e. private sectors (27%), students (27%) and civil servants (24%), with 21-30 years old by age (35%). Most of the visitors were from the city of Balikpapan that reached, 76% and 62% in HMM and HMGI, respectively. Potential funding from visitors cannot be estimated due to the lack of accurate data on the annual number of visitors. Internet and social media are potential methods to promote ecotourism in both places as well as promoting mangrove and bekantan conservation

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Pengentasan Siswa Putus Sekolah Tingkat Menengah Di Kabupaten Batang

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    One of the problems that hinder the development of educational todayis Dropout. Dropout is a condition in which a student stops in running theeducation or no longer attending school for any reason. With high rates ofschool dropouts can cause other problems in all aspects of state next period. InBatang poor condition of high school is still seen from the Gross EnrollmentRate which is still below 50%, and is one of the causes of dropouts.This study used qualitative methods to understand and interpret themeaning of an event interaction of human behavior in certain situationsaccording to the researcher\u27s own perspective. The data collection techniquesthat use in this study are interviews, and literature.The results showed that to overcome the problem of dropouts at the highschool in Batang central government, provincial governments and localgovernments work together to resolve the problem by issuing policies BSM,BKKM and BKTMB. In the policy implementation is based on the research isconsidered good enough to see the implementation of the policy variables. Thenfor the causes of dropout found 6 factors that cause students Delinquencyfactor, Loss Motivation Factor, Academic Factors, Economic Factors, SchoolsDistance Factor and Adaptation Capabilities Factors. However, governmentpolicies focused on economic factors alone


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    The second (2nd) and third (3rd) segment of Ciliwung middle-stream watershed land use have changed drastically over the past two decades. The second (2nd) and third (3rd) segment of Ciliwung middle-stream watershed land use have changed drastically over the past two decades. This paper analyses the land use change from 1989-2012 and its impact on decreasing carbon stock or increasing CO2 eq emission, as well as to establish projected Reference Level (RL) to 2020. Best RL projection was used to establish the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in both segments. The land use changing from 1989-2012 indicated a reduction of green space area by 2,575.57 ha whereas the non-green space area increased by 2,575.57 ha. These changes decreases the carbon stock by 26,900 ton C and released CO eq emission by about 98,723 ton CO2eq. Population growth, demand on land and land constraints were found to be the driving factors of land use changes in this area. Reference Level 2020 was established based on business as usual (BAU) and forward looking (FL) scenarios. The projection showed that FL was the best scenario which estimated carbon storage at 217,610 ton C in 2020. Low carbon development strategy directed to the area of green space added up to 20% carbon storage through the implementation of the strategy based on green space and non-green space which covered the areas from protection, supervision, extension or awareness and law enforcement

    Low Carbon Development Strategy on Land Use Sector in Ciliwung Middle-stream Watershed

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    The second (2nd) and third (3rd) segment of Ciliwung middle-stream watershed land use have changed drastically over the past two decades. The second (2nd) and third (3rd) segment of Ciliwung middle-stream watershed land use have changed drastically over the past two decades. This paper analyses the land use change from 1989-2012 and its impact on decreasing carbon stock or increasing CO2 eq emission, as well as to establish projected Reference Level (RL) to 2020. Best RL projection was used to establish the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in both segments. The land use changing from 1989-2012 indicated a reduction of green space area by 2,575.57 ha whereas the non-green space area increased by 2,575.57 ha. These changes decreases the carbon stock by 26,900 ton C and released CO eq emission by about 98,723 ton CO2eq. Population growth, demand on land and land constraints were found to be the driving factors of land use changes in this area. Reference Level 2020 was established based on business as usual (BAU) and forward looking (FL) scenarios. The projection showed that FL was the best scenario which estimated carbon storage at 217,610 ton C in 2020. Low carbon development strategy directed to the area of green space added up to 20% carbon storage through the implementation of the strategy based on green space and non-green space which covered the areas from protection, supervision, extension or awareness and law enforcement

    Qualitative Assessment of Batur Sheeps Kept by Smallholder Farmers in Banjarnegara, Indonesia

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    Batur sheep is one of Indonesian’s local sheep species with the original geographical distribution in the Batur District and surrounding areas. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of the Batur sheep that were kept by smallholder farmers. The study was conducted in Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia in February 2020 by identifying the qualitative traits of Batur sheeps (64 males and 129 females) compared to other sheep breeds. Qualitative data were then transformed into dummy data and given scores in each category. Data were analyzed descriptively using Chi-square analysis and Independent Sample T-Test. The Chi-square analysis findings determined (P<0.05) the qualitative characteristics, which included the face profile, the face wool coat density, and the suitability score of the male and female of the Batur sheep breed. The total of 98.6% male and 74.4% female sheep had suitable qualitative characteristics to the Batur sheep breed with suitability scores of 91.72 and 81.90, respectively. In conclusion, the male and female Batur sheep on Batur Village, Banjarnegara Regency, Indonesia, was still suitable to Batur sheep breed based on the assessment of the body’s phenotypic assessment. Keywords: Body characteristics, Exterior traits, Local sheep, Phenotypic assessment, Suitability valu

    Kinerja Induk Kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon Masa Laktasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja induk kambing Peranakan Etawah dan Bligon masa laktasi. Penelitian menggunakan 14 ekor induk kambing yang terdiri dari tujuh ekor kambing Peranakan Etawah dan tujuh ekor kambing Bligon. Parameter yang diamati adalah litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian induk, body condition score (BCS), bobot sapih, post partum estrus (PPE), post partum mating (PPM), dan konsumsi pakan. Data dianalisis menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah ANOVA. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa PPE dan PPM induk kambing Bligon berbeda nyata (P<0,05) berturut-turut yaitu (83,28±9,65 vs 93,71±7,69 ; 101,57±9,55 vs 112,42±7,32) hari, sedangkan litter size, bobot lahir, mortalitas prasapih, konsumsi susu, perubahan bobot badan harian, BCS, konsumsi pakan induk kambing PE dan Bligon tidak berbeda nyata. Disimpulkan bahwa PPE dan PPM kambing Bligon lebih baik daripada kambing PE, tetapi kedua bangsa kambing tersebut memiliki kinerja induk yang relatif sama

    Tingkah Laku Seksual Pejantan dan Induk Sapi Peranakan Ongole dengan Sistem Perkandangan Koloni Terbatas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkah laku seksual pejantan dan induk sapi Peranakan Ongole (PO) yang dipelihara secara koloni terbatas. 1 ekor pejantan dan 4 ekor induk sapi PO dipelihara secara berkoloni terbatas (diumbar bersama selama 1 jam, selanjutnya dikandangkan secara individu). Pengamatan tingkah laku seksual dilakukan secara langsung pada pejantan yaitu oro-nasal contact, flehmen, mounts orientation response, dan service. Tingkah laku seksual induk meliputi mounting, stand to be mounted dan karakteristik vulva. Pengamatan tingkah laku seksual pejantan dilakukan pada seluruh fase siklus estrus induk, pada induk hanya pada fase estrus. Penentuan fase siklus estrus dilakukan dengan melihat perubahan karakter dari sel epitel vagina ternak. Data dianalisis secara deskripsi kauntitatif. Terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan (

    Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis: Optimizing Laboratory Procedures and Test Interpretation through a Clinical Audit and Global Survey of Practices

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    Purpose: The success of vasectomy is determined by the outcome of a post-vasectomy semen analysis (PVSA). This article describes a step-by-step procedure to perform PVSA accurately, report data from patients who underwent post vasectomy semen analysis between 2015 and 2021 experience, along with results from an international online survey on clinical practice. Materials and methods: We present a detailed step-by-step protocol for performing and interpretating PVSA testing, along with recommendations for proficiency testing, competency assessment for performing PVSA, and clinical and laboratory scenarios. Moreover, we conducted an analysis of 1,114 PVSA performed at the Cleveland Clinic's Andrology Laboratory and an online survey to understand clinician responses to the PVSA results in various countries. Results: Results from our clinical experience showed that 92.1% of patients passed PVSA, with 7.9% being further tested. A total of 78 experts from 19 countries participated in the survey, and the majority reported to use time from vasectomy rather than the number of ejaculations as criterion to request PVSA. A high percentage of responders reported permitting unprotected intercourse only if PVSA samples show azoospermia while, in the presence of few non-motile sperm, the majority of responders suggested using alternative contraception, followed by another PVSA. In the presence of motile sperm, the majority of participants asked for further PVSA testing. Repeat vasectomy was mainly recommended if motile sperm were observed after multiple PVSA's. A large percentage reported to recommend a second PVSA due to the possibility of legal actions. Conclusions: Our results highlighted varying clinical practices around the globe, with controversy over the significance of non-motile sperm in the PVSA sample. Our data suggest that less stringent AUA guidelines would help improve test compliance. A large longitudinal multi-center study would clarify various doubts related to timing and interpretation of PVSA and would also help us to understand, and perhaps predict, recanalization and the potential for future failure of a vasectomy